03-27-2010, 05:12 PM
Motoi Sakuraba and Kouhei Tanaka
End of Eternity aka Resonance of Fate Original Soundtrack
|Orchestral|Jazz|Progressive Rock|Electronic|
|MP3 VBR V0 - 680MB - 6discs|
|KDSD-00358~363 - Originally from Gamemp3s - Scans from VGMDB|
PSW: smile

|FLAC|LOG|CUE|Accurip|MY RIP|2.19GB|
Download Part 1 (
Download Part 2 (
Download Part 3 (
Download Part 4 (
Download Part 5 (
Download Part 6 (
Download Part 7 (
PSW: smile

Scans Separate:

There is about 80 minutes of music by Kouhei Tanaka and the rest is by Motoi Sakuraba. MOST of Sakuraba's work here is progressive rock style like the tracks on the earlier sampler that was posted. Sakuraba also composed a number of electronica tracks that show up usually on the A version of many of these tracks.

03-27-2010, 05:45 PM
Thanks, Sirusjr!!:) 6CD's of music wow O_O

03-27-2010, 05:50 PM
Thanks very much.

03-27-2010, 10:17 PM
I'm definitely not here because it said Motoi Sakuraba in the title. Thanks.

03-28-2010, 12:11 AM
Thanks for the rip and upload!! I rather enjoyed some of the samples from before and hope this is great. Thanks, Sirus!

03-28-2010, 12:50 AM
Thanks for the rip and upload!! I rather enjoyed some of the samples from before and hope this is great. Thanks, Sirus!
Thanks but not my rip. My discs probably won't show up for quite some time. I thought I'd re-post the awesome Gamemp3s version until then.

03-28-2010, 01:11 AM
Oh well, I actually did end up getting it from gamemp3s. Thanks though, I'll probably get your rip when you post it.

03-28-2010, 01:28 AM
You may as well stick with this, they have best quality uploads. Mine will just be lossless if it ever ships.

03-28-2010, 03:32 AM
I added a new version of the booklet cover with enhanced colors thanks to a buddy of mine who worked on it.

03-29-2010, 11:08 AM
Oh thanks for the upload, been waiting for the official soundtrack ever since playing the game! :)

03-29-2010, 12:11 PM
Alternative dl links:
Disc 1:
Disc 2:
Disc 3:
Disc 4:
Disc 5:
Disc 6:

Pass: sonixgvn

Track List:

Disc 1
01 The beginning of eternity 1:57
02 Fighting with the devil 2:36
03 The truth 5:02
04 Resonance of fate 3:45
05 Home sweet home 2:38
06 Upper World 2:31
07 Upper World-Night 1:43
08 Mall 1:57
09 Quiet Time 0:12
10 Ebel City 2:23
11 Ebel City-Night 1:56
12 Back Alley [A] 3:27
13 Back Alley 3:20
14 Chandelier 2:11
15 Chandelier-Night 2:18
16 Cardinal's Manor 1:41
17 Rainy Bridge [A] 3:36
18 Rainy Bridge [B] 3:36
19 Closed Road [A] 3:47
20 Closed Road [B] 3:47
21 Irruption [A] 3:44
22 Irruption [B] 3:44
23 Victory 0:41
[B]Disc length 62:32

Disc 2
01 Middle World 2:16
02 Middle World-Night 2:00
03 Cranktown 2:06
04 Cranktown-Night 1:57
05 Crank Seminary 2:20
06 Perpetual 1:43
07 Obsessed 1:31
08 Hughes Power Station [A] 3:31
09 Hughes Power Station 3:31
10 Hughes Power Station-Night [A] 3:39
11 Hughes Power Station-Night [B] 3:39
12 Arena [A] 3:39
13 Arena [B] 3:39
14 Cheerful and peaceful 1:32
15 Forest road of Idols [A] 3:37
16 Forest road of Idols [B] 3:37
17 Forest of Idols [A] 3:21
18 Forest of Idols [B] 3:21
19 Open Air Studio [A] 3:40
20 Open Air Studio [B] 3:39
21 End of fate 0:44
22 Danger Danger 3:19
[B]Disc length 62:21

Disc 3
01 Lower World 3:03
02 Albona 3:09
03 Mine 24 [A] 4:18
04 Mine 24 4:18
05 Delight & Enjoyment 1:01
06 Tundra [A] 3:17
07 Tundra [B] 3:18
08 Silver Canyon [A] 3:38
09 Silver Canyon [B] 3:38
10 Silver Canyon-Night [A] 3:22
11 Silver Canyon-Night [B] 3:22
12 Reverse of fortune 0:44
13 Lucia [A] 3:42
14 Lucia [B] 3:42
15 Scrapyard [A] 4:18
16 Scrapyard [B] 3:57
17 Fire after fire [A] 3:35
18 Fire after fire [B] 3:35
19 Different desire 2:08
[B]Disc length 62:05

Disc 4
01 Disillusion [A] 3:32
02 Disillusion 3:32
03 Etsia [A] 3:55
04 Etsia [B] 3:55
05 Gran Idee Mines [A] 3:42
06 Gran Idee Mines [B] 3:42
07 Freud Remnants [A] 4:12
08 Freud Remnants [B] 4:12
09 Rock Crushing Site [A] 3:38
10 Rock Crushing Site [B] 3:38
11 Deserted Block [A] 3:26
12 Deserted Block [B] 3:26
13 Disaster 2:16
14 Shoot it out [A] 3:48
15 Shoot it out [B] 3:48
16 Associates 2:33
[B]Disc length 57:15

Disc 5
01 Happy-go-lucky 1:07
02 Square Garden-Red & Green [A] 3:13
03 Square Garden-Red & Green 3:13
04 Square Garden-White [A] 3:19
05 Square Garden-White [B] 3:19
06 Warehouse District [A] 3:54
07 Warehouse District [B] 3:54
08 Dakota Vein [A] 3:44
09 Dakota Vein [B] 3:44
10 Patertopolis [A] 3:41
11 Patertopolis [B] 3:41
12 I would be a CHAMP !? 1:27
13 a memento of... 1:34
14 Elderly sage 1:20
15 Aetersyl [A] 3:33
16 Aetersyl [B] 3:33
17 Outer Wall [A] 3:57
18 Outer Wall [B] 3:57
19 Lifting shadows off the fate 1:33
[B]Disc length 57:43

Disc 6
01 Shadows of the fate 1:05
02 Fret 1:23
03 Basilica [A] 3:46
04 Basilica 3:46
05 Showdown 3:42
06 Armed and Dangerous [A] 3:26
07 Armed and Dangerous [B] 3:26
08 Best friends 1:23
09 In the frame [A] 3:29
10 In the frame [B] 3:29
11 Battle to pay the debt [A] 3:31
12 Battle to pay the debt [B] 3:31
13 Anguish of a man on the clockwork world 2:27
14 The show must go on [A] 3:59
15 The show must go on [B] 3:59
16 Final Curtain 4:13
17 The end of eternity 5:15
18 Dangerous Attraction 6:02
19 Red Hot Choi Polis 7:38
[B]Disc length 69:30

03-29-2010, 01:46 PM
awesome rpg and of course a very good soundtrack. thank you for this.

03-29-2010, 03:27 PM
Too bad the Sakuraba part blows.

03-29-2010, 05:25 PM
If you are going to hate on sakuraba at least specify what exactly you don't like about it so we can have some debate.

03-29-2010, 07:31 PM
Or instead of that he could not say any of that so the thread doesn't get all shitted up with debates.

03-30-2010, 08:47 AM
Alright, I'll clarify. It's not that I think that Motoi Sakuraba is an awful composer, because he can make decent tracks, for example Valkyrie Profile 2 OST had its highlights in many of the battle tracks, the better part of disc 4 was decent.

But here it just feels like I'm listening to 4 hours of drumming. I could even sort of stomach it if there was no A and B part, but I had high hopes for this solution, especially when I recall how Ueda handled something similar in Ookami.

The real problem is not that the tracks suck by themselves. I have only managed to work my way up to the end of Disc 3, and I liked Back Alley and Hughes Power Station. It's just that there is no way that I could possibly sit there and listen to it for six hours, something I can easily do with Mother 3 gamerip.

tl;dr: Sakuraba should take a hint from Meguro or Takada or Nakano even. Well, maybe not recent Meguro, since he's lately been heading straight for the J-Pop abyss. Pull back man, pull back!

Also, Kohei Tanaka is awesome, FYI. So you people don't think I'm just lambasting the whole soundtrack.

03-30-2010, 03:47 PM
I see so yeah if you don't like Sakuraba's progressive rock, then there isn't much to enjoy here. I should point out that Meguro has taken a turn away from the Jpop with Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey and made more of an orchestral styled soundtrack.

04-01-2010, 02:13 AM
Eh, anything with Motoi is bound to be great. Same goes for Kohei i loved G Gundam's OST.
I will say this though it seems Motoi is running out of ideas for his songs, for instance Star Ocean 4 only 8 tracks out of ??? tracks were great like Brilliant Rose.

04-01-2010, 02:37 AM
Or instead of that he could not say any of that so the thread doesn't get all shitted up with debates.

Shitted up with debates? Without a debate, there is nothing here but a download link. If you add in the debate, you still get the download link - this means that all parties - not just degenerates who want the download and bugger everything else - can be satisfied.

Why do some people have such a massive problem with any public display of intelligence? (See both Clash Of The Titans threads as well.)

nightzero: Not so - as much as you respect the man, his name isn't a guarantee of quality. You have to listen to decide that. ;)

04-01-2010, 02:50 AM
I should be overjoyed by a Kouhei Tanaka and Motoi Sakuraba collaboration, but...

SIX CDs!?!

Why is Koichi Sugiyama the only composer who can make a one- or two-disc album these days?

04-03-2010, 02:39 AM

Some of the battle music really brings me back to the days of Shining Force :)

04-04-2010, 01:35 AM
could I get the scans separately, please?

04-04-2010, 02:04 AM
Scans added :)

04-04-2010, 12:09 PM
thank you :P

04-18-2010, 10:36 PM
Thanks for uploading this! I liked Kohei Tanaka's stuff in here.

04-25-2010, 03:36 AM
Alternative dl links:
Disc 1:
Disc 2:
Disc 3:
Disc 4:
Disc 5:
Disc 6:

Pass: sonixgvn

Track List:

Disc 1
01 The beginning of eternity 1:57
02 Fighting with the devil 2:36
03 The truth 5:02
04 Resonance of fate 3:45
05 Home sweet home 2:38
06 Upper World 2:31
07 Upper World-Night 1:43
08 Mall 1:57
09 Quiet Time 0:12
10 Ebel City 2:23
11 Ebel City-Night 1:56
12 Back Alley [A] 3:27
13 Back Alley 3:20
14 Chandelier 2:11
15 Chandelier-Night 2:18
16 Cardinal's Manor 1:41
17 Rainy Bridge [A] 3:36
18 Rainy Bridge [B] 3:36
19 Closed Road [A] 3:47
20 Closed Road [B] 3:47
21 Irruption [A] 3:44
22 Irruption [B] 3:44
23 Victory 0:41
[B]Disc length 62:32

Disc 2
01 Middle World 2:16
02 Middle World-Night 2:00
03 Cranktown 2:06
04 Cranktown-Night 1:57
05 Crank Seminary 2:20
06 Perpetual 1:43
07 Obsessed 1:31
08 Hughes Power Station [A] 3:31
09 Hughes Power Station 3:31
10 Hughes Power Station-Night [A] 3:39
11 Hughes Power Station-Night [B] 3:39
12 Arena [A] 3:39
13 Arena [B] 3:39
14 Cheerful and peaceful 1:32
15 Forest road of Idols [A] 3:37
16 Forest road of Idols [B] 3:37
17 Forest of Idols [A] 3:21
18 Forest of Idols [B] 3:21
19 Open Air Studio [A] 3:40
20 Open Air Studio [B] 3:39
21 End of fate 0:44
22 Danger Danger 3:19
[B]Disc length 62:21

Disc 3
01 Lower World 3:03
02 Albona 3:09
03 Mine 24 [A] 4:18
04 Mine 24 4:18
05 Delight & Enjoyment 1:01
06 Tundra [A] 3:17
07 Tundra [B] 3:18
08 Silver Canyon [A] 3:38
09 Silver Canyon [B] 3:38
10 Silver Canyon-Night [A] 3:22
11 Silver Canyon-Night [B] 3:22
12 Reverse of fortune 0:44
13 Lucia [A] 3:42
14 Lucia [B] 3:42
15 Scrapyard [A] 4:18
16 Scrapyard [B] 3:57
17 Fire after fire [A] 3:35
18 Fire after fire [B] 3:35
19 Different desire 2:08
[B]Disc length 62:05

Disc 4
01 Disillusion [A] 3:32
02 Disillusion 3:32
03 Etsia [A] 3:55
04 Etsia [B] 3:55
05 Gran Idee Mines [A] 3:42
06 Gran Idee Mines [B] 3:42
07 Freud Remnants [A] 4:12
08 Freud Remnants [B] 4:12
09 Rock Crushing Site [A] 3:38
10 Rock Crushing Site [B] 3:38
11 Deserted Block [A] 3:26
12 Deserted Block [B] 3:26
13 Disaster 2:16
14 Shoot it out [A] 3:48
15 Shoot it out [B] 3:48
16 Associates 2:33
[B]Disc length 57:15

Disc 5
01 Happy-go-lucky 1:07
02 Square Garden-Red & Green [A] 3:13
03 Square Garden-Red & Green 3:13
04 Square Garden-White [A] 3:19
05 Square Garden-White [B] 3:19
06 Warehouse District [A] 3:54
07 Warehouse District [B] 3:54
08 Dakota Vein [A] 3:44
09 Dakota Vein [B] 3:44
10 Patertopolis [A] 3:41
11 Patertopolis [B] 3:41
12 I would be a CHAMP !? 1:27
13 a memento of... 1:34
14 Elderly sage 1:20
15 Aetersyl [A] 3:33
16 Aetersyl [B] 3:33
17 Outer Wall [A] 3:57
18 Outer Wall [B] 3:57
19 Lifting shadows off the fate 1:33
[B]Disc length 57:43

Disc 6
01 Shadows of the fate 1:05
02 Fret 1:23
03 Basilica [A] 3:46
04 Basilica 3:46
05 Showdown 3:42
06 Armed and Dangerous [A] 3:26
07 Armed and Dangerous [B] 3:26
08 Best friends 1:23
09 In the frame [A] 3:29
10 In the frame [B] 3:29
11 Battle to pay the debt [A] 3:31
12 Battle to pay the debt [B] 3:31
13 Anguish of a man on the clockwork world 2:27
14 The show must go on [A] 3:59
15 The show must go on [B] 3:59
16 Final Curtain 4:13
17 The end of eternity 5:15
18 Dangerous Attraction 6:02
19 Red Hot Choi Polis 7:38
[B]Disc length 69:30

can u plz reupload the megaupload links? they are dead. thank u.

04-28-2010, 04:50 AM
Is it possible to get the rapid share links in another filehosting website? I know there's someone else who posted another link but as the person above me stated before, the megaupload links are dead. And Rapidshare always tries to get people to get prenium accounts. I don't need that.

04-28-2010, 05:19 AM
You can always click free download with rapidshare. Or try using something like Jdownloader. It will download each link and do the waiting for you.

04-28-2010, 11:58 AM
thanks great stuff!

04-28-2010, 05:20 PM
You can always click free download with rapidshare. Or try using something like Jdownloader. It will download each link and do the waiting for you.

sometimes, rapidshare will tell u that there isnt anymore free download slots as this happened to me alot. however, i did manage to download the entire soundtrack (not part 4, which i already had the last 2 discs from multiloader.) was a 40+ minute wait for each rapidshare download, though. took about 3 days for me.

04-28-2010, 06:37 PM
sometimes, rapidshare will tell u that there isnt anymore free download slots as this happened to me alot. however, i did manage to download the entire soundtrack (not part 4, which i already had the last 2 discs from multiloader.) was a 40+ minute wait for each rapidshare download, though. took about 3 days for me.
See but this is not the same thing as a requirement by rapidshare that you buy a premium account. The best way to handle this is to click the link every two minutes until it lets you through. However, if you use Jdownloader, it will do this waiting for you and you can just come back later and have it downloaded. I fail to see why it is necessary for anyone to download something for free so fast that they can't wait for rapidshare to let them through. I also would much rather use a host such as rapidshare that keeps the links alive longer even if it creates a wait than use a host like megaupload that allows for fast downloading but also doesn't always keep the links alive very long in my experience.

04-28-2010, 06:44 PM
i have jdownloader, but not on the laptop i currently use. its on another laptop.

04-28-2010, 07:52 PM

04-29-2010, 05:19 PM
i wasnt.

04-29-2010, 08:44 PM
thank you so much!

I'm becoming familiar with Kouhei Tanaka now <3

05-01-2010, 01:46 AM
please you can re up some links are broken
thanks pal

05-01-2010, 01:55 AM
please you can re up some links are broken
thanks pal

Rapidshare links are all still alive. Try those.

05-08-2010, 04:12 PM
Lossless added, my rip.

05-09-2010, 04:17 PM
Thank You very much for the lossless!!!

05-17-2010, 07:05 AM
Thanks for the OST! I love the game and the ost! XD

05-17-2010, 09:27 PM
Thanks for uploading this music. Both the characters and music in this game seem very suave.

05-30-2010, 06:28 PM
Thanks alot I've been looking everywhere for this

05-30-2010, 09:51 PM
*mouth drop*

What a giant soundtrack! I definitely loved the music from the End of Eternity Japanese Demo I played on the PS3 (haven't gotten to get the game yet, wahh). Still an awesome download :D

06-04-2010, 09:26 AM
They don't work. Tried to down load from the first post that the poster made in the beginning, but they can't be played.

06-25-2010, 12:29 AM
They don't work. Tried to down load from the first post that the poster made in the beginning, but they can't be played.

The rapidshare links seem to all have to be downloaded before any of the files can be played. When i try to extract any files, it says i need the next part to do it.

The others (under the "|FLAC|LOG|CUE|Accurip|MY RIP|2.19GB|" text) are working for me. Have you tried them?

06-25-2010, 04:48 AM
Correct, you need all parts before you can extract.

03-01-2011, 08:04 PM
can someone reupload. the links are all dead :(

03-02-2011, 02:43 AM
MP3 links on rapidshare seem to be alive.

03-02-2011, 06:13 AM
eh? that's weird.. when i copy the link directly, jdownloader list it as dead. but when i click on the link directly, it is not dead haha.

03-03-2011, 06:27 PM
reupp in flac possible?
cd's in flac are all down?

plz reupp it in lossless it would be awesome :)

03-04-2011, 02:39 AM
I'm not even sure what host to use for flac anymore, if i even have time for it. I'm not going to spend the time to re-upload it in lossless if the links aren't going to last very long.

03-04-2011, 03:13 AM
@ Sirusjr : I would recommend ( or ( The first one is probably better. If you're short on time, please upload just the CD6, I have the other 5 (from another source though) and in this case will re-up them for others myself.

EDIT: Actually looks like ( is even better since it will let you host the files on many other sites with a decent size limit.

03-04-2011, 07:36 AM
@ Siriusjr
i already have 3 cds in flac, if you dont have so much time plz reupp cd4,cd5 and cd6.

if you could reupp it, it would be awesome :)

03-05-2011, 11:11 PM
Well guys I'd love to help you right now but I won't be able to re-upload until the second week of April. I don't have the lossless files where I am right now. If you still don't have it by then, send me a PM to remind me.

03-20-2011, 11:23 PM
Is there a password for this? My UNrarX has errors D:

---------- Post added at 04:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 PM ----------

ah i see the password.. hahaha

04-28-2011, 05:46 PM
please reup in FLAC!

09-23-2011, 07:42 PM
I didn't realize you made a FLAC re-up of this Siriusjr. Much appreciated!

08-21-2012, 10:06 PM
Any chance of a re-up? Just got this game and the score is amazing!

08-25-2012, 06:37 AM
Please, god. Someone, anyone on this big wide internet, re-upload this damn thing. I've searched all the public places, incl torrents, and this damn flac set is GONE. Please, please oh please. ._.

01-14-2013, 04:51 PM
can someone reuplaod the mp3 version please? thanks.

05-02-2013, 02:03 AM
I too would love to see this up :)

08-10-2014, 12:25 PM
can someone reuplaod the mp3 version please? thanks.

Hikaru III
08-10-2014, 03:18 PM
Can someone reupload the flac version? All links I could manage to find is dead :(.

Nevermind, I finally found it :p

12-28-2018, 06:32 PM
Anyone still has this .flac? I would appreciate it so much! :(

03-18-2019, 12:07 PM
Please, please, please re-up in flac! ������