02-17-2010, 07:55 AM
The reason why no one's yet to get a release of it yet, is because there has been a delay. This is because they weren't expecting so many orders so they have to make a second Print. Everyone should be beginning to recieve their copies in the middle of this month.

But to make up for it here is a preview to what you are expected to get.


02-17-2010, 10:12 AM
Thanks for the update; what in the world is wrong with these people? Am I missing something, or would the most sensible, fair, and logical solution to this problem not be... Mail out the copies you have to the people who ordered first, and inform the rest that a delay will ensue.

I have never heard such silly reasoning in my life...

Oh well... I know some people are looking forward to this. I hope it comes soon.