ultimate veggie
09-16-2002, 07:49 PM
Dont you think it would be kewl to see that happen...sorta like justice leauge but anime leauge i think it would be cool to see umm the fighting type animes meet each other like for example dbz with umm tekken or fatel fury or see how things go by putting tenchi and love hina together ^_^ think of the possibilitys.

i know its a run on sentence....but anyway ^_^ i stilll wana know what you guys think:uh?:

Psuedes Psyche
09-16-2002, 08:36 PM

It depends on what mereged.

I think it would be mostly weird though...

09-17-2002, 05:18 PM
Everbody knows I would love to send all mechas from all animes into one big deathmatch. I want to see Van in his Escaflowne kick Shinji�s EVA01-backside. ^_^

Or... transfer Aoshi into a Clamp manga, so the poor magical girls finally see what a really man looks like. ...Probably, it�d simply be fun to let Misao go with him. I�d love to see HER either becoming some Magic Knight herself... or killing the others...? O.o

Yes, yes... could be fun.