Neo Xzhan
09-27-2002, 12:39 PM
Though I dont know if anyone has heard from it it is confirmed that XboX 2 is comming. The release is scheduled in 2005 (the excact date is unknow for now). I dont have good hopes for it to be honest. The "great succes" of the XboX will not be forgotten so easily. Anyways what do you think of it?

09-27-2002, 06:22 PM
well, i havnt heard much about this at all. i only really bother to look for PS2 news, thats all i play and have an interest in. but an Xbox 2? how dumb. im not 100% sure, but i dont know many people who own an Xbox, and the few games i know are on it really seem shit. apart from Halo, but TimeSplitters is just as fun, and FPS's shud stay on the PC anyway.

i think MS would be shooting themselves in the foot releasing an Xbox 2. they could at least make up a better name.

09-29-2002, 07:37 PM
think this can stay open. Aslong as it doesn't get into a big 'dis Xbox' thread.

Neo Xzhan
09-29-2002, 09:32 PM
I am not dissing it and I never will. But I think it is to soon for MS that the are launching XboX2 since the XboX wasnt much of a succes.

09-29-2002, 11:33 PM
they are being retarded enough to already start talking about "Xbox 2" because Sony is being retarded enough to already talk about "PlayStation 3." The modern video game industry is nothing but hype, and these two big media stooges are furthering it every day.

10-01-2002, 01:55 PM
Well,PS2 was released a little too early, they obviously waned t get a foothold, and they did, but it has somewhat of a setback as compared to Gameube and.....even X-Box.....while their marketing plan may have succeded, this is the result, while they are supporting PS2, they know it's going to end, sooner than they wanted it, but they don't have much of a choice to keep up system wise.

As far as X-Box, I think that it isn't mostly disliked because it's micro soft, or because of Bill directly,but because you know his only goal is eventually a "monopoly",hence his attempted buying out of companies.Why would they make another one.....?....who knows...?

GameCube,I think did well, other than obviously rushing it's opening game line-up,but has gained support and is doing well.

What will the future hold for these three systems..........

tom the bomb
10-01-2002, 09:35 PM
Sorry but I am completely anti XBOX and hate the idea.

10-02-2002, 12:14 AM
It does seem kind of strange that Microsoft is continuing their foray into the console industry. They're still losing money on the X-Box, are they not?

At any rate, I'm much more interested in Nintendo and Sony's future projects then in Microsoft. The first two actually make interesting games I want to play.

10-03-2002, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Tifa's Knight
they are being retarded enough to already start talking about "Xbox 2" because Sony is being retarded enough to already talk about "PlayStation 3." The modern video game industry is nothing but hype, and these two big media stooges are furthering it every day.

Actually, TK, PS3 is already in production. They're making the microchips for it now. Although it won't get her efor another ocuple years.

10-03-2002, 03:09 AM
Originally posted by jamie
Actually, TK, PS3 is already in production. They're making the microchips for it now. Although it won't get her efor another ocuple years.

I know, and whatever thing Nintendo is making to come after the GC (if they actually are) is also already in production, and so is any other next-gen console that will come out. It always worked this way, it was just that no one needed to start showing it off until a year or so before it came out because back then they sold games based on quality, not on how much they could get people talking about them. The next-gen console race between Sony and Microsoft is a pissing contest to see who can generate the most impressive numbers and tech demos.