02-09-2010, 04:15 AM
i like most of you on here, are asking and/or downloading soundtracks for tons of soundtracks, and cant help but notice a lot of people are using .rar files, and ive only found a few zip files for a few soundtracks, can someone help me either find a way to get some of these soundtrack that im looking for in zip files, and/or help me try and understand wtf are .rar files and how to unpack the files. thanks.

my requests:

mass effect 1 and 2
assassins creed II
requiem for a dream
moon - clint marsell
sherlock homles - hans zimmer
the saboteur
dead space
mirrors edge
Doctor Who - Original Television Series Sountrack Vol. 3
Doctor Who - Original Television Series Sountrack Vol. 4
the orange box
donnie darko
kane and lynch dead men- the full soundtrack and all

if anyone can help me out i would be thank full till the end of time and then some

02-09-2010, 04:21 AM
Easy solution. Download Winrar. It's free. It works exactly in the same way you'd unzip a zip file. Same goes for the program 7zip (but that's another topic). Winrar is extremely easy to use, trust me.

02-09-2010, 09:35 AM
7zip is what I use, and i use to use Winrar. This man gives sound adviced. I would heed his words!

Dr Faustus
02-09-2010, 09:48 AM
I would say 7zip is the better program. Much of your want list can be filled in the Film Score / VGM thread. Go to it, and use the "search this thread" function at the top.

02-11-2010, 03:21 PM
thanks, yeah i found a program to use and it works great, but thanks for the help i did look into it