02-25-2010, 02:24 AM
Check Out My NEW Stage Theme's For Cody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SIqXzLXIqM and Juli and Juni http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmkiXWMA7XA !!!

and if you like those then subscribe to me @ http://www.youtube.com/numberoneblind

02-25-2010, 03:47 AM
Hmmm... Well I am a Cody fan, and I have to say that his music does have that reminiscient feel of the early Final Fight games, yet I can definitely see this as a theme for Haggar if he'd ever make a fighting game appearance. When I think of Cody, it's usually an industrial or heavy beat that usually comes to mind. Something that when you hear the music, you would get the overwhemling urge to smash something with your head, but in a good way. Likewise, my fav Capcom character Guy, I would expect to hear something fast paced and techno-ish. It just seems to match the style and character that they represent. You did a great job on the song, don't get me wrong... But maybe try something with more force for a Cody theme.

Now Juli and Juni's theme is spot on! I think it may just be better than their SFA3 theme! It's got that right feel and sound that just matches what the characters are. I hope that since this is an early version of the song, the final version just dominates since this song is pure awesome. I really want to see the final of this one... you definitely have me as a subscriber now, so don't disappoint with your work alright!

02-25-2010, 03:38 PM
Thankyou very much for watching and taking the time to give me your opinion on my work. I really appreciate it because it allows me to get an idea of how people other than myself percieve video game music and video game characters and such :) I'll keep in mind what you said for my final versions. I've gotten some people that say that the theme suits Cody so I guess it's kinda a subjective thing but I understand your point of view. Cody is a pretty massive guy that just looks like he smashes and dominates so perhaps in the future I can either rework the theme or write a alternate one. I only really played with him in Alpha 3 so you definately seem to know a whole lot more about him than I do.
As far as guy goes. The theme I wrote for him just kind of express how I feel about his character. He's so fast that he kinda catches you off guard and I dunno I think that the bassline for that theme just kinda suits that whole vision of him and I decided to do something Jazzy for him for more of a "nightime in the city" kind of feel.
And as far as Juli and Juni go I hate the music for Alpha 3. It just goes against my personal tastes. I hated the music for Street fighter 3 as well but some songs kind of grew on me and I see that the composer was just experimenting with new stuff. But Alpha 3 I just can't get into the music. I really only like Ryu's theme and maybe Karin's. So i'm glad you think it might be better than their alpha 3 theme.
My finals will be out whenever I get a laptop and better software. (Which ironically will cost less that the software i'm using now). I'm planning on finishing writing and possibly changing some of my themes so i'll definately keep what you said in mind.
Thanx alot though. I'm really happy that you took the time to listen and judge my music and i'm glad you liked it as well :) ~Ray~

02-25-2010, 04:18 PM
@RayMabry Is there a chance we could have some mp3 freebies? I'd like to put some of your stuff on my iPod!

02-25-2010, 04:58 PM
It's very possible. I was planning on putting up Mp3's for my songs after I did the final version but perhaps I can put some up for you if you'd like. I mean the mixing is iffy on alot of tracks (Especially the older ones) because i'm still new to this and my virtual instruments are kinda low quality (in spite of the money I spent on the program) so I dunno if you'd rather wait for the finals or not. It's your call though. If you want mp3's I can upload the one's I have from my iTunes.

02-25-2010, 06:33 PM
Hm. Tough call. I think I can wait for a final mix. Though the roughs you have on Youtube are pretty decent.

{thinking a minute}

If the roughs are that good, the finals are gonna be pretty sweet! I'll hold out for the finals, definitely!

Only other question: Do you plan to upload to Last.FM? You'll definitely be among my most played!

02-25-2010, 09:31 PM
I never thought of doing that. Now i'm intrigued...I think i'm going to upload them anyways...

02-25-2010, 09:38 PM
Wow I didn't know last.fm had all that stuff. I'll tell ya what though. I'm gonna try to upload my music and post the links to the music in the video on each video.
BUT i'm also gonna try to get my Rough edits to sound better and i'm gonna put up a Demo album of my early versions on Last.fm!!! I had no idea that they had all that stuff it's so cool. Thankyou for giving me the idea!!!

02-25-2010, 09:51 PM
No bigs! Glad I could help! and I definitely look forward to your future work!

If you want to add me to your friends on Last.FM, PM me.

02-26-2010, 02:18 PM
Sure thing! I'll PM you once I actually get my account going so expect one within the next week!

02-26-2010, 11:59 PM
I can definitely agree with you that everyone does view the characters and music that should go with them differently. Lol, I'm glad to have given you a different outlook on possible future projects. Yeah Final Fight and the characters from them are near and dear to my heart... it's one of those titles I grew up with and bothered following. You wouldn't believed how crazy I went as a kid when I saw that a few were entering the Street Fighter fray, and now that Cody and Guy are coming to SF4.... oh yeah, you better believe I'm going to be doing some online pwning! Lol, I didn't see that you did a Guy theme, so I'm definitely going to have to check it out as well. I actually enjoyed the SFA3 and the Third Strike soundtracks myself, but then again... we are all entitled to our tastes. I'd be more than happy to give you as much insight that I can to the characters of games and such since I do work with gaming websites and do alot of Walkthrough and Top 10 deals with them, especially GameFAQs.com. Also if you ever get around to working an online album, let me know and I'll see if I can do some artwork for you as well. Sees yas later man!

02-28-2010, 03:58 AM
That would be really cool. I'd be honored if you did some artwork or something for like that for me. We'll keep in touch especially now that your on my youtube account anyways. Thanx alot man.

02-28-2010, 05:28 AM
Ehhh it's no prob... Lol, at least I can say I was there in the beginning before you hit it big!

03-01-2010, 06:34 PM
:) thanx. I hope I do make it big someday. It's my second year doing this so I hope that either by this year or next year I figure out how to make it professionally or something.

03-04-2010, 12:41 AM
Well making it big won't be the easiest thing, so I'd focus more on the whole going pro aspect. You'd need some kind of catcher work in order to grab everyone's attention, and that usually doesn't happen to a person until after they've done their trade for a little bit. Hmmmm, maybe try getting into the industry with a small game studio and make music for their games. There's plenty of examples out there of the game sucking, but yet the music for it was great, making that the only redeeming aspect of the game. Once you've worked for a crappy company and got your name out there with your music and such, give everyone the bird as you move on to bigger studios and better titles to work with. By the end, you may just be sipping champagne at the next video game conference with Nobuo Uematsu, trading notes on what pieces to write for the next blockbuster title coming out.

03-04-2010, 04:46 PM
Yeah I know it won't. I more hoping to make it than make it big. I wish I still lived in New York. Here in Delaware we have nothing so I have no idea how to even begin. I guess the only way to start really would be to move somewhere else. But I really just hope to get to that point someday where I can just get steady pay and do this.

03-05-2010, 02:15 AM
Lol, well I know if you head to big city areas you'll find some opportunities. I'm from Miami, and we have a big scene when it comes to getting your music out there. I am currently in San Diego right now since I move around alot due to my job, and Cali is definitely a good place to try and get yourself set up at as well. I'll bet that if you went back to NYC too, you would find what you needed there as well. Still, just give it the time it needs and build up your exprience and knowledge. That way you can go into things with a much clear mind and better focus.

03-05-2010, 04:25 AM
Well making it big won't be the easiest thing, so I'd focus more on the whole going pro aspect. You'd need some kind of catcher work in order to grab everyone's attention, and that usually doesn't happen to a person until after they've done their trade for a little bit. Hmmmm, maybe try getting into the industry with a small game studio and make music for their games. There's plenty of examples out there of the game sucking, but yet the music for it was great, making that the only redeeming aspect of the game. Once you've worked for a crappy company and got your name out there with your music and such, give everyone the bird as you move on to bigger studios and better titles to work with. By the end, you may just be sipping champagne at the next video game conference with Nobuo Uematsu, trading notes on what pieces to write for the next blockbuster title coming out.

It's actually not all that difficult to "Go Pro."

My Brother basically put a couple of tracks on Myspace and SoundClick.Com and Then he was called by an artist to do Backup Tracks for an Artist. Now He's picked up a couple other artists to work for, and He's designing a couple of their Websites [He's a crazy multi-tasker type! LOL!]!

If you wanna check out his tracks:
CFMBeats @ Soundclick (http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=945431&content=music)
Midwest Noise @ SoundClick (http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=945433&content=music)
Midwest Noise/JDWhyte @ Myspace (http://www.myspace.com/jdmnp)

the tune "I'm gone" is one of my favs by him, and I'm not really into rap all that much! :laugh:

03-06-2010, 08:23 PM
Lol, well I never said it doesn't come easy either Bubba! Not everyone is a right of the bat success story, because if that was the case, the comic I drew back in the day would of already landed me a job at Marvel, or some of my friends that had musical talent would be in the higher echelons of the business. Still, Ray could pull that off and become successful with relative ease, he does have the talent. It's all a matter of how the cards are dealt and how you use them I guess.

03-07-2010, 04:49 AM
You Definitely nailed that one!

It seems like it's all luck and timing when you get down to it. That said, I would hate to say "Hey, Move to Nashville if you wanna get in the biz." and then have someone wind up homeless on the streets playing to scrounge up money for their next meal.

It's kind of a "catch 22" situation, you know?

If you don't try, you don't know if you'll make it big or not.
If you DO try...

03-12-2010, 08:32 PM
Well life is a gamble... I mean if any of us want to become successful at anything we do, we have to leave that comfort zone and the standards that society says you can live within to be well off, and strive to do something totally new, creative, or just downright awesome. But in doing so, it is make or break... I haven't given up on trying to get my artwork or comics out there to the world, but I am trying to do what I can to take careful and precise steps so I don't fall and end up in the gutter. Ray I believe is doing a more proactive approach using some available resources like Youtube and other websites to get his music out there. A noble endeavor and a nice way to start things off I say. If Ray can get a positive base behind his music and see that the people enjoy his work, he could land a job at a relatively safe company to start things off and then build his repetoire up that way. Then we can say we were there when the dude was small time when he hits it big and is composing scores for the multi-million dollar games like Modern Warfare 2 or Final Fantasy. Then again, he could go for broke, head out there to the big leagues, put it all on the line and possibly make it big to start with... lol, kinda like winning the lottery! Hey it does happen!

03-14-2010, 03:26 AM
Well thankyou for believing in me :) I'm glad i've got people behind me that are encouraging me. I hope I really do make it big someday.