01-14-2010, 11:23 PM
Anybody here mess around on keyboard or computer programs to play on? I recently got into playing by ear because I can't read sheet music. Here's a song from FF6 and Rydia's theme from FF4. Hope you enjoy :D

oh yeah, I love techno/trance/happy hardcore :)

I messed up a lot on Rydia's Theme lol but you get the idea

01-15-2010, 12:10 AM
Hey, those are pretty cool! In the future, you might post things like this in the "Anime & Video Game Music" section, but I'll wait for a mod to make that decision. At any rate, you're pretty good at that, and welcome to FFShrine!

Gentleman Ghost
01-15-2010, 12:32 AM

01-15-2010, 12:38 AM
thanks guys :) Sorry if I put it in the wrong place. I should've looked harder ;/

mods, please don't ban me lol. I'm gonna try to get better and cover more songs in the same way I did those 2.

01-15-2010, 07:44 AM
Oh, don't worry about being banned; I've made plenty of mistakes here too. Just takes time, but you'll get into the swing of things! I'd love to hear more songs :D

01-15-2010, 09:35 AM
Yeah, you'd have to do something pretty flagrant to get a ban.

Also, those songs are pretty damn cool. Welcome to FFS, and moar songs plz!

01-15-2010, 03:43 PM
Workin on it!! I should have a little Aeris theme diddy in the next day or two lol. Hmmm or Black Mage Village...I should put these ideas into Fruityloops and see if I can make it sound legit. Maybe there's a market for Final Fantasy Techno lol well actually OCRemix has a few. Oh man it would be awesome to make a song good enough to be on that site...

01-16-2010, 12:07 AM
Okay so I made a few more lol Cornelia Castle and Sailing Ship from FF1. I love doing this, though my mom says "that's not music, why don't you learn how to play something worthwhile". What a great mom, huh?

01-16-2010, 06:08 AM
LOL, indeed, no need to worry about being banned. It really doesn't happen all that often around here (except in the case of obvious spammers) and certainly not for simply posting something in the wrong place. I'll move this to Anime & Video Game Music.

01-16-2010, 08:10 PM
Okay so I made a few more lol Cornelia Castle and Sailing Ship from FF1. I love doing this, though my mom says "that's not music, why don't you learn how to play something worthwhile". What a great mom, huh?

Don't listen to what she says, you're very talented! I'm impressed! Just remember, every great musician in history had at least one naysayer telling them they couldn't go far! ;)