Chocolate Misu
01-21-2010, 12:05 AM
1/30/12 - As of today all my MF links are gone. I have no mirrors to replace them with. Perhaps when times are safer, the collection may return....



The Yoshida Brothers
Yoshida Kyodai

Ryoichiro Yoshida: born 1977
Kenichi Yoshida: born 1979

The Yoshida Brothers were born and bred in Noboribetsu, Hokkaido. Each picked up the shamisen at the tender age of five, and began studying Tsugaru shamisen under Takashi Sasaki I in 1990. After sweeping prizes at national Tsugaru shamisen conventions, the brothers made their major debut in 1999. The debut album sold over 100,000 copies, which is an extraordinary figure for a traditional folk music release.

They won the "Traditional Japanese Music Album Of The Year" category of the 15th annual Japan Gold Disc Award, as well as the "30th Anniversary Of Normalization Of Japan-China Diplomatic Relations Commemorative Special Prize" of the 17th Annual Japan Gold Disc Award.

In 2002, the brothers went on their first national tour entitled "Live Soul" performing in 30 cities. The following year, they made their US debut with album Yoshida Brothers from Domo Records and performed in New York and Los Angeles.

International release followed in Korea in 2004 where they had performed their first concert in Seoul in addition to the domestic tour that included 28 cities. In the meantime, they released their second US album, YOSHIDA BROTHERS II, and went on a US promotional tour, visiting seven cities. It was a year of significant breakthrough, with participations in other various projects such as an international exchange event in Sweden and a TV commercial in Japan.

In 2005, the brothers recorded an album in Los Angeles, followed by a West Coast tour and a concert in Hawaii. In 2006, they toured the US, Spain, and Hong Kong. In Hong Kong they released their very first greatest hits album in their career, and marked favorable sales. Domestically, they launched a shamisen-only national tour. And in 2007, their music created buzz in the US as their music was used in the TV commercial of Nintendo's Wii. The end of that year, the brothers record their much-anticipated album in U.S. that is yet to be released.

In 2008, they released album "Best of Yoshida Brothers" and toured in US and Canada.

As one of the artistic groups whose scope of activities go way beyond that of traditional Japanese music, the Yoshida Brothers continue to take not only Japan but also US, Europe, and Asia their stage. Their future activities are all the more looked forward to.



Ibuki - 1999 (FIXED)

Move - 2000

Yoshida Brothers - 2003 - (aka Soulful 2002)

Yoshida Brothers II - 2004 - (aka Frontier - 2003)

Yoshida Brothers III - 2006

Hishou - 2007

The Best of Yoshida Brothers - Tsugaru Shamisen - 2008

Prism - 2009 (RIP AND LINK COURTESY OF - Beulah Page (

^ If you find any of this to sound a bit familiar, here is some info about this album. Prism (2009) by Yoshida Brothers [73077-2] - $9.98 : DOMO Music Group, Online Store (


Flash music videos for Kodo, Nikata, and Rising downloaded from the DOMO site :) I packaged all 3 in a 20mb rar.

^ Their song on the Wii commercials - Kodo (Inside the Sun Remix) - Yoshida Brothers II

"Nabbed" - Yoshida Brothers - This is their rendition for the Nightmare Revisited cd (2008) a cd of various artists performing songs from the Nightmare Before Christmas. This is the best song on that cd imo. It is made of awesome. [song only]

DAISHI DANCE - Spectacle. (2009) This is an album of low key dance tracks from DAISHI DANCE featuring various artists.

01 intro ~ Go To Trip!
02 Memory feat. Mika Nakashima
03 FOREVER FRIENDS feat. COLDFEET & arvin homa aya
04 Spectacle. feat. Chieko Kinbara
05 Beautiful This Earth (EXTENDED PIANO mix) feat. 麻衣
06 Renovation. feat. 吉田兄弟 Inoue Akira & 井上鑑 Yoshida Brothers
07 SUNSET IN THE LAKE feat. Yoshiki of 姫神 God's Princess
08 Planetarium.
09 Journey To The Sky feat. Oh Jieun
10 Find My Way feat. blanc.
11 Travel in Nature feat. LITTLE CAROL & Gocoo
12 There is a light feat. KAT

Monkey Majik + Yoshida Brothers - Change (2007) . I don't know who this group is. Only 3 songs though. To me they sound like a cross between The Smashing Pumpkins and Dave Matthews Band......

Have But Can Not Post.......

Renaissance - 2004

Rising [single] - 2005

Another Side of Yoshida Brothers - 2009 (RIP AND LINK COURTESY OF - Beulah Page (

Missing Albums And Tracks

Hishe - 2007 (???)


Zenkoku Tour 2006 - Hisho Jikkyo Kanzen Rokuon Ban - 2007

Recognition -2006

Storm [single] - 2002


01-21-2010, 12:27 AM
OMG I love The Yoshida Brothers!! Thanks so much for sharing this!

01-21-2010, 01:36 AM
yay thanks!

01-21-2010, 04:37 AM
That's what I was searching for long time! Thank you so much!

01-21-2010, 06:11 AM
thank you.

01-21-2010, 06:26 AM
Here is my personal rip of Prism in 320 mp3.

I also own Yoshida Brothers/Soulful, Yoshida Brothers II/Frontier, Yoshida Brothers III, and Hishou, so if anyone would like lossless versions, just let me know.

Chocolate Misu
01-21-2010, 07:08 AM
Thank you for your help Beulah, but track 2 seems to be broken and I can't repair it :( Could you re-up it before I link it?

01-21-2010, 08:14 AM
Thanks Misu, you're a stand up pal

01-21-2010, 01:17 PM
Thanks for this! I love Yoshida Brothers, though their CDs can be hard to find at times.

I downloaded Ibuki, but when I tried to extract it it says track 6 is corrupt. I've tried extracting it with both WinRAR and 7-zip, and I have tried re-downloading it twice and it doesn't help. Any advice?


Chocolate Misu
01-21-2010, 09:45 PM
^ My apologies to all :( I'll get to work and re-up that right away.

Chocolate Misu
01-22-2010, 03:18 AM
Link to Ibuki is fixed. I dl'd and tested it myself.

01-22-2010, 03:20 AM
Thanks! I just ordered Ibuki and Move from Domo actually. Apprently they just got re-released in a new printing for the US market. So I'll have ripping copies of my own in about a week's time :)


01-23-2010, 10:47 AM
Thank you for your help Beulah, but track 2 seems to be broken and I can't repair it :( Could you re-up it before I link it?

That's odd...I didn't find any problems, but I re-did everything and uploaded again. Let me know if this works any better.

Chocolate Misu
01-25-2010, 05:31 AM
Brilliant work Beulah :) Thank you for that re-up. It works perfectly now. I credited you with the album and removed it from the missing list.

It sounds absolutely wonderful btw.

Chocolate Misu
02-03-2010, 11:03 PM

I seem to have stumbled across some trouble for our missing list. Nearly all the rest of the missing cds were labeled under Soooony :o (misspelled on purpose). All the ones under that label are under the line.

I have found Renaissance, but I can't post the link here for said reason. But I suppose.......



You could pm me if you want it.

I suppose that wouldn't hurt.............

02-07-2010, 11:59 PM
It seems to me that Hisho Shamisen Dake no Sekai Vol 1 is the same as Hishou. Does anyone have any info to confirm or deny this?

Chocolate Misu
02-08-2010, 01:33 AM
^ On a quick search to some of the sites I studied up on, it seems you are correct. At least according to this site ( I have taken it off the missing list.

Chocolate Misu
03-03-2010, 01:04 AM

I have acquired their single Rising :) It is now in the 'pm for request' section.

You may notice that I have deleted 'Not Like Me Feat. Yoshida Brothers by Choir Boy - 2007' from the missing list. Upon further study, I discovered that that track is on the 'Another Side of Yoshida Brothers' album. So we'll have it when we get that album.... if only I could find it *makes a rage face at the internets*

03-07-2010, 09:27 PM
thank u so much,

Chocolate Misu
03-29-2010, 06:04 AM

I have added a package of 3 music videos downloaded straight from the DOMO site. Now located in the Misc. Section is now a link for a 20mb rar containing flash video files for the Yoshida Brothers' music videos for Kodo, Nikata, and Rising. :)



The Yoshida Brothers are scheduled to play
as Friday's musical guests at


July 30 - August 1, 2010
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, Maryland, USA


05-03-2010, 10:31 AM
Thanks!!! :)

07-11-2010, 04:18 PM
omg! thank you for sharing! =D
Love the Yoshidas!
btw, is this theme song from the Yoshida Bros?
If so, may i know the track name?
Thank You!!!! :)

07-31-2010, 10:22 AM
omg! thank you for sharing! =D
Love the Yoshidas!
Thank You!!!! :)

That about sums it up! I heard "My Heart Holds" on sattelite radio the other day & loved it. Checking out the rest of their material should prove to be a real treat.

Chocolate Misu
08-02-2010, 03:20 AM
omg! thank you for sharing! =D
Love the Yoshidas!
btw, is this theme song from the Yoshida Bros?
If so, may i know the track name?
Thank You!!!! :)

Sorry, I hadn't seen your edit until now =P This doesn't sound familiar to me at the moment, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it is Yoshida and quite possibly from the Another Side of Yoshida Brothers album. That thing is so dang elusive >o< I've been searching for it for months and still can't find a half decent version to share...... I think I did dl a crappy version of it, but I can't seem to find it..... I might have deleted it.....

edit - I think I just might end up streaming it.......

edit 2 - Well I dl'd the streamed version I found and gave it a listen..... But I just realized nothing on it is what is in that video....... because the video came out before the disc... So lulz on me =p It must have been from something earlier, but I have yet to figure out what.

03-25-2011, 02:22 PM
thank you so much. i heard some music of them by i love the shamisen!

05-23-2011, 08:10 AM
absolutely awesome..

many thanks.. :)

05-26-2011, 10:13 PM
Wow, an amazing thread! Thanks for sharing!!

Purple Ragdoll
07-04-2011, 11:01 AM
Thank you.. :)

Chocolate Misu
09-10-2011, 01:44 AM

Hey everyone! It's been along time since I've had anything to update this thread with! But guess what?! Our good friend Beulah_Page has provided us with another stellar rip!

Another Side of Yoshida Brothers is now on our list, and in 320kbps! It's another Sony release so that means it's on the PM list. Just message me for the link :)

09-20-2011, 04:13 PM
This sounds nice, thanks :)

04-09-2012, 12:33 PM

08-17-2014, 02:57 AM
Thank you for share this