03-11-2010, 04:37 AM
Can someone please record the "Ares Battle" final boss song, from God of War, record to mp3, WITHOUT SOUND EFFECTS, and loop three times?

I was disappointed after buying the soundtrack and found it had sound buts of quotes, of ingame, overlaying the music.

It was cool, but not if I wanted to enjoy the music, itself. If someone could please upload the song, WITHOUT SOUND EFFECTS, as 320kbs mp3, and loop three times, I'd seriously appreciate it. :D

03-11-2010, 06:09 PM
In the OST, incluyed Voices this track, its happy encounter this track only song no sfx!!!


03-15-2010, 04:29 AM
Shouldn't be as simple popping in the game, plugging a y-cable to the output of the tv and the other end into the line-in, on the pc.
Please, can someone record it? (Please loop three times)
Thank you!!! :)