Liquid Fire
09-27-2002, 03:12 AM
So everyone what is you favorite part in FFIX Like movie and minigames and include favoite character and tell why u like them so u have a longer post... Mine is the cardgames and i also liked the tournament of the Hunt that was interesting, hmm my favorite character is steiner i think maybe zidane im not sure and My favorite battle in Fighting Hades That is fun with the music and in the space place its cool well so all u ppl include what i did !! heh

Terra Alexandria
09-27-2002, 09:11 AM
My favourite character is Zidane or Vivi...Amarant?duh.....Garnet!*Smash myself on the head*

09-27-2002, 05:26 PM
I think we can up with enough about our favorite FMV so as to make the additional two unneccessary, but I'll be a good sport here and answer them all. My favorite character was Vivi, I enjoyed quite a few of the FMVs but one of my favorites is the black mage massacre. As for mini-games, I suppose I'll be obvious and go with FF9's cardgame here.

09-27-2002, 06:18 PM
i cant remember many of the FMV's in FF9. the game kind of flew past me in a haze. my fave char was Amarant tho. he was just a moody c*nt, and cudnt give a fuck bout anybody but himself. thats the way to go :D and for minigames...i didnt like any of em really.

09-28-2002, 02:55 AM
my favorite character from ff9 is Princess Garnet cuz in my opinion shes a mix of ff7's Tifa and ff8's Rinoa. + she has all the summons!

My favorite mini games from ff9 are the card game of course (my favorite card is the Boco card) and i also like the mini game chocobo hot and cold, its unique cuz in the other ff's all u do if ride them, in chocobo hot and cold u search for treasure with them. he he in final fantasy i think that man's best friend is a chocobo.

Lastly my favorite movie from ff9 is when alexander and bahumut battle each other in alexandria.

i just thought of another character i really like from ff9...... Garland. he's got a cool attitude. he's kinda a mix between ff7's bugenhagen and star wars darth vader, cuz of his dark suit. he he maybe he should have had a light saber.

09-29-2002, 09:09 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">My favourite character would probably be Vivi. I didn't use him in battle that much, but he was a well-developed character, and you could see how determined he was to find out more about himself for the whole game. Steiner was good too, he was so stupid it was funny. :D

I'm not too sure about my favourite FMV really. I'd probably say the one over Alexandria involving Alexander and Bahamut.

And for mini-games, I wasn't a huge fan of them. The card game was far too random (I understand very well how it works, I just don't like the random element of it), the chocobo game got boring easily, and the others held no real interest. The skipping game in Alexandria was alright, but you couldn't play that for the whole game. Then racing Hippaul was just a good way to hurt your fingers. ;)

09-30-2002, 05:51 PM
My favourite character? Garnet, obviously. (I don't know how many times I've actually said that on this Forum!). For several reasons: one. She's a White Mage, and wears the robe too for a short part of the game. Two, she's a princess, and I have a thing for princesses (fantasy ones that is), and third, she wears a VERY fine and sexy dress several times in the game.

I must admit I'm partial to the Tetra Master card game. I never really liked Triple Triad in FFVIII (that bloody random rule was enough to put me off the game for good!), however, Tetra master actually was good, as it wasn't solely dependent on what cards you had. Rather, it was more a game of chance. If the cards 'battled', a random number chosen from the card's 'stats' decided the winner. Naturally, cards with higher stats had a greater chance of winning a card battle, but even a powerful high level card could be humbled with a card combo caused by a bunch of lower level cards. Even when I lost a card game, I still enjoyed the game, as there was really no such thing as a 'rare' card, unlike in FFVIII, so you didn't feel quite as bad at losing one to an opponent. And as cards actually gained experience depending on how many times it's used and how many battles it wins, means that even a crappy Goblin card can be turned into a combo-making powerhouse.

Finally, I think my favourite FMV scene would either be Kuja against Brahne's fleet, or the whole battle of Alexandria.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-03-2002, 06:46 PM
Fave Character: Vivi, good use of destructive magic, well developed character, didn't seem too whiney near the end of the game.

Fave FMV: Alexader Vs. Bahmut Show down in Alexadria, stunning, just stunning.

Fave Minigame: Tetra Master, it was fun and seemed well thought out.
EDIT: Also Chocobo Hot&Cold.

andy mercer
10-03-2002, 08:21 PM
my favorite part of ff 9 would be when granets mother summoned odin on the city that was cool caz the graphics was great and the detail to odin was alsome too. my favorite character was zidane cause i just a main character type of person.

10-03-2002, 09:17 PM
Favorite character: Zidane and Freya

Favorite Mini-game: CHOCOBOS! CHICKIEBOO Atsui to Samui. Totemo omoshiroi ne!! ^_^

Nothing like the wonderful beak-breaking slam of a chocobo's face into the ground! And I like how Zidane looks like he's getting a concussion up on Choco's back. Those things always amuse me... ;)

Favorite FMV: A lot of choices for this one. :) First would definitely be the ending FMV. That. FMV. Is. AWESOME! What a way to wrap up the game, ne? :D And then there's Dagger's whole haircut scene, but I can't take that seriously anymore becasue I keep thinking, "What if she shaved her head instead of just cutting her hair?" And the image I get always amuses me. And then there's a attack on Alexandria (summoning Alexander), the Mage vs. Mage battle at South Gate, and the Assault of the Silver Dragons before Memoria. Damn. This game has a lot of great FMVs. Hard to pick just one. ^_^

10-06-2002, 11:29 PM
For favorite FMVs, I really liked the Iifa Tree battle at the end of Disc two and the Alexander Vs Bahamut FMV at the end of Disc Three. Both were really good ^^

My favorite character has GOT to be Vivi! And the Moogles! Yay...

10-19-2002, 08:55 PM
My favortie character was Vivi. He was kawaii, powerful, and he was a very well developed character!

My favorite battles were with the Black Waltzes! I LOVE those boss battles!!! ^_^ The Waltzies are SO cool! :)

Um...None of the game thingys were really fun...Chocobo Hot & Cold should DIEEEEE.......

10-29-2002, 04:39 PM
I liked Zidane the best becuase he was a typical teenage male and that is what I am. I also loved the card game and had almost mastered it.... I had 83 wins and 11 losses. I liked the CG seen where Zidane went to save Kuja. well thats about it....... for now.

10-31-2002, 07:47 PM
My fav character was Garnet cos she had so much power even though she always seemed so helpless in the game and also, she was very kind-hearted and sensitive which is good. My fav mini game was catching the frogs near where Quina lived as I was fairly good at the game and it was quite fun. I really hating play cards though cos I really suck at playing.

Oh, and as for my fav battle I don't really have one as I hate any sort of battles whether they are random or boss battles. They are quite annoying to me and I am good at fighting I just rather play the FF games for the story rather than the battles :B

The Wandering Knight
11-09-2002, 10:50 PM
My favorite charecter has to be Beatrix:D...she's a KNIGHT:D, she's cool with both, swords and white magic..
I also like Kuja because he's so damn cool..Zidane was great and fun:D.

For the I like too many ones...let's say I liked the one with Odine, Bahamut and Alexander's battle over Alexandria, Kuja destroying Terra (hey that's so damn cool:D), The ending....Hmmm I better stop:D

As for the mini games..I was kinda addected to this Tetra master and I also liked Hot and Cold:d....

Cait Sith
11-19-2002, 02:21 PM
i like freya!!!!!!!! she is really good at fighting and shes a rat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i also like Bran Bal!!!(bcoz its all blue and mysterious:alien: )

11-22-2002, 04:45 AM

11-24-2002, 05:33 AM
Fave char: Kuja because I like his self-centered egotisical personality.

Fave FMV: When garnet's mothers summoned Odin to destroy that so much detail.

Fave mini game: I enjoyed the hot and cold chocobo. It was fun collecting rare items.

11-24-2002, 10:03 PM
-My favorite character would be a combination of zidane and kuja they kick ass and kuja is just so damn cool, anyone who has the guts to where a thong in public and is a guy to boot is pretty damn cool.

-My favorite mini game is that thing where you have to kill all the monsters I never won it but it proved to be interesting, the mini games in nine kinda sucked. The mini game with cid and the monster in the cage was just terrible. :notgood:

-My favorite FMV was the one with kuja and bermecia and the one where alexandria grows wings. I liked the big sword through the castle thing...

12-04-2002, 12:11 AM
I like Kuja! He's really cool and powerful (not to mention sexy) ;) And my favorite movie was when the was transported to Terra. The colors were awesome. ^_^

12-04-2002, 04:57 AM
my fav. character was Garnet (shes awsome) and Zidane was too damn funny ^__^

i'd have to say the one FMV where odin gets summoned to Alexandria and the final was so happy...

my favorite mini game was hot and cold chocobo

12-05-2002, 02:30 AM
Well...the favortie mimi game was the Hunt and the chocobo hunt thing, 'cause when your chocobo becomes a hard ass, you get really cool shit if you find it. I love the battle with Omega, yet I have not beaten him yet, It has a great background in the sky, plus the music and environment is just sweet. I like Garnet like a few have said she is a combination of Tifa and Rinoa, plus she is totally sexy... like the scene before the Theatre ship docks...*ugh* awsome! I also like Beatrix because she is also sexy and powerful. Kuja looks pretty gay but his intentions and plots are also pretty hardass... too bad Zidane's the more powerful Genome (or is supposed to be). That's it, peace out...

12-08-2002, 12:55 AM
my favorite character is zidane. he has that cheerfulness on him

01-09-2003, 06:32 PM
I really don't have a favorite part its all awesome but my favorite character is monic.

Nanaki XIII
01-10-2003, 02:28 AM
Fav Char-Zidane, hes such a pimp

Fav minigame- no minigame can beat chocobo hot or cold


fav movie-when bahamut kicks the queens ass

02-08-2003, 06:27 AM
My favorite character was Vivi cause he was a lot like me.

Favorite FMV was the one when they're on the airship and all the black mages go flying off after the Waltz hits them with lightning. The music is sad, but I like it.

Favorite minigame, probably chocobo hot and cold. Damn I invested a lot of hours in that stuff.

:notgood: Why do people act the way they do sometimes, why is it?

Vivi FF
02-09-2003, 10:29 PM
Character: Vivi, how do you think I came up with my name?
Movie: The one where Black Waltz 3 kills all the black mages in the airship and Vivi is so sad and angry... Such as sad yet powerful movie.
Minigame: Festival of Hunt was very interesting and fun.

02-14-2003, 01:47 AM
Fav character: Dagger
Fav FMV: When Odin is summoned by Queen Brahn
Fav minigame: didn't like any in particular

03-08-2003, 04:28 AM
Character: Beatrix (Runner Up among the main characters: Eiko)

Movie: Ending

Minigame: Chocobo Hot and Cold

03-23-2004, 10:55 AM
My fav character was Vivi because he was so adorable and cute. My fav mini game( i guess it was a mini game) was in the beggining when you were acting in the play and zidane had to follow the other guys lead and you had to press the correct buttons. that was pretty cool Oh cant forget about kuja I never really got ino the hot or cold game. It seemed as tho every place i went i was cold so i jsut stoped playing it. And the card game was cool once i got the hang of it :eye:

Bahamut ZERO
03-23-2004, 04:24 PM
MrCloudandMe, just a small note not to resurrect topics that aren't over a year old, especially when there are newer topics with the same subjects on the first page. :) <-- Favourite Character. <-- Favourite Video / Movie.

If you wanna talk about the third topic (minigames) feel free to make a topic. :)
