01-30-2010, 12:35 PM
Hello there. :) I am a huge fan of Star Control 2 for the 3DO (which was converted to the PC under the name Ur-Quan Masters) and I've been trying to obtain the music and ship victory ditties from the game in MP3 form. I have found the actual music from the game at Galbadia Hotel, but am having more trouble with the ditties. I have the UQM disc given away by Retro Gamer magazine here in the UK which features remix packs, but I'm after the original versions. When the PC version of the 3DO game is installed, the ditties, and indeed all other music and speech from the game, can be accessed in the game's folder, but they are in MOD format and won't open in anything other than Winamp (that I know of). Can anyone offer any help or advice in getting these ditties in MP3 format? Thanks a lot! :)

01-30-2010, 01:16 PM
In winamp go to options, then preferences, in the plug-ins section choose output and then Nullsoft Disk Writer, this will convert anything you listen to to wav which you can then convert to mp3 afterwards. Press configure to choose an output directory for your wavs.

Just remember to set it back to Nullsoft Directsound when you're done or everything you listen to will be converted to wav.

02-01-2010, 05:49 AM

They should have the downloads for all the music there as well.

02-01-2010, 11:56 AM

02-03-2010, 11:42 PM
Thanks for the advice, johnnyboy but I have a CD with all the music, voices, sound effects, tunes, and remix packs, already (everything from the site and more), but many of them are OGG or MOD formats. It's okay though, Jessie's splendid suggestion did the trick and I have spent a long, exhaustive day converting it all! Thanks a lot Jessie! If I ever get around to making that thread I was talking about I'll chuck all these in with everything else! :)

05-11-2016, 12:24 PM
bit late
would you mind uploading the music off of that CD you mentioned?

Thanks for the advice, johnnyboy but I have a CD with all the music, voices, sound effects, tunes, and remix packs, already (everything from the site and more), but many of them are OGG or MOD formats. It's okay though, Jessie's splendid suggestion did the trick and I have spent a long, exhaustive day converting it all! Thanks a lot Jessie! If I ever get around to making that thread I was talking about I'll chuck all these in with everything else! :)