shadow of chaos
01-30-2010, 06:36 AM
I'm in a Touhou mood, and I find the collection I got when I could torrent to be lacking of this group.

While I'd appreciate any of their works (I didn't do a particularly large amount of research on them, so I don't know how varied their publishing work is), if one could just post their Touhou releases, I'd appreciate it (Or direct me to where they are on site if they are already posted. My apologies for missing it if this was the case).

Thank you for your help!

shadow of chaos
01-30-2010, 05:31 PM
Alright, I'm going to bet no one has links on hand, so I'm going to rephrase it since it seems my tracking skills are actually pretty decent if I've gotten a decent amount of sleep.

Can someone just post a list of all known albums they've published? VGDB doesn't have an option to search by publisher that I'm aware of. If they do, feel free to be a lazy bum and post a link of that search.