02-04-2010, 04:48 PM

Now, the article doesn't mention this, but the game will also be released on iPhone as well. I was on /v/ earlier when the announcement was made and the official website went up, and an image was found saying something along the lines of it being released in July 2010 on XBLA, PSN, WiiWare and iPhone. The game will also be split into episodes, similar to S3 and S&K.

The game puts Sonic back in 2D (2.5D really, I suppose), with none of the friends SEGA has introduced into the series since then. Not even Tails or Knuckles will make an appearance, from what I hear.

One gripe I have from the short 3 second clip of the game is how wonky Sonic's running looks. It's early beta footage though, so hopefully they patch that up. Another thing which may be a gripe for veteran fans is the fact that the homing attack (a staple in the 3D games) will be in this game, which could make it too easy. Who knows? It's really too early to tell whether or not this game will be good yet.

02-04-2010, 06:04 PM
I hope in every episode they put 6 or 7 zones.

02-05-2010, 09:10 AM
The intro:

It began as Sonic’s animal friends begin disappearing from South Island. Soon Sonic discovers that evil scientist Dr. Eggman has been kidnapping them and turning them into robots to collect the legendary treasure – The Chaos Emeralds. Sonic decides it’s up to him to save them and embarks on a quest to free his animal friends. Sonic battles Eggman through many different zones. Sonic eventually pursues Eggman to Final Zone where the first in many epic battles between them begins. In the end Sonic is victorious and Eggman’s Mecha fly’s away badly damaged. Sonic returns to Green Hill Zone and re-unites with his friends.

Their reunion is short lived however, as Eggman resurfaces and begins kidnapping Sonic friends again, in an effort to create more workers to finish his ultimate Weapon – The Death Egg! Teaming up with the newly met, Miles ‘Tails’ Prower, Sonic embarks on a new mission through West Side Island in an effort to free his friends and ensure Eggman does not obtain the 7 Chaos emeralds to fuel the Death Egg.

Once the West Side Island is freed, Sonic and Tails eventually board the Tornado and assault the Death Egg itself. After destroying Mecha Sonic, Eggman flees and enters his new Eggman Robot attacking Sonic! After a heated battle Sonic destroys the Eggman Robot and the Death Egg begins to explode.

Sonic and Tails fly down and come across mysterious island called Angel Island. This island is floating by the power of the precious stone called Master Emerald, but now this mysterious island are dropping down to the ocean surface because the Death Egg had been falling on this island. Sonic and Tails are attacked by a Red Echidna named Knuckles the guardian of the island.

Knuckles steals the Chaos emeralds from Sonic, being tricked by Eggman that he is an enemy come to take the Master Emerald.While Sonic and Tails are entangled by Knuckles, Eggman repairs the Death Egg and preps it for launch.

Sonic manages to jump on Death Egg just as it’s flying off. After confronting Eggman on the Death Egg, Sonic defeats Eggman once more and the Death Egg plummets back to Angel Island.

Back on the ground Dr. Eggman begins the repairing Death Egg again. Feeling Knuckles has served his purpose, he sends EggRobo to eliminate this potential threat. EggRobo finds Knuckles relaxing in Mushroom Zone and drops a bomb on him but Knuckles manages to survive. Enraged, the Wild Echidna sets off to defeat EggRobo. Meanwhile Sonic and Tails explore the island to find traces of the Death Egg and find out Eggman’s fate. After and Epic showdown between Sonic and Knuckles, Eggman uses the opportunity to finally steal the Master Emerald and re-launches the Death Egg. With the power of the emeralds, Sonic goes after Eggman, who has taken the Master Emerald into space.

Sonic and Tails secure the Master Emerald and return it to Knuckles on Angel Island. With it’s power restored, the Angel Island lifts off into the sky as Sonic and Tails fly off into the sunset.

But this humiliating defeat only serves to further Eggman’s rage, and he has determined once and for all to rid himself of Sonic. Eggman revisits – and improves – the very best of his creations to defeat our spiked hero.

And so a new Adventure begins…


02-06-2010, 01:25 AM
SWEET!! Can't wait to play a new (hopefully good) Sonic game :D!

Kyanbu The Legend
02-08-2010, 09:25 AM
Was happy to see Sega going back to basics. This has great potential so long as Sega doesn't screw up like usual.

02-16-2010, 05:04 AM
Well looks like the running animation in the trailers is not Sonic�s full speed, it will be like the Genesis era.

02-16-2010, 09:48 PM
So this game is going to pick up where Sonic & Knuckles left off? Good. I was worried that it would just be a rehash of Sonic's glory days on the Genesis.

02-16-2010, 11:34 PM


02-17-2010, 01:09 AM
The running animation still looks a little wonky to me but it's nice to see it kicks into the flurry it used to when he's at full speed. I really do wish they do something about that awful looking glossy grass, though.

Pisces Knight
02-17-2010, 01:17 AM
it was kinda obvious that it would be sonic 4.
i mean, needlemouse? really? cant they be more obvious?
might as well be project notsonic4

02-17-2010, 10:36 AM

take note of who is developing.
yea.. >_>

I'm not swayed by Sonic as a property enough to hold out hope anymore.
Sonic 2006 was supposed to be the game to make him awesome.
Then Sonic & Secret Rings..
Then Sonic & Black Knight..
Then Sonic Unleashed..
&.... &....


(Sonic Rush games are pretty fun, overall, though!)

02-24-2010, 04:49 AM

03-02-2010, 07:38 PM
Wait.....I thought Sonics onion rings are pretty good, in moderation.....Their grilled chicken sandwich is the bees knees, and who doesn't love rolling a solid jalapeno burger? AMIRIGHT???

Oh...wait....ha....they are talking about the video game franchise that totally blows, aren't they?

Sonic Sucks! har har har har

"Final verdict on Sonic?"

"F**king sucks!"

Couldn't have said it better myself.

03-04-2010, 02:53 AM
Are you stealing the Mega64 skit here?

Lord Brimstone
03-25-2010, 09:51 AM

take note of who is developing.
yea.. >_>

I'm not swayed by Sonic as a property enough to hold out hope anymore.
Sonic 2006 was supposed to be the game to make him awesome.
Then Sonic & Secret Rings..
Then Sonic & Black Knight..
Then Sonic Unleashed..
&.... &....


(Sonic Rush games are pretty fun, overall, though!)

Yeah I have taken note of who's developing this game.... NOT FUCKING SONIC TEAM! THANK GOD!!

Dimps has a good track record with Sonic games as they are the ones who made the Sonic Advance games which were pretty good from what I remember. Also Sonic Rush was a colab between Sonic Team and Dimps. Dimps probably being the reason why the Rush games were decent.

The fact they went back to Sonic's roots, Looks like a updated Sonic game of the Genesis era, and most importantly isn't being made by Sonic Team actually has me possibly believing that this will be the first truly good sonic action/platformer game in a long time. Only time will tell.

03-25-2010, 04:44 PM
This game looks mildy interesting. The last Sonic game I attempted to play was "Sonic and the Secret Ring" and that was a major disappointed. Sold that game in a heartbeat to Gamestop.

Attempted the demo for Sonic Unleashed and wasn't impressed. I did check out the video preview for this and it seems worthy of a shot. Like many have already said, hopefully they won't jack it up.

03-26-2010, 12:24 AM
I'm still a little hesitant and will definitely try out the demo firstly.

03-31-2010, 02:00 PM
Gameplay videos have been leaked. Hopefully they aren't deleted.

Splashing Hill

Lost Lab

The OST was leaked a couple days ago, but I've lost the link.

03-31-2010, 02:43 PM
Looks pretty good, better than the Rush games. Homing attack seems pretty superfluous though.

03-31-2010, 03:45 PM
Is it just me, or does the Lost Lab zone feel like a rehash of Labyrinth Zone in Sonic 1? The music and visuals feels almost like a nod to it.

03-31-2010, 04:02 PM
Well actually I only watched the videos for the first level. Maybe I should check out the se