09-17-2002, 01:08 AM
I'm taking a computer ethics course and we were recently given the assignment to research and write a short paper on copyrighted material being illegally distributed on the internet. Since I'm pretty sure everyone else will focus on mp3s, I thought it would be nice if one or two of my sources focused on ripped dvds, since this is something that I played around with this summer and eventually decided wasn't right.

I know Atom and some of the rest of you feel very strongly on this issue, so I was wondering if any of you could tell me where to get information on it? Something like an article on how it affects the anime industry or reasons why people download this stuff illegally, basically anything as long as it's from a credible source.

Thanks. :)

09-17-2002, 11:32 PM
aw that sucks. limiting yourself on only credidable sources? too bad. and i had a couple of ideas myself too. oh well. :D

like pointing out the obvious. :p

it affects the anime because they are not making money (duh :p)

and the reason people do it is because to them, its like free stuff, rather than stealing.

when i do it, i dont imagien i'm stealing or getting illegal pirated copies, i think of it as if its out in the open and free for my taking. i'm making a copy of the original so it can never be considierd stealing.

and so on. if you dont have this you might want to add it. but i'm too simple to really add anything usefull to your report now that i think about it a little harder. heheh. sorry for wasting your time. :p

i just rememberd that i got through english class by chaning every other word in my reports/essays into other more pedantic sounding synonims instead of actually writing anything usefull. lol. i got through high school with bull shit. :p

/me done blabbing for today. -_-

09-17-2002, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by Tact
aw that sucks. limiting yourself on only credidable sources? too bad. and i had a couple of ideas myself too. oh well. :D

like pointing out the obvious. :p

Yeah, I can't state the obvious unless it's been stated by someone who was paid to state it first. Two plus two doesn't equal four until Big Brother says it does. :Whatever:

Thanks anyway, though.

09-18-2002, 03:14 AM
technically it isnt illegal if u have the thing ur copying.... u could just say that ur makin a backup copy of it

check google or cnn for news on the cppyright issues
if u need info on how to copy and/or have an example.... go to gamecopyworld.com