01-22-2010, 08:31 PM
I haven't played this game in YEARS, but I do remember being in complete love with it. I have the box and instructions, but alas, no game anymore, as I gave it to a LONG gone ex girlfriend...she took all my PS1 games, and I had like every RPG with the boxes to prove it :(

Also looking for Lunar: Eternal Blue and Arc the Lad Collection if possible!

I <3 you, whoever has this easily accessible to them

Edmond Dantes
01-22-2010, 09:23 PM
dude, is it time to kill a bitch? seriously man, ALL your PS1 games? you're just fucking with us, aren'tcha? yeah, you are. i can tell. know how? nobody in their god damn right mind would give up his games to a fuckin' EX. my ex tried to take my games and I hit her in the mouth. ahh those were the days....

01-23-2010, 12:29 AM
I was going on a 6 month deployment in the navy, and I gave her all my games to play while I was gone. Vagrant Story, Vanguard Bandits, Xenogears, FF7,8,9, Lunar 1 and 2, Grandia, the games I mentioned above, Wild Arms 1 and 2, BREATH OF FIRE 3 (CAN SOMEONE FIND THIS OST AS WELL????), Legend of Legaia, Chrono Cross....and a shitload more. I came back from deployment and she up and left home without telling me. She wouldn't answer her phone or anything. I was so pissed I cried that day. Hard.

edit: the games were in a binder, cd's only. I kept boxes at home.