02-25-2010, 09:37 AM
Hi to everyone!

I like the beat in these songs, so I wish to ask you for help finding similar ones. - Unreal Tournament 2003 - Digital Devil Saga 2

For those who are using Mozilla Firefox: If you are having problems loading these songs, try Internet Explorer or Opera(if you have it).

I`m not that much music-wise, so, I`ll explain like this:

I`m looking for songs that are similar to this ones, with this kind of a beat, songs in which the drums are in focus(like in UT), and possibly without rest of the sounds(like in Digital Devil Saga 2), but it`s not all that important.

I would highly appreciate any suggestions and, if you can and want, please post links pointing to your suggested songs.

If we collect enough songs, with your help, I would gladly make a compilation and upload it and share it for anyone who is interested.

Thanks in advance to all.