03-10-2010, 09:47 PM
What would guys think of an "Bad Games with Awesome Music" download thread?

There are some awful games past and present that have good music, and yes ill open the thread myself.

Just Curious

03-10-2010, 10:56 PM
Sounds good (although it'd have to go in the "downloads" sub-forum). I can probably come up with a ton of soundtracks that would fit that category if you're looking for recommendations.

03-11-2010, 02:54 AM
Sounds good (although it'd have to go in the "downloads" sub-forum). I can probably come up with a ton of soundtracks that would fit that category if you're looking for recommendations.

That sounds like a plan

03-11-2010, 05:06 AM
This should get you started. The quintessential example is Silver Surfer, where the music is at the highest level and the game itself is unplayable. As for the other examples, obviously the line between what's a bad game and a mediocre one is thin. So some may take offense to one game or another on this list. My emphasis was on games that weren't great (didn't have to be terrible necessarily) but had really good music.

7th Saga
Adventures of Bayou Billy
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Away Shuffle Dungeon
Batman: Return of the Joker
Ecco the Dolphin (Sega CD)
Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner
Silver Surfer
Spiderman and the Return of the Sinister Six
T&C Surf Design
Total Distortion
Wizards and Warriors 1-3
You Have to Burn the Rope (just for kicks)

11-17-2010, 03:55 PM
Final Fantasy XIV.