Liquid Fire
09-27-2002, 01:57 AM
Not sure if this thread exist but post anyways Mine personally is the Video where All the weapons are flying out of the northern crater ..!! great video

09-27-2002, 08:56 AM

Lesse, you mean FMV right? Well, there hasn't been a thread like this in a while so i'll post. Mine would be when Aeris dies. It has a lot of meaning to it and looks kewl (though would've looked better with blood) or when Cloud is going through those tunnel things and sees Sephiroth at the bottom (before the final battle)

Neo Xzhan
09-27-2002, 09:31 AM

Much the same as CLoud. I found the Aeris-death FMV very sad. And when you fly to meet Sephiroth for the final confrontation was vey intense.

09-27-2002, 05:21 PM
There aren't too many FMVs to choose from in FF7, so I'm going to have to agree with the majority here and go with the Aeris death sequence. The opening was nice too.

09-27-2002, 07:15 PM
I really like the one at the top that was mentioned, although I have sort of love/hate relationship because it had a tendency to crash my game back on my old PC. (This is a known issue.) Also a lot of the Junon video in Disc 2 with Weapon attacking is very good. And yeah, Aeris's death scene.

09-27-2002, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
I really like the one at the top that was mentioned, although I have sort of love/hate relationship because it had a tendency to crash my game back on my old PC. (This is a known issue.) Also a lot of the Junon video in Disc 2 with Weapon attacking is very good. And yeah, Aeris's death scene.

That happened to you to eh? That damn fucking sequence was a total bitch... i tried time and time again to get past it... changing all of my settings and shit... but no luck. works on my new p.c. though. I was pretty pissed off when i got past it cus i played it on playstation, cus i saw that there wasn't really anything special about that part that would make my comp crash. Was a cool skit though in the end I guess.

I liked the skit in nibelhiem when Kuja set the place on fire and the music changed and all that. And then the bit a little after that when cloud squares up to seph in the reactor and u think they are gonna fight. I was chanting at my TV "beat the shit out him cloud, come on, kick his ass!!" But he didn't.

09-27-2002, 10:43 PM
Well, what I did was that I got onto the official site and they had some sort of trick there for getting the video to load from your hard drive. So I set that and it worked. If I remember correctly, the video still didn't work right, but it didn't crash my game either.

God of HellFIRE
09-27-2002, 11:18 PM
My fav FF7 videos are pretty much the same as everyone elses...
Aeris Death and when Cloud is "flying" to meet Sephiroth!!

09-30-2002, 11:15 AM
aeris's death


and forever

09-30-2002, 06:51 PM
My favorite is when the party meets Sephiroth is Clouds hometown, Nibeel. It portrays sephiroth's true self and how much he kicks ass, hell he isn't even affected by the fire!

10-01-2002, 11:03 AM
bet he was just trying to look dont see him on the other side...maybe his wig set on fire and he screamed like a girl :D

hes such a poser.....

but i love him anyway

10-04-2002, 08:19 PM
The creator video was pretty cool, tho actually I really didn't like them, as I'm using the PC version, and half the time the movie would freeze, making me restart from the last save point...quite annoying. But anyway, I also liked the one where the sister ray took out the blue weapon, just outside Junon.

Heavens Cloud
10-16-2002, 06:57 PM
I like the video after he beats sephiroth and also the vidoe at the end of the game after the credits are done with Red XIII in it :)

10-17-2002, 06:32 PM
there isnt very many, but i would have to say the one were Aeris dies, she was stupid and pointless in battle, i never used her, unless i had to.

if not that, than the one were the one weapon (i cant think of the one at the moment) gets its head blone off by the sister ray canan, that was cool.


Neo Xzhan
10-17-2002, 10:23 PM
2 Other FMVs I liked are: the FMV where Diamond Weapon get's shot by the Mako cannon (sister ray what ever ^_^), it looks very impressive. And ofcourse the final FMV it is fantastic and leaves room for imagination for what may happen afterwards.

10-17-2002, 11:29 PM
[purely facetious mode]:::gasp!::: What are you talking about?! "fantastic?" "leaves room for imagination?" It's terrible! It's incomplete! What's with Aeris at the end? And the whole Red XIII thing. Just weird.[/purely facetious mode]

Neo Xzhan
10-18-2002, 09:31 AM
I think you missed my point. What I mean is, yes the ending may seem a bit incomplete, but I liked that. And that Aeris on thing on the end?? Now that is where your imagination comes in. Just think of something creative on how she happend to be there. And the Nanaki scene?? I found that beautifull and it shows what has becone of what Cloud and the others have fought for.

Heavens Cloud
10-18-2002, 03:21 PM
ya i like the ending how it is cause then you can kinda asume your own ending to what happened its cool.
But still i would like to see a complete ending to the game also it would be fun to watch :p

10-18-2002, 05:13 PM
Neo, Neo, you missed the point of my post. Please, go back and look at the tags around it.

10-26-2002, 10:50 AM
airies death sequence and i liked the one where they stole the tiny bronco

10-26-2002, 10:04 PM
when aeris died...the song was great, the death of her looked realistic, by the way she got the sword...ahem...yeah...*rubs eyes*

The Wandering Knight
11-06-2002, 05:24 PM
I liked many FMVs in the game...
I liked the opening, when weapons came out of that crator, when Junon canon blows off one of the weapons head, when the sister ray get through that diamond weapon, when Cloud flies to meet Sepheroth at the final battle...and of course Aeris' death scene that one was really touching...