Maxx Skywalker
01-27-2010, 12:47 AM
Now, I usually pay for games. I generally don't go the piracy route, but in this case, there has to be an exception.

I'm looking for the full versions of Wolfenstein 3D and Quake.

I've managed to get the full versions of both Dooms, and I'm looking to complete collection. Mainly because I have the homebrew ports for Wii.

I bought Quake 64, but it lacks the feel that the Wii version has, with the direct IR pointing and shooting.

I'm also not sure if, in the case I do decide to purchase these games from Steam, that it would contain the original files that they used to run on back in the DOS days. Those files are required for the Wii's homebrew versions.

So if anyone has the full versions of these two games, it would be greatly appreciated if a link was provided. Or, if you know, for a fact, that the titles do have those files available from Steam, then I can rest assured that I can grab those files from there.

After all, this site is all about internet piracy. Right?

So, technically, I bought Quake, and Wolfenstein 3D is just too old to bother. Plus, I'm sure they're making a ton off of Steam, PSN, and XBL.

01-27-2010, 12:52 AM
You make it sound so dirty :-*

I like~

PM this brotha if you have them. That way we're not worried about skeezy links up in here. That way it's on his head if he gets a virus.

Electronic natural selection, and such.