03-03-2010, 01:08 AM
Hi everyone,

I really like the track titled The Yaschas Massif on the FF13 soundtrack and was wondering if anyone out there could recommend similar music tracks?

Furthermore, on the Bartender OST, the track titled Paradise (#27 I think?) is also very is the track Pleasant Day in Trauma Center New Blood...

So yes I like music like these aforementioned tracks but am unsure what genre they fall under (Bossa Nova? Jazz?) and so if you can recommend music tracks like them to help me discover I appreciate that. Be it in video game, anime, independent, etc...


03-07-2010, 05:43 AM
Yeah, you can call that bossa nova. I can't think of many offhand, but there's probably a Wikipedia article naming some notable people who have done music in that style. The only game music example that is coming to my mind with my limited knowledge is "Veneccio" from Dark Cloud 2, which you can download here

Sorry I can't be more helpful.

03-08-2010, 11:26 PM
Hey thanks for pointing that out, I never played Dark Cloud 2, so that's a good start. Veneccio is a lovely sounding track...I just wish the composer made it longer/extended, or more variations. Sometimes I feel like composers are teasing us with great sounding tracks like the ones all mentioned above...lovely to listen to but tormentingly short!

The funny thing is that listening to Veneccio triggered my memory about Chrono Cross and that I remember the background music playing in Guldove (whether in Home or Another World) also sounds nice. I think it also falls under Bossa Nova too?

Any other recommendations anyone?

03-09-2010, 06:45 AM
"Guldove ~ Home" is indeed similar in style, although I'm not sure if that's bossa nova strictly speaking. I'm not well educated on that. I thought of one more, by the same guy as Dark Cloud 2, on the Professor Layton and Pandora's Box soundtrack. It's called "Moment of Rest".

Outside of videogame music, the only other one I can recall knowing is by the Foo Fighters, featuring Norah Jones, on their album In Your Honor. I think it was "Virginia Moon", but I haven't heard it in about four years, but it's on there somewhere. And with that I think my well has run dry.