09-29-2002, 11:46 PM
this is what im finding. sure, i still play games quite alot, but the excitement aint there. for example, if i was a year or two younger, the release of GTA Vice City would have me foaming at the mouth in anticipation of its release, and my eventual owning of the game.

but now, im like "mneh, looks cool. i'l play it sometime"

anyone else have this?
(btw, im 18)

Neo Xzhan
09-30-2002, 11:33 AM
I am 18 also but I was very exciteted when Warcraft 3 and Neverwinter Nights were comming. I bought them on the date of release (I often do) and I just couldn't sleep cuz of excitement. So for me it isnt as you said TFA, but I think that is more of a personal question. But then again I dont have a life.

09-30-2002, 06:09 PM
i dont mean this offensively, but i've started to go out more lately, so i guess i just found the outside world more interesting than the console one. hmm...i still play em lots, but yeah...they dont make me get really excited anymore.

09-30-2002, 06:37 PM
Another 18 year old person,but yeah........ might be excited by a game, but not nearly as much as even three or four years go,especially say about five or six, but it also seems games might not be aimed towards our age.But they certainly do not hold my attention as much anymore, but I don't think it's completely the games,either.

09-30-2002, 08:08 PM
Nothing to worry about Amarant.

You've basically just discovered there's more to life then puters n' games.

Most usually figure that out eventually, and some do it the hard way.

Though if you fall into online gaming, especially those like EverQuest, you tend to push away the real world so you can feed your addiction for the false one. After a while you really forget that there's more to life then getting a "sow."

So your position of 'meh, I'll play it later' is completley fine and I will say that I have found the best way to appreciate a game is to check it out, allow yourself interest but don't bore yourself. Then walk away from it for a bit, wait then find some free time to get back into it without pressures or time constraints from exterior forces. Dive into it, get immersed, then back out. After that, play it casually.

You'll end up enjoying more probably, and it won't seem like you just blew $50 for only a few days or weeks worth of gaming.

Even for a game that has little replay value, at least it will have value.


10-04-2002, 12:55 AM
I'm not 18(16), but I know how you feel. Only a few years ago I started to get heavy into videogames and alredy I feel like I am "videogamed out". Like, ocasionally I might get excited for a game release, but after getting it I don't feel as excited as I used to.

During the summer all I do is play video games, and after 2 months of that I need a break. But while I was playing them it all felt kind of pointless.

My mother lives in Maryland and my father lives in Maine. I live in Maine and visit my mother in the summer, I used to live with my mom and visit my dad, but I switched. Anyway, I haven't really kept in touch with my friends in Maryland, so when I go to Maryland, the only friends I have come at a price of 20-50 dollars. And when I came back this summer it felt really good to actually interact with other people.

I am almost considering not playing video games any more, but that might wait until I am your age. School and a job don't really allow for much time to play video games either, but I know I will always love and have time for anime:D .

I personally think it would be weird if I was a 30 year old video game nerd who was married, and the only thing I did on my free time was play Everquest. You eventually will most likely grow out of them eventually as you get older and get a career and start a family, so it would be best to think of them as a fond memory now and go on to other things. I know it will be hard for me to do that, but I don't think I will ever feel the way I did when I played Final Fantasy 7 again, so I too am slowly growing ouy of them with you.:(

10-06-2002, 10:02 PM
Same for me, im 17 now, i first played FF7 when i was 13, i wil NEVER be as excited for a game again like i was for ff7, i didnt anticipate the release, it was while i had the game i just couldnt wait to play it again the next day. I used to get so excited, now its like, yeh, kew a games comming out.. but i probably wont play it. I havnt bought a game since FF9, which i got Feb 2001...

Slowly games are dying for me, for the better.

Evad D'Aragon
10-07-2002, 05:24 PM
You see , I'm 21 ( turning 22 Wednesday ) , and , frankly speaking, I don't care whether or not I'll still be playing videogames at 30 or whatever age I have...

Video games just happen to be a hobby of mine, and that's that. If I ever get tired of them, I simply won't play them anymore.

But, I do agree on one point : the older you get , the less "excited" you are about playing games...Gosh , I was SO obsessed with FFIV and FFVI ( yeah, let's say I'm a bit of a FF veteran lol ), but at that time, I was going to High School and in the middle of my teens...

Lots of things have changed since then.

Now, you wouldn't see me spend an entire day on a game ( FFX was an exception, though :p The first night I got it, I played it eight damn hours in a row, but that really isn't any showing of my real life ). I have a life to live ( and I do live my life, don't worry about me ;) ), but you know, when my day is over and I've got nothing to do, well I simply put on my PS2...That or watching TV or reading a book...As long as it keeps me busy doing something, you know ? lol

Mind you, I NEVER had a non-sleep night because of a game...What does it matter if you don't get it right away ? You'll get to play it eventually, so why bother ? Of course, when it so happens I have the money and really want it, I pre-order some...But I'm not going to die just because I didn't get that particular game I wanted to try...Life's life.

Anyway, I could ramble on forever on this, so I might as well stop right now, because I can say you've caught on what I was letting on here...

10-07-2002, 08:06 PM
I'm 19, and I have to agree that my views as far as gaming goes have changed in recent years. I don't usually rush out to buy the game the day it comes out anymore, (Kingdom Hearts being a recent exception to that rule) and I don't spend all my free time playing a game until I beat it. I used to spend at least a good 4 hours of gaming on a daily basis, now it seems like most of the time, I spend about four hours a week. However, I don't enjoy playing these games any less. I just prefer to play them over a long period of time instead of rushing to beat it as soon as possible.

Bahamut ZERO
10-07-2002, 08:49 PM
Huzzah!!! I'm 20 and I'm STILL playing games!!! Go me!!!

Actually, I still have some interest in computer games, but only when there is nothing else to do. Take, for instance, my summer. Basically all I did this summer was work, and then play Morrowind. That's it. My social life was pretty much dead in the water because most of my mates at home work strange shifts and so I can't see them that often.

Now I'm back at Uni, and I've got my loan (dances jig of joy) I've found more interesting things to do. Namely go down the Student's Union. Oh, and lectures, but they've only just started. So basically put, if I'm in a boring situation with little to do than to pass the time, then I play games as an escapism. Not to forget network games against my housemates. (Woo Hoo!!! Nine player Return To Castle Wolfenstein!!!)

Still, I thought for a while back after completing Final Fantasy IX and not being able to play it again that I was done with games aswell... Amazing that I still buy them and play them.

10-07-2002, 10:38 PM
I'm 14, playing games since I was 1 (honest to god...however, I wasn't really good at 1 year of age =P)

I have to disagree, really. I mean, yeah, I guess I sort of was a bit more excited when I was younger. But to me, the real reason is...


I mean, really. FF7, 8, and 9 were so exciting..then I got, that was alright. And now 11's gonna' be online.


Megaman games..well, the old series is dead...and X's...they're still good. But then they came out with MMLegends, which was good mind you, but still, it was from out of no where...

Now they have Battlenetwork....'the hell?

Finally, I move on...we have X-Box. Oh great, Microsoft decided to lure in newbie gamers with an impossible to handle controller and weird weird games....just another way for Bill Gates to make more toilet paper...- I mean money.

Personally, I see the old game systems, and a few new ones (NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PS, DC, PS2) are and lways will be the best...gaming now-a-days is really starting to be honest, I don't know the last time I bought a game when it was new. (I've bought games, but they're usually for an odler system).

Basically, "Old skool games still make me randy, yeah!" "New games...are such a bore."

Age really has no play in it for me...o.o;

10-10-2002, 02:11 AM
i find it totally untrue, lol, and i dont really know how to say it more than that

David F
10-10-2002, 05:42 AM
I guess that�s a sign of adulthood kicking your ass, it happens as you grow older you get more responsibilities and you might become more cynical or jaded. For me I keep gaming fun by not letting the harsh reality set in my head.

10-10-2002, 10:54 AM
No no nooo!! Games still rock!
It�s also too late to grow tired of them there are still so many great games that I must play...

Okee, here goes. The greatest gaming experience in my life was probably in January, February, March, April 2001. I bought Chrono Cross (and everyone that knows me knows how I was longing to get the game) and just for fun, Final Fantasy IX. We originally intended only to test-play FFIX and to focus on Chrono Cross... however, once we started playing, we were not able to stop until we�d finished it mere four weeks later. It was really just amazing, an amazing experience.

Chrono Cross, that I played directly afterwards, meant even greater fascination. NEVER BEFORE was I so excited during some scenes. I was sitting on the edge of the sofa, my whole body in tension... whoa!!!

The last game I finsihed was - finally! - Lunar 2, two days ago... Awww.... so sad it�s over! I did not expect to have so much fun playing this game... I only bought it because it was so cheap... However, I was truly totally crazy about the game.

Crazy to the point where I beat up a friend�s sofa... (sofa, Zophar... get it?)

Yes! I am 19 and still insane!

10-10-2002, 04:08 PM
Well, Misao, I guess Aoshi has made you a little "special". *grin*

It's just like birthdays and christmas, to me. Sure, I tend not to be as excited about each as the years go by, but I always look forward to them nonetheless.

I'm not likely to be excited about a game before I've played it, however. I'm not as easiy swayed by hype, or negative comments as I once was.

However, if after a few hours of play an RPG (seeing as it's my favorite genre) hits the spot just right (Vagrant Story, Castlevania: SotN, Morrowind), I can become just as hooked on a game as I would have been even as a wee little tike.