03-26-2010, 11:37 PM
This morning at the PAX East Microsoft breakfast, Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb revealed the 16GB Xbox 360-branded Flash drive from SanDisk. Available in May, the not-yet-priced device comes pre-installed with the April 6 Dashboard update for those who shun the connectivity of Xbox Live.

In a conversation with Joystiq, Hryb informed us that all data will be transferable to the USB device, except for installed games -- users will need to re-install those directly to the USB device once more. He assured us, however, that, "If you've got a 16GB and you only want to use 8, you can use the UI and throttle it back." Further, he reiterated to Joystiq that while this branded device is certainly one option, other Flash drives (including those larger than 16GB) will work in the same capacity.

03-27-2010, 12:23 AM
Who cares?

Darth Revan
03-27-2010, 12:29 AM
kidhero10000, no one cares. You're spamming stuff here, which anyone can find themselves. Grow up, kid!

03-27-2010, 12:30 AM
I hate your news threads. Get a blog.

03-27-2010, 12:54 AM
I hate your news threads. Get a blog.

03-27-2010, 01:31 AM
i LOVE your posts. keep the dream alive

03-27-2010, 01:59 AM
All of you quit trolling. If you don't like it or find it useful, don't post in it. You can pull this shit in GD but don't ignite flame wars in serious forums.

03-27-2010, 03:04 AM
All of you quit trolling. If you don't like it or find it useful, don't post in it. You can pull this shit in GD but don't ignite flame wars in serious forums.

Do I sense a little sarcasm here?

03-27-2010, 04:36 AM
No, I don't think so.

Anyway, I have made similar threads to this guy in General Gaming. Nobody has ever tried to derail my threads, so...

03-27-2010, 05:13 AM
Do I sense a little sarcasm here?

No, you don't. Stop trolling harmless threads.

03-27-2010, 05:53 AM
Sorry, TK... It just doesn't seem like the type of format a forum encourages.

03-27-2010, 07:01 AM
The nice thing about forums though is that if people are interested in discussing what's in the OP, the thread will stay at the top, and if nobody is interested it will just fall to the bottom. So if no one cares just don't post and the thread will go away.

Darth Revan
03-27-2010, 07:04 AM
True, don't have to post it... but also don't have to have that bullshit spamming the threads, when the OP has spammed my message box over Xbox Live (as well as other members here, who have listed their Xbox Live Gamertags in that thread section) like he has.

He's posting stuff which anyone can look up elsewhere, which would probably have far more information, than the amount he's posting here.

03-27-2010, 07:31 AM
sweet. i'm off to post random headlines.

if you can't beat em, join em

03-27-2010, 10:25 AM

Hey man, your on my friend list :O I never knew you were on here too.
Maybe I added you from here? Idk :P FOREVERpokemon :D

03-27-2010, 08:16 PM
The problem with the Easter weekend is that it's one of the many holidays celebrated the world over without presents. Like, how can you enjoy your time off of school or work or whatever without a hot new gametape to solve? Well, thanks to Toys R Us' buy one, get one half-off sale, you just may be able to.

On April 2 and 3, stores nationwide, as well as the retailer's site, will offer the sale on its entire stock of video games -- among other, non-gaming goods. That means you could buy a copy of Dragon Age: Origins and snag Awakening for half-off. Or you could pick up a couple copies of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and get a friend in the mix for relatively cheap. Sharing is caring!

03-27-2010, 09:41 PM
The nice thing about forums though is that if people are interested in discussing what's in the OP, the thread will stay at the top, and if nobody is interested it will just fall to the bottom. So if no one cares just don't post and the thread will go away.

And yet, there are many members who do just this. So why should this be any different?

EDIT: The reason why I've only been coming on here lately to just maybe make a few posts a day that usually have nothing but negativity towards a member is because, well, if the other pricks on this forum can I'd like to know what it feels like. To really have no reason to say anything but calling another member stupid in many different ways. I will continue to do this until I find out an exact reason as to why these pricks do it. So far, I've come up empty handed. I haven't found a reason as to why I should be a douche for no apparent reason yet, but until I do, I will continue to be like you guys; a cunt.

So if you guys don't like it, well then, you can all suck my cock :)

03-27-2010, 10:01 PM
Actually, unlike the majority of people you're probably referring to, I have one option besides sucking your cock. I could also delete your posts and/or ban you. Consider this the next time you decide to be a smarty pants when I ask you to cut something out.

We let a lot more slide in GD than in other forums. Here, don't troll threads. I would tell anyone not to. If you notice it happening somewhere and we haven't handled it, feel free to let me know.

As for everyone else, I'm deleting all your arguments because you decided to have a shitfest after I explicitly asked everyone to cut it out. Don't post any more of them or I hand out temp bans.

And Death's Head, don't even think about sending me any more PMs complaining about swami or kayfabe.

03-27-2010, 10:04 PM
I've been banned before so if that's the card you want to play, that's fine with me :).

Also, GD isn't the only place that is troll infested. It's practically everywhere (at least, the threads I go into).

03-27-2010, 10:06 PM

03-27-2010, 11:13 PM
Anyway, I have made similar threads to this guy in General Gaming. Nobody has ever tried to derail my threads, so...

difference being you are actually trying to foster discussion, elicit opinions, etc.

this guy? *shrug* it appears he couldn't care less what goes on after the first post.

doesn't mean flame on, but at the same time, it seems pretty egregious

anyway, i could give us a real topic to discuss:

like the 360 update that will make this possible. the one that allows users to finally make use of external storage. the update that kinda sucks cos it only supports a max expansion of 16GB per device further limited to a total number of two devices. that's 32GB of backup storage over two devices no matter how many more GB they can truly store.

now we can talk about how MS plans to cash in on the artificial limitations by pumping SanDisk for a proprietary 16GB drive.

i file this under "Progress: MS Style"

Darth Revan
03-28-2010, 12:58 AM
Actually, unlike the majority of people you're probably referring to, I have one option besides sucking your cock. I could also delete your posts and/or ban you. Consider this the next time you decide to be a smarty pants when I ask you to cut something out.

We let a lot more slide in GD than in other forums. Here, don't troll threads. I would tell anyone not to. If you notice it happening somewhere and we haven't handled it, feel free to let me know.

As for everyone else, I'm deleting all your arguments because you decided to have a shitfest after I explicitly asked everyone to cut it out. Don't post any more of them or I hand out temp bans.

And Death's Head, don't even think about sending me any more PMs complaining about swami or kayfabe.

Or I'll be banned as well? For acting like they do? No offense TK, but that sounds hypocritical right there on your part. You say you want no trolling in 'serious threads', and I agree with you there. Never said I didn't. But trolls like swami only get 'warnings' against this behavior, while others get temporary bannings. If that's the card you want to play then fine, but you do come across as a hypocrite.

This whole 'thing' here, is proof that there is nothing being done about trolls, saying one thing and then actually doing it seems to be two different things altogether and never really acted upon. Like IDX stated:

And yet, there are many members who do just this. So why should this be any different?

It would seem to me, that because IDX did what's being done here in other threads, he gets banned, while the people who are also doing it are getting away with it. He's also correct about:

Also, GD isn't the only place that is troll infested. It's practically everywhere (at least, the threads I go into).

Regarding sending you PM's: I thought sending a PM to a admin regarding trolls was supposed to be the right thing to do. I sent you the ones about those two specific members due to incidents which happened in other threads, yet it's only now you say for me not to. Ok then, I won't bother you with PM's about trolls, inappropriate behaviour, general harassment of other members etc etc.

03-28-2010, 01:25 AM
But trolls like swami only get 'warnings' against this behavior, while others get temporary bannings. If that's the card you want to play then fine, but you do come across as a hypocrite.

Swami has been banned multiple times in the past for exactly this kind of thing, actually. IDX was banned just now because he told me he didn't care if he was banned, not for the trolling... I had no intention of banning him or anyone else before that. I don't appreciate smartass remarks when I'm trying to do my job.

This is the last post on this matter in this thread, all others will be deleted, if you have a further problem you may PM me and I'll be happy to discuss the matter in an honest, open minded and intelligent manner to your heart's content.