01-16-2010, 07:26 PM
You heard me.

01-16-2010, 08:21 PM
I'm happy with my the Beatles Rock Band, Guitar Hero Metallica and DJ Hero. I think I'm done from needing any new music games for a long time forever.

01-16-2010, 08:22 PM
But, it's Green Day :smrt:

01-16-2010, 08:28 PM
But, it's Green Day :smrt:

All the more reason to stay away :).

01-16-2010, 08:30 PM
Green Day was good a ways back, but I can't stand their new sound :-/ They're one of far too many good bands recently who've gone radio-friendly when they sounded a hundred times better in their heyday.

Now, I don't play Rock Band or Guitar Hero, but I do think it's cool that they're trying to introduce kids of today to the greats like the Beatles in a creative way that anyone can enjoy. You don't have to be a guitar pro to get into it either.

01-16-2010, 08:33 PM
Most people who can play the guitar can't play those kinds of games. Not because they want to but because they suck horribly at it. I can play both but recently, I realized how silly I felt playing one of those games and stopped playing them ever since.

And Green Day....was never really that good. :x

01-20-2010, 09:33 AM
It's beginning to seem like every band that sells a few CD's gets a rockband/GH game anymore. Personally, a RHCP game would be far more interesting than Green Day, even if shouting "The world owes me so fuck you!" into a mic would be lulz, especially after a few rum n'cokes.

01-20-2010, 10:39 AM
I like Green Day, but I wouldn't buy a whole game based on them.

01-20-2010, 06:35 PM
Oh you guys~<3

16 years, 16 wonderful years ^_______^

01-20-2010, 06:36 PM
this is the best band they could come up with to follow-up the fucking beatles. well this better be a colossal failure.

01-20-2010, 06:47 PM
I like the idea of thinking of Green Day next to the Beatles :smrt:


01-20-2010, 09:00 PM
Green Day & Offspring :D

01-20-2010, 10:53 PM

01-20-2010, 10:58 PM
Personally, a RHCP game would be far more interesting than Green Day, even if shouting "The world owes me so fuck you!" into a mic would be lulz, especially after a few rum n'cokes.

RHCP 80's & 90's were one of the best bands of funk-rock.

01-20-2010, 11:38 PM
Give me a minute. Lightheaded from too much awesome...

01-20-2010, 11:39 PM

01-20-2010, 11:44 PM
That's not fair, I didn't even get to catch my breath!!!

Thank you, Mandi ^__________________^ So so so much <333


01-21-2010, 02:27 AM

Tina Fey Branford (ティナ・ブランフォード) :swoon:

01-21-2010, 02:28 AM
I knew you'd come around~

01-21-2010, 02:33 AM
Pfft... duh. :p

jewess crabcake
01-21-2010, 02:37 AM
They take out the curses don't they? Green Day w/o curses is just not the same. Well the songs with curses respectively.

01-21-2010, 02:38 AM
Ugh. Well just something to live with. Plus, I can sing them all I want.

01-21-2010, 03:36 AM
Green Day are really, really awful.

01-21-2010, 03:47 AM
Just jealous cuz no E.L.O. Rock Band <3

01-21-2010, 04:05 AM
An ELO Rock Band seems kind of impossible ._.

besides, I haven't even listened to ELO in months. I'm all ELO'd out.

01-21-2010, 04:09 AM
Green Day are really, really awful.


01-21-2010, 04:25 AM
Think just because you posted pics I won't break it out.

How naive~

01-21-2010, 08:47 AM
So are you a....liar, sir? :D

01-21-2010, 04:39 PM
No, just a master of psychological warfare~

You have taught me a thing or two, though, I will admit. Pillow can be followed by a knife. That's just clever, man. And, efficient.

04-11-2010, 04:12 AM
Mark your calenders, bitches~

Needs more Insomniac and Nimrod. Plus, having no Kerplunk! or 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours is a CRIME.

But, they'll release full albums for dl, so no real worries. Just need to hear about the instruments. SHOW ME BLUE!

Thanks for the links, Allen :D

04-11-2010, 10:59 AM
If their goal is to introduce kids with punk rock then the Sex Pistols, The Clash or The Ramones would be a better choice than Green Day. But I guess if you want to sell the product you gotta put what's mainstream today, which is sad.

04-13-2010, 07:51 AM


Green Day is more than just Dookie and American Idiot. I've been fighting this battle HALF OF MY LIFE :mad:

I need to break something.

04-16-2010, 05:24 AM
this is the best band they could come up with to follow-up the fucking beatles. well this better be a colossal failure.

In terms of popularity and influence, there are not really that many bands closer to The Beatles than Green Day.

Neg, I agree with your sig. You need to keep American Idiot out of it.

If their goal is to introduce kids with punk rock

That isn't their goal. Their goal is to sell a lot of copies by associating a very popular band with the game.

And yes, everyone knows that The Sex Pistols, Ramones and Clash were "real punk." All 3 of them were mainstream pop bands, by the way. Pretty much exactly like Green Day.

04-17-2010, 03:33 AM

04-17-2010, 05:06 AM
In terms of popularity and influence, there are not really that many bands closer to The Beatles than Green Day.
I don't think so, Tim.

04-17-2010, 05:52 AM
I'd totally close this thread to prevent it from becoming a meta-discussion about music, if TK wouldn't just re-open it to reply.

I'll just grab some popcorn instead.

04-17-2010, 05:54 AM

04-17-2010, 05:57 AM
I'd totally close this thread to prevent it from becoming a meta-discussion about music, if TK wouldn't just re-open it to reply.

I'll just grab some popcorn instead.

I wouldn't because I don't go over people's heads on thread closing, but there would be no reason to close it if it did become such a thing. :P

I don't really have anything to add, though. Chewey doesn't think so, but he's wrong.

04-17-2010, 06:01 AM
I don't think I'm wrong when I say Green Day isn't anywhere near as influential as the Beatles.

I am pretty sure I'm not wrong when I say Green Day aren't anywhere close to The Beatles in terms of popularity.

04-17-2010, 06:06 AM
I view them as being up there with the Beatles and Elvis Costello and the Attractions (who I think are better than the Beatles), but I know I'm biased all to hell.

04-17-2010, 06:11 AM
You also thought FF13 was a good game so...

04-17-2010, 06:15 AM
THINK, present tense, babe <3

04-17-2010, 06:30 AM

04-17-2010, 06:31 AM
You could have at least shoop'd our names in there~

C+ for effort.

04-17-2010, 06:34 AM
Would that really be necessary?

I think it's implied your taste in everything is top tier.

04-17-2010, 06:35 AM


04-17-2010, 06:51 AM
I don't think I'm wrong when I say Green Day isn't anywhere near as influential as the Beatles.

I am pretty sure I'm not wrong when I say Green Day aren't anywhere close to The Beatles in terms of popularity.

Almost no one is close to the Beatles in either of things. Maybe The Rolling Stones and The Who. That would be it for close in any way at all.

Also, I expect Green Day is not the phenomenon in Australia that they are here. They are wildly popular. They also were the biggest defining factor in 90s rock music after Nirvana, only their continued popularity after Nirvana disappeared has made them probably more influential. There are not many bands where you can say that the current style of popular rock would be significantly different if they hadn't existed, and Green Day is one of them.

04-17-2010, 07:32 AM
The current style of rock would be significantly different if Green Day hadn't existed :confused: Maybe I'm coming from a point of ignorance since I haven't heard anything but the radio songs since buying Nimrod. But musically the majority of their songs are 3-minute, power-chord-driven rock songs in the style of other post-punk, post-grunge bands (it seems to me). And lyrically they're writing conventional narrative lyrics. I completely agree that a lot of bands today probably list Green Day as an influence because Green Day writes catchy songs, but I think a world without them would still contain 3-minute, power-chord-driven rock songs with narrative lyrics.

But I would vote for Radiohead for most influential 90s band (if Nirvana is a given), even though their influence didn't become significant until 1997. That often gets me dismissed from these conversations immediately. :)

04-17-2010, 07:42 AM
Obviously Green Day didn't invent the style of music they played, but they popularized it in a way no band before or since has been able to do. If you look at the popularity of these sorts of bands before and after Green Day there is no competition. Blink 182 is the biggest example of that kind of thing, but they were just the most popular in a huge wave of punk-styled alternative rock bands in Green Day's wake.

A huge number of very popular bands nowadays were part of this in their infancy, including all the stuff that gets called "emo" now.

Radiohead is a huge one too though. This sort of thing is very subjective, but personally I'd put them 3rd after Green Day. I'd also say that like Green Day they've had a more lasting and permanent effect than Nirvana.

04-17-2010, 08:01 AM
Yeah, I can agree that they're the most popular example of pop punk. I still don't know that I'd go as far as saying rock would be completely different without them--Offspring, Blink 182, Weezer, Anti-Flag, Pixies, and even the Foo Fighters all made similar music at the same time and were popular, if not as popular (ignoring, of course, all of the bands before 1990-94 that fed into this genre). But several of the above bands had shades of pop-punk in their songs that got phased out as they made their own identities. So who knows if that would be different or if they'd have had as much of an impact on the subgenre as Green Day, if Green Day wasn't around...Interesting question, though.

EDIT: I often err on the side of overstating Radiohead's influence because I like them so much. But at the very least I'll crib your argument for Green Day and say Radiohead popularized two things more than anyone else:
1) a fragmentary style of lyrics with roots in the modernist literature movement that bent fable/myth/lit characters and situations to their own themes
2) classically-influenced instrumentation and arrangements within the pop rock format, with a particular emphasis on experimenting with atonality and noise

I don't think any band as popular as Radiohead has worked these unconventional elements into their music as consistently as RH has, and it's become a brand of sorts--or a symbolic gesture. Using elements of atonality or fragmentary lyrics in combination with a dark/depressed/melancholy tone is a Radiohead type of move now.

04-17-2010, 08:20 AM
eh, I don't think so. You can make this case for The Offspring and Weezer--both hit it big at around the same time as Green Day. But The Offspring have faded into irrelevance, and Weezer had a much less focused sound than Green Day; you might be able to argue they were as influential, though I kinda doubt it, but they were never really a pop punk band.

Blink 182 blew up well after Green Day and I don't think they ever would have if Green Day hadn't paved the way for it.

Anti-Flag has only achieved any kind of mainstream success in very recent years, and in terms of record sales and influence they have nothing on Green Day. I would also argue that if Green Day had not paved the way for mainstream punk Anti-Flag would never have achieved the success they have.

The Pixies never achieved mainstream success. They're reformed now that they've been acknowledged for the influence they had but they still are not a huge band and I don't think they've had any kind of significant effect on mainstream pop punk at all... they were an influence on the 90s alt explosion in general, mostly via Cobain's obsession with them, and that's about the extent of it.

04-17-2010, 08:28 AM
Agreed. We're rewriting history, but without Green Day one of them would have had to have hit it bigger to match what Green Day accomplished. Point being that the sound, the attitude, the political lyrics that Green Day popularized were already available in mainstream radio rock and could have led to our current state of music without Green Day having existed. But that's speculative and indefensible and just a thought. :) I kinda wonder if Blink 182 would have existed or not. I tend to think the Spice Girls/boy bands/Hanson era would have spawned something equally crude, guitar heavy (if that really applies to Blink 182), and punkish. But who knows? Maybe we would have ended up with 15 goth rock bands ala Type O Negative instead. Imagine all of the bass just coming from their voices. 0_o

04-17-2010, 08:57 PM
Well true, it's always possible to imagine scenarios in which the same types of artists could have become popular through different bands opening up the flood gates. Blink 182 definitely would have existed without Green Day--their biggest influence was The Descendants, if I remember correctly. Perhaps without Green Day someone else would have paved the way for their rise to popularity. As it stands though I see it as having been Green Day who actually pulled it off.

Green Day didn't really popularize political lyrics at all until American Idiot though. When they broke out their songs were mostly about apathy, lack of direction, being a loser etc.

04-17-2010, 09:39 PM
Which are their best songs, but I digress.

04-17-2010, 09:42 PM
Blink 182 definitely would have existed without Green Day--their biggest influence was The Descendants, if I remember correctly. .

Yes, I remember Blink 182 and many of the other mainstream pop-punk bands at the time stating The Descendants as a major influence. I remember this because I was especially obsessed with The Descendants at the time and I would cut out magazine clippings where bands mentioned them in an attempt to convince people that they were the ~awesomest~.

I think that Pinkerton was an extremely influential album but I don't think Weezer's had a huge influence on the music scene apart from that, as much as I like them. In my opinion the Blue album is a masterpiece but I can't really see traces of that on other albums, which is a shame.

04-17-2010, 10:37 PM
Yeah Weezer is a really weird band. They stopped being significant in any way a long time ago, but they've still managed to stay popular and successful this whole time, without producing anything of much genuine artistic merit, and so they are just kind of there. I never quite know what to think of them. Sometimes I suspect Rivers must purposely be churning out garbage that takes 5 minutes to write just because he knows people will buy it and it's easy money.

04-17-2010, 11:12 PM
Or because he seems genuinely happy to be doing it. Raditude isn't a great album by any means, but it feels like they are having fun.

04-17-2010, 11:24 PM
That's basically how I feel. I have long ago come to terms with the fact that Weezer is never going to make an album on par with their first two, but from what I have read, Rivers was miserable then, especially during Pinkerton, and he is happy now.

Plus even though I only love those two albums as a whole, every Weezer album has at least one song I really enjoy.

04-18-2010, 01:31 AM
I still have a hard time believing he really thinks he's making genuinely good records now. You can be happy and still strive to write an album that is meaningful, inventive and fun.

04-19-2010, 12:40 AM
Well, I don't disagree with you there, but I think there's more to it then that. Rivers Cuomo put himself out there completely with Pinkerton, and he took it really hard since all the critics hated it when it first came out. I've read interviews where he was so disgusted with himself about the album, and even though I'm sure it's gotten a lot easier on him with time and with Pinkerton being so critically lauded now, I just don't think it's something he's willing to put himself through again.

I also think you have a lower opinion of Weezer's later stuff then I do. The Green Album is the only Weezer album that I find to be really formulaic. I think they still can do a good, solid pop song- Keep Fishin' is absolutely on par with Buddy Holly and Surf Wax America in my mind. What really confuses me is that they also don't seem to put their best songs on their albums- the best Red Album songs were just bonus tracks for the deluxe version. There might be a fair bit of record label meddling with what tracks they're releasing, and I have high hopes for them now that they're no longer with Geffen.

I absolutely think that Rivers is aware that the stuff they're putting out now is not on the level of their first two albums. I've seen Weezer live a bunch of times, both post Green Album and post Maladroit, and their set list has always been almost completely composed of songs from The Blue Album and Pinkerton. I just don't buy that it means he's a sellout churning out crap for money- the Green Album is the only one that has that feel to me at all, since the songs all have such a similar structure.

04-20-2010, 12:36 AM
I also think you have a lower opinion of Weezer's later stuff then I do.

I think this is it, tbh. I can't listen to him sing stuff like "I'm Your Daddy" without cringing.

I guess I just don't really accept being butthurt about a bad reaction to Pinkerton as a reason to lower his standards. Well before that album the guy had a career most musicians will only ever dream about. Weezer really never even had to work for their success. He has had it really easy, and I think it's pretty sad that he would just flip out over one poorly received album and start writing crap. If you're an artist for a living, you've gotta be ready for criticism. Others who have put up with constant setbacks and stuck to their artistic guns are far more deserving of the success he's enjoying now.

04-20-2010, 01:38 AM
I want Rock Band: Perfume

04-21-2010, 04:16 PM
Yeah Weezer is a really weird band. They stopped being significant in any way a long time ago, but they've still managed to stay popular and successful this whole time, without producing anything of much genuine artistic merit, and so they are just kind of there.

I like Weezer and only because I do enjoy a handful of their songs. I've sat through their albums and don't really find any one of them to be very significant, really. And, I'm glad someone has the same sentiment as me! Most of the people I've met this semester are all huge Weezer fans... but for me, Weezer has always been just there and have not really done much. Have they produced anything lately? I really don't follow them at all.

Also Green Day rock band? Bleh. My friend was in the newspaper a few weeks ago because of the Broadway play they made for Greenday. He was one of the 'punks' that was interviewed for it. He's a very dedicated Green Day fan, heh. 7_n.jpg

It's all very weird. I don't see why they would make a play and I don't find it the best idea ever. Then again, I'm not much of a Green Day fan either. I like a few of their songs but I don't find them to be best thing since sliced bread either. They should do Queen rock band, imo.

execrable gumwrapper
05-27-2010, 02:24 AM
I just tried the demo and I'm pretty impressed with the character models.

It had two songs to play, Boulevard of Broken Dreams and Welcome to Paradise.

If anything, I'll just get this game to export. Yay unlimited game passes...