09-20-2002, 10:22 PM
I recently beat the game about a month ago and I used a walkthrough (sadly) and I noticed at this site; that it said that there were four doors you could enter before you got to ulti's castle, although there appears to be three there is supposedly a "secret" door leading to the ragnarok. This is what the site said:

1st Door - The door nearest to Ultimecia's Castle: leads to the Grandidi Forest where you will find the Chocobo Holy Area. The Chocobo Holy is located north-west from the door.

2nd Door - The door in the middle of the three doors: leads to the Centra-Serrengetti Plains where you find the Centra Ruins.

3rd Door - The door nearest to Edea's house: leads to the Galbadia area where you find the Missile Base.

4th Door - The Hidden Door: located on the right of the chain and leads to the Ragnarok. The door will only be uncovered upon entering it.

I tried to find it but I couldnt has anyone else? I think it's probobly bull but there is always that small chance...

09-21-2002, 02:40 AM
You have to go through another door, get to where the forth door is and go through it , and then it becomes's basically out in the desert neer the ragnarok location on disc get it , come in through the other side, so to speak...

09-21-2002, 04:04 AM
Yup, that's right, it's very roundabout, but you can't use that door until you have the Ragnarok. You have to exit out one of the doors (I forget which one) and make your way to the Chocobo Holy Forest. There, you will be able to get a chocobo for free (ChocoKid refuses to charge money or do business on sacred ground.) If you've never heard FFVIII's chocobo theme, before, then you're in for a treat. If you have, it's still really cool to listen to. Okay, now that you've got your chocobo, you have to ride it all the way down the coast, eventually you will come across the Ragnarok in the desert and viola!

Good luck! This is definitely not fake, and there is some neat stuff you can do once you get the Ragnarok back on Disc 4. For one thing, you'll run into some old friends. I won't spoil it, but you'll know it when you see it. Don't go trying to find Balamb Garden though, that definitely is gone.

- Edited- it's the first door that leads to the Chocobo Holy Forest, you said that. Go there, get the chocobo, get the Ragnarok, have fun.

09-21-2002, 08:36 PM
as far as I know ffnet has never told any lies from my experiance. I dont know why you would think that there trying to spread a false rumor.

09-22-2002, 03:43 AM
Mmmmmm, you really need to get a chocobo before disk 4 (do the whole chocobo quest) otherwise you're pretty stuffed if you want the Ragnarok (cause you have to ride down the whole East continent to get there)

09-22-2002, 04:16 AM
Actually, the choco boy sould still be there even on disk four.

09-22-2002, 07:30 AM
Kenshin's correct. The first time I played through FFVIII, I didn't touch a chocobo the entire time through the game until Disc 4. Then I wanted the Ragnarok, so I just went to the Chocobo Holy Forest and there was the Chocokid and the chocobo, so I was able to get my free chocobo.

09-22-2002, 06:27 PM
Yeah, me too, I didn't do any thing chocobo the first time around and I wanted the ragnarok on disc 4,so I did the little walking journey and got there, I tried to catch it , but I sucked at so I just payed for it, got my ragnarok and blew up all the chocobo forest in anger.....o.O.......ok, so didn't, but as I replayed the game a few times, I decided to try them and I then beat them all.

09-22-2002, 09:35 PM
Okay, now I'm confused again. If I remember correctly, you shouldn't have had to pay anything for the chocobo in the Chocobo Holy Forest. There's no puzzle in that one. The Chocokid considers it sacred ground, so he just lets you have the chocobo for free.

09-23-2002, 09:51 AM
that is such a definite hoax!!!

09-23-2002, 09:09 PM
ultimecia, sorry, but sometimes I get the impression that you post stuff just to post *something.* Why in the world is it a "definite hoax?"

09-25-2002, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Okay, now I'm confused again. If I remember correctly, you shouldn't have had to pay anything for the chocobo in the Chocobo Holy Forest. There's no puzzle in that one. The Chocokid considers it sacred ground, so he just lets you have the chocobo for free.

I was talking about a different forest....O_o

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
09-26-2002, 08:05 PM
Yeah, I know the forest that Kenshin's thinking of, its behind a rock thats pointy (like that going to help), but its all by itself (this rock)
Thats where I got my Chocobo from on Disc4.

It took me ages to find a way round to get to the Ragnarok

10-09-2002, 09:46 PM
I have the ragnorak, but there's only one person besides my part on it.. And that's some guy named joker.Going back to what Agent0042 said about meeting old friends.. Exactly how and where do i go to find "them"?All of the places besides little side quests are barriered off.. :confused: :uh?: :confused: :uh?:

10-09-2002, 11:15 PM
Is Joker the only member of the CC group that you played? If you played everybody in the CC group, then the entire gang should be there on the Ragnarok. Or, I don't know, maybe Joker's there even if you never played CC. But if you beat the CC quest, they should all be there.