03-25-2010, 03:14 AM
Happy birthday, PSP! Today, you're five years old. In that time, you've launched 520 games on UMD, 300 games on PSN, sold over 50 million units worldwide, updated your system firmware over 50 times, and gone through three hardware revisions (2000, 3000 and Go). So, think you have five more years left in you?

To commemorate this milestone, each of the Joystiq staff has listed their two most favorite PSP games over the past five years. Let us know what some of your favorites are!

03-25-2010, 04:13 AM
Its been five years already? Man, it still feels like the PSP just came out. Since its been that long its no wonder my first PSP's joy stick thing isnt working very well. I got mine the first year PSP came out. I love PSP so much, I even bought a second one (PSP 1000 white colour)

Btw, my favourite games are FFVII Crisis Core, Dissidia, Locoroco. And i'm sure I love Birth By Sleep once it comes out on North America.

03-25-2010, 04:31 AM
Five years, huh?
Well, let me just take the time to curse the PSP's very existence for a moment.
Hell, I don't think this system has really hit its stride until maybe two years ago.
A fair portion of their games up to this point were more or less updated re-releases, some of which just begs the question: WHY release it on a portable system?!
Case in point: Power Stone Collection. Fate Unlimited Works. Hell, most fighting games on this system make one wonder "WTF?!", especially when they're "PSP Exclusives" outside of Japan.
Also, everything about this system is fragile...including the games! I'd have a larger collection if the freakin' things could hold together...ARGH!

As I said before, PSP only truly hit its stride only a few years ago with a few original titles that stood out well beyond some of the DS' capabilities. And nearly four PSPs later (one stolen, two broken, and the last was "dead" until it was revived and de-modded...a fifth PSP is currently being considered...), I'm happy to say that I stuck through the best and the worst of times with this piece of glass.
Then again, I always have my trusty DSLite to fall back on (that things a real trooper being able to take so much punishment!).
Well, as far as my favorite PSP games go, here's a list of my personal faves:
Metal Gear AC!D 1&2- People probably turned away from this game after hearing that it was a "card game". Too bad no one stuck around for everything else about it. I loved the gameplay, and the story was enough to get into. AC!D 2 also had that gimmicky "Solid Eye", which I thought was a fun (though short-lived) experience.

God of War: Chains of Olympus- This is a game that must be seen to be believed. It's simply amazing what the system was capable of, and those who enjoyed the story will be in for a real treat with this one! Also this was the game that forced me to change the analog stick on my PSP (thankfully, those self-help sites made the entire "operation" a success).

Me & My Katamari- I love the Katamari series. 'Nuff said.

Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles- A 4-in-1 game package. With a decent script (and okay voices) and THREE (classic, remake, SotN) amazing soundtracks, how can you go wrong?

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops- The "first true portable MGS" by most fans, I just loved the story and the soundtrack. MPO+ was okay, but it was just an expansion pack. Boy, I can't wait for Peace Walker... :)

Lunar: Silver Star Harmony- The only reason why I bothered to go back to (successfully) revive my forth PSP. I LOVE this game, be it for the Sega CD, PS1, or GBA (I have mixed feelings for Lunar: Dragon Song for the DS...mostly negative). The story rarely gets old, and it stands (for me) as one of the few non-Square RPGs that can hold a candle to the gaming giant. It's worth mentioning that along with Lufia and Ys, Lunar is one of those "classic" generation games that were around back in Squaresoft's hey-day, before the massive mainstream boom that most games have the luxury of enjoying.

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker- It's not even out yet, but I'm already in love with the theme song, "Heaven's Divide"!

Well, there you have it. What about yours?

03-26-2010, 02:45 AM
Who cares?

Darth Revan
03-26-2010, 03:33 AM
Who cares?

03-26-2010, 06:09 AM
I didn't even look at the OP's name, I already knew it was kidhero just from the title.

04-06-2010, 12:04 AM

04-06-2010, 12:24 AM
It's nice that OP is trying to bring the news to us, but it would be even nicer if he posted news that are worth reading, like PS3 hackers found a way to run xbox360 games, or Bill Gates got killed by an apple or something.

04-08-2010, 02:40 AM
5 years of being the second place