09-23-2002, 09:22 AM
do i get the chocobuckle enemy skill???

also..has anyone ever managed to get some good prizes on teh chocobo racing.....

i always seem to get a hi-potion instead of the good materia ones like enemy away and counter...~ is there a way to get the better prizes??

09-23-2002, 09:50 AM
You learn the Chocobuckle Enemy Skill from a Chocobo. ^^

Here it is..

Put every single Enemy Skill materia you have one only one character.
Go to the Grasslands Area, if you're not already there. Run around, but not on the Chocobo tracks area (mainly the light green grass surrounding the Chocobo Farm).
You need to get the L4 Suicide Enemy Skill first. If you have it already, you can skip this part.

The L4 Suicide skill is found on cute little squirrel creatures called Mu. You can't manipulate them and they are also rarer than most creatures out here. When you find one, avoid killing it off and wait for it to use L4 Suicide on you. Since it affects all your characters, you don't have to worry about putting the Enemy Skills on all of them (assuming you have more than 1 ^^).

Once you've got the L4 Suicide, enter the farm and talk to the guy inside the stables. You'll need to buy three Mimett Greens, the most expensive one there is. If you like, you can buy more in case you screw up. =P

Go outside again.. Make sure somebody's got the Chocobo Lure and start running around on the Chocobo Tracks. Eventually you'll enter a fight with a Chocobo. They'll usually be Level 13 Chocobos. If that's the case, end the fight somehow and start running around again. You need to get into a fight with a Level 16 Chocobo.
There's an easy way to tell if you're in a fight with one. The same enemy (usually a Levrikon) will be on either side of the Chocobo. If not, it's level 13.

When you see a Level 16 Chocobo, quickly have all your characters feed the Chocobo the Mimett Greens. You need to feed it three of them. No more, no less.

Now get whoever has the Enemy Skill materia to cast L4 Suicide. When it hits the Chocobo, it'll use the Chocobuckle enemy skill on the caster. Since you've (hopefully) already put all the Enemy Skills on that person, he or she will gain the Chocobuckle skill on all of them! ^_^


Neo Xzhan
09-23-2002, 11:41 AM
Thx Nymph. But what does this enemy skill do?

09-23-2002, 11:48 AM
from random FF site :eye:

Attacks one enemy for powerful special damage. Damage is equal the amount of times your party has run from battle.

If I recall correctly a chocobo appears in the battle field and does a thing and then the above happens.
Hope that helped xD o.o

09-23-2002, 12:45 PM
sounds pants...i think i've only missed ab00t 5 battles so far coz ive been lvling up!

Neo Xzhan
09-23-2002, 03:59 PM
Hmm if it does damage equal to the times you have escaped then this skill is as useless as it is usefull. You dont do much damage if you only escaped like 10 times but (which will take alot of time) if you escape 9999 times it does massive damage for low mp :D.

09-24-2002, 12:51 PM
Thanks guys....i got the chocobuckle on all my enemy skill materia now....

but now i need to know where you can get "death sentence" apart from the gi tribe monsters in the gi cave......

i think theres somehting called a zolakater in the gaea cliffs and caves....but do they have death sentence??

09-24-2002, 04:12 PM
If I remember correctly, some monsters in the Sleeping Forest (before you go to the City of the Ancients) have Death Sentence..
Although that also could be Lv. 5 Death or something like that. It's been quite a while since I played that part of the game. XD

09-24-2002, 05:07 PM
right....when you say "sleeping forest"..do you mean the actual field screen....like where you find the kjata summon materia....coz i aint fought any monsters in there....i dont think there is any

or dya mean the area on the world map that is around the city of the ancients...and happens to be covered in forest??

09-24-2002, 09:05 PM
The screens after the one where you find the Kujata materia. So not on the worldmap. ^^

09-25-2002, 12:32 AM
Yeah, on the path to the city of the ancients, that hedge hog pie looking one.....I'm pretty sure, just don't remember the exact name now.

09-25-2002, 09:17 AM