Dr. Lucien Sanchez
09-24-2002, 09:00 PM
Whats your esiest boss fight.

I would think either Air Buster or Red Dragon (FF7).
Air Buster well, I think everybody found him easy, and Red Dragon because all I have to do is two Limit Breaks on him (Meteorain & Eart Rave)

Neo Xzhan
09-24-2002, 09:38 PM
The easiest boss is Gi Natak (FF7 Cosmo canyon). He is an undead boss and when you reach him you most likely have an elixer or x-potion. All you have to do is throw it at him using the item command and he dies. Since he's undead giving him health it actually harms him.

God of HellFIRE
09-24-2002, 10:17 PM
I agree with Neo Xzhan!
Gi Nattak is really really easy !!
That weakness turns him in a really easy boss to defeat ...

09-24-2002, 11:20 PM
i thought Necron, from FF9. Mother Teresa would have put up more resistance :eye:

09-25-2002, 03:46 PM
Kefka was a true pushover o____O
I was so disappointed in defeating him ;_;

09-25-2002, 05:01 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I agree about Gi Nattak. First time I played I didn't even realise a Phoenix Down could kill him, and I still found it an extremely easy battle. And yeah, Airbuster was simple too; just attack it with Braver or Big Shot while it's facing the other way and it causes over 600HP damage. Easy. :D

There were many other easy bosses. I found most of FF8's bosses easy, especially the ones in Ultimecia's Castle; by then it took me 2-3 turns to kill most things. Depends on whether you have plenty of Meltdowns and Auras and good junctions really; you can make FF8 far too easy for yourself. ;)

Rabid Monkey
09-25-2002, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by Tekno
Kefka was a true pushover o____O
I was so disappointed in defeating him ;_;

Heh...and the sad thing, each successive FF final boss gets easier and easier...

Anyway, name a random boss in FF8 or 9 and you have one of the easiest battles, even most in 7 were just pathetic...

Neo Xzhan
09-26-2002, 11:40 AM
Anyway, name a random boss in FF8 or 9 and you have one of the easiest battles, even most in 7 were just pathetic... [/B]

I think that is not true. I have had alot of trouble with The Demon Gate (Temple of the Ancients) and Schizo (Gaea's Base).

Rabid Monkey
09-26-2002, 02:18 PM
I never did, I was probably just on higher levels or had more powerful magic/abilities at the time...

09-27-2002, 05:18 PM
Kefka really was a disapointment. After all you had to go through to get to him, the battle against him was such a let down. Subsequent bosses in other FFs may have been a lot easier, but not one of them was anywhere near as unsatisfactory.

Neo Xzhan
09-27-2002, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Terra Branford
Kefka really was a disapointment. After all you had to go through to get to him, the battle against him was such a let down.

I agree the battle with Kefka was really disapointing. There is a similar boss to Gi Natak in FF8. I dont remember what he is called but he emerges from the fake president in the train. If you throw a X-potion to him he dies as well.

09-30-2002, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Neo Xzhan

The easiest boss is Gi Natak (FF7 Cosmo canyon). He is an undead boss and when you reach him you most likely have an elixer or x-potion. All you have to do is throw it at him using the item command and he dies. Since he's undead giving him health it actually harms him.

Of course. And not just Gi Nattak, ANY undead enemy in all the FF games since FFI, takes damage from curative magic and items, because White Magic is, as it's name suggests, Holy, and curative items also have certain amount of 'Holy' elemental (FFI actually had a spell in the White Mage's arsenal called 'Harm' which actually destroys undead, despite being non-elemental!).

That's the benefit of being a White Mage. This is my specialty! One well placed 'Life' spell has pesky undead bosses and monsters giving up the ghost, literally, before they even have a chance to attack!

Bosses which I've defeated immediately with this trick includes: Phantom Train (FFVI), Dullahan, (FFVI), Gi Nattak (FFVII), Gerogero (FFVIII), Abadon (FFVIII), Soul Cage (FFIX), Mistidons (FFIX) (like during the attack on Alexandria). It just makes it too easy!

Rabid Monkey
09-30-2002, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Enkidoh
Bosses which I've defeated immediately with this trick includes: Phantom Train (FFVI), Dullahan, (FFVI), Gi Nattak (FFVII), Gerogero (FFVIII), Abadon (FFVIII), Soul Cage (FFIX), Mistidons (FFIX) (like during the attack on Alexandria). It just makes it too easy!

Which is why I don't do that, I didn't buy the games to win boss fights on a technicality...

09-30-2002, 08:57 PM
i always use those tricks. just because im lazy and can't be bothered to fight. if it was available in the games, i'd get the boss drunk, then whack him over the head while he was laying plastered on the floor.

i fight dirty :eye:

10-01-2002, 12:36 AM
I sometimes use those tricks while playing the game the first time through, because I'm always so anxious to see what happens next. When I replay the game, however, I don't use those kinds of shortcuts. And believe me, with the exception of FF7, I replay those babies over and over again....

10-01-2002, 01:50 AM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Yu Yevon.

Enigmatic Angel
10-01-2002, 03:35 AM
Yu Yevon wasn't a boss fight, you couldn't die how is that a fight at all...

I reckon the easiet was Evarae Altana....
Considereing how fustrating its living counterpart was, this seemed like a piece of cake, even without pheonix downs....

10-01-2002, 01:51 PM
Probably the haunted Train from FF6....Just use a Phenoix down and hes good as dead.

10-02-2002, 02:30 PM
Any undead fight is cake with the phoenix down, elixer, full cure, life, full life trick.

Other than that, and excluding Yu Yevon I'd have to say the easiest boss fight would be Trace Kuja. I trashed him on the first attempt with little difficulty. Necron was a pushover too. Atma Weapon on Floating Island is easy too, just have to survive and use Osmos til he runs out of MP and died.

tom the bomb
10-02-2002, 03:40 PM
I would say the undead monsters are the easiest as you can kill them all instantly with an X-potion. But there are some easy bosses like the airbuster and a couple of others.

10-03-2002, 11:55 AM
i found gi natak one of the hardest bosses in the game. I never knew about these x potion tricks at the time. The boss i found easiest the first time i played ff7 was jenova death. It was impossible to loose considering they give you an item that makes you absorb fire just before the fight, kind of a hint huh? all of the jenovas were just too easy. life, death and synth

(well obviously air buster and the first bosses are easy, they progressively get harder)

10-03-2002, 12:10 PM
...do you mean Jenova-Birth ,Life and Death.....well, in the sense that the bosses are set to be difficult at the first time you fight them,I would say FFX Sphere-a-morph.....in macalania...I used two overdrives in the beginning, thinking he would be hard, and then one physical attack and he died.....whoops!

10-07-2002, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by Kenshin
...do you mean Jeova-Birh ,Life and Death

Thats what i said, all of them were easy, theres 4 - Birth, life, death, synth. I forgot about birth in my last post but birth is the hardest of the 4 anyway

Neo Xzhan
10-11-2002, 11:41 PM
I think Jenova Birth is ine of the toughest bosses in the game. stop really makes it harder when you want to use any limits and her W-Laser is very damaging.

10-12-2002, 06:13 AM
Well, i would say Gi Nattak with the X Potion but if you dun have one he's a hard bastard. In FF7, the Scorpian Guard is hard for one reason. ALL SHOULD READ THIS: I dunno about the American version but on the Australian version of FF7, Barret tells you to attack while the tail is up (which you're definatly NOT supposed to do). Now I dunno if this was a joke or some cruel trick or just an error but it can really stuff you up if you don't know how to beat him. It's a bastard.

Oh yeah, easiest on FF7 would be the Air Buster.

Hardest on FF8, prolly Omega Weapon, but not including weapons, is errrrrrrm, prolly Edea 2nd time round. Easiest being Seifer on Disk 3.

Easiest FF9, Odin by far. He don't attack. Hardest would be Ozma.

Neo Xzhan
10-12-2002, 10:49 AM
Odd when the tail is up you may NOT attack him becouse then he does a powerfull counter move :eye:. And in FF8 Odin is rather easy it just takes a bit longer, just make sure you beat him in the time given and he wont hurt you.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-12-2002, 11:15 AM
I've always wondered what happened if the timer in Centra Ruins runs out before you get into the fight with Odin?

Enigmatic Angel
10-12-2002, 12:38 PM
If you wiat for the timer to end, then he'll use Zantetsuken, and Game Over you....

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-12-2002, 06:24 PM
Yeah, I know that, that's during the fight with him, i'm talking about before you fight him. But thanks anyway :) :) :)

Quistis Trepe
10-12-2002, 09:14 PM
<font face= "lucida calligraphy">Probably Gi Nattak,Jenova*Birth, or that underwater octupus in FFX (forgot its name).

10-12-2002, 11:33 PM
Well lets first ask ourselves whats a boss fight. Technically a boss fight is not suppose to be hard. Otherwise it would ruin the game if you died over and over to the same guy. Yes the undead booses seem to be at a disadvantage. But did u ever fight one of them without using a phoenix down. They are pretty hard bosses. It also depends on what level your on when u fight them. The bosses were design to fight against somebody at a certain level. So if your on level 30 and go up against a boss thats meant for a level 20,then of course you can easily beat him. It all depends on how you fight to.

Neo Xzhan
10-12-2002, 11:44 PM
That's nor entirly(sp?) true. It also depends on the abilities of the boss. Like Seymour from FFX, first he casts zombie on the entire party and then with full-life he kills everybody. And boss fight must be hard IMO, they must be a challenge and sometimes I die during a bossfight (like in FFX when you fight that bos when your are in the airship), that was a real challenge.

10-13-2002, 12:18 AM
well neo i know,what u mean. I didnt mean that they werent suppose to be hard just give more of a challenge than the normal monsters in the area.

David F
10-13-2002, 09:18 AM

The easiest one is the FF7 Jenova that you fight after you Seph kills Aeris, I mean you get a bloody water ring before hand and bam you can absorb the hits.

10-16-2002, 03:24 PM
Yea, that one after aeris dies is a joke, only 10,000hp, you have to heal the boss if you want a challenge, because i like to kick theri asses but shes too weak to be able to. About the tail thing.. Cloud says to barret

Attack when the tail is up....

then on the next bar (which most ppl dont realise)
he says

And he will counter with a powerful tail laser

(Words to that effect)

But you should attack him anyway because it isnt even that powerful and it gives you more limit.

10-17-2002, 07:10 PM
Easiest boss....I would have to say The Emporer in FF2j. For the most difficult FF game (IMO), he was even more of a letdown than Kefka. I mean, I suppose he could have been hard, but since I knew his hidden weakness, I tore him to shreds in a very short, easy battle.


During the game, you recieve two blood swords, the weakest weapon in the game, with only 5 attack. Lo and behold, the last boss has a crippling weakness against them! What a horrible waste of a hard game!

---------------END SPOILER---------------

Neo Xzhan
10-17-2002, 09:42 PM
Then, IMO, you have ruined the game for yourself. If you want a challenge and then exploit there greatest weakness (like curing Gi Natak) and in your case, the emperor, then there is no challenge anymore. It will be harder to fight him without those swords. And still it is something you must know, that you can easily kill him with those swords.....