03-16-2010, 01:53 PM
The fine folks over at OC Remix, which I assume many regulars here frequent as well, have just released another album, Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Money Business. The album is amazing, and anyone who likes (a) DKC2 music, or (b) vg music in general should check it out.

Here's the link:


Download the torrent and help seed if possible. If you can't, they also have individual download links and a big zip file with everything. Check it out!

03-16-2010, 02:34 PM
I was awaiting for this from since this started thanks alot!!

03-16-2010, 04:58 PM
Interesting. Thanks for this!

03-16-2010, 05:08 PM
Looking forward to dl'ing this tonight... DKC2 has the best soundtrack out of all of the DKC games.

03-16-2010, 05:22 PM
Thank You!

03-16-2010, 06:29 PM
Looking forward to dl'ing this tonight... DKC2 has the best soundtrack out of all of the DKC games.

I'll check this out.

03-16-2010, 08:05 PM
Thank you!

03-16-2010, 08:10 PM
So far, im loving the soundtrack!
To be honest, i dont like ocre-remix.. not after the job they did with SSF2HDR, and also many other tracks that just sound too "synthetic" to me.

But this soundtrack is the exeption.

03-17-2010, 02:43 AM
So far, im loving the soundtrack!
To be honest, i dont like ocre-remix.. not after the job they did with SSF2HDR, and also many other tracks that just sound too "synthetic" to me.

But this soundtrack is the exeption.

Well, to be fair, with Street Fighter, they were doing ReMixes that were intended to actually be used in-game, so the synthetic sounds fit the nature of the game. The original version of the Street Fighter 2 album, Blood on the Asphault, was pretty different from the in-game version.

Having listened to this whole thing, I liked it, but there were some tracks I was disappointed with (which is often my feeling on OC ReMix albums anyway). I really, really didn't like their interpretation of the mines track, which could have gone a completely different way and could have been much better (I don't like rap, but even so, I'm open to it if it fits the source material). Some other songs were only okay. Overall, though, this is a solid work and another great addition to the OC ReMix library of fan albums.

EDIT: By the way, don't know if anyone else caught this, but the track called "Re-Skewed" is a mix by David Wise, Grant Kirkhope, & Robin Beanland, the original composers of the DKC2 soundtrack. I think it's the first time the original composer remixed a track for an OC ReMix album, and it's pure awesomeness.

03-17-2010, 03:23 AM
I'm not feeling this album at all. It has the same problem most OCR stuff has: the remixes take too many liberties with the source material. It gets really ridiculous when they add vocals or do hard rock/heavy metal remixes. These remixers are clearly more interested in showing off their (admittedly impressive) production skills than they are in remaining faithful to the original songs. David Wise's remix is good, but it's too bad he picked a boring track like the Credits theme to do. I would much rather have heard his re-interpretation of Stickerbrush Symphony or In A Snow-Bound Land.

03-17-2010, 03:29 AM
To be honest i liked the last album better, they could of done alot more better with bossanova and disco trainm also the map theme as well.

The heavy metal k rool theme i liked the best though, the instrumental of course not the shitty lyrics.

03-17-2010, 04:14 AM
can someone mirror, I hate torrents...

Edit: Nvrm

03-17-2010, 05:41 AM
Sounds pretty good so far. Disappointed they ruined "Kannon's Claim" & "Hot-Head Bop" stage music with lyrics... I sort of hope they'd be willing to release a "instrumental" version of these songs.

03-17-2010, 08:27 AM
can someone mirror, I hate torrents...

Edit: Nvrm
I might put up Rapidshare links in a bit. Who knows.

Anyway, thanks. I didn't even know about this but I'm really looking forward to listening now!

03-17-2010, 01:00 PM
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, XZero! I've been waiting for this album, and I simply can't wait to add it to my Pod. :)

03-18-2010, 12:05 PM
Sankyuu for this ;)

03-20-2010, 11:29 AM
Thank you!

Donkey Kong Country 2 = The best Donkey kong!

Elok Quintly
03-20-2010, 07:16 PM
Sounds pretty good so far. Disappointed they ruined "Kannon's Claim" & "Hot-Head Bop" stage music with lyrics... I sort of hope they'd be willing to release a "instrumental" version of these songs.
Unfortunately they're not. Nekofrog was the only one kind enough to provide us with an instrumental version. They're also not very nice to people that aren't fond of vocals.

03-20-2010, 08:15 PM
Unfortunately they're not. Nekofrog was the only one kind enough to provide us with an instrumental version. They're also not very nice to people that aren't fond of vocals.

Meh... I used to post at that forum back a few years ago (around the time when Bush was getting elected to presidency the second time around... I remember because people were having a field day in there on Election Day), and there are quite a bit of douches there. Not sure if much has changed in the past 6 years or so, but judging from your comment, it doesn't seem like it.

At any rate, some songs sound good with lyrics, some songs don't. They sort of robbed the feel of the original songs with lyrics. That's just my opinion though. I can respect their creative talents for wanting to do it with lyrics. It's a matter of preference though... but they shouldn't act like pricks about it though if they don't indeed like people who don't like lyrics in their mixes.

03-20-2010, 08:37 PM
Their general albums tend to have a bit more variety in terms of instrumental vs. vocal tracks. Some of the more specific ones are targeted a little tighter, but it seems to be about 80-20 in terms of instrumental-vocal more recently.

I like OCR, but there is a bit of arrogance around some of the people there. I think their best album thus far was either the FFVII one or the Super Metroid one years ago. FFVII had lots of great tracks, but not all of them were winners. It, too, suffered from the vocal issue (I don't like vocals being added to intentionally instrumental tracks, personally). I was very disappointed by One-Winged Angel on that album, though I was (probably unfairly) comparing it to Advent One Winged Angel, which is the definitive remix of that song in my opinion.

Having listened to this album more, it really isn't one of my favorites. The arrangements tend to stray too far from the source material in some cases, and there's simply too much music in styles I don't like. Totally subjective, totally a matter of personal preference, but that's how I feel.

03-20-2010, 09:54 PM
Having listened to this album more, it really isn't one of my favorites. The arrangements tend to stray too far from the source material in some cases, and there's simply too much music in styles I don't like. Totally subjective, totally a matter of personal preference, but that's how I feel.

I agree with your statement. After listening to some of the songs, a few detracted from the original versions which makes it pointless to call it a remix. Joshua Morse and Fishy actually stayed true to the original versions the best in my opinion. These for songs I've actually listened to. I'm still going through the album though.

03-22-2010, 05:42 AM
I was thrilled when I saw the thread title, but after seeing the reactions I'm very worried. DLing now, thanks for the link