03-03-2010, 10:18 PM
Has anyone ever heard of this Yoko Kanno album from 2006?

I'm not sure if it's a film soundtrack or a solo work or what, but from what I heard...well, the Goddess of Music isn't known for disappointing. It's a wonderful piano album and there isn't a soul alive who plays the instrument better. And a sumptous album at that, with many of the tracks pushing the six-minute mark. If anyone has anyone of acquiring or posting this one, I and many others would be in your debt.

03-04-2010, 01:01 AM
Has anyone ever heard of this Yoko Kanno album from 2006?

I'm not sure if it's a film soundtrack or a solo work or what, but from what I heard...well, the Goddess of Music isn't known for disappointing. It's a wonderful piano album and there isn't a soul alive who plays the instrument better. And a sumptous album at that, with many of the tracks pushing the six-minute mark. If anyone has anyone of acquiring or posting this one, I and many others would be in your debt.

This, I'm fairly sure, is Yoko Kanno the pianist, not our Kanno - the anime/film composer and Jpop songwriter. This caused a bit of confusion some years ago on the Gabriela Robin forums, if memory serves; somebody picked up an album from Kanno #2 and found that this Kanno's biography didn't match up with what was known about our Kanno #1. A bit of digging yielded the incredible fact that there are in fact two Kannos - roughly of similar ages, and both musicians.

Also, I would hotly contest your statement that she (either of the Kanni - now THERE'S a corruption of plural terminology for you!) is the finest pianist alive... Kanno's piano technique is a lot things - perfect isn't one of them. Prodigy she may well be, but as a pianist she's untrained and distinctly amateur. (Nothing wrong with that - so was Beethoven; merely a statement that there are many many many folk more proficient than she at tinkling the ivories.)

Finally - I don't have this album - but I would love to hear it, on the offchance that somebody has it. I don't care who wrote it; it's lovely stuff. :)

03-04-2010, 03:12 AM
This, I'm fairly sure, is Yoko Kanno the pianist, not our Kanno - the anime/film composer and Jpop songwriter. This caused a bit of confusion some years ago on the Gabriela Robin forums, if memory serves; somebody picked up an album from Kanno #2 and found that this Kanno's biography didn't match up with what was known about our Kanno #1. A bit of digging yielded the incredible fact that there are in fact two Kannos - roughly of similar ages, and both musicians.

Also, I would hotly contest your statement that she (either of the Kanni - now THERE'S a corruption of plural terminology for you!) is the finest pianist alive... Kanno's piano technique is a lot things - perfect isn't one of them. Prodigy she may well be, but as a pianist she's untrained and distinctly amateur. (Nothing wrong with that - so was Beethoven; merely a statement that there are many many many folk more proficient than she at tinkling the ivories.)

Finally - I don't have this album - but I would love to hear it, on the offchance that somebody has it. I don't care who wrote it; it's lovely stuff. :)

You don't say? Interesting, and sorta bizzare, but I've heard of weirder cases of Same-Name Syndrome. Kinda dissapointing, though. I really wanna know what Kanno's been up to lately. I'm in Music Goddess withdrawl here, so I was really excited when I found out about this. Maybe she's too expensive at the moment for most studios, or maybe Kawamori's just been hogging her? If I were her, I'd be pretty burned out churning out vehicles for May'n by now(however catchy they may be.) She is scoring a rock-centric live-action film to be released in July, though, so hope floats?

Oh well, would still love to acquire this album. Now what to tag it as...Yoko Kanno 2?

And about the Kanno piano thing? HAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA And I'll just leave it at that. :3

03-04-2010, 10:15 AM
Come to think of it, she was never really prolific - not publically anyway. Arrangement work, commercials, songs for Maaya Sakamoto and others, etc.

She did score Ring of Gundam last year - although that six minute film was hardly the best showcase for her skills.

Apart from that... what was the last big Kanno score... Macross Frontier... She recorded that in 2007. So c'mon love, we're waaaaaaaiting. ;)

Off topic, I wrote the initial post about Kanno's double and then went straight to bed. It's true what they say - you dream about whatever you were thinking about when you went to sleep. I don't want to be too graphic, but both Kannos were... aquainted... and spent quite a long time getting to know each other more comprehensively. I believe May'n was there too.

I have a sick mind.

03-04-2010, 10:34 AM
Eh, for awhile there she was doing very large, very high-quality(read: expensive) scores at a steady clip, relatively speaking. And considering the sheer breadth of her library, she may not be Kawai, but I'd call her prolific Maybe I'm missing something. She is quite mysterious(see Gabriela Robin), but that adds to the charm. I understand she's a bit high in demand and hard to get ahold of. Shiro Sasaki's usually the right channel.

"She did score Ring of Gundam last year - although that six minute film was hardly the best showcase for her skills."

Ugh, don't even...I was really hoping that thing was just a trailer. Crushing dissapointment, it has a name. -_-

LOL A curmudeon through and through, I guess. And only a few years my senior, apperantly.

"Yeah, you like that don't you, you dirty, filthy thief? That's right. Oh yeah, tickle those ivories, baby. Push the pedals! PUSSSH THEMMMM! You, Sheryl. Get over here and give me some o that sweet, sweet engrish."

I just terrisquicked myself. I don't even wanna imagine the noises. XD Nothing is sacred.

03-04-2010, 12:10 PM
"Yeah, you like that don't you, you dirty, filthy thief? That's right. Oh yeah, tickle those ivories, baby. Push the pedals! PUSSSH THEMMMM! You, Sheryl. Get over here and give me some o that sweet, sweet engrish."

That may very well be the most erotic thing ever posted on this great forum...

03-04-2010, 12:59 PM
Eh, for awhile there she was doing very large, very high-quality(read: expensive) scores at a steady clip, relatively speaking. And considering the sheer breadth of her library, she may not be Kawai, but I'd call her prolific Maybe I'm missing something. She is quite mysterious(see Gabriela Robin), but that adds to the charm. I understand she's a bit high in demand and hard to get ahold of. Shiro Sasaki's usually the right channel.

"She did score Ring of Gundam last year - although that six minute film was hardly the best showcase for her skills."

Ugh, don't even...I was really hoping that thing was just a trailer. Crushing dissapointment, it has a name. -_-

LOL A curmudeon through and through, I guess. And only a few years my senior, apperantly.

"Yeah, you like that don't you, you dirty, filthy thief? That's right. Oh yeah, tickle those ivories, baby. Push the pedals! PUSSSH THEMMMM! You, Sheryl. Get over here and give me some o that sweet, sweet engrish."

I just terrisquicked myself. I don't even wanna imagine the noises. XD Nothing is sacred.


03-04-2010, 01:11 PM
That may very well be the most erotic thing ever posted on this great forum...

Sweet, manly success. *fistpumps

03-04-2010, 03:18 PM

Oh, dear... ;)

03-04-2010, 08:26 PM
Sweet, manly success. *fistpumps


03-04-2010, 08:54 PM
Oh, dear... ;)

Lolgross. I shame myself for missing thte chance for an "Oh Yoko!" joke. As compensation, try replacing the Yoko's in that...situation with the first thing I thought of when yous said Kanno #2 back there: The Lucciles; Jessica Walter and Liza Minnelli. Enjoy that grisly image not even a million showers, swiftly followed by a thorough lobotomy, will ever destroy. :3

03-04-2010, 10:46 PM
Lolgross. I shame myself for missing thte chance for an "Oh Yoko!" joke. As compensation, try replacing the Yoko's in that...situation with the first thing I thought of when yous said Kanno #2 back there: The Lucciles; Jessica Walter and Liza Minnelli. Enjoy that grisly image not even a million showers, swiftly followed by a thorough lobotomy, will ever destroy. :3

HAHA just 'Befriended' u

Herr Salat
02-28-2013, 07:00 PM
Here (Thread 128310) :'D

12-01-2014, 07:05 PM