03-04-2010, 11:38 PM
Hi all! Cindy posted ( a copy of Bauhouse's Chrono Trigger doujin album, Le Cercueil du Reve, some time ago, and ever since I came across it I've been on the lookout for their subsequent releases - particularly Bruit de la Verite (, which covers a broader selection of Squaresoft tracks - but, alas, to no avail. After all my fruitless searching, I figured if anyone could help me find it, it would be you guys. Can somebody point me in the right direction? I'd really appreciate it!

03-06-2010, 11:24 PM

03-06-2010, 11:58 PM
Thanks for the advice, knuckleJoe. I added some verbiage to clarify the nature of the music: doujin Squaresoft covers. But I sincerely hope you're wrong about nobody knowing who Bauhouse is. ;)

10-31-2011, 10:48 AM
Does anyone have the full album to this?

KTBH-0005 | Bruit de la verite - VGMdb (

I found 1 track from it, and it is awesome!

This one:
04 - from Valkyrie Profile / 'Unfinished Battle with God' Syndrom & Tales of Phantasia / Fighting of the Spirit
Composition: Motoi Sakuraba & Shinji Tamura / Arrangement: kokke
Trumpet: kokke / Viola: misaty / Guitar: I-Chu / Flute & Bass: kisida