09-29-2002, 01:34 AM
I've had mixed feelings about KH ever since I first heard about it, but every review I've read so far makes it sound good, so I will probably end up getting it, maybe as a Christmas present. I have some questions about it, though, and I thought maybe some of you could answer them:

1) Since it's been out for a few days now, does anyone have it and if so how is it so far? Don't give me spoilers, but how would you say it is in terms of difficulty? I like challenging games. Also, does the Disney aspect make it too juvenile?

2) Has anyone here read October's issue of the Official US Playstation magazine, and if so how was the KH review? I just subscribed so I will be getting October's issue the same time I get November's. Did the DVD have a playable demo?

3) Why is Squall called "Leon"? Is it a reference how the monsters are called "Heartless"? (Squall Leonheartless?)

4) Is it true that Selphie uses a jump-rope instead of a nunchaku? I know I've said I hope this game isn't juvenile, but I actually think that's kind of cute. :)

5) How is Sephiroth's voice acting? I heard they had some boyband singer for his actor.







OK, one review I read said that if you beat the game by doing something, you get an extra ending that shows a preview for KH2. They had a picture of a scene from it, showing a woman with white hair. Her face was obscured, but you can see that there is something black wrapped around her forehead. The reviewer said only that it was a "woman with white hair and a blindfold." It couldn't be who I think it is, could it? :uh?: I thought the idea of Squall in a Disney game was weird, but this would just be unbelievable. (Although, I can kind of picture Raijin being into Disney...)

But I already know how Fujin and Raijin sound. :uh?: I don't want to hear them with voice actors. But then, I don't want to hear Squall with a voice actor. Or Cloud. Or Sephiroth. Oh god, Square, why??? :(

09-29-2002, 01:47 AM
1. Check my review in the review forum
2. n/a
3. When you find Squall and check his information in your Journal, you'll get your answer.... but I'm not gonna say anything beyond that. =P
4. Yup.
5. Sephiroth is a bit hard to get, kinda like WEAPON in Final Fantasy. He isn't in the Japanese version (until Final Mix comes out) so I'd expect he would have little lines. Oh and Lance Bass does his voice.

6. I'm not there yet XD