09-25-2002, 09:24 AM
1: What is the Rising Sun that you can steal from the diamond weapon and what does it do???

2:I've fought Rude and Reno in the crashed gelnika on disc two and stole the Ziedrich off him, can i get it again when i fight him at the Rocket before i go into space??? or does he only have one???

3:What are the best prizes in the speed square and how many points do i need to get em??

4:Also, what do i need to do to get into the special battles in the battle square? do i need to get both omnislash and w-summon to "prove myself" or fight a certain amount of battles~?

09-25-2002, 11:02 AM
1: What is the Rising Sun that you can steal from the diamond weapon and what does it do???--It has a few materia slots with double ap.

2:I've fought Rude and Reno in the crashed gelnika on disc two and stole the Ziedrich off him, can i get it again when i fight him at the Rocket before i go into space??? or does he only have one???--Yes.

3:What are the best prizes in the speed square and how many points do i need to get em??-- don't know, nothing really useful though,I think.

4:Also, what do i need to do to get into the special battles in the battle square? do i need to get both omnislash and w-summon to "prove myself" or fight a certain amount of battles~?When dio challenges you , you have to win , and also , you have to beat the normal arena on disc one, or two, maybe both to be safe, I think you do have to get the Omni-slash,yes.

09-25-2002, 03:37 PM
I can answer some of this shiyatz, first of all.. speed square

You can win a weapon for Aeris called umbrella i think, i cant remember what points, but its hard to get, and you can only get it before disk 3 i think...

You can also win a weapon for Cid which is more powerful than his ultimate one, this you can get in disk 3 in replace of the umbrella i think. Both are extremely hard to get. Thats all i remember. What sort of points do you usually get? i THINK it was about 4000 you need but im probably wrong i cant remember.

About the rising sun, its a weapon of yuffie i recon.

As for battle square, you dont have to win when rio asks you to entertain him, because thats impossible in disk 1, yes i mean impossible. All you need to do is get omnislash and W-Summon.. i am pretty much certain of this, you dont need to do anything in disk 1. I know this because i never played battle in disk 1 and i can get the special battles in disk 3. Just get omni and w summon and it lets you play special battles. You may get a little de ja vu of Cloud Prod ;)

09-25-2002, 03:48 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot about Cid's....it has an attack power of 112 or something.

09-25-2002, 04:45 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">To get the special battles in the Battle Arena, you not only need to get W-Summon and Omnislash, you also need to get Cloud's Ultima Weapon (by defeating Ultimate Weapon over Cosmo Canyon) and equipping it. Then just go up to the desk and the special battle will become an option. :)

And to get the Umbrella for Aeris, you need to get over 5000 points. Same on disc 2 or 3 to get Cid's Flayer. True, it does have a higher attack stat than the Venus Gospel; but the Venus Gospel's power increases with how close Cid's current MP is to his max MP. So the Venus Gospel is still much more powerful. ;)

And for Zeidrichs, you can not only steal one from Rude outside the rocket, you can get one from him on disc 2 in Midgar aswell. :)

09-26-2002, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by Mannerboy~Sven

As for battle square, you dont have to win when rio asks you to entertain him, because thats impossible in disk 1, yes i mean impossible.

why is it impossible......i dont remember it being impossible??

i was on about lvl 50 ish when i first went to the gold saucer

oh and P.S

1: i got 2 ziedrichs now

2: i thought cids weapon you get from the speed square was called the "mop" or something.....is it actually a mop???

09-26-2002, 02:06 PM
That's one of them, it's his "default weapon", no materia slots.

Cloud=spiked bat

Tifa=work glove



Barret=rocket punch

redXIII=spring gun clip

Yuffie=power ball

Vincent=I don't remember

Cait sith=don't remember

09-26-2002, 11:17 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Vincent's is the Silver Rifle, and Cait Sith's is Trumpet Shell; and Red XIII's is actually the Hairpin, the Spring Gun Clip is a bit more powerful than that. ;)

And no, you don't get the Mop from the Speed Square, you dig it up in Bone Village (doesn't really matter if you search for normal treasure or good treasure). :)

09-27-2002, 11:36 AM
Just for the record:

A.) It is very possible to win all eight battles that Dio challenges you to on Disc 1, if you're at a high enough level and have decent levels/accessory/magic. If you win all eight, you get a Protect Vest and a Choco Feather. Even if you don't win and get these items (which aren't that great anyway) you still get the Keystone and continue in the game.

B.) No, you do not have to win these battles in order to the special battle on Disc 2/3. All you need is to purchase Omnislash and W-Summon (I think it's possible that you also have to use the Omnislash manual, but that could be wrong) and you'll be able to access the special battle. In fact, it is possible to do the special battle anytime after you get Cloud back on Disc 2, provided you get Omnislash and W-Summon. In other words, if you haven't yet fought Proud Cloud, you may get a little reverse Deja Vu, as you can actually defeat in the battle arena before you fight him at the end of Disc 2. 'Tis true. I've done it. Beating all eight opponents in the special battle will net you the very valuable Final Attack materia. Enjoy.

09-29-2002, 11:24 PM
About the impossible thing, okay it isnt literally impossible but its as good as. I remember just not winning it the first time i played the game and i didnt really think about it, then everytime i went through it i didnt beat it, and i thought - wait a sec why the hell cant i beat this? so i used a explorer cheat thing to see if i could win and i still couldnt win even with all these cheats on, i cant remember what cheats but i made myself really powerful.. so its pretty much impossible, i think i had summit like 9999hp and full attack power, but i only had the magic you can get at that time, remember i havnt played this game for a long long time and it was a long time when i tried this so some of my information and tests here might be a little flimsy

09-30-2002, 02:40 AM
Hmm, I really don't understand. Those enemies aren't even all that powerful. I've beaten that battle before and without cheats. The only thing really to fear is that some of them use petrify or other magic that does status ailments. You just need to wear the best protective armor or have something to counteract it.

09-30-2002, 09:49 AM
in fact they're incredibly soft...jsut a few boundfats....crysalis..things like that....jemnezmies are pretty annoying if you dont have a ribbon....and then for the boss you might get a sand worm....cant quite remember....easy peasy anyway

well...i nearly got 64000 points until i gave up in the battle arena.....*waits for a rainy day!!*

then i just gotta steal rising sun off diamond weapon now....im saved on the world map about to do that bit of storyline....

so..thanks for the help guys

09-30-2002, 02:46 PM
Ill have to try again at some time.. i dunno why i found it hard it sounds ezy.

I found gettin 60k easy and 32 k easy, its just a little annoyin, you wanna try to be getting around 9k+ each round, sometimes u get like 11k if you r lucky, so it should take you around 6 to 8 goes

10-01-2002, 10:59 AM
i dunno if luck bonus's work outside of battles but i put plenty of luck sources on cloud....a luck ring and a luck plus materia for the battle arena battles....i seem to get 10-12k each time now

i got omnislash in 4 battles....an 11k..then 2 10k's a a smaller one

10-01-2002, 09:09 PM
Your luck score doesn't have anything to do with how many BP you get. Your BP is based on what penalties you choose. You want to try to get break all materia in the last round because that will get you the most BP. This guide (http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/file/final_fantasy_vii_battle_arena.txt) has a great breakdown of how the different penalties affect it. So just forget about all of the luck bonuses and go ahead and put on your best equipment, and concentrate on timing for the penalties that get you the most BP.

10-02-2002, 09:32 AM
whats the highest you got......i got 11617 last night

is that any good??

i now go on the specials battles

got the "combat diary", "autograph" and the "gambler"

there must be some way to use these items!!

Neo Xzhan
10-02-2002, 11:54 AM
I have also gotten those items but they are useless. They dont do anything, you cant use em in battle or use the throw command. They are just "collecters" items.

10-02-2002, 08:57 PM
whats the highest you got......i got 11617 last night

is that any good??
I don't know off-hand what the highest I ever got is, but 11617 is a fairly decent score.

i now go on the specials battles

got the "combat diary", "autograph" and the "gambler"

there must be some way to use these items!!
No! There is no way to use these items, please don't beat yourself up looking for uses for these items. These items are the subject of all sorts of stupid rumors, but don't believe any of them, they are definitely useless. The only worthwhile thing you can get from the special battle is the Final Attack materia, which you will get if you beat all eight battles.

10-03-2002, 04:19 PM
yeah...i got the final attack, and then teamed it with phoenix...and im currently attempting to kill emerald in some different ways....best so far seems to be w-summon KOTR.then 2 mimes...so about 700,000 damage..then a few limits.....and a good ol quadra magic bahamut zero!! w00

10-08-2002, 04:45 PM
Its perhaps the easiest but not the best way. U wanna use the demi method which i posted in the forum about how to kill emerald.. i think its you one.

As for collectors items, i have an entire screenful when looking at the items menu including

A battery
23 Tissues
The Great Gospel
1/35 Soldiers
3 Super Sweepers
2 Masamune Blades
a Combat Diary
an Autograph
and a Gambler..

There may be more collectors items (the battery i kept because i valued it more than the ether you get... i keep The Great Gospel its higher value than wasting it on aeris)

Neo Xzhan
10-08-2002, 06:51 PM
No the battery isnt useless. You will need it to leave the wall market revisited. You get 3 batyary's but you actually need only 2, the 3rd is for chest which gives you ether or something.

10-09-2002, 09:51 AM
what else can you get from the special battles.....or do you keep getting more and more gamblers, combat diaries and autographs

Neo Xzhan
10-09-2002, 10:19 AM
Yes that are the only items you will get. The other items a scattered throughout the whole game just look everywhere. You can get some useless items (if I am correct) from that sleeping man in a cave near junon.

The Wandering Knight
11-06-2002, 07:46 PM
i keep The Great Gospel its higher value than wasting it on aeris
You can get another Great Gospel from the sleeping man...just go there and he'll give you a mythril...yu ocan exchange it for a Great Gospel from the man at the chack near Gould Saucer..

Neo Xzhan
11-06-2002, 08:12 PM
Oh Tayste you say that the tissues have no use. This is partially true. You cant use them in any way, but they make the battles in the battla arena harder each time you get a new tissue.

11-07-2002, 09:30 PM
i have yet to find a use for the stuff you win in the battle arena and speed square. i have heard that if you get 99 tissues dio will be impressed and fight you, if you defeat him he will join your party, this has yet to be confirmed. to get a higher score in the battle arena you have to get some of the worst reels there are, i.e. lose all your materia, break weapon/accessory/armor/items. it you get these and win you get lots of points.

11-07-2002, 10:58 PM
The Dio thing is such a lame rumor, it's not even funny. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that have 99 tissues by now, so if were true, we would know by now. It's phony, just like all of the other lame FFVII rumors.