02-17-2010, 10:26 AM

The gaming industry crashed in 1983, thanks to a lot of 'shovelware', which saturated the market sustained by only one high-profile system (Atari).

When the NES ("Famicom" in Japan) was released in 1984 (JP) and 1985 (NA), it single-handedly resurrected the market and took it to new heights.

The NES not only brought about new ways to play games (controller pad + zap gun, for example), it also gave us a TON of awesome software.

There was also a TON of shovelware, and this is where I make my case for NES being the greatest system ever released.

My Case:
The fact that the NES was able to sustain itself and not result in another industry crash,
despite the thousands of units of 'shovelware' released for it, proves how strong the brand became in such a short amount of time..

It wasn't just a great system with great games--
It was a remarkable system that had a huge impact on the way families enjoy their lives,
and gave life to a previously-failing industry, in spite of all the horrible games also released for the platform.

02-25-2010, 09:58 PM
I don't know if I would call it the best console ever. Personally I judge consoles by their library of games. And in that account the NES can't beat the PlayStation2 imo. But I don't think anyone can deny that it was a revolutionary console that changed the gaming industry entirely.

02-25-2010, 10:10 PM
"greatest system ever" is pretty vague. Greatest with regards to what? all kinds of things could contribute to what different people might view as "greatest." Number of units sold, number of games sold, quality of the games library, the creative vision of the designers are a few that come to mind immediately.

Your criteria seems to be something like "made the biggest impact" perhaps. At any rate defining it more clearly might improve the answers you get.

02-25-2010, 10:32 PM
Not the greatest, to me the greatest is the original Playstation. But I recognize that the NES was a system that mantained itself on the market in a hard times & it's the reason that the gaming business is still alive, other thing about the NES is that spawned a lot of titles that are undeniable Classics.
So far it's a great console for it's time, we can't deny not even one of us had at least an NES clone in our houses.
It might be the greatest if we make a depth analysis, but still my fauvorite is the Original Playstation.

02-25-2010, 11:01 PM
the NES can't beat the PlayStation2 imo..

I lol'd at this sentence hard. Forget about the SNES or PS1 or PS3?

02-25-2010, 11:21 PM
99% of games on the NES are worse than todays games. If you think it's the greatest console ever you are clearly letting Nostalgia blind you. This generation of consoles are obviously better. they have far more capabilities, better graphics, better sound etc. It's like saying Golden Eye is the greatest FPS ever, it obviously isn't, it was for it's time but not now. The mediocre shooter far surpasses it.

02-26-2010, 01:25 PM
I lol'd at this sentence hard. Forget about the SNES or PS1 or PS3?

I like the PS2 better. If you like any of the others you mentioned better, that's fine too. There's that thing we call an opinion. Of course I'm not forgetting the SNES PSX and PS3. But to me, the PS2 will always be better. That's why I put that little "imo" in the end of that sentence :D

02-26-2010, 02:44 PM
This generation of consoles are obviously better. they have far more capabilities, better graphics, better sound etc.

If Nostalgia blinds him, then Technology is blinding you...

No Xbox was released in 1985 ��

Darth Revan
02-26-2010, 02:50 PM
I lol'd at this sentence hard. Forget about the SNES or PS1 or PS3?

I agree the SNES is one of the best console systems, better (IMO that is) than it's predecessor. Personal opinion though, this is the 'greatest system ever':

Great game library, also being able to surf the net and play online as well made this one of, if not the 'greatest console ever'.

Still... it all boils down to personal opinion.

02-26-2010, 03:28 PM
Seems like the sixth generation of gaming is the one favored by many :D

02-26-2010, 05:05 PM
I agree the SNES is one of the best console systems, better (IMO that is) than it's predecessor. Personal opinion though, this is the 'greatest system ever':

Great game library, also being able to surf the net and play online as well made this one of, if not the 'greatest console ever'.

Still... it all boils down to personal opinion.

Thank you, Death's Head! I thought I was one of the only people alive who remembered the great Dreamcast! Only had a few games for it (Sonic Adventure 1&2, Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, RE: Code Veronica, Crazy Taxi, and a demo disc) but holy crap were they good.

Also, every system has great games. You can't call one system 'the best'. I love Super Mario World from SNES. I also love RE2 on N64.

02-26-2010, 05:51 PM
99% of games on the NES are worse than todays games.

You have not played 1% of the games on the NES.

02-26-2010, 06:10 PM
Yes Yes, opinions are a lot of fun I know 'smarty', goes without even mentioning.

Yeah my fave is the SNES, and I too am a proud dreamcast owner haha.

Edmond Dantes
02-26-2010, 06:49 PM
speaking of N64... anybody know where I can find one of its controllers? i wanna mod one so I can use it for my PS2. i bet its possible.

02-26-2010, 07:02 PM
speaking of N64... anybody know where I can find one of its controllers? i wanna mod one so I can use it for my PS2. i bet its possible.

Check the internet, but those controllerers were the worse thing designed ever to me, their only purpose was to play Zelda or GoldenEye, even at playing Smash bros they weren't confortable, Nintendo must have thought that humans would evolve to have three hands.... :S

Edmond Dantes
02-26-2010, 09:28 PM
i loved the N64 controllers bro. i think they were bad ass.

02-27-2010, 01:01 AM
If Nostalgia blinds him, then Technology is blinding you...

The technology allows for better gameplay. Look at Call of Duty for example, it's gameplay far surpasses that of Golden Eye. From controls, to physics, to graphics, to realism.
Let's put it this way, if the NES was released today it would be the laughing stock of the video game world. How can it be the greatest console ever if that is the case?

02-27-2010, 01:22 AM
The technology allows for better gameplay. Look at Call of Duty for example, it's gameplay far surpasses that of Golden Eye. From controls, to physics, to graphics, to realism.
Let's put it this way, if the NES was released today it would be the laughing stock of the video game world. How can it be the greatest console ever if that is the case?

I'm thinking to even answer to this, because I don't know which is worse, the stupid comparison or you trying to put perspective by giving a case if the NES were to be RE-released these days.... Clearly a Violation of Common Sense.

02-27-2010, 01:45 AM
Sigh. You are claiming it is the greatest console EVER. That includes this generation and it to award it greates console of all time it has to be compared to them. I'll try another example then. Cars. You may say that a Ford Model T is the greatest car ever, and it was revolutionary no doubt, however the Bugatti Veyron surpasses it in every way imaginable.

02-27-2010, 01:50 AM
My vote goes to either the SNES or Amiga 500 (if we're allowed to include computers). Both had superb libraries of games that gave me more enjoyment, pound for pound, than any other systems I've owned.

The Dreamcast was a great machine too, but because it was undersupported, due to Sega's reputation being very low at that point, its game library is rather thin (but still has lots of great titles).

And although I'm not a Playstation fan in general, the PS2 was a solid buy for me. It wasn't the most technically incredible machine, but big game libraries count for a lot.

But like I say, the SNES and Amiga... now they were good buys.

02-27-2010, 02:28 AM
The technology allows for better gameplay. Look at Call of Duty for example, it's gameplay far surpasses that of Golden Eye. From controls, to physics, to graphics, to realism.
Let's put it this way, if the NES was released today it would be the laughing stock of the video game world. How can it be the greatest console ever if that is the case?

If the NES never existed, the gaming technology wouldn't be where it is now. It's how we got the ideas/technology to create a PS3 or 360. The NES was a launching pad of the video game industry.

Of course every Atari/Commodore/System I'm Not Mentioning before the NES is important too. Kind of like without the Playstation, the Playstation 3 wouldn't be out right now.

Duh. It's logical, it doesn't really matter what we think of as the best system, but it is a fact that without systems like the NES we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

Edit: This thread is completely useless (imo) as it'll just boil down to a pissing match between newer gen people and older gen people.

Darth Revan
02-27-2010, 02:32 AM
The Dreamcast was a great machine too, but because it was undersupported, due to Sega's reputation being very low at that point, its game library is rather thin (but still has lots of great titles).

What 'killed' the Dreamcast here in Australia wasn't Sega's fault, but rather the telecommunications giant, Telstra being domineering in how the online capability for the console was. You couldn't chose any ISP for the Dreamcast here, you 'had' to go with Telstra which sucked.

True it's game library was rather small, but the games were brilliant though. Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue I & II, Sword of the Berserk, Sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi I & II, Dead or Alive 2 and Daytona USA 2001 just to name a few. I rather enjoyed Skies of Arcadia quite a bit, probably more so than the FF games available at that time. A little bit like Suikoden (Gathering the crew etc), but the main thing which I loved about it: Player controlled (to a degree) Airship Battles. Why can't we have them in the FF games (ones which feature a lot of airships like FFIX and even FFXII)...


If the NES never existed, the gaming technology wouldn't be where it is now. It's how we got the ideas/technology to create a PS3 or 360. The NES was a launching pad of the video game industry.

Of course every Atari/Commodore/System I'm Not Mentioning before the NES is important too. Kind of like without the Playstation, the Playstation 3 wouldn't be out right now.

Don't forget these:

Milton Bradley Vectrex

Commodore 64



Magnavox Odyssey

Just to name a few extras, BEFORE the NES.

Duh. It's logical, it doesn't really matter what we think of as the best system, but it is a fact that without systems like the NES we wouldn't even be having this conversation.


Edit: This thread is completely useless (imo) as it'll just boil down to a pissing match between newer gen people and older gen people.

Also agree with. One person's opinion of what is the greatest will not always be the same as others.

02-27-2010, 04:13 AM
The technology allows for better gameplay. Look at Call of Duty for example, it's gameplay far surpasses that of Golden Eye. From controls, to physics, to graphics, to realism.
Let's put it this way, if the NES was released today it would be the laughing stock of the video game world. How can it be the greatest console ever if that is the case?

If the NES was released now would cost $15 and come with a ridiculous number of games made by the creators of some of the most popular series in the industry's history. If Nintendo can move over 10 million copies of New Super Mario Bros Wii in a few months then I doubt modern gamers would laugh if Super Mario Bros. 3 debuted today.

Edit: This thread is completely useless (imo) as it'll just boil down to a pissing match between newer gen people and older gen people.

That's backwards; these kind of threads exist so that people can have pissing matches. I only have an SNES hooked up myself. I'm planning no upgrading to Playstation by the end of the year, maybe reach modern games by 2020, I don't know.

02-27-2010, 04:51 AM
I liked the NES but just not enough to label it as the best gaming system ever. I will however agree 100% that the NES gaveway to some of the greatest games availble: Dragon Warrior, Mario Brothers, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Metroid.

I'm still stuck on my Commodore64, or more accurately Bubble Ghost has my heart :love:

02-27-2010, 01:21 PM
One thing I did like about the NES is that if a game won't play, you can fix it by blowing in the cartridge :D.

And if that's spelled wrong, I'm sorry. But I personally like the PS2 out of all the consoles I've owned simply because of its library. To me, it seemed to be the most "solid" console compared to how it is now in this generation of gaming.

02-27-2010, 05:07 PM
speaking of N64... anybody know where I can find one of its controllers? i wanna mod one so I can use it for my PS2. i bet its possible.

N64 controllers are hard to find in good condition because their analog sticks tended to go to shit really quickly. Best bet is to shop online and see if you can find a still-sealed one that somebody is selling for not too much money, but I imagine they are getting scarce and might be expensive. You can look for somebody selling one that is in good condition but you have no idea how soon the analog stick will start falling to pieces on you.

There were some decent third party N64 controllers but it sounds like what you really want is the official one.

You can mod any controller to work on just about anything but unless you really know what you're doing it's probably going to be difficult to figure out what to do. third party companies make adapters for almost any kind of controller though. I bet there is an adapter out there you could buy for relatively cheap on ebay that will let you use an N64 controller on PlayStation.

Sigh. You are claiming it is the greatest console EVER. That includes this generation and it to award it greates console of all time it has to be compared to them. I'll try another example then. Cars. You may say that a Ford Model T is the greatest car ever, and it was revolutionary no doubt, however the Bugatti Veyron surpasses it in every way imaginable.

You must live in a cold and bleak world to believe this. By your logic every time a new generation comes, one of its consoles must be the "greatest."

As I pointed out at the beginning of this thread it all depends on greatest in terms of what. The creative vision of the designers back in the days of the NES may have far surpassed that of any modern console, making it a candidate for "greatest" in that regard.

I absolutely object to the notion that technology necessarily improves gameplay as well. There may be some things that it affects, like your ability to see an enemy on the horizon in a shooter, but for the most part it actually just means the games look more technically impressive. And whether that makes them look better is questionable. I can think of lots of NES games that I think are prettier to look at than some bleak arab killing game like call of duty, and plenty that I find far more entertaining as well.

02-27-2010, 05:20 PM
I liked the NES but just not enough to label it as the best gaming system ever. I will however agree 100% that the NES gaveway to some of the greatest games availble: Dragon Warrior, Mario Brothers, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Metroid.

I'm still stuck on my Commodore64, or more accurately Bubble Ghost has my heart :love:

This is so true. The NES saw the birth of some of the greatest game series of all time. And you also gotta consider that back in its day, there was no PsX, even. No N64. Hell, no SNES. The amount of joy people got out of something so many consider to be 'plain' and 'simple' by today's standards tops what we feel from our consoles nowadays. I mean seriously, we take them for granted now. Back then, video games were this brand new, exciting thing taking the world by force. These days, we look at video games that look even more realistic than our own reality and think nothing of it but 'I'm bored'. Back then, people controlled this little green pixely character to slay equally pixely monsters, with a backstory found only in the booklet, and they were ontop of the world for that brief time.

Edmond Dantes
02-27-2010, 06:10 PM
N64 controllers are hard to find in good condition because their analog sticks tended to go to shit really quickly. Best bet is to shop online and see if you can find a still-sealed one that somebody is selling for not too much money, but I imagine they are getting scarce and might be expensive. You can look for somebody selling one that is in good condition but you have no idea how soon the analog stick will start falling to pieces on you.

There were some decent third party N64 controllers but it sounds like what you really want is the official one.

You can mod any controller to work on just about anything but unless you really know what you're doing it's probably going to be difficult to figure out what to do. third party companies make adapters for almost any kind of controller though. I bet there is an adapter out there you could buy for relatively cheap on ebay that will let you use an N64 controller on PlayStation.

ahhh... i had completely forgotten about the adapters. thanks for the advice dude.

02-27-2010, 06:15 PM
I have 2 good N64 controllers. But you can't have them!

Mainly because I don't know when's the next time it will be played.

Edmond Dantes
02-27-2010, 06:18 PM
lol I wish I had never given my brother my N64 back in the day. I had Zelda64, and must have gotten tired of it. It was basically the only game I ever played on that thing. and now that I know there are adapters, I want my controller back. dammit all.

02-27-2010, 06:32 PM
I agree, the NES was revolutionary. However by todays standards it is obsolete.

Edmond Dantes
02-27-2010, 06:36 PM
there were some games on the NES with terrible graphics. others were amazing for their time.

02-27-2010, 09:32 PM
If it's a game that you really love to play then it never really goes obsolete.

And it had to be about gameplay back in the day, crazy monsters & even crazier settings (Monster Party & Kiwi Kraze/New Zealand Story for NES). Graphics didn't become a necessity for game play until the Playstation came out i.e. "check out those slanted/awkward camera angles Lara".

02-27-2010, 09:40 PM
However by todays standards it is obsolete.

Mega Man 9 needs a conversation with you....

02-27-2010, 10:41 PM
I agree, the NES was revolutionary. However by todays standards it is obsolete.

Fun is never obsolete. This is such a depressing way of thinking. It's like you can't allow anything to ever stay good.

02-27-2010, 10:52 PM
Fun is never obsolete. This is such a depressing way of thinking. It's like you can't allow anything to ever stay good.

I love this post :)

02-28-2010, 02:35 AM
I was actually looking for members to play 'devil's advocate' for a moment, by describing the NES as "greatest system ever."
Hence, the: "make a case" moniker in the thread title. ^^

It's up to you how you want to interpret (to promote) what "greatest" means, and how it's attributed to the NES.

Please, no system wars.. NERDz! =P

02-28-2010, 02:46 AM
I lol'd at this sentence hard. Forget about the SNES or PS1 or PS3?

SNES I'd be willing to give you, but the PS1/PS3?

Next you're gonna be telling me the PSP is better than the NDS.

Darth Revan
02-28-2010, 03:01 AM
I was actually looking for members to play 'devil's advocate' for a moment, by describing the NES as "greatest system ever."
Hence, the: "make a case" moniker in the thread title. ^^

It's up to everyone what they consider the 'greatest system ever', which may or may not be the NES. My own personal feelings are that the Sega Dreamcast was the 'greatest system ever', yet I do have a lot of sentimental feelings towards the NES as that was my first console I ever bought (Took me 8 months to save up enough money to buy it.), as the first console I had was the Milton Bradley Vectrex. So asking people to play 'devil's advocate' and describe the NES as the 'greatest system ever' is rather ambiguous to say the least.

It's up to you how you want to interpret (to promote) what "greatest" means, and how it's attributed to the NES.

Once again, as I said before, everyone's opinion on which console is the greatest differs from everyone else. Focusing on just one and saying that's the 'greatest ever' will cause people to call you out on that.

Please, no system wars.. NERDz! =P

The system war in this thread started with the thread title.

02-28-2010, 03:36 AM
It's up to everyone what they consider the 'greatest system ever', which may or may not be the NES. My own personal feelings are that the Sega Dreamcast was the 'greatest system ever', yet I do have a lot of sentimental feelings towards the NES as that was my first console I ever bought (Took me 8 months to save up enough money to buy it.), as the first console I had was the Milton Bradley Vectrex. So asking people to play 'devil's advocate' and describe the NES as the 'greatest system ever' is rather ambiguous to say the least.

Once again, as I said before, everyone's opinion on which console is the greatest differs from everyone else. Focusing on just one and saying that's the 'greatest ever' will cause people to call you out on that.

The system war in this thread started with the thread title.

Are you sure you understand what playing Devil's Advocate means? =P
This has nothing to do with your opinion about the NES.
Your simply making a case for it being the greatest system.

This worked so well in other forums. I never had to explain this.. >>

02-28-2010, 03:42 AM
I don't know if I would call it the best console ever. .... But I don't think anyone can deny that it was a revolutionary console that changed the gaming industry entirely.

^ This.

NES was fun, no doubt, but, sometimes nostalgia can cloud things...

02-28-2010, 04:30 AM
SNES I'd be willing to give you, but the PS1/PS3?

Next you're gonna be telling me the PSP is better than the NDS.

I'm not really telling anyone anything cuz none of this shit matters and this is a stupid thread sir.

& no, the DS is better than the PSP, fuck the PSP, right in its ass.

Darth Revan
02-28-2010, 04:47 AM
Are you sure you understand what playing Devil's Advocate means? =P
This has nothing to do with your opinion about the NES.
Your simply making a case for it being the greatest system.

I beg to differ. Making a case for the NES or any other console as the 'greatest system ever' initially starts out with a individual's opinion about it. How can one make that arguement that it's the greatest, when they may differ in opinion?

This worked so well in other forums. I never had to explain this.. >>

And here we go... Start something on another forum, and because it did well there, you feel the need to spread it to other forums. If this worked so well on these other forums, they stay there. Stop spamming sub forums with regurgitated vomit from other forums.

I'm not really telling anyone anything cuz none of this shit matters and this is a stupid thread sir.

It seems everyday there's more and more new members like the OP who think they have to spread crap and spam forums with said crap.

02-28-2010, 10:15 AM
I beg to differ. Making a case for the NES or any other console as the 'greatest system ever' initially starts out with a individual's opinion about it. How can one make that arguement that it's the greatest, when they may differ in opinion?

that's the whole point of Devil's Advocate. It's a pretty straight-forward concept. ^_^v

And here we go... Start something on another forum, and because it did well there, you feel the need to spread it to other forums. If this worked so well on these other forums, they stay there. Stop spamming sub forums with regurgitated vomit from other forums.

It was a lot of fun~ They also had a good attitude. ^^

It seems everyday there's more and more new members like the OP who think they have to spread crap and spam forums with said crap.

Yikes.. Are you alright? O_O
I can tell this is very personal to you, so I'll stay out.

Darth Revan
02-28-2010, 11:30 AM
that's the whole point of Devil's Advocate. It's a pretty straight-forward concept. ^_^v

Why are you bothering with this thread at all? It serves no purpose as the title is a misconception as it can be construed to all consoles. Focusing on just one like this, particularly when there are people who either don't care about it or don't even know of it. Therefore this thread is pointless.

It was a lot of fun~ They also had a good attitude. ^^

Just because on other forums this thread may of received posts of which you want, does not mean it will be well received on other forums as well. Therefore I say again: Why bother with this thread at all?

Yikes.. Are you alright? O_O
I can tell this is very personal to you, so I'll stay out.

I'm just sick and tired of meaningless threads like this, when all it does inevitably is draw people into camps of the console they consider to be the best overall, where flames can be sent out against others who do not agree with their opinion.

Before you create a new thread, THINK before posting. THINK if it will be a worthwhile thread and not a meaningless one, which I have read some of your other posts here and they are meaningless drivel to me.

02-28-2010, 04:09 PM
Very funny.... or should I say.... stupidly sad?

02-28-2010, 08:17 PM
It seems everyday there's more and more new members like the OP who think they have to spread crap and spam forums with said crap.

02-28-2010, 08:51 PM
These threads are funny.

Edmond Dantes
02-28-2010, 08:52 PM
Why? Cause Death's Head tells the truth?

02-28-2010, 08:54 PM
What's funny is when idiots try to argue with him, blind as they are to the truth, when he's giving them sound advice they just can't be bothered to heed :D Makes me laugh too :D

Edmond Dantes
02-28-2010, 08:55 PM
I agree. Death's Head is a great giver of info. nobody even listens to him. if I were him, I'd go postal. POSTAL I TELL YAS!!

02-28-2010, 08:58 PM
It's just funny, all the 'opinions' and 'views' and how ppl think their 'opinion' or whatever is important to someone else,,,, on the internet. GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF AND YOUR OPINION, its JUST A DISCUSSION.

Edmond Dantes
02-28-2010, 08:59 PM
well, i agree with that too. it IS just opinionated bullshit.

02-28-2010, 09:00 PM
While this thread has brought out some great points from a lot of people, the thread itself is rather pointless and seems more like a Junior High school assignment.

02-28-2010, 09:02 PM
While this thread has brought out some great points from a lot of people, the thread itself is rather pointless and seems more like a Junior High school assignment.

Well said.

02-28-2010, 09:07 PM
While this thread has brought out some great points from a lot of people, the thread itself is rather pointless and seems more like a Junior High school assignment.

now write a 5 paragraph essay about this thread...xD
or else you'll lose your grades....

Edmond Dantes
02-28-2010, 09:20 PM
no thanks. i already graduated long ago.

02-28-2010, 09:24 PM
The NES. What can be said about the NES? In its day, it was the pinnacle of gaming. People from all over the world were being introduced to this fascinating concept of a machine capable of letting them play against a virtual score of adversaries. From the sweeping adventure of young Link in The Legend of Zelda, to the daring and brave feats of Super Mario and Luigi, or the futuristic Metroid, the classic Final Fantasy, and the age-old Castlevania, the NES introduced some of the greatest concepts the video gaming industry would ever glimpse.

In light of the current day and age, many gamers often take a view in hindsight to catch a nostalgic glimpse of this little wonder, as they venture into the modern age of gaming, which can never quite match up to the feeling of video games when they were first overtaking America's television sets. Some would argue it to be the greatest system of all time, while others are more inclined to take the side of current technology, citing it as gaming's true spectacle. And while it may be true that no 'greatest' can be fully decided, due to the conflict of different opinions, the war for perfection still continues.

Let us take a moment to remind ourselves of the great journey video gaming has made over the course of time. We've seen it all; flying turtles defeated by consuming mushrooms, a young boy in green saving an entire kingdom, crystals serving as a centerpiece in a tale of destiny, scores of demons overtaking players via first-person, a city in ruin at the hands of a biological outbreak, and many other epic premises all within the transition from 2-d to 3-d. It is with these innovative ideas that gaming has gotten where it is today.

While it is easy to say that the use of 3-d graphics was a vast step in the progression of gaming in general, however true this may be, a great majority of players would still beg to differ that this does not take the place of pure, good fun. With oftentimes poor graphics, the NES is sometimes frowned upon as being nothing more than the start of something great, while little credence is given to its actual value as a whole. Consider this; the NES was, at the flagship of its existence, truly the greatest there was. We had yet to see the N64, the SNES, or even what we know today as the Xbox360, Ps3, or Wii.

All in all, many will differ and many will argue on the heart of the matter, but true greatness exists merely in the eye of the beholder. It may be a simple task for some to point out the various flaws of the NES and cite them as being the only notable merits the system poses, but to others the golden age of gaming ended with the NES's lifecycle, and could never be achieved on the same plateau of ingenuity as when it was first sparked to life on our screens so many years ago.

Edmond Dantes
02-28-2010, 09:26 PM
*wipes his eyes*

02-28-2010, 09:28 PM
I know, that was great, wasn't it? :D

02-28-2010, 09:32 PM

I was expecting some sarcastic post, but not a real 5 paragraph essay.... xD

Ehm.... I guess you got an A++

seriously I didn't expected that. xD

Edmond Dantes
02-28-2010, 09:32 PM
Yes! It sure was buddy. It sure was...

02-28-2010, 09:34 PM
Heh, now you guys know what my best subject was in school ;)

Edmond Dantes
02-28-2010, 09:47 PM
reedin'? or ritin'?

02-28-2010, 09:51 PM
The NES. What can be said about the NES? In its day, it was the pinnacle of gaming. People from all over the world were being introduced to this fascinating concept of a machine capable of letting them play against a virtual score of adversaries. From the sweeping adventure of young Link in The Legend of Zelda, to the daring and brave feats of Super Mario and Luigi, or the futuristic Metroid, the classic Final Fantasy, and the age-old Castlevania, the NES introduced some of the greatest concepts the video gaming industry would ever glimpse.

In light of the current day and age, many gamers often take a view in hindsight to catch a nostalgic glimpse of this little wonder, as they venture into the modern age of gaming, which can never quite match up to the feeling of video games when they were first overtaking America's television sets. Some would argue it to be the greatest system of all time, while others are more inclined to take the side of current technology, citing it as gaming's true spectacle. And while it may be true that no 'greatest' can be fully decided, due to the conflict of different opinions, the war for perfection still continues.

Let us take a moment to remind ourselves of the great journey video gaming has made over the course of time. We've seen it all; flying turtles defeated by consuming mushrooms, a young boy in green saving an entire kingdom, crystals serving as a centerpiece in a tale of destiny, scores of demons overtaking players via first-person, a city in ruin at the hands of a biological outbreak, and many other epic premises all within the transition from 2-d to 3-d. It is with these innovative ideas that gaming has gotten where it is today.

While it is easy to say that the use of 3-d graphics was a vast step in the progression of gaming in general, however true this may be, a great majority of players would still beg to differ that this does not take the place of pure, good fun. With oftentimes poor graphics, the NES is sometimes frowned upon as being nothing more than the start of something great, while little credence is given to its actual value as a whole. Consider this; the NES was, at the flagship of its existence, truly the greatest there was. We had yet to see the N64, the SNES, or even what we know today as the Xbox360, Ps3, or Wii.

All in all, many will differ and many will argue on the heart of the matter, but true greatness exists merely in the eye of the beholder. It may be a simple task for some to point out the various flaws of the NES and cite them as being the only notable merits the system poses, but to others the golden age of gaming ended with the NES's lifecycle, and could never be achieved on the same plateau of ingenuity as when it was first sparked to life on our screens so many years ago.

Where did you copy and paste this from? lawlz!

02-28-2010, 09:52 PM
Ahh, both :D Reading always inspired me to write, even to this day, which is why I only read if I know I've got time as well to write :D

Where did you copy and paste this from? lawlz!

Honestly, I wrote that myself man :D That's one of my shorter posts, tbh :D

02-28-2010, 10:51 PM
Ahh, both :D Reading always inspired me to write, even to this day, which is why I only read if I know I've got time as well to write :D

Honestly, I wrote that myself man :D That's one of my shorter posts, tbh :D

Oh, well good job man.