01-15-2010, 08:45 PM
Not sure if there's been a thread like this, but I feel the need to share these and see what everybody thinks of 'em. :D

RE1 for Gameboy Color. Would be painful to play, but I never knew this had ever even been an idea:

What Resident Evil 4 SHOULD have been (this has actual scare value, but I guess it is a little too Silent Hill-ish):

RE1.5. They need to release this as an actual game for some system, maybe PSP (canonical to the story or not, this would make an awesome addition to the RE franchise; maybe just change Leon's name and you've got a nice brand new RE title that's actually SURVIVAL HORROR):

RE0 for N64. Shame on Capcom for never releasing this, no matter their reasoning (I'd play this just as much as the Gamecube version):

RE mods. Cool. Just plain cool:

RE2 for GBA. Kinda glad this wasn't released (at least not like this), but for DS or something, following REDeadly Silence, this might be cool:

Pisces Knight
01-15-2010, 10:31 PM
wow, first post since a long time, laugh at me but i forgot the name of this site, lol.

that re2 for GBA was just a technical demo to show what the GBA was capable of.
there was a tech demo of MGS (metal gear) for the gba too, but they werent gonna be games for it.

oh and the mods? not really my kind of things.
sure, they offer some replay value, so to speak, but in the end they are just the same characters with different skins.
thats for the RE games, on games like UT or some other FPS, anything goes.

01-15-2010, 10:38 PM
Ahh, yes. They're cool tech demos, but I suppose when you think about it, there's no way they could fit a game that spans 2 PSX discs on a GBA game pack.

Pisces Knight
01-15-2010, 10:44 PM
well, two cartridges could do it.
though it seems FMV would have to be eliminated

Edmond Dantes
01-15-2010, 10:47 PM
pretty cool even tho i never played the games before except for 2...

01-16-2010, 12:52 AM
pretty cool even tho i never played the games before except for 2...


Actually, that one for RE4 looks much better than the one we have now. I have no idea why they decided to not go through with it because I liked the scare factor. And because of this, I like SH much more than RE now.

01-16-2010, 07:58 PM
well, two cartridges could do it.
though it seems FMV would have to be eliminated

Dang, eventually they'd have to cut so much out of the final product it wouldn't even be worth it :-/ Well, it would be, but certainly wouldn't be the same :O

pretty cool even tho i never played the games before except for 2...

My advice: to get the best RE experience you could possibly acquire, play the remake of the original on Gamecube. I consider that the definitive RE title, and one no RE fan should pass up. Go. Buy it. Now. Hurry. Chop chop!

Actually, that one for RE4 looks much better than the one we have now. I have no idea why they decided to not go through with it because I liked the scare factor. And because of this, I like SH much more than RE now.

I agree; Capcom had this awesome game underway where Leon infiltrates Umbrella's headquarters in Europe, and in the process becomes infected with the Progenitor virus. As a result, he begins to hallucinate and winds up facing scores of supernatural and paranormal enemies such as the "Hooked Man" (shown in that video) and the living dolls. But Capcom decided that didn't have enough to do with the original storyline, so they instead give us this completely unrelated game about a cult in Spain using a parasite to infect people, and capture the president's daughter, hoping to use her to control the world, or whatever the hell (I can't be bothered to remember the details right now). WTF?!?!?!?! Nice move, Capcom. You really lived up to your promises (yet again).

01-16-2010, 08:01 PM
And because of this, I like SH much more than RE now.

This was......dare I say it?


01-16-2010, 08:06 PM
I gotta admit, I'm on that same boat too. My favorite RE titles of all time are the Gamecube remake of RE1, RE0, and RE1 for DS (because it's the original, with loads of cool new DS-specific features). RE2 and RE3 are amazing too, but the series gets less and less scary as it goes on. Silent Hill stays consistent in its scare value the whole way through (mostly even gets scarier :O)

01-16-2010, 08:10 PM
4 and 5 aren't scary at all, and I would never argue as such. I just love the gameplay.

01-16-2010, 08:14 PM
Definitely man, the gameplay is amazing, and I do love 'em both in that regard. They do have some elements that are a little unnerving though; the cultists in RE4 shuffling about is a little creepy when you think about it :-/ and the part in RE5 (I think it was in the Uroboros Facility, but now I can't remember) where you're having to move down the conveyor belt and experimented humans laying upon it will occasionally leap up to grab you. That was one thing about that game that gave me the creeps :O And now that I've beaten it, I did love the ending. It felt like RE1's ending in a lot of ways, and that was kinda cool. Great ending to a great series :D

01-16-2010, 08:20 PM
Does that mean no 6?

No Chris/Leon co-op ;;

I actually kinda knew when I saw the corpses that they'd be jumping up randomly :)

Edmond Dantes
01-16-2010, 08:21 PM
i loved the RE movies even tho everyone hates them.

01-16-2010, 08:24 PM
Leon and Chris co-op would kick ass!! I still say there needs to be a RE Dissidia-type game with all the main characters joining up (even if they have to create some new mastermind behind all of Umbrella), because there's still story elements introduced in that Degeneration movie that were unresolved (despite the movie being the least scary 'horror movie' I've ever seen), and I'd love to see Claire get some more attention.

That's cool you like the movies Jermy; I personally don't :O But I think if I had to pick one that I liked best, it'd be the first one.

01-16-2010, 08:31 PM
I'd pick the one with Leon in it. Because Claire was in it too :D.

Edmond Dantes
01-16-2010, 10:30 PM
cool dude. i'd pick the second. cause it had that hot girl in it in the blue top.

01-20-2010, 06:32 PM
Meh... I liked the RE0 they released for Gamecube over what the N64 version would have been...

01-22-2010, 05:05 PM
RE0 for N64 appears to be primarily similar to RE1 for PsX. If that would've been the case, they should definitely have released it. Some people prefer the classic RE gameplay, some prefer the newer gameplay on the Gamecube remakes, while some, like me, enjoy both. But I suppose I can understand their decision; given the circumstances, they probably wouldn't have sold too many copies of the N64 version if they put out the Gamecube remake right away. But hopefully a DS version will come out to compliment the REDS (Resident Evil DS, for clarity) we've got now.

Pisces Knight
01-22-2010, 11:54 PM
i dont think thats gonna be possible.
from what i saw in the capcom forums, unfinished games are "destroyed" (like, putting your stuff in the recycle bin THEN delete it from the bin). so chances of ever seeing a port of re0 64 on the ds, or anywhere, (and for the record, re 1.5 too) are simply impossible.
UNLESS they remade them.

besides, re2 or 3 ports to DS are more probable, but unlikely.

01-23-2010, 12:15 AM
I dare to say that Resident Evil 3.5 was an Alone In the Dark.

RE0 for N64, looks like the gamecube but with the engine of RE2.

look at 0:44, Dino Crisis xD...

01-23-2010, 12:31 AM
i dont think thats gonna be possible.
from what i saw in the capcom forums, unfinished games are "destroyed" (like, putting your stuff in the recycle bin THEN delete it from the bin). so chances of ever seeing a port of re0 64 on the ds, or anywhere, (and for the record, re 1.5 too) are simply impossible.
UNLESS they remade them.

besides, re2 or 3 ports to DS are more probable, but unlikely.

True, very true. I failed to realize that. Still, a man can dream :)

And, for the record, since topopoz reminded me, I'd love to see a Dino Crisis port to PSP or DS (in case it hasn't been done already)!

(and now, I will use my friend Wikipedia to research that)

01-23-2010, 12:43 AM
Puzzle Crisis (Dino Crisis 1), you know I didn't liked that dino crisis, 2 was awesome, one of the most fun 3rd person shooter. I think there's one for the PS2 but I didn't played it.