04-01-2010, 07:41 AM

Ripped the MP3 from the CD and uploaded it here as well


I found this on a 2ch board, and also managed to clerify it myself, the March edition of musicJapanplus contained a sample CD for an upcoming July release. Of something known as Dive "ダイブ" which is a collaboration soundtrack of various Video Game Composers and is being done for Charity, although the list included the word "ect" (which meant there were going to be more then listed) the Composers List are as followed. I decided to look up their names on my own time as well to see what other work they did.

Nobuo Uematsu - (Final Fantasy, Lost Odyssey)
Yoko Shimomura (Kingdom Hearts)
Jun Ishikawa (Kirby Series)
Tetsuya Shibata (Devil May Cry)
Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Cross, Xenogears)
Takeharu Ishimoto (The World Ends With You / Crisis Core)
Yoshitaka Hirota (Shadow Hearts)
Keiki Kobayashi (Ace Combat Series)
Chikayo Fukuda (.hack Series)
And Many More

The song samples I'm not sure who did what, some of the tracks are more obvious by style, but some confuse me. Such as Yasunori's I can tell cause of the Celtic style, and Jun's Kirby sound can be heard anywhere haha. Hopefully more samples come out soon!!!

04-01-2010, 08:25 PM
Bump is anyone excited for this at all?

04-01-2010, 08:31 PM
I don't know how anyone could get excited from the youtube samples. The quality is horrible. Sounds fairly amateur from some of the samples notwithstanding the low bitrate.

04-02-2010, 12:56 AM
I am more excited to have any informations about this if it was ripped from a "CD".
That means a CD exist and i'd like some informations about it if possible. (URL, pictures..)
