09-29-2002, 11:10 PM
So who knows how to get the Murasame (Isn't that the name of his sword?)? I have an idea of it but I'm not sure... After you've collected everything special in the Battle arena, I believe that once you've attained the points from fighting in the special arena, then with your 64,000 points you should be able to get the equippable sword of sephiroth!!! Don't be upset if you can't b/c I haven't gotten it either, but it's all I try to do now in the game. I do know that you can attain it by getting enough points in the speed square, but it is only an item that sits in your inventory throughout the rest of the game... :( Let me know if you who read this have actually aquired his sword and tell me exactly how!!!

09-30-2002, 02:16 AM
Dang, 5 years this game has been out and still, rumours are being made.

You CANNOT get the Murasame and equip it to Sephiroth. One, he already has the Murasame and two, you can't play as him normally. Even if you do get Sephiroth via GS, he still automatically has the sword with him. I believe you get this unequipable item in Speed Square when you get over 3000 points.

09-30-2002, 03:59 AM
What are you guys talking about,(1)the Murasame is a sword for Cloud found in Rocket Town.(2)Yes, the Masamune is just a worthless collectable item, besides that, it says a replicate of Sephiroth's Sword,which is attainable at the Speed Square......(did you guys mix Murasame and Masamune?)

09-30-2002, 04:45 AM
Point is: It's a collectible Item that serves no purpose to the game other than to start more rumors.... thus me go to close this thread to stop the evil rumor spreading. XD