09-27-2002, 09:41 PM
Sorry for anyone who's getting sick of my GW fanarts, but I really can't help it. =P Doodles always just.. turn into GW characters.

"Can't Reach (http://heart.nymphonline.net/art/duoheero4.jpg" target="_blank)" - Heero with wings & Duo reaching out.

And some FF and GW mixed. =P
Duo dressed up as Kuja (http://heart.nymphonline.net/art/duokuja.jpg" target="_blank) - Uh, I messed up on the midrif.. but the rest looks okay.
Heero dressed up as Garnet (http://heart.nymphonline.net/art/heerogarnet.jpg" target="_blank) - ..in her regular suit. Not the dress. But it's still crossdressing, so if you don't like that don't look. Hmm.. the Zidane chibi that comes with it might be worth looking at, though. XD

Original - a mermaid (http://heart.nymphonline.net/art/Mermaid.jpg" target="_blank) - I drew this in summer 2001, and now finally colored it. ^_^

Edit: Blah, I forgot one! XD
Sakuma Ryuichi (http://heart.nymphonline.net/art/Ryuichi.jpg" target="_blank) from Gravitation.

Comments? Critics? ^_^

09-28-2002, 05:53 AM
I like them =D ehehehe, dat Garnet one is funny =P

The one "Cant Reach" is really good and I like it lots. Tis my favourtie of those you posted.

the "Sakuma Ryuichi" has a very kool backround =D nice nice ^_~

Dere all very good ^_^ I like how you colour them all.

09-28-2002, 12:06 PM
Good as always, except what the hell is going on with Duo's groin region XD It's still ok though. I think Reach is your best pic, but my al-time favourite is still Dallandra, the elf!! Keep it up Rosiel, judging by your current colouring Frenzy, you'll flood all of Holland with your drawings XD

09-29-2002, 09:54 PM
Cookie! "Can't reach" is really cool. You should color that one too. It has a nice perspective which I'm about to steal for a drawing of my own. Thanks :p

09-29-2002, 11:12 PM
I like em all, The kuja one was really cool.....Im still wondering how you make these imaged....there so good (really! i mean it). bah fine, dont beleave me :( *runs off* =�

10-04-2002, 11:35 AM
lol..... those are funny, nymph =P

10-04-2002, 07:07 PM
Thankies everyone! ^_^

It has a nice perspective which I'm about to steal for a drawing of my own. Thanks :p

And a difficult one, too. ^^ But hey, you've got more experience with weird perspectives than me. o_O

the "Sakuma Ryuichi" has a very kool backround =D nice nice ^_~

Yeah, the bg is pwetty eh? ^_^ Too bad I didn't make it.. Maybe I'll learn how to do that at college. :D

Oh, and me gots a new piccie too.

Dorothy Catalonia as Quistis Trepe (http://heart.nymphonline.net/art/dorothyquistis.jpg" target="_blank)


10-04-2002, 07:23 PM
Woah! That new one is cool stuff. You did a really good job on the coloring. I also really like "Can't Reach". Just the way you set everything up in that is really nice. I love it when you go on a drawing binge :D . Keep 'em coming!

10-05-2002, 01:42 AM
Wow, that new drawing is fantastic Rosiel!! I'm amazed at how good your work is getting! I honestly reckon it's getting better all the time. Keep it up, it's great! *note to self, get a copy of Adobe Photoshop :D*

10-06-2002, 10:18 AM
Woah... Yup, that's a really good collection. I really like the way you colour the drawings in and basically most of the drawings are very prettiful, indeed.

Now on to the critics stage... I think you should stop making your drawings of male look feminine. I know this might be your unique style but it sorta makes the drawing look a bit weird.

Yup, that's just me being honest. Please don't bash me up with your honourable frying pan. That's just what ~I~ think but I can't draw at all and my critics thingie might totally be wrong to you so I will just shut up now.

*Runs off and hides* :o

10-07-2002, 04:53 PM
Thankies~! ^_^

Hm.. Rinoa-chan, the 'feminine looking guys' are indeed my style. It's called bishounen. ^_^ I'm not interested in drawing muscled guys.. =O

Oh.. And good news~ I got a tip from my animation teacher for my Wacom Tablet. Hopefully I can start that thing and Painter 6 soon. XD

10-07-2002, 07:41 PM
Hey, that first drawing looks like one I saw in a Drawing Anime book :o j00 thief!

Blarg. I have to admit I like the Kuja one quite a bit, and the concept of the Garnet one is funny. But jesus cripe, can't there be anything else besides GW stuff all the time? There *are* other animes out there ;_;

10-07-2002, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by CorazonAzul
Hey, that first drawing looks like one I saw in a Drawing Anime book :o j00 thief!

Blarg. I have to admit I like the Kuja one quite a bit, and the concept of the Garnet one is funny. But jesus cripe, can't there be anything else besides GW stuff all the time? There *are* other animes out there ;_;

Didn't I say that? =O :shame:
It was a perspective study. Like, "how do they do it? Oh, like that.. *draw draw*"

And I can't help the GW fanart.. The characters are squeezed into my mind so much that when I start doodling, either a Duo or a Heero comes out. And most of my drawings start with doodling, so yeah..
If I want to draw an other character, I have to go and think "hm.. I want to draw that character in that pose with that background.." XD

10-08-2002, 05:44 AM
Originally posted by Rosiel
Thankies~! ^_^

Hm.. Rinoa-chan, the 'feminine looking guys' are indeed my style. It's called bishounen. ^_^ I'm not interested in drawing muscled guys.. =O

Oh.. And good news~ I got a tip from my animation teacher for my Wacom Tablet. Hopefully I can start that thing and Painter 6 soon. XD

Heh, that's okay Rosiel! *Wiggles happily* I have to admit I do like your style as it makes your drawing look interesting and I don't really like muscled men either.

Yep, now I'm just waiting for some new work from you ^_^