03-12-2010, 01:13 PM


Inon Zur - Dragon Age: Origins (02:48)
Inon Zur - Ruins of Ostagar (01:18)
Inon Zur - Elves At The Mercy Of Men (01:21)
Inon Zur - The Dwarven Nobles (01:07)
Inon Zur - The Circle Tower (01:07)
Inon Zur - Mages In Their Chantry (02:03)
Inon Zur - Human Nobility (01:21)
Inon Zur - Rise Of The Darkspawn (05:06)
Inon Zur - Tavern Brawl (01:15)
Inon Zur - The Grey Warden Legacy (00:43)
Inon Zur - The Realm Of Orzammar (01:18)
Inon Zur - The Urn Of Sacred Ashes (01:01)
Inon Zur - Leliana's Song (02:35)
Inon Zur - The Deep Roads (01:20)
Inon Zur - The Nature Of The Beast (01:30)
Inon Zur - Ferelden At War (02:57)
Inon Zur - I Am The One (04:01)
DJ Killa Jewel - I Am The One - DJ Killa Jewel Remix (03:20)



Inon Zur - Dragon Age: Origins (02:49)
Inon Zur - I Am The One (High Fantasy Version) (04:03)
Inon Zur - The Chantries Hubris (03:16)
Inon Zur - Elves At The Mercy Of Man (01:21)
Inon Zur - The Dwarven Nobles (01:07)
Inon Zur - Mages In Their Chantry (02:01)
Inon Zur - The Common Dwarf (01:24)
Inon Zur - The Dalish (01:18)
Inon Zur - Human Nobility (01:21)
Inon Zur - Ruins Of Ostagar (01:18)
Inon Zur - Enter The Kocari Wilds (01:06)
Inon Zur - Darkspawn In The Wilds (01:13)
Inon Zur - Join The Grey Wardens (01:53)
Inon Zur - The Betrayal (03:01)
Inon Zur - The Party Camp (00:44)
Inon Zur - Battle The Darkspawn Hordes (01:05)
Inon Zur - The Endless Wave Of Hurlocks (01:06)
Inon Zur - The Dalish Elves Encampment (01:18)
Inon Zur - Urn Of Sacred Ashes (01:01)
Inon Zur - Haven! (01:07)
Inon Zur - Battle For The Urn (01:06)
Inon Zur - Attack On Denerim (01:06)
Inon Zur - The Dungeons Of Landsmeet (01:12)
Inon Zur - Dungeons And Dungeons (01:13)
Inon Zur - Howe (01:08)
Inon Zur - The Battle Of Lothering Village (02:18)
Inon Zur - Ferelden At War (02:57)
Inon Zur - Leliana's Song (02:33)
Inon Zur - King Edrin (01:31)
Inon Zur - The Deep Roads (01:20)
Inon Zur - Battle The Blight (01:05)
Inon Zur - To Kill An Ogre (03:09)
Inon Zur - Challenge An Arch Demon (03:12)
Inon Zur - The Coronation (01:03)
Inon Zur - I Am The One (Dark Fantasy Version) (04:09)


Ending song - "This is War" by 30 Seconds to Mars

Here's the rip. Sounds for this game are stored in .fsb files, and when you actually extract them, they have .wav extension, but they are already in mp3 format ranging from 128 to 192 kbps. So, I just extracted the files and gave them their true .mp3 extensions, and the point is there was no need for converting them 'cause they are used in the game itself as mp3s.
Now, most of them have very indicative names, so if you, for example, want ambiental sounds played for:
-Lothering, find DA_m_lot_village_a3.mp3 and similar
-Loading/ Character Creation Screen, find chargen_stem1.mp3 and similar
-Calenhad docks, find DA_m_docs_a4.mp3 and similar etc.


Rip from Awakening expansion (has a password):

Rip from Leliana's Song DLC:

if i did put a password, then it is "2010" without quotes


03-12-2010, 01:36 PM
Thanks for the ending song and the complete OST!

03-12-2010, 03:44 PM
can anyone do a PC audio rip? theres some songs still missing :(

03-13-2010, 04:05 AM
could i want a mirror?
i cant open the mediafire site Orz

03-16-2010, 01:55 PM
You probably need to upgrade or install Java for your web browser:
@gamer123: can you tell me where exactly in the game those songs are playing (I know it will be spoiler for someone), so I can extract them, when I have some free time, of course?

03-17-2010, 10:05 AM
theres a song that plays at every tavern and theres one that plays during character creation, I think theres more but cant remember, thanks

03-18-2010, 04:06 AM
could i want a mirror?

03-23-2010, 12:36 PM
OK, I've finally done the rip. Sounds for this game are stored in .fsb files, and when you actually extract them, they have .wav extension, but they are already in mp3 format ranging from 128 to 192 kbps. So, I just extracted the files and gave them their true .mp3 extensions, and the point is there was no need for converting them 'cause they are used in the game itself as mp3s.
Now, most of them have very indicative names, so if you, for example, want ambiental sounds played for:
-Lothering, find DA_m_lot_village_a3.mp3 and similar
-Loading/ Character Creation Screen, find chargen_stem1.mp3 and similar
-Calenhad docks, find DA_m_docs_a4.mp3 and similar etc.


03-23-2010, 06:34 PM
wow thx

03-28-2010, 09:05 PM
thanks man!

03-31-2010, 09:48 PM
thank you

04-02-2010, 02:58 PM
Thanks for sharing this! I tried to get the official MP3 from Amazon but my buggy computer wouldn't let me. I was gutted. But finding this has totally made my Easter! Cheers!

07-09-2010, 01:21 AM
Thank you for this
I love this game (and its music)

07-14-2010, 07:23 PM
Hey guys! I couldn't find a thread for the specific thing(s) I'm looking for, it so I'm going to ask here. Does anyone have the music to any of the DLC packs for Dragon Age Origins? The one I am mainly looking for, which has fantastic new music not heard in the original soundtrack is the latest one: Leliana's Song.

Does anyone have any music files from the DLC or is it possible to rip or extract it from the PC version? I don't really know how to do that, but I thought I'd ask since there are many out there who can. Hope someone can help. The new tracks in Leliana's Song are great (in my opinion) :)


07-15-2010, 08:28 AM
I do have Leliana's Song DLC (pc version) and I 've already ripped it, but my net can't upload anything these days, so as soon as it gets back to normal, I will upload it, if somebody doesn't beat me to it... :) p.s. I ripped Awakening too, so I'll upload along with that...

07-16-2010, 08:52 AM
That would be truly amazing! Then I know I can listen to the great tunes from Leliana's Song, and I would very much like to listen to Awakening too, so thanks for that too. Here's hoping you can upload soon :) Thanks again and take care!

07-20-2010, 04:32 PM
Ok, my net is still f**ked up (it takes ages to load any webpage) and I'm going away for couple of weeks (hey, it's summer) so I can't upload anything for unknown time period. So I will tell you how to extract music by yourself, assuming you have both Awakening and Leliana's Song still installed on your PC, and believe me, it's extremely easy to do (in this game). First download this app:

Unrar it somewhere, and double click .exe file. Select Main -> Open and find your game install folders:
(file path is different if you installed by default). In my case it was
E:\ games > dragon age (just this begining will be different) > packages > core_ep1 > audio > sound > music_bank_strm_new.fsb
The file should be 141 MB (just for orientation). And this is Awakening music.
Now you'll see bunch of files listed, hold ctrl and mark just files which have "da_music_ep1" as part of its name, then choose Entries -> Extract Selected, and the files will be extracted where you unrared fsb extractor in Dumps folder, and are ready to play.

For Leliana's Song filepath is
C:\ Users > (your username) > Documents > BioWare > Dragon Age > AddIns > dao_prc_lel > module > audio > sound > music_bank_strm_new.fsb

You want to mark just files that have "da_music_lel" as part of its name and "da_music_452816_papers.wav which is played when Leliana inspects Orlesian papers. Choose Extract Selected and files are ready to play.

Note 1: All files after extraction have .wav extension but they are already .mp3 and that can confuse some players, so you could do a bit painful job of renaming wav to mp3 for every extracted file.
Note 2: Some tracks will suddenly stop, that's normal because they are designed to loop in game. If you want to remove this sudden stop, a fade out effect can be applied to last 5-6 seconds of the track with program Audacity or similar, but I won't explain that here.

Hope this was clear enough, it's better to do it yourself, because I really don't know when my pc will be able to upload something again.

The Doctor
07-21-2010, 06:33 PM
I've decided to download this because, frankly, I'm tired of playing a version of the game that appears to be completely music free (on the PS3, I've spent about four hours playing and there hasn't been a single note of music outside the opening cut scene). I'd really like to know what I'm missing.

07-21-2010, 07:24 PM
I'm really sorry, but I do not have Dragon Age for PC (I play it on console), I only mentioned it because I know its much easier for people with know-how to rip music from the PC-versions of games instead of the console-versions. If anyone can do these steps that cooljacker so kindly explained above and upload the tracks here, I would be really grateful.

And I agree with you somewhat SpikeRevell, but there are some pretty cues here and there in Leliana's Song and the music that is present is very good in my opinion. I have also played it on PS 3. Hope someone might be able to do this. It would be awesome!

Thanks :)

07-27-2010, 09:27 AM
I'm back! I had major troubles uploading, and I eventually managed with, I'm sorry there is no mediafire link yet, be sure to download this fast, because it'll probably be deleted since it was anonymous upload

Now these are just tracks from Leliana's Song

it's a direct rip, meaning they are only extracted, but not converted - game uses them as mp3s. I only added ID tags and put fade out effect in some files which were meant to loop.

So the quality is mp3 @ 128 kbps (and only 32000 Hz sampling frequency which is a bit surprising)

Just hit "request download ticket" and you should be able to download it...

07-27-2010, 11:47 AM
Downloading it now. Thanks man.

07-27-2010, 01:37 PM
Woohoo! Thank you very much for your effort cooljacker. I really appreciate this :) Going to listen right away!

07-27-2010, 01:37 PM
Woohoo! Thank you very much for your amazing effort cooljacker. I really appreciate this :) Going to listen right away!

Sorry for the double post, my connection got stuck so I pressed "Post Quick Reply" twice.

08-03-2010, 09:09 AM
Here are the tracks from Awakening:

sorry for the delay...

08-23-2010, 07:41 AM
If this has the Lake Calenhad theme, I love you. :U

08-23-2010, 10:21 AM
If this has the Lake Calenhad theme, I love you. :U

Lake Calenhad tracks are included in rip, download these:
group1.rar (
group2.rar (
I can't remember whether I zipped it in the first or second file.
Calenhad tracks have names like DA_m_docs_a4.mp3 and similar. This info is also in first post (it seems you missed to read it fully, nevermind though)

09-01-2010, 08:16 PM
Stupid question: Does the rip have all the tracks from the "Full" soundtrack?

09-06-2010, 08:38 AM
Rip has that AND many more tracks which aren't actually included in full OST, for instance: music played at Calenhad docks, when you're creating new character, ambiental music from Lothering, Leliana's Song without vocal and so on....
And a reminder - If you get corrupted files after download, repair them with WinRAR.

10-07-2010, 11:03 AM
do you know i can i get the sound files, specifically the sound of "armor". like when you moving u hear the sound of armor moving. i'm trying to get it off the Dragon age Origin game, but unable to do so. converting fsb to WAV the first time is possible but i am unable then convert it to "hearable" WAV the second time.

10-07-2010, 12:49 PM
do you know i can i get the sound files, specifically the sound of "armor". like when you moving u hear the sound of armor moving. i'm trying to get it off the Dragon age Origin game, but unable to do so. converting fsb to WAV the first time is possible but i am unable then convert it to "hearable" WAV the second time.

I'm assuming that you are using FsbExtractor10.04.14.rar? Did you check the option

"- Added option to add and save wave headers when extracting data."

when you extracted the sound files? According to the author of the program: "The program will only write a RIFF/WAVE header, if the option is checked, and the file doesn't already have one or it is MP3 data.".

10-08-2010, 04:54 AM
yes that is the program i am using. i'm trying to get the files from glo_fly_mv.fsb in the "packages > core > audio" folder, however the conversion does not allow me to hear it on VLC or foobar2000.

i tried converting both using the WAVE Header checked and unchecked, still unable to hear it.

10-08-2010, 06:51 PM
yes that is the program i am using. i'm trying to get the files from glo_fly_mv.fsb in the "packages > core > audio" folder, however the conversion does not allow me to hear it on VLC or foobar2000.

i tried converting both using the WAVE Header checked and unchecked, still unable to hear it.

Checked the same file just now. Most of them are quite short (as they are fx samples) and there are few that do not work. I've recognized that the ones that don't work do not have a wav header at the start of the file (compare metal_med_16 (it works - has a wav/riff header) with metal_med_14). Perhaps you can use a hex editor to add a wav header or use another program capable of addding wav headers - that might work, but I'm only guessing.

If you are using Media player, the files won't work, but with VLC (version 1.1.4) most of them (the ones with wav headers) play properly.

10-11-2010, 06:12 AM
thanks for all your help, i found a program link - (was told to get the stable version)
its able to convert all the sound file and is playable on my media player, the only down side is i don't know which sound file is which ; D
guess i had to hear it by ear and guess which one i want.

10-11-2010, 11:04 AM
Dont suppose you can get the music from the Sacred Ashes Trailer without SFX... Pretty Awesome.. SOme say it is 30 Seconds to Hell's *This Is War* but i have that and i can assure you IT ISNT THAT TRACK...
Please see here for pointers (it could be that the music is actually in game) but unsure! YouTube - Dragon Age Origins Sacred Ashes Final FULL HD Trailer (
any assistance would be highly appreciated :)

10-11-2010, 02:06 PM
As all trailers (with rare exceptions), this one has one video stream and one audio stream that has music, sound effects and speech put together. There would be no problem if there's a separate music only stream. The only way to do it (that I know of) is to reduce SFX and speech, by finding their frequencies, but that also means that some other similar music frequencies will also get damaged, and the final file wouldn't be so nice for listening. And I'm sure the music from this trailer isn't found anywhere among game files, because I've extracted every damn sound file when I was making this rip. Song "This is War" is included in rip, and the music from Sacred Ashes definitely isn't the same, some say it's some kind of instrumental, but I'm not sure.

10-11-2010, 02:14 PM
Thankyou for your response, i presumed as much... Hopefully one day it will pop up. :)

12-26-2010, 11:33 PM
Just removed some dead links and added fresh ones.

01-05-2011, 04:48 PM
What is the PW for the Rip from Leliana's Song DLC? I tried the usual ones and none does work.
Also does neither links of the awakening rips seem to work.

Anywhay, thanks a lot! And if you could fix those two issues, then thanks a lot-er!

01-06-2011, 12:31 PM
I forgot i put a password for Leliana's song... It should be "2010" without quotes. And for the Awakening rip, this link is alive:

01-07-2011, 07:17 AM
Thanks for sharing this!

01-14-2012, 06:16 PM
Sorry to trouble you after so long, but the Awakening link is dead. Any chance of a re-up?

01-16-2012, 10:16 PM
Sorry to trouble you after so long, but the Awakening link is dead. Any chance of a re-up?

OMG, thread resurrection after a year xD
As soon as I find my Awakening rip, I'll reupload it, stay tuned :D

EDIT I see nothing wrong with the Awakening link, I have downloaded it and extracted files normally (the password is 2010).

Just copy the link and paste it into your browser's address bar.

I've used this style for my earlier uploads - you can't click the link, you have to copy & paste it just like any text.

01-27-2012, 07:02 AM

01-27-2012, 12:19 PM
I used to have all this, but I lost it all in an evil hd crash. I've always loved the music from DA and the game itself, so thank you for sharing.

05-09-2013, 05:31 PM
All links are dead.

03-16-2015, 09:40 PM
Any chance of re-upping this?

04-10-2015, 06:27 AM
thank you for uploading! but when i go to the download sites it just tells me 'no such file' or that the file is invalid....sorry if it's some stupid mistake i'm making and not the actual site!

12-13-2015, 03:18 AM
Any chance of a re-up? All of the links are dead.