09-14-2002, 03:01 PM
These are actually more thoughts of mine that I have tried to make coherent.

Windswept plains may suffice,
but not for the boy who yearns.
Although the years should suffice,
it doesn't for a boy who yearns.

When a man has a love,
that love holds him true.
The love cannot be bought,
it will claim him whole.

When I fell in love,
it was one I already knew.
Not someone from the blue,
someone I knew.

But when that love has been claimed,
your mind twists and contorts.
The love then becomes jealousy,
and all hell breaks loose.

That is the norm,
this is the now.
I am fine,
so don't have a cow.

The hell didn't last,
my mind had matured.
Like a Butterfly from a caccon,
I had been cured.

My jealousy is no longer,
I am now free.
I still love her,
but no chains bound me...

Just made it up on the spot. I'll cotinue to write stuff through out the week because I'm on holidays, so if I double post then :p

09-14-2002, 09:04 PM
yaaay, more poetry ^^ Just wondering... do ya have a title for it? ^_^

Tis very good and I like it. It's kinda like your last poem, da theme of each, and tis kool. I know whut tis about, so I understand the words in it and da whole thing more ^_^

09-15-2002, 01:56 AM
No, it doesn't have a title. Just my thoughts really. More later.

Psuedes Psyche
09-16-2002, 01:14 AM
Whoah that's cool. I especially like the 4th stanza.

09-16-2002, 01:24 PM
Thanks. Amazing what happens when you think! Here's another

Silence is a virtue,
but it can also be a curse,
should you tell someone you love them?
or leave it for worse.

Will the knowledge hurt them,
or make them whole,
or leave them lying in the dust,
their true thoughts untold.

Silence is a virtue,
there was never any doubt,
but sometimes it's a curse on you,
making you want to shout.

Happiness is sweet,
sweeter than silence may be,
but happiness can cost you,
and make you melancholy.

Some things happen less
like When happiness and silence are as one,
then you will know true contentness,
Like a father with a newborn son.

But until that time comes,
be content with what you have,
for Love is much sweeter,
than that listed above.

There's another. I'll post another one tomorrow. I like this, it's letting me think through what I feel.

09-22-2002, 07:29 PM
You are quite the poet. You use your words very well. Especially in your first poem, I feel like you hunted till you came up with the word that would perfectly describe what you wanted to say. Do you have a link to any of your older poetry? I'd like to read it.

09-23-2002, 02:39 AM
I love your second poem :) I think it's my favourite of yours I've read so far. Your wording is very nice in this poem and makes it flow well. How you wrote and put your feelings into each piece is great, and very interesting. I loved reading it :)

09-23-2002, 10:52 AM

Far's writing poems ^^. Go Far, the 2nd one was the best :D.

09-24-2002, 11:58 AM
Thanks for all the preety comments! If you want to see my various works, go to my webpage, my site (http://www.geocities.com/almindale/Index.html) It has fictional pieces, all the drawings I've scanned so far and my poems. Oh, and my Warhammer 40,000 miniatures too. Soon I'll put some more poetry up, you guys have spurred me on!