View Full Version : Thread 75302">Clash of the Titans (expanded reissue) ��� Laurence Rosenthal (1981)

04-01-2010, 01:43 AM

Music composed by Laurence ROSENTHAL
Expanded reissue (17 tracks).

Track listing

1. Prologue And Main Title (03:19)
2. The Lovers (01:48)
3. Argos Destroyed (02:26)
4. Boyhood Of Perseus (03:05)
5. Dreams And Omens (01:46)
6. Joppa (01:28)
7. Andromeda (04:20)
8. Pegasus (04:16)
9. The Lord Of The Marsh (03:57)
10. The Kraken (03:27)
11. The Farewell (02:20)
12. Medusa (02:38)
13. Bubo-The Dive Bomber (01:18)
14. River Styx (02:48)
15. Clash Of The Titans (01:47)
16. Andromeda Rescued (02:30)

17. The Constellations/End Title (04:07)
Narrated By Laurence Olivier

Total Duration: 00:47:20


AUDIO FORMAT : OGG up to 500 kbps
FILE SIZE : 151 mo

Pass : docsavage (

Everyone can now make the comparison with the 2010 release.
Taken separatly without the movie title, I would say that the Djawadi version is a modern actionner soundtrack!!!

I like both ! The last version is not memorable nonetheless...

04-01-2010, 02:02 AM
Splendid! Thank you for giving people the chance to compare the two. :)

04-01-2010, 02:13 AM
Why on earth would people want to compare a score to a classic that's over 30 years older.

Talk about stupid. Just appreciate the two for what they are.

04-01-2010, 02:15 AM
Why on earth would people want to compare a score to a classic that's over 30 years older.

Talk about stupid. Just appreciate the two for what they are.

ROLF !!! A Clash is coming !!!

04-01-2010, 02:19 AM
Is there an MP3 version?

04-01-2010, 02:30 AM
Is there an MP3 version?

Working on it. ;)

04-01-2010, 02:34 AM
Why is it stupid, my friend? Both scores are from two movies of the same title, telling roughly the same story. Is that not an ideal scenario for comparison? Compare the differing approaches of two different composers, working on two very different movies, a generation apart? :)

I call that very interesting. What's stupid is to discourage discussion. As ever, if a party doesn't wish to participate, there is nothing forcing him to do so.

04-01-2010, 02:43 AM
Working on it.


04-01-2010, 02:44 AM

To which? The fact that I'll upload an MP3 version, or that Tango had done a good job of explaining why comparisons should be made between the two scores?

Of course, I suppose it applies to both. :)

04-01-2010, 02:48 AM
Doublehex: Would your MP3 version be a transcode of this, or is it your own MP3 encode?

I have this at 320kbps ripped from the CD. I can upload that if that would be best?

04-01-2010, 02:52 AM
In retrospect, my "Excellent!" could be applied to both. I don't like drawn out debates with huge walls of text, but this would be a thread that would merit it.

04-01-2010, 02:53 AM
I don't like drawn out debates with huge walls of text...

Oh no, not you as well... ;)

04-01-2010, 04:56 AM
Because I had nothing better to do, here's my MP3 version. This is a fresh encode made today of the 17 track expanded release.

LAME 3.98.4 -V0 - Scans Included (fascinating liner notes by the way - Rosenthal talks about his brief [to write a thoroughly Richard Straussian score] and how the tone of his music was significantly inspired by the film's temp track - scored wall-to-wall with hyperactive Strauss (Don Juan and Ein Heldenleben) without descending into pastiche. He's wonderfully modest and even has some vaguely nice things to say about the movie. There is also a lengthy note by Andy Dursin that gives a bit of historical context about the film itself.)

Note that I've joined together tracks 15 (Clash Of The Titans) and 16 (Andromeda Rescued) as in reality it's one cue without interruption... Since gapless playback of MP3 is still a bit spotty - and the gap occurs at a particularly noticeable, climactic moment, I thought I'd play it safe and run both tracks together. That is why there are only 16 tracks on this album! There is nothing missing. ;)

Utmost respect to DocSavage; Ogg is great and all, but for some folk it's not a great deal of use (portable players, etc) and a further quality loss is incurred in transcoding it to another format. That, and this crazy 500kbps OGG is insane; at that bitrate you'd be better off with a lossless encoder. LAME -V0 is excellent and clocks in at half the size of your upload.

Have fun folks - off to bed now. :)

04-01-2010, 05:37 AM
Ah, thanks to both of you. I also think it is terribly interesting to compare these two scores. I got this in 128k mp3 earlier this week after the Djawadi score popped up, and I had seen the 1981 Clash of the Titans before, but I was blown away by this score. What terrific writing! I'm going to listen to this at least two or three more times this week, in better quality now that I've got this version! After I actually get all the way through the djawadi score and this one a few more times, I will be very interested to see what everyone has to say, and I hope to chime in as well!

Thanks for the OP and also thanks, Tangotreats, for the mp3s!

04-01-2010, 10:55 AM
Shit just got real!

With this upcoming Kratos movie. Shiiiiiit... even classic is feeling the heath.

Lens of Truth
04-01-2010, 02:50 PM
I've never given this score a proper listen, so thanks Doc for making this thread and Tango for the V0. Medusa scared the crap out of me as a kid, but the movie seems almost unwatchable now - unlike the evergreen Jason and the Argonauts :D

04-01-2010, 03:18 PM
I saw that Medusa scene on YouTube and it's the shit. It's still scary, I think.

wing 00
04-01-2010, 03:24 PM
While the original will always be the best something good has 2 be sais bout the new one

Lens of Truth
04-01-2010, 03:45 PM
I saw that Medusa scene on YouTube and it's the shit. It's still scary, I think.

It's the best scene in the movie by far. The creeping camera work, the half-light, the superbly tense score, the writhing animation - no dialogue or fast cutting - just captivating! I assume Ray Harryhausen pretty much directed the whole sequence; his animation is much more than an imported 'effect' here.

I know to some this kind of stop motion old-hat and a bit tacky, but this guy was a one man show - a one man animation and effects department! No, it's not as slick as Aardman or Selick's crew are today, but there's something extra 'alive' about this stuff, and extra creepy.

04-01-2010, 08:55 PM
here here!

And to HELL with Louis Lettiere and his "anti-Bubo" joke...

Bubo is and will always be the SHIZNIT!!! Screw Louis!

Love both scores though...Its just ince to see the story retold, even thought the original is the best IMO and this new one is like a Pirates of the Carribean type retelling...

04-02-2010, 03:44 AM
Fantastic...Thank You!!!