03-20-2010, 03:33 PM
I doubt there's a single person on this forum that cares, but I just have to get this out of me. Command and Conquer is one of my favorite series of all-time. The second last installment was Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 and it was mediocre at best. And then came Command and Conquer 4. AND IT SUCKS. OH GOD IT SUCKS!!! They fucked this game beyond belief, honestly. This is the last game in the series I'm buying, and that concludes my assosciation with EA.


Does anyone even care...?

03-20-2010, 03:49 PM
I've never played the series before, but I care ;)

03-20-2010, 06:47 PM
i care very much indeed! CnC were some of the first games i played. I agree RedAlert3 was a big disappontment, and tbh Tiberium wars and kanes addon wernt great. And you say the new Tiberium Finale is crap?

EA really do like to balls up the classic series' dont they.

03-20-2010, 07:45 PM
Command and Conquer stopped being good after Red Alert 2.

03-20-2010, 07:50 PM
I do not buy anything with EA's logo on it, old or new. It's a personal rule.

03-20-2010, 08:22 PM
I do not buy anything with EA's logo on it, old or new. It's a personal rule.

If you love online play then I can't argue with this. But if you just want a decent game to play, then you're going to miss out by abiding to this rule.

03-20-2010, 10:40 PM
Command and Conquer stopped being good after Red Alert 2.

I disagree. While Red Alert 2 is imo the best in the series, EA made two very good games afterwards. Generals and C&C 3 Tiberium wars were excellent additions to the series. So for me at least the series stopped being good after Command and Conquer 3.

03-21-2010, 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Flux
Command and Conquer stopped being good after Red Alert 2.

Red Alert 2 with Yuris Revenge expansion is the best without a doubt!

03-21-2010, 04:30 PM
I do not buy anything with EA's logo on it, old or new. It's a personal rule.

So you wouldn't even try Brutal Legends??

Argus Zephyrus
03-25-2010, 02:25 AM
Care to elaborate, Smarty?
Sad to hear that the latest C&C sucks bullocks.

03-25-2010, 04:00 AM
If you love online play then I can't argue with this. But if you just want a decent game to play, then you're going to miss out by abiding to this rule.

No. This is not true. The only games I really find interesting by western developers tend to be online anyway, with exceptions being stuff such as Half-Life, and... Well Valve and Arenanet are basically it for me. Nothing with the EA logo on it seems to be fresh or inspired.

So you wouldn't even try Brutal Legends??

Besides the fact that I've never heard of it, that title is a huge turnoff, and to be honest, I'm just that much of a tightass about it. So no, I wouldn't

03-25-2010, 04:54 AM
No. This is not true. The only games I really find interesting by western developers tend to be online anyway, with exceptions being stuff such as Half-Life, and... Well Valve and Arenanet are basically it for me. Nothing with the EA logo on it seems to be fresh or inspired.
I think you'll find more often than not, it's the western developers that are pushing games forward right now.

03-26-2010, 12:33 AM
I think you'll find more often than not, it's the western developers that are pushing games forward right now.

They are, but not in the RPG area, I don't want to play RPGs like oblivion and dragon age, kthx. Basically, I don't want to be playing the 1000th version of an rpg in a tolkien or d&d clone world. (ie medieval europe + a bit of magic and stereotypical monsters like goblins skeletons orcs blah blah shit) Because it is dry and done to death

I'm also not interested in rehashed WW2 or realistic modern shooters (cod, or cod-likes for lack of better term)

EA, Ubisoft, Bioware, and Epic are all sort of downers right now.

So what's good from western developers other than valve and arenanet right now?

03-26-2010, 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by Kayfabe
So what's good from western developers other than valve and arenanet right now?

Blizzard. Nuff' said.

Originally Posted by Argus Zephyrus
Care to elaborate, Smarty?
Sad to hear that the latest C&C sucks bullocks.

I will later once I get back from class.

03-26-2010, 06:27 AM
Blizzard seems to be pretty much over. WoW suffers from MMORPG grindanfest, and who knows if starcraft 2 can keep up their streak?

03-26-2010, 07:11 AM
Kayfabe, weren't you playing Civilization the other day..?

03-26-2010, 07:26 AM
Blizzard seems to be pretty much over. WoW suffers from MMORPG grindanfest

Actually WoW has the least grindfest of any MMO. Blizzard have made it so casual now that it takes a lot less time to reach endgame content.

Diablo III looks good, but other than WoW's new expansion Cataclysm, I'm not an avid fan.

03-26-2010, 01:01 PM
Blizzard seems to be pretty much over. WoW suffers from MMORPG grindanfest, and who knows if starcraft 2 can keep up their streak?

I don't really care about WoW, though it can't be that bad. Starcraft 2 WILL keep up their streak. I'm playing beta right now, and it's already better than Warcraft 3 ever could be. It still can't top Starcraft: Brood War but that's why it's still beta. It WILL be perfect when it's time to launch. And Diablo III looks very promising as well. Blizzard is everything but over, believe me.

03-26-2010, 02:36 PM
They are, but not in the RPG area, I don't want to play RPGs like oblivion and dragon age, kthx. Basically, I don't want to be playing the 1000th version of an rpg in a tolkien or d&d clone world. (ie medieval europe + a bit of magic and stereotypical monsters like goblins skeletons orcs blah blah shit) Because it is dry and done to death

I'm also not interested in rehashed WW2 or realistic modern shooters (cod, or cod-likes for lack of better term)

EA, Ubisoft, Bioware, and Epic are all sort of downers right now.

So what's good from western developers other than valve and arenanet right now?
Not all western RPGs are Tolkien-ispired with D&D rules, derp derp kthx xD.

execrable gumwrapper
03-26-2010, 05:09 PM
Starcraft 2 WILL keep up their streak. I'm playing beta right now

Go fuck yourself :(

03-26-2010, 06:20 PM
Go fuck yourself :(

I got lucky I guess. You wanted to play it too, right?

execrable gumwrapper
03-27-2010, 02:30 AM
I pretty much lurk SC2 vids on Youtube with my pants off.

03-27-2010, 02:45 AM
Kayfabe, weren't you playing Civilization the other day..?

Nope, I never would either.

Actually WoW has the least grindfest of any MMO.

Wrong. Ever played Guild Wars? I did, about 1700 hours worth. The majority of that at max level, and yet still the game is challenging because it is about strategy, teamwork, and originality, rather than having a game facilitate most characters using cookie cutter builds.

I don't really care about WoW, though it can't be that bad. Starcraft 2 WILL keep up their streak. I'm playing beta right now, and it's already better than Warcraft 3 ever could be. It still can't top Starcraft: Brood War but that's why it's still beta. It WILL be perfect when it's time to launch. And Diablo III looks very promising as well. Blizzard is everything but over, believe me.

This post is essentially meaningless. You simply say you enjoy beta, say that blizzard isnt over because starcraft 2 will keep up their streak, and say that D3 looks promising. There's no reason I should take that to heart. Why is starcraft 2 going to keep up the streak, and why does Diablo III look promising? Can we even say if Diablo 3 looks promising considering we've not seen very much of how the actual gameplay will play out? Theres no way to tell if it's just going to be an eyecandy game or not. Thanks for trying, but you gotta make statements and show some reasoning...

Not all western RPGs are Tolkien-ispired with D&D rules, derp derp kthx xD.

Mass Effect looks like shit if thats what you're referring to. Otherwise I can barely think up any. I don't really care enough though, probably.

03-27-2010, 08:41 AM
This post is essentially meaningless. You simply say you enjoy beta, say that blizzard isnt over because starcraft 2 will keep up their streak, and say that D3 looks promising. There's no reason I should take that to heart. Why is starcraft 2 going to keep up the streak, and why does Diablo III look promising? Can we even say if Diablo 3 looks promising considering we've not seen very much of how the actual gameplay will play out? Theres no way to tell if it's just going to be an eyecandy game or not. Thanks for trying, but you gotta make statements and show some reasoning...

You're right, I was being pretty vague, so let me explain.

What we have in beta so far, is an incredibly competitive game, with very diverse gameplay, very similar to Brood War. A lot of units have been replaced with new ones, the older ones have been changed dramatically. The gameplay feels both fresh and familiar. It's fantastic so far. Changes are constantly being so that proves work is being done. Balance. It's only been about a month in beta and there's already been a database reset and 6 patches. Players have to adapt to each situation. They've changed significantly. The matchmaking is easy, accurate and fast. You can choose between 1v1,2v2,3v3,4v4 and FFA and choose your own race. All these matchups except FFA are ranked with multiple division leagues etc. Profiles are very detailed now. Showing wins,losses,best race,best map,highest rank,lowest rank etc. And they say there's a lot more stuff that isn't available in beta. All you need to know is it feels like Starcraft. The soundtrack for Terran is great. Protoss only have 1 track but it's pretty good. The Zerg themes are a little disappointing, but maybe it's just me. The only thing left is the campaign and I have a feeling it's going to be great.

03-27-2010, 09:11 AM
Nope, I never would either.

Mass Effect looks like shit if thats what you're referring to.
You have possibly the worst taste ever.

03-27-2010, 09:15 AM
You have possibly the worst taste ever.

Just about everyone says that, so I'm not terribly inclined to argue, it's probably true. There's nothing I can do about it I suppose, I like what I like and I hate what I hate.

03-27-2010, 10:12 PM
Mass Effect looks like shit if thats what you're referring to. Otherwise I can barely think up any. I don't really care enough though, probably.

Mass Effect is the opposite of shit! It's one of the best games ever.

Overall however I do agree with you that in terms of setting, the vast majority of western RPGs are very unoriginal and dull. Gameplay wise they are better than JRPGs. Personally I would love to see more synthesis of what I find appealing about both styles. JRPGs usually have much more interesting worlds and creatures.

05-05-2010, 01:35 AM
Tiberian Twilight had a very weak conclusion. I mean...Kane walks through a portal with the rest of his followers and then....what else?

Gameplay-wise I'm really reminded of World in Conflict and Dawn of War 2 and Company of Heroes.

I somewhat miss the base-building and the resource-mining, but I do like those Crawlers.

08-12-2010, 08:22 PM
Have you guys looked at the Mods that are being made for Command and Conquer 3 by fans?

Some good one are Tiberium Essence, Tiberian Sun Rising, C&C 3: The Forgotten, C&C3: Tiberium Icestorm, and C&CIV: Tiberian Eclipse.

Eclipse is being designed to improve upon the concepts of C&C4