Melly Seren
09-27-2002, 06:54 PM
QUEST FOR THE ELEMENTALS by:Melissa B.[]thats me![]

Early one morning,on a hill,a figure can be seen walking as the sun is rising.She was a brown haired,green eyed samurai-ish female,with a small smile and expressive eyes.It was none-other than Ryoko Rianna.She was about to visit her friend Loyd,the cat-ish viglante."Loyd,you home?" Ryoko called into his tree."Oh hi!" Loyd replied jumping on her and knocking her down.
"Uh...Loyd get up off of me" Ryoko said pushing him off."Are you ready?" she asked."Oh yeah the quest,uh....what are we after again?" he replied.Ryoko did an anime fall."Were going to find the other 7 element amulets" Ryoko said in gritted teeth.
After more arguing the 2 started on their vast quest for the amulets.Loyd was happily walking next to her."Think this 'ill be dangerous?" Loyd asked her as his tail brushed up against the back of her thighs.She blushed and replied as she took out a scroll "I'm not sure but your tail is tickly".He blushed and tied his tail around his waist.
Ryoko smiled and said "The water amulet is in an under water cave not far from here"."W-W-Water?!"Loyd said getting nervous."Yeah is something wrong?" Ryoko asked."I don't like water" Loyd replied looking down at the ground.Ryoko thought about it a minute.
"I have the answer to your problem,I have a suit that when you wear it you won't get wet you can put it on when we get there o.k?"."O.k Ryoko thanks" Loyd said.The 2 continued walking until they reached a vast forest ."It's in there" Ryoko said as they walked into it.They walked into it a few minutes and decided to take a rest.
A shadowy figure in a tree watched them.The figure began jumping from tree to tree.Ryoko picked up her head to the exact spot where the figure was."What's wrong Ryoko?" Loyd asked."Someone's up there;HEY! who ever you are come down now!"Ryoko yelled throwing her sword like a boomerang.
It sliced the branch and the figure flipped out of the tree and landed on his feet.He was a tall ,2-tailed figure,whom carried a sword."That was a good shot" the figure started."What do you mean ? I missed."Ryoko shot back."Tushe',but now to business,I am looking for a Ryo Raianna,I hear this space pirate is up for high bounty;do you know of him?"he asked.
Ryoko just chuckled.Loyd looked over to her. "That was your prirateing name before you changed your ways.What should we do?" he wispered."I'll handle it" she wispered back."Look no further than me,for I am Ryo Raianna or at least that was my name when I was a space pirate"Ryoko said to the man."But you're a woman"he said scratching his head.
"That's what i've been trying to tell you Naudae'!" a figure jumped out of another tree and landed near the man.It was another tall man,with blond hair and blue eyes."Hey you're Travis Daye,I remember you ;you tried to hit on me once" Ryoko said as Loyd and the 2 strangers did an anime fall."Hello Ryo or should I say Ryoko,it has been a while hasn't it?" Travis asked."About 3 years tops daye"Ryoko replied with a smirk on her face.
"I suspose you want to kill us or at least me now?"."Uh..kill?" Loyd said as his ears perked up."Nah not me Naudae' does I'm just here to make sure there are no witnesses to how we carry out justice,some say it's unjust even for a bounty hunter" Travis chuckled."I'm making a different swing of things,Ryoko I hear you are the best at sword fights,even as a child I've always wanted to challenge you,so let's make a deal if I win I kill you and your fury little boyfriend and do what i like with the bodies afterwards" Naudae' said as he and Travis chuckled."And if I win?" Ryoko asked.
"You get to go, a deal?" Naudae' said holding out a hand."Ok fine but Loyd i want you to fight Travis so it is in fact a fair fight" Ryoko said taking Naudae's hand and shaking it."I'm not sure about this Ryoko" Loyd said taking a sword from Ryoko that she brought just in case."You'll do great I taught you everything I know"Ryoko said happily."Good action for me now too"Travis said taking out a sword of his own.
Suddenly a horrific battle broke out.Naudae' charged at Ryoko,but she flipped and he missed by an inch.They ran oppsite directions and then jumped on a tree an at one another in mid air .(like on crouching tiger hidden dragon) Meanwhile Travis and Loyd were fighting viciously,doing flip dodges and other such things.Naudae' and Ryoko ran at one another and jumped both slicing.They landed oppsite one another.Ryoko then fell to one knee.Her cheek ws sliced and bleeding .
"Give up?"Naudae' asked.Ryoko stood up and turned around she wiped the blood off of her cheek with her thumb.She then licked the blood off of her thumb and smiled."You drew first blood ,now it's my turn" and with that the fights continued until Ryoko and Loyd backed up both bounty hunters so they faced back-to-back."Check mate"Loyd said as the 2 looked at one another.
"So Ryoko what should we do with these 2?"Loyd asked happily."Easy,gentlemen I give you 2 choices, 1:join our quest,and 2:leave us be and hope we never meet again"."But Ryoko they tried to kill us!"."Loyd I am no longer a space pirate i no longer wish to shed blood unless i have to"Ryoko said proudly."If neither?" Travis asked.
"Well I'll make a change of heart and Loyd here will have new chew toys....your arms!"Ryoko chuckled."Eh....I'll join you I might as well ,treasure seems to be found wherever you go"travis said chuckling."Treasure?"Naudae' asked."yeah why do you think shes no longer a pirate she stumbled on the mother load of gold by mistake in a cave a while ago" Travis replied."So you do,do your homework"Ryoko said smirking.
"All the time"Travis shot back.The now 4 viglanties started on their quest once again,walking through the forest until they reached the lake."Here it is"Ryoko said."Y-Y-Yeah" Loyd said as his ears drooped."Ok now what?"Travis asked.
"The amulet I'm looking for is in an underwater cave"Ryoko said."Travis you and Naudae' can stay here,Loyd and I will go get the amulet,oh I almost forgot here Loyd,the suit"Ryoko said handing Loyd a rubber suit.He started to undress."Loyd! change behind the trees please" Ryoko said blushing and covering her eyes.Travis and Naudae' chuckled as Loyd did so.
"One problem i can't breathe underwater"Loyd pointed out."That's why I have these"Ryoko said holding 2 black caplets."When you bite down on these you can breathe underwater and in outerspace" she said handing one to Loyd and biting the other.Loyd popped it in his mouth and got into the water with Ryoko.They dove underwater and they were gone.
"Think they'll be ok?" Naudae' asked."Their as good as dead" Travis replied.Under the water it was hard to see but they kept swimming until they found the mouth of the cave.Ryoko pointed to go into the cave and Loyd nodded and did so.They surfaced in the cave.
It was huge and damp everywhere.Loyd climbed out and then helped Ryoko up."Ya know Ryoko,you look great in this lighting" Loyd said staring into her eyes.She blushed "thanks Loyd but we can talk about the lighting later we need to find that where to go?".She looked around.
There were no rooms just the one they were in.Loyd kicked a rock , it flew against a wall and made a opening to a room."Oops...."Loyd said nervously."your ok you did a good thing" Ryoko said hugging him."Yeah I know I meant to do that"he said hugging her back.They heard a low deep growl.
"Loyd I hope that was you" Ryoko said nervously."Nope" Loyd replied.Ryoko looked into the room.It was filled with gold and jewels and in the middle of it all was a chest with a crest of the water element."wow"Loyd said as he looked around.
Ryoko walked to the chest with Loyd following closely behind.she tried to open it but couldn't so she took her sword and broke it open.Sure enough inside was the water amulet and a scroll with a red ribbon around it."Look isn't it beautiful?"Ryoko asked holding the amulet up."Yeah beautiful"Loyd said admiring Ryoko.
He then heard a growl that Ryoko diddn't seem to notice.He turned around and looked up there was the water elemental,a dragon named Liviathan.Loyd's eyes became real big and his ears drooped."B-B-B-B-Big" he said tapping Ryoko."Loyd quit it" she said knocking his hand off.
He continued."Loyd what did I tell......oh my..."Ryoko mumbled as she finally saw the monster behind them."Uh.......nice dragon...heh heh heh "Loyd said nervously.It reared it's head and roared viciously.Ryoko put the amulet away and pulled out her sword.
Loyd backed up a bit and triped over a pile of gold.The dragon turned his head towards Loyd."LOOK OUT LOYD!" Ryoko yelled.Loyd did a backflip and landed on his feet.He made his claws pop out of his hands and then he growled.
The dragon struck.Loyd jumped into the air landed on the dragon's face and clawed out it's eyes.The dragon shook in pain as it's eyes oozed a green substance.Ryoko charged up 2 blue,blasts,one in each hand."BLUE...".She combined them into a vortex looking blast"VORTEX....".The blast began to grow to about the size of a watermellon.
"KA....ME....HA....ME...HA!!!!!!!" she fired the blast obliterating the dragon and a few walls behind it.Loyd walked over and both sat down to catch their breath."We...did...great"Ryoko said catching her breath."Geez"Loyd said nervously."What? what's wrong?"Ryoko asked.
"Oh nothing i was just wondering what you would do if I tried to "he blushed alot." ..take you right here"."Oh well......"Ryoko blushed."um I would....." suddenly the ground started to shake."um....I think we'll talk about this later"she said walking to the entrence.
The cave was colapseing and the water was pouring in at a incredable rate."Loyd! the cave is colapseing! hurry we gotta get outa here!".The 2 ran and dove into the water putting the tubes back into their mouths."Head for the surface as fast as you can"Ryoko said to Loyd telepathicly.He nodded and began to swim at an increadable speed.
Meanwhile Travis and Naudae' were playing poker."I see yer 5 and raise you 12"Travis said pushing more gold into the pot."I 'm out then you must have something good"Naudae' said throwing his cards down."What did you have anyway?"he asked Travis."I had a 2,a 5 ,an ace,a jack and a king....none matching"Travis said chuckling as he grabed the gold he had won.
"So you think their ok?" Naudae' asked Travis."Heh..why care?" he replied."Oh no reason" Naudae' said quickly."You like Ryoko don't you?"Travis asked chuckling. "M-Me? no way!"Naudae' said blushing.
"You do I know it,but dont worry Romeo,your Juliet can take care of herself"Travis said counting his gold.Naudae' just smiled.Suddenly Ryoko and Loyd flew out of the water and landed on the bank."See their fine in a mater of speaking" Travis said smirking."Are you 2 ok?"Naudae' asked helping them to their feet.
"Were ok but my clothes arnt im soaked"Ryoko replied."I have an extra pair of clothes"Travis said throwing them at ryoko and hitting her in her face."Thanks"she replied.She snapped her fingers and her clothes were changed.Naudae's eyes widdened"woah".
"What? you think I'm going to trust you Travis and Loyd when it comes to me changing?"Ryoko asked.The viglantes camped out and then set out the next morning to a place called "Fire moutain ...thats were we gotta go for the fire amulet"Ryoko said as the group walked on.No one spoke until they reached the moutain."This place sucks it's so hot here"Loyd said wipeing the sweat off his brow."Yeah lets get that amulet and leave"Travis said.
"Thats the spirit.the amulet is at the volcanos peak....anyone want to come with me? we all wont go so were not all at risk of endangerment."Ryoko said. "Hmmmmm....i'll go"Naudae' said."Now things are really going to heat up"Travis said as he laughed."No I-I-I just think I'll be of some help here that's all" he replied to Travis's humorus insult."What's going on here?"Ryoko asked.
"Ryo he likes you"Travis said pointing at Naudae'."DO NOT!!" he yelled."Ok ,ok Naudae' lets just go" Ryoko said pulling him by his ear.They made their way up,up the tall volcano.While climbing up a cliff Ryoko slipped and fell but grabbed on the edge.
"AH! Ryoko I got you!"Naudae' said grabbing her hand and lifting her back up."Thanks Naudae'" she said hugging him.He blushed."N-N-No problem"he replied chuckling nervously.They continued climbing until they reached a cave.
"It should be in here"Ryoko said walking in the cave.A few minutes later she walked out with the amulet and a scroll with a green ribbon around it."That was easy"Naudae said.Suddenly a giant red lion appeared behind Ryoko."RYO LOOK OUT!" Naudae' said as he dove in front of her and pushed her out of the way.
The lion pounced on Naudae' and roared."Ack! it's Ifrit!"Ryoko yelped."Eh....Ryoko...a little help?!?" Naudae' said as he grabbed the lion's jaw.Ryoko charged up a water blast and fired it at Ifirt.He fell off of Naudae' roaring in pain.
"Thanks but I'll finish it here" Naudae' said taking out his sword and slicing at the lion.The lion as now in 2."Thanks again"Ryoko said as she hugged Naudae again."Same to you too"he replied.Suddenly the volcano started to erupt.
"Ya know Naudae' now would be a good time to....RUN LIKE YOU'VE NEVER RUN BEFORE!!"Ryoko yelled running with Naudae' running behind her.She grabbed her psy amulet and she amd Naudae' started to float off of the ground."Levitation rules."she said as they flew down the volcano side."Here they come...and so does a ton of lava! RUN!!"Loyd said as he and Travis began to run.Suddenly they as well as Ryoko and Naudae' began floating higher in the air and towards the forest.
As they landed Loyd asked"what was that?"."the psy amulet's powers "Ryoko replied.The sun began to set so the group decided to set up camp.They ate dinner (fish that Loyd caught)then went to bed.Upon sleeping a dark figure snuck into Ryoko's tent,She was sleeping peacefully.
The figure leaned over Ryoko and brushed her hair off of her neck.Ryoko senced this and reached for a silver sword.The figure caressed her neck then was about to bite her,but Ryoko lifted the sword to his throat."Ya know vampire ,this blade is silver one wrong move and your dust,come on move out of my tent pronto" Ryoko said backing him out of her tent.She made him sit down.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you"Ryoko said."Drakonis is that you?" Naudae' said walking out of his tent."Woah your alive?"Drakonis said getting up and shaking Naudae's hand.2 friends reunited.They began talking about memories past.
Ryoko ended up sitting ,chewing on a saucer boredly as the 2 chatted.Day broke and Drakonis was still talking."Um the suns comming don't you have to be leaving?" Ryoko asked."Nope I'm a day walker my only weakness is silver,oh and sorry about the whole biting your neck thing"Drakonis said smiling."I have a question. why is a vampire here?"Loyd asked walking out and sitting next to Ryoko.
"I'd like to be a part of your quest ms.Ryoko"Drakonis said smiling."Don't call me ms.Ryoko,just Ryo or Ryoko will do and I always need extra help" Ryoko said smiling.Everyone had woken up and ate breakfast.The now 5 heroes walked deep into the forest to look for the forest amulet.They walked until they reached yet another cave.
"Its in there" Ryoko said pointing."Well lets go!"Travis said as he walked in with everyone following him.The cave was huge and smelled pretty bad."Hey Ryoko there it is"Loyd said pointing.Sure enough there was a green and shinging amulet with a scroll that had a black ribbon around it.
Ryoko went and got both.They all started to leave when a huge ogre appeared in the mouth of the cave.The 5 took out their swords as the ogre took out his mace.Needless to say they made hong kong fuy out of the ogre."That was easy but fun"Travis said cleaning the blood off of his sword.
"Yeah but now I have to find the darkness amulet" Ryoko said.Suddenly Drakonis took out the amulet."Is this it?"he asked."Yeah give it to me please"Ryoko said."Awwww but I like it" Drakonis whined."Give it to me now!"Ryoko yelled.
"Hey your cute when you yell,how about you kiss me then I'll give you the amulet."Drakonis said chuckling."Grrr give me that!"Loyd snatched the amulet from him and gave it to Ryoko."Mmmmm ok fine kiss me for the scroll" he said pouting."*sigh* fine Drac" Ryoko grabbed Drakonis and kissed him meanwhile grabbing the scroll and pushing him down and away from her."Th-thanks" he said getting up.
"Now that's 5 we need 3 more"Ryoko said happily."the next one is in wind tunnel about a days hike from here so lets get going" and with that said the group set off on their way to get to wind tunnel and to find the wind amulet.It took the rest of the day and most of the night to get there but they finally made it to the tunnel.It was large and a constant gust of wind flowed from it's mouth."great how do we get in there?"Loyd asked.
Suddenly a dark figure flew and landed in front of them."Hello adventurers"she said.It was a woman with black hair,wearing a black dress,with black wings and a halo."I see your after the wind amulet,to get it you must aquire these" the lady held up a pair of boots with iron soles."iron boots huh? cool uh can we have them?"Naudae'asked."No only the one who can defeat me may use these boots."she said smirking.
"I'll fight her"Travis said taking out his sword."Fine lets go cutie" she said taking out her own sword.In a flash of light the swords clashed in a fast and furious battle.The woman flew high into the air and travis jumped on top of the cave and then at the woman. He swung and they both landed at the same time.The woman had a slash across her eye and was bleeding.
"You win blond fighter,the boots are yours"she said tossing him the boots."You are the first one to beat me I could learn alot from you may I join your team?"she asked."What's your name?" Ryoko asked."I have no name but to all who know me I am Dark Angel"she said smirking."Well welcome to the team Angel"Ryoko said shaking her hand.
Travis put on the boots and walked into the cave his hair blowing in the wind.Awhile into the cave he found the amulet and a scroll with a yellow ribbon around it he grabbed them and headed out."Thanks Travis"Ryoko said taking both scroll and amulet from him.She read the scroll."Where to?"Loyd asked.
"A place called lightning temple"Ryoko replied."lets go".So the now 6 heroes made their way to lightning temple.It took many suns and moons ,as well as battles which made our heroes stronger and wiser and more trustworthy to one another.When they finnaly reached the temple,the 6 entered and looked around."Hey check this out!"Angel yelled as her friends came to look.
"what is it?"Drakonis asked."It appears to be a statue of a man and look whats around his neck"Loyd said pointing.There was the electric amulet."I'll get it"Drakonis said reaching for the amulet."No don't"Ryoko said but was too late.
Drakonis was shocked and flew back several feet into a wall."That amulet is protected by a force feild"Ryoko mumbled."No kiddin'" Loyd said laughing.Angel took a close look at the statue."It looks like he's suspose to be holding something and his belt buckle is missing"she pointed out.
"Hey those are symbols of the fire,wind and water elements"Travis also pointed out.Ryoko put the amulets into the places and all four popped out."All right! we only need one more!"Ryoko said happily. They started to walk out but heard a large boom.They spun around to see the statue comming to life.
He was now a man with blue-ish gray eyes and a light smile."thank you for releasing me"he said."I am the wizard known only as Neo,I have seen your quest and I'd like to be a part of it".At this he turned to Ryoko."May i become a member of your group?" he asked.
"Welcome to the group"she replied shaking his hand.Suddenly the sky turned black and a giant monster appeard."Xeion,thats the monster who captured me and turned me to stone for I controll almost all things electric"Neo stated as the monster drew near."I have an idea combine what attacks you all know together to destroy this beast ...on my mark"Ryoko said.Everyone nodded.Travis charged a water attack,Naudae' charged a fire attack,Dark Angel charged a wind attack,Drakonis charged a darkness attack,Neo charged up a electric attack,Loyd charged up a forest attack,and Ryoko charged up a psy attack.
"On 3...1...2...3!!!"Ryoko yelled as they threw their attack known as the "elemental overload".It totaly obliterated Xieon.The seven cheered as the monster vanished.The sky lit up and the 7 heroes were teleported to a temple."Let me guess light temple?"Loyd said as Ryoko nodded.
A woman walked down the steps of the temple."Who are you all?"she snapped."I am Ryoko Rianna,this is Loyd the cat-beast,Travis Daye and Naudae' noche the bounty hunters,Drackonis the lone wolf vampire slayer,Neo the wizard of electricity,and Dark Angel the arc angel of earth,we've come for the light amulet"ryoko said proudly."I'm sorry but I'm the protector of the amulet only known as Alexia and you shalt not have it unless you pry it from my dead hands"she said powering up a blast of light.
"Well if its a fight you want we wont dissapoint!"Angel said with everyone agreeing."Fine your in trouble now!"Alexia started to fire blast after blast at the heroes.Naudae' backfliped out of the way,Neo deflected the blast,Angel flew out of the way of the blast,but Loyd wasn't paying attention,a blast came right towards him."LOYD GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!"Ryoko said pushing him out of the way of the blast.The blast hit Ryoko passing through her middle section.
Her limp body hit the ground with a thud.
The group gasped as Loyd ran to her."Ryoko! Ryoko why?"Loyd said hugging her.Her blood was running all over the ground.Angel along with the rest of the group cept for Loyd had the same look of hurtness and determination on their faces."ATTACK!!!!" Naudae' yelled as the group flew and ran at Alexia attacking with all they had.
"Ryoko open your eyes please"Loyd said raising her head.She half way opened her eyes."Loyd...hi"she mumbled."Hi...that's all you say? might..."Loyd trailed off.He bit his lip and tears started streaming down his face.
"Why'd you do that?"he asked her."People do crazy things when they love someone" she said smiling."Give me your hand i want to give you something"she continued."But Ryok-"he was interrupted by Ryoko."Loyd if you want me to live give me your hand".He did as told.
A small ball of light passed through her arm into his hand and up his arm."What was that?"he asked."I gave you the gift of healing"she mumbled."How do I do it?" he asked."Place a hand on my fore head and a hand on my wound and think of a time when i was well"she said.
He did as told and a yellowish arura surounded Ryoko,the blood went back in her and her wound closed up.She opened her eyes and sat up.Loyd hugged her,tears streamed down her arm because of his happiness."It's ok I'm fine now"she wispered to him."Let's go get that Alexia lady"she said standing up.
Meanwhile Alexia was far too powerful for the group."We can't beat her like this we need Ryoko and Loyd!"drakonis yelled."Look here they come!"Naudae' said pointing.There were Ryoko and Loyd walking up to them."How th-I KILLED YOU!!"Alexia yelled.
"How did?"Drakonis asked."Lets just say I have transferable powers,but now it's time to finish this"Ryoko said taking out her sword.There were 8 holes in it.She put the 7 amulets into the sword.The sword began to glow and so did the light amulet.
It flew off of Alexia's neck and into it's rightful place on the sword."Er.......I don't care I'm still too powerful for the likes of you"Alexia said firing a blast in which Ryoko deflected it.Ryoko then flew head on at Alexia.Alexia took out her sword and a horrific battle broke out.The others watched as the 2 woman warriors fought viciously.
Suddenly Travis and Naudae' brought out a bag of popcorn to watch."Mmmm good"Travis said eating a handful."How in the blue hell can you eat at a time like this!"Angel asked them."Easy"Travis took another handful and ate that too."Want some?"Travis asked.
Angel as well as everyone else did an anime fall.The fight then continued,Ryoko was getting the upperhand of the battle.She sliced the sword from Alexia's hands.She then did a sweep kick and Alexia was on the ground with Ryoko's sword pointed at her throat."What was that about prying something from your dead fingers?"Ryoko laughed as she asked Alexia.
"Ok you win! I admit defeat!"Alexia said standing up with her arms held up.The group cheered.They had finally completed the quest.Ryoko held up the sword and smiled."What do we do with Alexia?"Neo asked glareing at her.
"She can come with us now that she has nothing to protect anymore,thats if she wants to"Ryoko said smirking."I would like that"Alexia said nodding.Suddenly in a bright flash of light the now 8 viglantes in a new realm where even the ground they stood on was pure light."Woah 'Legend of Zelda' eat your heart out"Loyd said jokingly."Welcome Elementals" a bright flash of light floated towards them.
"Finaly the elementals have returned" it continued."What are you talking about?"Travis asked."You all must not remember still but, you all are the guardians of the elements in all realms.You lost your memory when you all defeated one of your arch enemies,'Cronash the realm destroyer' ,you were then given new memories in hope that evil would no longer rear its ugly head but that just isnt going to happen,Ill refresh your memories".The light glowed brightly and now the 8 warriors were dressed in samurai-ish outfits."Loyd"The light started.
"You are the elemental protector of the forests even the smallest animal that lives in the forests will listen to your words of wisdom".Loyd stood proudly and nodded."Travis" the light zoomed over to him as he stepped foreward."You are the elemental protector of water,all waters lakes oceans and streams".Travis smiled.
"Naudae'" the light floated to him as he looked up."Your the protector of the fire element,all fire is at your bidding".Naudae did a small 'yes!' and looked up again."Dark Angel" the light flew over to her as she flapped her wings once."You are the protector of the four winds,they will aid you in many ways".
Angel flapped her wings once more and relaxed."Drakonis" the light flew near him as he picked up his head and opend his eyes."You are the protector of darkness,protect it well for its only weakness is it's self".Drackonis nodded , lowered his head and closed his eyes again."Neo"the light flew over to Neo as he grinned happily."You are the elemental protector of electricity most energy sorces are at your bidding".Neo smiled and nodded.
"Alexia dear you already know your past and now present role" the light said to her."Yes i am the protector of the element of light,I give life to what was lost."she replied smiling."And now Ryoko"the light said floating to her."You are the psychic and ulitimate elemental,you protect all the others and their elements as the legendary elemental" the light told her."So it was destiny for us all to meet?"Ryoko asked.
"Yes but now that you know your destiny again you may return to the realm of your births"and with that a bright flash of light brought them all to Ryoko's house,the Rianna shrine."Woah this is going to be hard to believe tomorrow"Loyd said scratching his head."Yeah,hey everyone if you need a place to stay my house is open to you all"Ryoko said as her friends thanked her warmly.Loyd ran over to Ryoko grabbed her and kissed her."Well it's about time"Ryoko said when they pulled away from one another.
"I've been wanting to do that for a long time" he said happily.Suddenly the sky transformed into a large red rift.2 eyes came out of it."THIS REALM BELONGS TO ME!!"a loud voice bellowed as lightning struck.Everyone turned their heads to Neo whom was making the lightining.He was dresses as Raiden (from 'Mortal Kombat').He lifted his head and lightning flashed in his eyes.
"I don't think so"Neo said smiling.Ryoko walked over to Neo and smacked him in the back of the head."You copyin' off a movie moron! Hey where did you get the cool outfit anyway?"Ryoko asked.
Neo chuckled."That guy over there"he pointed.There was Raiden running across the feild bare naked.
"DAMN YOU NEO!!" he yelled as he vannished into the forest.The group did an anime fall."What? I said something better than any of you coulda thought up"he said smirking.Ryoko looked at Angel and then at Travis whom yelled"get him!".The group began chaising neo all around the feild of Ryoko's house as the rift began to grow.

THE END FOR NOW. ( no Raidens were hurt in the making of this story only embarised)