01-13-2010, 11:46 AM

We are a few French here on FFShrine and I had the feeling that somehow, the French soundtracks were not as present as they should be. There is usually 200+ movies made in France each year and while a lot of them does not cross the Atlantic, we have great composers that some of you know, and some of you don't know.

Bruno Coulais, Alexandre Desplat and Georges Delerue are maybe the most known French composers, but it'll be unfair to Philippe Rombi, Krishna Levy, Eric Neveux, Armand Amar or one of my favourite, Gabriel Yared.
They sometimes do work outside of France (specially Desplat and Yared), but they also had a great career here.

I want to open this thread and try to give you a peak at some of the best scores from le pays du fromage. I think I'm gonna edit the first page with the new uploads. If anyone has something to share with us, I'll be honored to edit the page and give full credit.

Philippe Chany
La Cit� de la Peur
(electronic orchestra, nice spoofs from movies and a cool theme)

Uploaded by Bewo!!!


Krishna Levy
8 Femmes
(Golden-Age-like score, not far from Herrmann + 8 French songs)

8 Femmes (aka 8 Women) is a thriller directed by Fran�ois Ozon with some of the most famous women in the cinema business : Catherine Deneuve, Emmanuelle B�art, Ludivine Sagnier, Isabelle Huppert or Fanny Ardant.
Usually working with Philippe Rombi, Ozon had to work with Krishna Levy, a French composer of jewish heritage and mainly unkown in France. That's a pity because Levy is a great composer, a fine orchestrator and can do a lot of different styles. I'll post later another score really inspired by Xenakis, which is wonderful.
8 Femmes is clearly inspired by Herrmannian or Hitchcockian music, full of suspense and a very dramatic theme, not far from 1940's Hollywood style.
The album begins with the main theme and then 8 songs, each sung by one of the actress. They are covers from famous French songs you certainly never heard of. The last one, sung by Danielle Darrieux, famous because she worked for the Germans during the WW2, is one the most beautiful song you can find, the lyrics are taken from a poem by Louis Aragon.
Nevertheless, give a try to this amazing score and see you soon !
(I don't know where I found those mp3 so kudos to the original releaser !)

Philippe Rombi
(Steiner, Herrmann, Rozsa are not far away from this Golden-Age-like score, with a wonderful theme)
thanks to PP245171

Download here (http://rapidshare.com/files/219331302/Angel_Rombi-2006.rar)
MP3 320Kbps
(Not my upload, kudos to the original uploader)

Original Review by Jonathan Broxton: Angel, also known as The Real Life of Angel Deverell, is a French-English romantic comedy-drama based on the novel by Elizabeth Taylor (the writer, not the actress), and is the second English-language feature from the acclaimed French filmmaker Fran�ois Ozon. Romola Garai stars as the eponymous Angel, a fiery and passionate aspiring writer in late-Victorian England, whose determination, intelligence, and sense of imagination and magic allows her to escape from the dreary tenement where she lived, and fulfill her literary dreams. The film charts Angel�s life, from birth to death, with a sense of satire and a biting wit, and features an outstanding supporting cast, including Sam Neill, Charlotte Rampling, Lucy Russell and Simon Woods. They are accompanied by a truly marvelous score by Ozon�s regular musical collaborator, Philippe Rombi.

When I reviewed Rombi�s score for the thriller Swimming Pool back in 2003, I remarked that I hoped he would be the next French composer to follow in the footsteps of Jarre and Delerue and take Hollywood by storm; as it turns out, Alexandre Desplat and not Rombi was the composer to do that, but despite remaining largely undiscovered by the mainstream, Rombi�s work has been nothing if not consistently excellent, and Angel may very well the 39-year-old�s best score yet.

Unlike many modern scores these days, Angel is a score with themes. And what glorious ones! Rombi is very much an old-fashioned composer, and that is most definitely meant as a compliment in this respect. His music, which on this occasion is written for a full orchestra with emphasis on strings and piano, is lush, buoyant, and almost unashamedly romantic. Director Ozon, when outlining his musical ideas to Rombi, was especially inspired by the scores composer Frank Skinner wrote for the melodramas of Douglas Sirk in the 1940s and 50s � titles like Written on the Wind, Magnificent Obsession, Imitation of Life, and All That Heaven Allows � and wished to pay homage to them. In response, Rombi channeled the spirit not only of Skinner, but several other Golden Age greats, resulting in a score which is brazenly emotionally manipulative, but also has a knowing nod-and-a-wink to the audience, as if aware that this type of enormous melodrama is slightly (and intentionally) overwhelming for the film it accompanies. It is also, however, extraordinarily beautiful.

The opening cue, �The Real Life of Angel Deverell�, is actually quite turbulent, with a sweeping orchestral theme underpinned by slightly tumultuous-sounding rolls, giving it a real sense of weight and drama. The �Overture�, however, quickly changes the mood with a sparkling, whimsical variation on the main theme with prancing string glissandi and a cooing choir accompaniment, giving it distinctly Golden Age-style lyricism. The best, however, is saved for the secondary theme - the Paradise theme � which sounds for all the world like it could be a variation on Max Steiner�s theme from Now Voyager, and first appears in the second half of the �Overture� to magnificent effect. Its piano-led concert performance in the following cue, is utterly magnificent; graceful, lyrical, romantic, passionate, yet bittersweet, all at the same time. By the time it eventually gives way to a sweeping statement by the full orchestra, you�re in raptures.

As the score works through its first half, one finds oneself picking out highlights at every turn - the luscious cello performance of the main melody half way through �Paradise Theme�, which gives way to a searching solo violin, and eventually the entire orchestra; the subtle inclusion of a choir during �Angel�s Theme�; the kinetic, defiantly upbeat �Success�, with its sleigh bells and bubbly pizzicati; the wonderful orchestral and choral crescendos and rhapsodic pianos during �Crowning Moment�; the tear-jerking solo viola in �A Gift from Paradise�; the irrepressibly sunny �Honeymoon�; the list goes on and on. One of the score�s many strengths is the way Rombi continually finds new ways to present his themes, with new lead instruments, slight variations and interesting settings, which keeps the album fresh and alive without it ever losing its thematic consistency or coherence.

During the score�s second half things occasionally take a slightly downbeat and melancholy turn, especially in cues such as �Jealousy�, �Mother�s Death�, �The Portrait�, �The War�, �Alone in Paradise� and �Esme�s Death�. Again, it�s interesting how, in this darker period of Angel�s life, Rombi maintains the thematic core of the score, but significantly alters the mood through the addition of more somber keys, imperceptibly slower tempos, and a heavier reliance on quiet woodwinds over strings. The music is still beautiful, but in a different way, and the score is a richer listening experience because of it.

The eleven-minute finale, comprising �Angel�s Death�, �The Dreamed Life of Angel Deverell� and a recapitulation of �Angel�s Theme�, sends things off with a flourish, building from passages featuring more tender woodwind writing, eventually breaking out into a series a spellbinding performances of all the main themes which somehow manage to reach even greater emotional heights than those which preceded them. Listening to music as outstanding as this, one is reminded just why we are all film music fans in the first place.

Angel is, without question, one of the finest film scores composed in all of 2007. It will appeal to Golden Age enthusiasts who lament the loss of the thematic beauty and emotional weight composers like Skinner and Steiner gave their music; it will also surely appeal to younger fans whose exposure to Golden Age music may be limited (either due to lack of opportunity, or experience, or who prefer to listen to music with better recording quality), but who are still interested in the music of the era. Whatever the case may be, Angel ticks all the boxes in terms of beauty, performance, thematic strength and sheer, unadulterated passion. Hollywood has already welcomed one enormously talented Frenchman into their inner circle in the shape of Alexandre Desplat; it is surely now time for them to extend Philippe Rombi the same courtesy.
Track Listing:
� The Real Life of Angel Deverell (2:27)
� Overture (2:56)
� Inspiration (2:43)
� Paradise Theme (4:22)
� Angel�s Theme (2:22)
� The Publisher (3:46)
� London (0:39)
� Norley (1:18)
� Success (1:19)
� Crowning Moment (1:07)
� A Gift from Paradise (4:24)
� Nora (1:12)
� Visit to Esme (1:04)
� Jealousy (2:38)
� Mother's Death (1:58)
� Marry Me (1:35)
� The Portrait/Honeymoon (1:53)
� Together in Paradise (2:55)
� The War (3:23)
� Alone in Paradise (4:12)
� In the Name of Love (3:04)
� Esme's Death (2:04)
� Angelica (3:55)
� Silky Boy (1:10)
� Angel's Death (4:56)
� The Dreamed Life of Angel Deverell (2:16)
� Angel's Theme (3:19)
Running Time: 70 minutes 48 seconds

Music composed and conducted by Philippe Rombi. Orchestrations by Philippe Rombi and Jeff Atmajian. Recorded and mixed by Simon Rhodes. Album produced by Philippe Rombi.

(dark and suspense music, somewhere between Herrmann and Goldsmith maybe)

Again, thanks to the original uploader !
Ricky is a movie by... Fran�ois Ozon (I hope you got the message). This is the story of a normal French family whose last baby is... an angel. The baby, called Ricky, has wings in his back and can fly. But rather that telling a bedtime story, Ozon tells dark tale, filled with rejection, suspense and even hatred. The movie was a huge failure and Ozon lost a lot of his fanbase because of this movie. I don't care, I like him.

For this score, Philippe Rombi ("Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis" or "Joyeux No�l") had the chance to compose a fiercy and scary score. I hop you'll enjoy it !

Gabriel Yared
Yared is clearly one of my favourite composer, mostly because he has a very recognizable style and, at the same time, really manage to fit his score with the movie. A few years ago a French publisher released a few albums from Yared, usually unknown or incomplete works.
Now, Yared works a lot in the States but every score from the man is a treat for me !

(dark, mysterious, sad but beautiful theme, some suspsense cues)

A little boy gets for Christmas a strange plane, which seems to be alive. When his father dies, the young boy goes on a journey, lead by the plane. He knows that his father is still alive...
Yared's score is an haunting and amazing work. The theme is simply excellent and the mix between suspensful moment and dramatic one makes this score an absolut must-have !

Camille Claudel
(strings, very tense music, very close to Yared's style)


La Lune dans le Caniveau
(some electronic, some orchestral cues, but a wonderful score)


Les Orientales
(arabic themes, some electronic cues but mostly orchestral, very powerful music)

01-13-2010, 12:40 PM
It's a good initiative, my dear compatriote !

01-13-2010, 01:03 PM
Thanks !

I just hope that people that are not French are gonna come ^^

01-13-2010, 02:04 PM
Ca commence mal, moi je suis fran�ais (lol) !

01-13-2010, 02:35 PM
MDR ^^ Tout le monde est fran�ais ici ou quoi ?

01-13-2010, 02:47 PM
Why not? Pourquoi pas ? Ce serait si terrible que �a ?

Belle initiative si on y parle dans la langue de Moli�re car moi je rame un peu anglais, avec tout le respect envers nos camarades internationaux ^^

01-13-2010, 03:43 PM
Bonne id�e, mes chers amis ! Content de voir qu'il y a plus de fran�ais ici que je pensais ! ;)

01-13-2010, 04:59 PM
This is an excellent idea and a MUCH needed thread (It is nearly impossible to find French Scores for those of us living in the third world)� but let�s start posting content and requests or this thread is not going to grow!

Without further ado, here is my contribution:


Download here (http://rapidshare.com/files/219331302/Angel_Rombi-2006.rar)
MP3 320Kbps
(Not my upload, kudos to the original uploader)

Original Review by Jonathan Broxton: Angel, also known as The Real Life of Angel Deverell, is a French-English romantic comedy-drama based on the novel by Elizabeth Taylor (the writer, not the actress), and is the second English-language feature from the acclaimed French filmmaker Fran�ois Ozon. Romola Garai stars as the eponymous Angel, a fiery and passionate aspiring writer in late-Victorian England, whose determination, intelligence, and sense of imagination and magic allows her to escape from the dreary tenement where she lived, and fulfill her literary dreams. The film charts Angel�s life, from birth to death, with a sense of satire and a biting wit, and features an outstanding supporting cast, including Sam Neill, Charlotte Rampling, Lucy Russell and Simon Woods. They are accompanied by a truly marvelous score by Ozon�s regular musical collaborator, Philippe Rombi.

When I reviewed Rombi�s score for the thriller Swimming Pool back in 2003, I remarked that I hoped he would be the next French composer to follow in the footsteps of Jarre and Delerue and take Hollywood by storm; as it turns out, Alexandre Desplat and not Rombi was the composer to do that, but despite remaining largely undiscovered by the mainstream, Rombi�s work has been nothing if not consistently excellent, and Angel may very well the 39-year-old�s best score yet.

Unlike many modern scores these days, Angel is a score with themes. And what glorious ones! Rombi is very much an old-fashioned composer, and that is most definitely meant as a compliment in this respect. His music, which on this occasion is written for a full orchestra with emphasis on strings and piano, is lush, buoyant, and almost unashamedly romantic. Director Ozon, when outlining his musical ideas to Rombi, was especially inspired by the scores composer Frank Skinner wrote for the melodramas of Douglas Sirk in the 1940s and 50s � titles like Written on the Wind, Magnificent Obsession, Imitation of Life, and All That Heaven Allows � and wished to pay homage to them. In response, Rombi channeled the spirit not only of Skinner, but several other Golden Age greats, resulting in a score which is brazenly emotionally manipulative, but also has a knowing nod-and-a-wink to the audience, as if aware that this type of enormous melodrama is slightly (and intentionally) overwhelming for the film it accompanies. It is also, however, extraordinarily beautiful.

The opening cue, �The Real Life of Angel Deverell�, is actually quite turbulent, with a sweeping orchestral theme underpinned by slightly tumultuous-sounding rolls, giving it a real sense of weight and drama. The �Overture�, however, quickly changes the mood with a sparkling, whimsical variation on the main theme with prancing string glissandi and a cooing choir accompaniment, giving it distinctly Golden Age-style lyricism. The best, however, is saved for the secondary theme - the Paradise theme � which sounds for all the world like it could be a variation on Max Steiner�s theme from Now Voyager, and first appears in the second half of the �Overture� to magnificent effect. Its piano-led concert performance in the following cue, is utterly magnificent; graceful, lyrical, romantic, passionate, yet bittersweet, all at the same time. By the time it eventually gives way to a sweeping statement by the full orchestra, you�re in raptures.

As the score works through its first half, one finds oneself picking out highlights at every turn - the luscious cello performance of the main melody half way through �Paradise Theme�, which gives way to a searching solo violin, and eventually the entire orchestra; the subtle inclusion of a choir during �Angel�s Theme�; the kinetic, defiantly upbeat �Success�, with its sleigh bells and bubbly pizzicati; the wonderful orchestral and choral crescendos and rhapsodic pianos during �Crowning Moment�; the tear-jerking solo viola in �A Gift from Paradise�; the irrepressibly sunny �Honeymoon�; the list goes on and on. One of the score�s many strengths is the way Rombi continually finds new ways to present his themes, with new lead instruments, slight variations and interesting settings, which keeps the album fresh and alive without it ever losing its thematic consistency or coherence.

During the score�s second half things occasionally take a slightly downbeat and melancholy turn, especially in cues such as �Jealousy�, �Mother�s Death�, �The Portrait�, �The War�, �Alone in Paradise� and �Esme�s Death�. Again, it�s interesting how, in this darker period of Angel�s life, Rombi maintains the thematic core of the score, but significantly alters the mood through the addition of more somber keys, imperceptibly slower tempos, and a heavier reliance on quiet woodwinds over strings. The music is still beautiful, but in a different way, and the score is a richer listening experience because of it.

The eleven-minute finale, comprising �Angel�s Death�, �The Dreamed Life of Angel Deverell� and a recapitulation of �Angel�s Theme�, sends things off with a flourish, building from passages featuring more tender woodwind writing, eventually breaking out into a series a spellbinding performances of all the main themes which somehow manage to reach even greater emotional heights than those which preceded them. Listening to music as outstanding as this, one is reminded just why we are all film music fans in the first place.

Angel is, without question, one of the finest film scores composed in all of 2007. It will appeal to Golden Age enthusiasts who lament the loss of the thematic beauty and emotional weight composers like Skinner and Steiner gave their music; it will also surely appeal to younger fans whose exposure to Golden Age music may be limited (either due to lack of opportunity, or experience, or who prefer to listen to music with better recording quality), but who are still interested in the music of the era. Whatever the case may be, Angel ticks all the boxes in terms of beauty, performance, thematic strength and sheer, unadulterated passion. Hollywood has already welcomed one enormously talented Frenchman into their inner circle in the shape of Alexandre Desplat; it is surely now time for them to extend Philippe Rombi the same courtesy.
Track Listing:
� The Real Life of Angel Deverell (2:27)
� Overture (2:56)
� Inspiration (2:43)
� Paradise Theme (4:22)
� Angel�s Theme (2:22)
� The Publisher (3:46)
� London (0:39)
� Norley (1:18)
� Success (1:19)
� Crowning Moment (1:07)
� A Gift from Paradise (4:24)
� Nora (1:12)
� Visit to Esme (1:04)
� Jealousy (2:38)
� Mother's Death (1:58)
� Marry Me (1:35)
� The Portrait/Honeymoon (1:53)
� Together in Paradise (2:55)
� The War (3:23)
� Alone in Paradise (4:12)
� In the Name of Love (3:04)
� Esme's Death (2:04)
� Angelica (3:55)
� Silky Boy (1:10)
� Angel's Death (4:56)
� The Dreamed Life of Angel Deverell (2:16)
� Angel's Theme (3:19)
Running Time: 70 minutes 48 seconds

Music composed and conducted by Philippe Rombi. Orchestrations by Philippe Rombi and Jeff Atmajian. Recorded and mixed by Simon Rhodes. Album produced by Philippe Rombi.

01-13-2010, 05:09 PM
Thanks PP245171 ! Rombi is one of the best and this particular score, close to Herrmann's and Rozsa's works, is amazing :)

01-13-2010, 05:41 PM
Some requests if I may:

Philippe Rombi: Le Co�t de la Vie (2002)
Krishna Levy: Je L'Aimais (2009) and Artemisia (1997)


01-13-2010, 05:47 PM
I have Rombi's "Le Cout de la Vie" which is excellent... and we'll be coming in a few days !

Lens of Truth
01-13-2010, 10:14 PM
What an excellent idea for a thread! The only film by Ozon I've seen is "Sitcom", years ago. I liked it - thoroughly surreal and perverse - but confess I don't remember the score. Was it Eric Neveux?

Gr�goire Hetzel seems like a promising voice. I was impressed by his work on Un Conte de No�l. Are you a fan?

01-14-2010, 09:47 AM
What an excellent idea for a thread! The only film by Ozon I've seen is "Sitcom", years ago. I liked it - thoroughly surreal and perverse - but confess I don't remember the score. Was it Eric Neveux?

Gr�goire Hetzel seems like a promising voice. I was impressed by his work on Un Conte de No�l. Are you a fan?
No score in the movie "Sitcom" I think. Ozon is a strange guy, always on the edge of making a masterpiece or a bad movie.

And I haven't heard anything from Hetzel. I have too, though, specially Un Conte de No�l ^^

No release from me today, I forgot the CD at home :( pffff

01-14-2010, 10:13 AM
And finally I managed to find another Rombi : Ricky.

Enjoy this haunting score !

(at the top, as usual)

01-14-2010, 12:48 PM
What kind of composition? I have a love for heart-pounding orchestral with or without chorus but what do these French composers make?

01-14-2010, 04:33 PM
Bruno Coulais, Alexandre Desplat and Georges Delerue are maybe the most known French composers

Et peut �tre Maurice Jarre ? ;)

D'ailleurs je conseille � tous son score fabuleux pour Juge et Hors la Loi :3


Maurice Jarre - Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean

Thanks to the original uploader, of course ~

Et Vive le Roy !

01-14-2010, 05:21 PM
...I have a love for heart-pounding orchestral with or without chorus but what do these French composers make?

Then you need to check Rombi's "Angel", just what the Doctor Ordered....

01-15-2010, 05:09 AM
I'm so sorry for not speak French for you ^^, but making this thread was a good idea, and hope i can discover some unkowwn music gems here.


01-15-2010, 02:43 PM
Udpate with 4 Yared scores : L'Avion, La Lune dans le Caniveau, Les Orientales et Camille Claudel

Give it a try, you'll be astonished ^^

01-15-2010, 04:14 PM
Great idea, although... Please check my PM.

Anyway thanks a lot for these, oddly enough I'm not to much into french scores (!?), so there could be some nice discoveries.

Merci, mon pote!

01-15-2010, 04:43 PM

01-16-2010, 12:33 AM
@ Arthierr : I saw your MP and I don't give a damn about Hadopi ^^

@ Bewo : merci ! Your upload is now on the first page... in first !

01-16-2010, 09:58 AM

01-20-2010, 04:05 AM
Great Post Y�ti~! thank you so much for Yared's score. especially his Film Music vol. 2 & 3... just gorgeous~

just the 12th track "Fatalit" on "La Lune Dans Le Caniveau" is corrupted... it would be very kind of you if it could be fixed:D

Anyway, thanks again for the great score!

Udpate with 4 Yared scores : L'Avion, La Lune dans le Caniveau, Les Orientales et Camille Claudel

Give it a try, you'll be astonished ^^

01-20-2010, 07:36 AM
I just realized that all the tracks have also a corrupted time lenght... I don't know if you have the same problem ?

I should rip them again today, so I'll upload them again later :) And I'll take care of the corrupted track in La Lune dans le Caniveau !

And I'll also add Bewo's scores to the first topic !

01-20-2010, 11:27 AM
Salut camarade.
Do you have, par hasard, stuff from "le grand blond avec une chaussure noire" de Vladimir Cosma.
And if you had some other stuff from this guy, that would be much appreciated.
Merci mon pote!

01-20-2010, 07:18 PM

01-21-2010, 01:49 PM
yes, i hv the same problem... but it doesn't bother much as it can still play well. Thanks for your reply anyway and looking forward to your update:D

I just realized that all the tracks have also a corrupted time lenght... I don't know if you have the same problem ?

I should rip them again today, so I'll upload them again later :) And I'll take care of the corrupted track in La Lune dans le Caniveau !

And I'll also add Bewo's scores to the first topic !

01-22-2010, 03:23 PM
Dear friends:

I am from Malaysia, and I am new to all this. I really, really, really like Francis Lai's theme song for Ripoux 3. It is such a dreamy and calming song.

Could you please please please share this for me somewhere so that I can listen to it again?

I wonder if anybody would be willing to help!

Thank you so much...


01-24-2010, 09:44 PM
Philippe Rombi
(Steiner, Herrmann, Rozsa are not far away from this Golden-Age-like score, with a wonderful theme)

Wow, wonderful main title, 100% my cup of tea. Never had my finger that fast at the trigger, bought it. Thanks for sharing, you got me a pearl!

02-12-2010, 06:44 PM

02-12-2010, 07:15 PM
salut tout le monde, excelente id�e ce topic Y�ti,

voila une petite contribution:

ALEXANDRE AZARIA - le transporteur 3 (expanded score)


ERIC SERRA - jeanne d'arc (complete score)


j'ai en revanche une petite requette, je me doute que ce n'est pas ce qu'il y a de plus simple a trouver mais ont ne sait jamais,

si quelqu'un avait la musique de LE BOULET (francois forrestier, krishna levy, alain basarthe, jean louis vialle)

voila! Encore bravo, et je ne manquerait pas de rajouter d'autres petit truc.

02-12-2010, 08:13 PM
I'm definitely going to check these out, it never crossed my mind to listen to a french composer. Nice upload.

02-12-2010, 10:13 PM
Hi all

Moi aussi je suis fran�ais et si certains le souhaitent je peux uploader "Seul Two" (2cd), "Angel A" et "99 francs" ;)


02-14-2010, 03:23 PM

02-16-2010, 03:00 PM


Download Link :

Seuls Two:

99 Francs:

Angel A:

02-16-2010, 11:21 PM

02-17-2010, 12:21 AM
Merci bien

de rien :)

02-19-2010, 10:06 AM
R�trospective (2008) - Bruno Coulais
Artwork included @300dpi



01-The white planet - Coups d'ailes sous la mer (2:32)
02-The son of the shark - Quatuor No.2 (1:46)
03-The son of the shark - Le fils du requin (orchestre) (2:46)
04-Don Juan - Des masques (2:01)
05-Crime insiders - G�n�rique d�but (5:34)
06-Winged migration - The highest gander (3:11)
07-The boy who wanted to be a bear - Vers la ville (2:38)
08-Already dead - Les armes (2:32)
09-Genesis - Genesis (2:33)
10-Winged migration - To be by your side (3:47)
11-The son of the shark - Quatuor No.1 (1:45)
12-Don Juan - Les jeux de s�duction (1:06)
13-Harrinson's flowers - La route (4:14)
14-Chroista - In memoriam (3:22)
15-Winged migration - Hors champ (1:45)
16-Microcosmos - L'amour des escargots (2:13)
17-Secret agents - La traque (1:58)
18-The second wind - Le fourgon rouge (8:20)
19-Don Juan - G�n�rique (3:01)
20-The boy who wanted to be a bear - Th�me (2:26)
21-Microcosmos - L'abeille et les fleurs (3:01)
22-Winged migration - Le retour des grues (2:31)
23-All about love - La cabine (10:35)

Total time: 1:15:37


01-The magnet - It is really home (4:35)
02-MR73 - Le cauchemar de Justine (2:38)
03-Walking a tightrope - L'�quilibriste (1:57)
04-Himalaya - Op�ra (3:44)
05-Himalaya - La nuit (2:12)
06-Himalaya - Le lac (3:09)
07-Already dead - D�j� mort (4:03)
08-The magnet - Affrescu (4:42)
09-The boy who wanted to be a bear - Le trou dans la neige (2:50)
10-Microcosmos - Microcosmos (2:14)
11-Genesis - La fanfare de la vie (4:07)
12-Genesis - D�sir, mon beau d�sir (1:40)
13-The crimson rivers - G�n�rique d�but (4:30)
14-Ulzhan - G�n�rique fin (2:54)
15-Chorists - Les choristes (1:28)
16-Serial lover - River of love (2:18)
17-Don Juan - La mort de Don Juan (3:00)
18-The son of the shark - Le quatuor de la mer (3:11)
19-The second wind - Fin de partie (1:57)
20-Belphegor - La pyramide (1:35)
21-The magnet - Dir Yassin (3:29)

Total time: 1:02:13

Total time 2CD's: 2:17:50

Lossless version
log included

Thread 74179


Thread 74179

02-22-2010, 06:24 PM
my little and first contribution.

Le cinqui�me �l�ment d'Eric Serra.

Dr Faustus
02-22-2010, 06:34 PM
Angel A:

Je vous remercie beaucoup pour Angel A. :)

D�sol� pour la mauvaise grammaire, Fran�ais de ne pas ma langue maternelle.

02-22-2010, 07:36 PM

02-23-2010, 01:52 PM

02-23-2010, 04:31 PM
Je vous remercie beaucoup pour Angel A.

D�sol� pour la mauvaise grammaire, Fran�ais de ne pas ma langue maternelle.

Thank you for the comment's.


Merci Bewo pour les OSS ;p

02-23-2010, 06:48 PM

02-24-2010, 04:36 PM

02-24-2010, 10:19 PM

02-24-2010, 10:52 PM
Je recherche l'OST des deux films sur les Rivi�res Pourpres.

Si quelqu'un les a, merci de les uploader!

02-25-2010, 07:53 AM
R�trospective (2008) - Armand Amar
Artwork @600dpi included



01-Earth from above - La gen�se (5:27)
02-The trail - Kadjiro & Grace (4:15)
03-The first cry - Kokoya (2:26)
04-The maiden and the wolves - La jeune fille et les loups ! (2:13)
05-Bab' aziz - You created the night... (7:52)
06-The ax - Krantz (2:21)
07-Sagan - Sagan II (3:04)
08-The trail - Waterfall (1:36)
09-Earth from above - Ney (2:16)
10-The maiden and the wolves - Le petit loup (2:32)
11-Eyewitness - The train I (2:10)
12-Sagan - La vie s'en va (3:04)
13-Like your father - Et le film a commenc� (2:34)
14-The maiden and the wolves - Le pi�ge (3:11)
15-Sagan - Promettez-moi (1:37)
16-Days of glory - Indig�nes (suite) (8:55)
17-The colonel - Les larmes (5:19)

Total time: 1:00:52


01-The maiden and the wolves - Ouverture (2:50)
02-The first cry - A new born child (3:33)
03-The maiden and the wolves - Giuseppe (4:43)
04-Blame it on Fidel! - Le p�re (1:47)
05-The maiden and the wolves - Zarmov (3:21)
06-Earth from above - Civilisation (9:18)
07-The first cry - City of birth (4:12)
08-The ax - La valse du couperet (5:12)
09-Live and become - Inchilalo (3:00)
10-Live and become - Va, vis et deviens (6:04)
11-Bab' aziz - Zikr (5:07)
12-The ax - Ceci est ma confession (2:57)
13-Bab' aziz - Poem of the atoms (2:25)
14-Eyewitness - To warn the world (2:41)
15-Live and become - M�re et enfant (3:15)
16-The first cry - Le premier cri (4:42)

Total time: 1:05:07

Total time 2CD's: 2:05:59

Lossless version
cue + log included

Thread 74327


Thread 74327

02-25-2010, 01:10 PM

02-25-2010, 04:32 PM

02-26-2010, 10:48 AM
Bonjour / bonsoir a tous.
Un grand merci a chacun d'entre vous pour ces excellentes contributions. :)
J'ai ete particulierement impressionne par Angel, Les Milles et Moving Music, a la fois complementaires et brillants dans leurs melodies (je ne sais pas proprement juger de la qualite technique de leur execution par contre).


I am all the more grateful as I first stumbled upon this place mainly looking for VG musics in order to refresh old childhood memories a bit (It is not called Final Fantasy Shrine for nothing...). And I surprised myself discovering a bunch of wonderful artists and composers, foreign and various music styles that I would have likely missed if it wasn't thanks to you guys.
Thanks again. :)

02-26-2010, 11:49 PM

02-28-2010, 11:34 PM
Bonjour a tous
What a great thread!

Je recherche l'OST de Gabriel Yared "IP5: L'�le aux Pachydermes" (Soundtrack 1992).
Many thanks!

03-09-2010, 05:21 PM
R�trospective (2008) - Gabriel Yared
Artwork included @600dpi



01-The English patient - The English patient (3:35)
02-The English patient - Rupert Bear (1:24)
03-The English patient - Convento di Sant'Anna (3:42)
04-City of angels - The unfeeling kiss (1:53)
05-City of angels - Piano theme (1:04)
06-City of angels - City of angels (2:24)
07-Breaking & entering - St Pancras (3:10)
08-Breaking & entering - Will & Amira (2:56)
09-The one & only - The one & only Samba (1:25)
10-The one & only - The one & only (1:25)
11-The talented Mr Ripley - Syncopes (2:46)
12-The talented Mr Ripley - Lullaby for Ca�n (3:27)
13-The talented Mr Ripley - Crazy Tom (4:42)
14-The talented Mr Ripley - Promise (1:59)
15-Azur & Asmar - La chanson d'Azur et Asmar (4:39)
16-Une bouteille � la mer - Where the boundaries are (1:56)
17-Une bouteille � la mer - Separate lives (1:29)
18-The No.1 ladies detective agency - Main theme (2:04)
19-1408 - Out on a ledge (2:51)
20-1408 - Katie's theme (2:46)
21-Autumn in New York - Elegy for Charlotte (3:15)
22-The lives of others - Die unsichtbare front (1:31)
23-The lives of others - Linienstrasse (1:49)
24-The lives of others - Die sonate vom Guten Menschen (1:26)
25-Cold Mountain - Arrival at Cold Montain (3:00)
26-Cold Mountain - Ada plays (3:11)
27-Bon voyage - Bon voyage (2:51)
28-The plane - L'enfant et l'avion (2:31)
29-The plane - Le piano (2:34)

Total time: 1:13:45


01-Betty Blue - C'est le vent Betty (2:16)
02-Betty Blue - Chile con carne (2:58)
03-Betty Blue - Betty & Zorg (2:22)
04-Betty Blue - Maudits man�ges (1:39)
05-Tatie Danielle - La complainte de la vieille salope (1:20)
06-Tatie Danielle - Tatie's blues (2:47)
07-The lover - Un pas d'one-step (2:09)
08-The lover - Promenade en limousine (3:33)
09-La Romana - Due donne (2:17)
10-La Romana - Nostalgia (2:29)
11-The groundhogs - Parler (2:54)
12-Malevil - Pr�lude � la pluie (3:53)
13-Vincent & Theo - Free music (1:31)
14-The moon in the gutter - Fugue de la cath�drale (1:52)
15-The moon in the gutter - La folie des docks (2:40)
16-The moon in the gutter - Valse de Loretta (2:12)
17-The moon in the gutter - Tango de l'impasse (2:42)
18-Hanna K - Hanna K (3:43)
19-Hanna K - Les camps de la mort - Fugue (2:48)
20-IP5 - The island of pachyderms - G�n�rique (3:44)
21-IP5 - The island of pachyderms - Entr�e en for�t (2:14)
22-Slow motion - Du milieu � l'au del� (2:19)
23-Map of the human heart - Map of the human heart (4:36)
24-The first circle - Bulgarian choir (1:19)
25-Camille Claudel - Camille (2:45)
26-Camille Claudel - Camille & Rodin (2:13)
27-Wings of courage - Alley tango
28-Wings of courage - Wings of courage
29-The lover - Foxtrot dance

Total time: 1:12:35

Total time 2CD's: 2:26:20

Lossless version
cue + log included

Thread 74670


Thread 74670

03-09-2010, 10:25 PM
Piano -- thank you! :)

03-12-2010, 01:39 PM

03-13-2010, 10:00 AM
Et, enfin, pour finir, Les Visiteurs:


aurais tu les visiteurs 2 par hasard ?

03-13-2010, 11:17 AM

03-13-2010, 01:03 PM
merci c'est cool

03-13-2010, 02:21 PM

03-17-2010, 02:57 AM
Moi Van Gogh (2009) - Armand Amar
Artwork included @600dpi


01-Van Gogh part I (1:54)
02-Van Gogh part II (1:12)
03-Van Gogh part III (3:33)
04-Van Gogh part IV (2:34)
05-Van Gogh part V (4:46)
06-Van Gogh part VI (2:52)
07-Van Gogh part VII (2:52)
08-Van Gogh part VIII (2:04)
09-Van Gogh part IX (2:09)
10-Van Gogh part X (2:49)
11-Van Gogh part XI (2:26)
12-Van Gogh part XII (3:06)
13-Van Gogh part XIII (2:06)
14-Van Gogh part XIV (2:56)
15-Van Gogh part XV (2:23)
16-Peter (1:41)
17-Le sud (2:01)
18-Jusqu'au bout (3:06)
19-Orsay (0:56)
20-L'asile (0:41)
21-La lettre (0:49)
22-L'oreille coup�e (1:16)
23-Campagne (2:27)
24-Mon cher ami (2:05)
25-La mort (5:09)

Total time: 59:53

Lossless version
cue + log included




03-17-2010, 03:21 AM
Marco Polo (2009) - Armand Amar
Artwork included @600dpi


01-Part I (1:27)
02-Part II (2:25)
03-Part III (4:27)
04-Part IV (2:57)
05-Part V (5:01)
06-Part VI (2:58)
07-Part VII (1:56)
08-Part VIII (2:44)
09-Part IX (1:32)
10-Part X (3:29)
11-Part XI (2:25)
12-Part XII (4:09)
13-Part XIII (6:09)
14-Part XIV (1:22)
15-Part XV (4:20)
16-Part XVI (1:10)
17-Part XVII (1:05)
18-Part XVIII (1:29)
19-Part XIX (4:06)
20-Part XX (3:54)
21-Part XXI (3:34)

Total time: 1:02:39

Lossless version
cue + log included




03-29-2010, 10:18 PM

04-24-2010, 12:17 PM
Voila ma premi�re "r�elle" contribution au forum. Bonne �coute.
MP3 @192, je n'ai pas en meilleure qualit�, d�sol�....

(Hi there, here is my first "real" contribution to the forum. So enjoy !
It's my shares. I don't have a better quality so don't ask me for.)

Track listing :
01 - Where do you go? (version vocale) (3:01)
02 -It is you (3:35)
03 - You're the kinda girl (2:47)
04 - Sing (3:47)
05 - The bicycle race (1:42)
06 - Cambriolage (3:25)
07 - Sento que tu eres la personna (2:10)
08 - Flashback (0:53)
09 - A�roport (1:09)
10 - Tampa airport (1:58)
11 - Spaceship (2:43)
12 - Airboat (2:38)
13 - Swing holiday (1:46)
14 - Fly me to the moon (2:29)
15 - Do it now (2:06)
16 - The french mission : part i & ii (1:50)
17 - Le mariage (1:50)
18 - Where do you go? : part iii (2:32)

Link : http://www.4shared.com/rar/jlFE7ANUba/RTT.html

SVP, aidez-moi dans mes recherches ! (ci-dessous). A bient�t.
(Please, help me to find my requests ! Best regards.)

06-20-2010, 12:58 PM
SPLICE by AUFORT Cyrille (Thread 77013)

07-25-2010, 02:01 PM

Je vous propose le score de cette c�l�bre com�die avec Coluche.
Compos� par le d�jant� Michel Polnareff.

MP3 @320
Le rip n'est pas de moi. Par contre le lien est mis � dispo par moi !


Titres des pistes :
Arrangements de JEAN BOUCHETY
02. PARIS-MEXIQUE (01:20)
03. GENERIQUE (04:11)
04. LA BELLE VEUT SA REVANCHE ( Instrumental ) (02:14)
06. TIRE-FESSES (00:34)
07. MANEGE ALVARO (01:16)
10. ROCK N' ROLL NON STOP (11:30)

Dur�e totale : 00:30:07

Link : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NEMVZYKN

Bonne �coute !

08-26-2010, 02:07 PM
Le lien de la BO de "La cit� de la peur" (Philippe Chany) ne marche plus, est-ce que quelqu'un aurait la gentillesse de le r�uploader?

The link for the soundtrack of "La cit� de la peur" is broken. Could someone be so kind and reupload the file? Pretty please, with a cherry on top? ;)

08-29-2010, 11:47 AM
Bonjour � tous, je cherche depuis quelques temps la BO de Germinal compos�e par Jean Louis Roques . Elle semble introuvable. Si quelqu'un pouvait l'uploader ce serait parfait.
Merci d'avance.

08-29-2010, 11:29 PM
Bonjour � tous, ouh l� l�...ouiii x) cette BO l�, ce serait m�me plus que parfait. J'en serai...hyper content!
Merci d'avance.

---------- Post added at 04:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------

Bonjour � tous, ouh l� l�...ouiii x) cette BO l�, ce serait m�me plus que parfait. J'en serai...hyper content!
Merci d'avance.

08-31-2010, 05:34 AM
I can't believe I missed this movie ANGEL. The music is exquisite and Philippe Rombi really touched my heart when I listened to the score. Thank you for sharing this lovely score =3

12-12-2010, 08:45 PM
Great topic. I'd appreciate if someone could share Armand Amar's LE COUPERET.

EDIT. Just found it. Hope you enjoy.

Armand Amar - LE COUPERET

Link: http://hotfile.com/dl/57070475/081c558/A.A.2005.Le.Couperet.320.Desu.rar.html

12-26-2010, 11:33 AM
Je cherche le dernier score de Philippe Rombi "Potiche". SVP, quelqu'un peut l'uploader. Merci!!

12-26-2010, 11:48 AM
Request: Le cout de la vie- Une employee modele Philippe Rombi. Also le role de sa vie for Philippe Rombi please and thanks!!!!!

12-26-2010, 02:07 PM
hi, glad i found this thread because i've been looking for this ost with no luck but perhaps one of you fine gentleman will have this:

�ric Demarsan - L'arm�e des ombres (Army of Shadows) OST

and also

Jacques Loussier, Paul Misraki - Le Duolos (The Finger-Man) OST

apparently the Army of Shadows OST has been released because I found this link:
L'Armee Des Ombres (Army in the Shadows) Soundtrack @ Movie Music . com (http://www.moviemusic.com/soundtrack/armeedesombres)

and I believe the Le Duolos OST also has a release

the closest I could get to finding any downloadable OST music from these was a compilation album featuring a bunch of tracks from assorted Jean-Pierre Melville films which I believe was titled 'Le Cercle Noir', but I couldn't find a single working link.

if anybody could supply these amazing scores i would be eternally grateful


12-26-2010, 02:15 PM
Georges Delerue- La R�volution Fran�aise OST

Disc 1
1. Hymne a la Liberte (performed by Jessye Norman) (03:51)
2. Le lever du Roi (01:13)
3. Le Hameau de la Reine (01:05)
4. Ouverture des Etats g�neraux (01:06)
5. Le premier appel revolutionnaire (01:30)
6. A la Bastille (01:23)
7. La prise de la Bastille (04:20)
8. La fete des Barricades (01:47)
9. L'abolition des privileges (02:05)
10. La declaration des droits de l'homme (04:45)
11. La marche des femmes (03:47)
12. La f�te (02:30)
13. Fanfares - Le Serment (01:42)
14. La mort de Mirabeau (00:56)
15. La f�te du Champ de Mars (01:16)
16. Fersen et Marie-Antoinette (01:07)
17. La Reine et ses enfants (01:31)
18. L'ombre de la guerre (01:13)
19. Defaite des regiments francais (02:27)
20. La Marseillaise (01:28)
21. La fin de royaute (03:06)
22. Hymne a la Liberte (orchestral version) (03:52)

Disc 2
1. Hymne a la Liberte (performed by Jessye Norman) (03:51)
2. Le d�part de la famille royale (01:09)
3. La Fayette (01:33)
4. Les Prussiens (01:07)
5. Folie et massacres (04:02)
6. Francis contre Prussiens (01:07)
7. Saint-Just (01:00)
8. La tristesse du roi (02:16)
9. Le vote de la mort du Roi (02:00)
10. La mort de Gabrielle (00:50)
11. Marat (02:21)
12. Le destin de Marie-Antoinette (02:28)
13. Les excutions (01:49)
14. Danton est de retour (01:38)
15. Le complot (02:18)
16. L'imprudence de Desmoulins (01:09)
17. L'excution de Danton et Desmoulins (03:53)
18. La folie de Robespierre (01:10)
19. L'excution de Robespierre (02:47)
20. Epilogue -Hymne a la Liberte (orchestral version) (04:56)

FLAC (http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=bbc2f8941c319bba61d4646c62b381cb67e5ff59 ce3e6eb8947708e37b913e74)

12-27-2010, 06:00 PM
Georges Auric La Belle Et La Bete...

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2QYOTLE8)

Joyeux Noel!

Format: mp3
Bitrate: 320
Size: 142 MB

12-27-2010, 07:07 PM
Eric Demarsan - L'arm�e des ombres, 1969, rel.2000

http://img234.imagevenue.com/loc570/th_72097_armee_des_ombres_fr_122_570lo.jpg (http://img234.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=72097_armee_des_ombres_fr_122_570lo. jpg)

Format: mp3
Bitrate: cbr 320
Size: 108 MB

1. Thčme de Gerbier (03:16)
2. 20 Octobre 1942 (01:41)
3. Thčme de Mathilde (01:42)
4. La Lettre Anonyme (02:30)
5. La Ligne du D�marcation (01:43)
6. La Planque (04:23)
7. Manouche ŕ Drancy (02:37)
8. La Mort de Linstituer (01:40)
9. Re-Spirituals (03:19)
10. Thčme de Gerbier (01:50)
11. Le Couloir de la Prison (01:03)
12. G�n�rique D�but (02:53)
13. Les Barraquements (01:25)
14. La Mort de Donnat (02:13)
15. Spirituals for Orchestra (03:49)
16. La Planque (version 2) (04:31)
17. Thčme de Gerbier (03:07)
Total Duration: 00:43:42



12-27-2010, 08:01 PM
OH WOW!!!!!!!

i can't believe it, you came through with the Army of Shadows OST, and so quickly too! I've been looking for this and Le Duolos for so long; Jean-Pierre Melville rocks!!!

You sir, are amazing. A million thanks for this fine upload :D

12-30-2010, 06:25 PM
Bandes Originales Des Films De Jean Cocteau
Format: mp3
Bitrate: 320
Size: 125 MB

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MS7A62XP)

My own rip
from "Le Testament d'Orph�e" (1959)
from "Orph�e" (1949)
from "La Belle et la B�te" (1946)
from "L'Aigle � Deux T�tes" (1947).

01-11-2011, 11:50 PM
Does anyone have, by GABRIEL YARED, L'arche et les Deluges, Bon Voyage or Tatie Danielle? Merci!

03-20-2011, 06:24 AM
"Her Alibi" by Georges Delerue, s'il vous pla�t?

03-20-2011, 06:30 AM
Can you (or another french friend) , please, upload the special edition of "Amelie" with 24 tracks (lossless)?

03-20-2011, 08:34 PM
Hey friends.....i miss so much the music of Philippe Sarde and Michel Legrand......
Can you post some of them......please?????

04-09-2011, 10:10 AM
hi everyone,

someone can tell me where i can find "LE CINEMA DU GEORGES DELERUE" ??

thanks in advance

05-26-2011, 04:10 PM
Will upload Jean-Louis Roques - Germinal in proper lossless rip in the next few hours, don't miss it as it is a highly diverse but truly interesting OST.
FYI Roques was a guitarist in the band of the french singer Renaud.

The score for Rapeneau's "Cyrano de Bergerac" (composed by Jean-Claude Petit), here again in proper lossless format, will follow soon - that's another very fine disc. Some cues are written in a renaissance-baroque fashion, whereas other are at times reminiscent of Elfman's Batman 'heroic' parts for instance.

---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------

Jean-Louis Roques - Germinal OST, 1993

VR 391932

FLAC image + cue / .accurip (confidence 2) / PDF booklet

Dowload: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (http://www.multiupload.com/BJGEEUWDXV) (.zip 212 MB)

---------- Post added at 05:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------

Jean-Claude Petit - Cyrano de Bergerac OST, 1990

DRG 12602

FLAC image + cue / .accurip (confidence 3) / PDF front-back

Dowload: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (http://www.multiupload.com/H2GIYAS569) (.zip 224 MB)

05-26-2011, 08:27 PM
Anyone have El Condor/Villa Rides by Maurice Jarre. On the Universal-FRance label.


05-26-2011, 10:47 PM
Thank you very much for your share shoshot!

06-04-2011, 02:09 PM
Thank you for the great scores (especially for the Cocteau and Melville ones)!

06-11-2011, 02:10 AM
I'm loving this French music thread!
Would anyone have Bruno Coulais, Microcosmos Le Peuple De L'Herbe?

06-11-2011, 05:49 AM
Bruno Coulais, Microcosmos Le Peuple De L'Herbe:

claude nuridsany&marie perennou.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?t2s7xf8qnsl6w42)

Not mine. Thanks to original uploader

06-11-2011, 07:52 AM
And here in lossless (flac image + cue, pdf covers, accurip confidence 7/7) if anybody cares: BC_MLPH_Lsslss.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?6qk3p3q3e3guq9v) (176 MB .zip)

06-11-2011, 06:02 PM
Wow that was quick! Thanks, especially to shoshot for the lossless ;-)

Recently watched 'Lila dit �a': anyone know if there is a soundtrack album?
Here is a list of the tracks used in the film (Not all artists are French) :

Hakim - "El Kalam Da Kebir"
AIR - "Run"
Abdelaziz Abdallah - "Le Foundou 2"
Elissa - "Ayshalak"
Vanessa Daou - "If I Could"
Imad Helou - "Ana Rouhik"
Vanessa Daou - "Juliette"
Sylvain Lasseur - "Devil"
Vanessa Daou - "Near the Black Forest"
The Starseeds - "Strange Planet"
Ehab Toufik - "Allah aleik ya sidy"
William Orbit/Strange Cargo - "A Hazy Shade of Random"
Metisse - "Sousounde"

06-17-2011, 11:21 AM
Shoshot - Excellent uploads above for Roque and Rappeneau -

do you happen to have the cue file for Germinal, though? It seems to be missing from the file...

Thanks again!

06-17-2011, 12:57 PM
Just checked, indeed the cue file is not included (although embedded within the flac file, so programs such as Foobar can extract it).
My bad. Here it is (http://www.mediafire.com/?mmfplffpew38kb5) ^^

06-17-2011, 06:52 PM
shoshot, you're a prince!

06-29-2011, 09:39 AM


Megaupload Link (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0SZ98JEB)

1. Une pure affaire (Main Theme)
2. On avait dit pas de cadeaux
3. Le sac
4. Home Made (Bonus)
5. La lettre de licenciement
6. Family Business (Bonus)
7. On m'appelle Patron
8. Une affaire qui roule (Bonus)
9. Christine prend les commandes
10. Les limites du syst�me
11. Sauver Teller!
12. Un bon deal?
13. Pelame & co

06-29-2011, 01:08 PM
Salut les gens,
Up for this thread... :)

French score composers have been imho greatly underrated even though they have slowly grown a fan base. I can't help but be amazed by Bruno Coulais' score for The Crimson Rivers (Les Rivi�res Pourpres) - a truly great work that fits the gloomy movie but can also breathe by itself...

And now for something completely different: anyone here interested in 'Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis' by P.Rombi? :)

06-29-2011, 02:55 PM
Salut les gens,
Up for this thread... :)

And now for something completely different: anyone here interested in 'Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis' by P.Rombi? :)

I have this in 128, may I ask please if maybe you have an upgrade? :)

07-03-2011, 01:32 PM
French score composers have been imho greatly underrated even though they have slowly grown a fan base. I can't help but be amazed by Bruno Coulais' score for The Crimson Rivers (Les Rivi�res Pourpres) - a truly great work that fits the gloomy movie but can also breathe by itself...

I did not know Crimson Rivers was by Coulais!
Is it available anywhere, maybe even in lossless? ;)

07-03-2011, 01:56 PM
I have this in 128, may I ask please if maybe you have an upgrade? :)

Me too :)

07-03-2011, 02:00 PM
I did not know Crimson Rivers was by Coulais!
Is it available anywhere, maybe even in lossless? ;)


@192... best I could find.

07-03-2011, 02:09 PM

@192... best I could find.

no, bishty, you did better, jura added a 320 version there. :)
After the 192

so you DID find 320!

07-03-2011, 02:12 PM
no, bishty, you did better, jura added a 320 version there. :)
After the 192

so you DID find 320!

Oh good!. I exceeded my own expectations...lol.

07-03-2011, 03:41 PM
OK guys, both scores (Crimson Rivers & Ch'tis) in lossless, stay tuned...

Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis, Philippe Rombi (204 MB zip, flac tracks +cuesheet, AR 3/3) http://www.multiupload.com/45IO2CTQO6

Les Rivi�res Pourpres, Bruno Coulais (218 MB zip, flac tracks + cuesheet, AR 4/4) http://www.multiupload.com/7IZX6MVWU1

and as usual, feel free to pass around

07-03-2011, 06:05 PM
My expectations have most certainly been exceeded!
Thanks shoshot and bishtyboshty for sharing, much appreciated.

07-03-2011, 06:56 PM
Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis, Philippe Rombi (204 MB zip, flac tracks +cuesheet, AR 3/3) Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (http://www.multiupload.com/45IO2CTQO6)

Thanks a lot for this update, it's FLAC-tastic !! :)
(Merci beaucoup pour ce lien en Lossless)

Best regards. ASC2111 from France.

07-03-2011, 06:59 PM
Pas de souci. N'h�site pas � faire tourner, c'est fait pour ;)

07-03-2011, 10:18 PM
Merci pour les FLACs, shoshot

07-05-2011, 06:23 PM
Does anyone have the soundtrack for "Une Liaison Pornographique" (1999), by any chance? *crosses fingers*

07-08-2011, 09:31 PM
To come very soon, L'Enfant des Loups (Child of the Wolves) by Serge Franklin and Genesis by Bruno Coulais... both proper lossless rips

07-08-2011, 09:58 PM
Emilie Simon

La Marche de l' Empereur (Flac) (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HO7WJEGU)

Not my link. Fore maure infaux on ze mouvi: tch�que ze ou�b, bande de feuckers !!! :D

Non, s�rieusement c' est facile une de mes BO pr�f�r�es (bien que je ne la consid�re pas comme une B.O.). Il parait que les am�ricains ont suprim� les vocaux car il n' �tait pas normal pour eux d' entendre chanter anglais dans un film fran�ais (!!?!)... Je vous conseil d' acheter le CD d' occas, courrant, et trouvable entre 3 et 5 Euros.

07-09-2011, 04:35 AM
Sank you v�ri meuch for La Marche de l'Empereur !

As said, here is Bruno Coulais - Genesis in Flac + booklet scan:

Zip, 225 MB (http://www.multiupload.com/ETWJVLYLW1)


and as a bonus, the 18-track release of Good Bye Lenin! by Tiersen, in a proper lossless rip (most releases floating around the web come from copy-protected (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copy_Control) discs, which results in bad rips). 195 MB zip (http://www.multiupload.com/WU9TZK8BDI)

07-09-2011, 07:46 AM
Sank you v�ri meuch for La Marche de l'Empereur !

Iour ouellecome !

Je l' �coute depuis 5 ans sans m' en lasser. Bien meilleur que Bjorg (qui elle, lasse tr�s vite). On m' a r�cement appris qu' Emilie Simon ne fait plus rien de bon depuis qu' elle n' est plus avec son copain (ou mari ?) qui ecrivais ses chansons ou sa musique (ou les deux)...

En revanche pour Good Bye Lenin, bien qu' appr�ciant fort la musique de Yann Tiersen, je conseille de n' approcher ces musiques que par le film. Ca marche super, c' est magnifique. J' ai achet� le CD pour 4 euros il y a quelque mois et c' �tait d' un ennui mortel !... Revendu illico.

J' oubliais: longue vie au Roy ! (et longue vie aux droits !... et aux Droits !)

07-09-2011, 11:33 AM
Serge Franklin - L'ENFANT DES LOUPS (Child of the Wolves) OST (1991/2004)

Flac tracks + Cue + PDF covers > (Zip 403 MB) (http://www.multiupload.com/O11ZRPZR3E)

This hard-to-find score was released in june 2004 with only 1500 copies pressed. The first 100 (or was it 150?) ones ordered online were further distinguished by a golden lettering. I was lucky (and fast) enough to get one of these "limited limited" discs, hence the slightly different cover. Very few discs are still available, mostly in specialized stores of France and Czech Republic... As always with such limited editions, you could also grab a copy on eBay for a hundred US$...

07-17-2011, 08:47 AM
Matthieu Chabrol Bizarrement les compositions de Matthieu Chabrol n'ont jamais �t� �dit�es - sauf pour une ou deux dans des compilations. Je me demandais si un petit malin pouvait extraire les BO depuis les DVD des films. Juste une id�e....

07-17-2011, 10:03 AM

La BO introuvable, pas d'edition CD.

1983 Le Dernier Combat Eric Serra

Merci au uploader original

86 MB

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IEIR19O9)

07-18-2011, 12:09 PM
I was wondering if anyone had any of the following Alexandre Desplat soundtracks on CD, and if you could upload a lossless rip of them (in FLAC or Apple Lossless), please? :)

(I already have most of them in MP3.)

Regarde Les Hommes Tomber
Marie-Louise ou la Permission
Les P�ch�s Mortels
Un H�ros Tr�s Discret
Sous Les Pieds des femmes
1 Chance sur 2
La femme du cosmonaute
Restons group�s
C'est pas ma faute
Le chateau des singes
Reines d'un jour

Thank you!

07-25-2011, 07:05 AM
The Adventures Of Antoine Doinel: Original Music From The Films Of Francois Truffaut (Film Score Anthology). Anyone? :)

07-29-2011, 05:40 PM
What a good idea! Quelle bonne id�e!

En effet, les compositeurs fran�ais talentueux sont trop nombreux pour qu'on les oublie, je d�plorerai juste le manque de scores de Maurice Jarre dans ce sujet, un compositeur que nos amis anglophones connaissent pourtant tr�s bien. Un des seuls d'ailleurs � avoir obtenu plusieurs academy awards (Pour Laurence d'Arabie, entre autres). J'aurais juste une "request": La BO de "Mais qui a tu� Pamela Rose?" Un film sympathique avec Kad et Olivier qui jouit d'une musique tout aussi sympa.

Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider...it would be nice!

07-29-2011, 09:35 PM
Petite requ�te les copains (en lossless):

Le Fils Du Requin (The Son Of The Shark) (1993) - Bruno Coulais (http://www.soundtrackcollector.com/catalog/soundtrackdetail.php?movieid=7869)

Si quelqu'un a un lien pour l'acheter (except� celui de priceminister vendu � 90�), je prends :D.

08-05-2011, 06:24 PM
To ALL uploaders - thanks a lot for a great uploads, especially in lossless! :)

08-06-2011, 10:36 AM
Thanks to alle the posters - very nice :-)

08-29-2011, 06:17 PM
Les Gars, pour vous j'ai la B.O de La Fille du Puisatier par Alexandre Desplat (mp3 en 320) :D
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E02DC95C)
Enjoyez bien! ^^
PS: L'upload n'est pas de moi.

08-29-2011, 06:56 PM
The people in this thread might be interested to note that a new Francis Lai CD is out, released by Kritzerland.
Music Composed by Francis Lai
First time on CD soundtrack: "Another Man, Another Chance" with music composed by Francis Lai (http://www.kritzerland.com/anotherman.htm)

Rick Hunter
08-29-2011, 07:39 PM
Does anyone have que score for the Ozon's film Swimming Pool?

08-29-2011, 07:50 PM
Orzon... never heard of that composer.

Rick Hunter
08-29-2011, 08:49 PM
Ozon is the director, Fran�ois Ozon. The composer is Philippe Rombi.

08-31-2011, 05:28 AM
L'Homme Qui Voulait Vivre Sa Vie (The Big Picture) (2010) - Sacha & Evegueni Galperine
Thanks to ASC2111 for his help


01-Volcano (4:28)
02-Soup�ons (1:55)
03-D'une vie � l'autre (2:47)
04-Enterrement dans la mer (1:55)
05-Nouveaux amis (1:05)
06-Un temps de repit (2:15)
07-Aller en Bretagne (1:59)
08-L'exposition (1:20)
09-En �quilibre (1:51)
10-Je m'appelle Gregoire Kremer (2:15)
11-Paul est mort (1:41)
12-Tout effacer (2:49)
13-Un oc�an pour fuir (3:48)
14-Avec Ivana (1:34)
15-Petite tentative de rebellion (2:43)
16-Redemption (2:13)

Total time: 36:38


Thread 94910

09-18-2011, 05:32 AM
Serge Franklin - L'ENFANT DES LOUPS (Child of the Wolves) OST (1991/2004)

Flac tracks + Cue + PDF covers > (Zip 403 MB) (http://www.multiupload.com/O11ZRPZR3E)

hey shosot, is it possible to re-upload this one, really wanna hear it, thanks!

Nevermind this post, sorry.

09-19-2011, 06:07 PM
MDR ^^ Tout le monde est fran�ais ici ou quoi ?

Bah oui!!!... Hihihihihi!!!!..... Salut l'ami.

09-19-2011, 07:20 PM
"Comment �a merde alors? - But alors you are French?"

09-20-2011, 12:33 AM
Serge Franklin - L'ENFANT DES LOUPS (Child of the Wolves) OST (1991/2004)

Flac tracks + Cue + PDF covers > (Zip 403 MB) (http://www.multiupload.com/O11ZRPZR3E)

This hard-to-find score was released in june 2004 with only 1500 copies pressed. The first 100 (or was it 150?) ones ordered online were further distinguished by a golden lettering. I was lucky (and fast) enough to get one of these "limited limited" discs, hence the slightly different cover. Very few discs are still available, mostly in specialized stores of France and Czech Republic... As always with such limited editions, you could also grab a copy on eBay for a hundred US$...

This is an amazing and haunting score. I love - love - love it. Thank you so much. Now I am on the lookout for a CD!!!

10-04-2011, 08:14 AM
Quelqu'un sait qui a compos� la musique de "Histoire d'une fille de ferme" Chez Maupassant (s�rie TV 2007)? Je n'arrive pas � trouver l'info. Merci.

10-04-2011, 10:21 AM
Celui de cet �pisode l� en particulier, je ne sais pas, mais c'est peut-�tre une compositrice principale appel�e Suzanne Pillevesse. c'est �crit � 10.28 : Dailymotion - La Parure 2/2 - une vid�o Travel (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xcarro_la-parure-2-2_travel#rel-page-1)
c'est tout ce que je peux te dire. C'est vrai que c'est d�r de trouver.

10-05-2011, 07:13 AM
Merci Kadajo. La musique de "Histoire d'une fille de ferme" ressemble � une composition de Matthieu Chabrol. D'ailleurs impossible de trouver - ou si peu - du Matthieu Chabrol. Dommage.

11-08-2011, 09:37 PM
Somebody could re-up the Germinal OST please ? I can't find it elsewhere...

11-09-2011, 04:44 PM
Gros carton en France, "Intouchables" poss�de une BO sortie logiquement le 31 octobre 2011, d'apr�s ce que j'ai pu lire.
En revanche, impossible de mettre la main dessus.
Quelqu'un aurait il un lien valide? Ou carr�ment l'uploader (en 320 kbps si possible)?


11-09-2011, 09:00 PM
Gros carton en France, "Intouchables" poss�de une BO sortie logiquement le 31 octobre 2011, d'apr�s ce que j'ai pu lire.
En revanche, impossible de mettre la main dessus.
Quelqu'un aurait il un lien valide? Ou carr�ment l'uploader (en 320 kbps si possible)?


Non, c' est intouchable.

Tu peux peut-�tre te d�croter le fion et aller voir � la Fnac, non ?

11-10-2011, 12:39 AM
Non, c' est intouchable.

Tu peux peut-�tre te d�croter le fion et aller voir � la Fnac, non ?


Mais bravo l'arrogance des fran�ais !!!

Je pensais qu'on �tait sur un forum d'�change, et non pas sur un forum "d�merdes toi tout seul..."

Puisque Arial est si prompt � nous envoyer une r�ponse aussi stupide que ses pieds, peut il nous dire l'int�r�t des "request" car, par d�finition, tous les cds sont trouvables dans le commerce...

11-10-2011, 12:58 AM
Ce n' est pas un forum - en tout cas pas la partie du forum - pour les requ�tes !

Apr�s, s' il y a bien une chose que je ne comprends pas et qui me sort par les yeux, ce sont les opportunistes qui se jettent sur leur claviers pour que bobonne leur apporte sur un plateau d' argent une galette qui vient � peine de sortir du four de l' industrie B.O-tienne.

Je n' ai d' ailleurs moi-m�me jamais r�clam� quoi que ce soit sur ces forums. Je crois qu' on est assez g�t�s comme �a.

Entre nous, qui est l' arrogant ? Celui qui n' a rien demand�, ou celui qui attend d' �tre servi par bobonne ?...

edit: ce serait pour demander un truc rare et �puis�, l� j' aurais compris.

11-11-2011, 09:37 AM
No comment !!

Quand un pr�tentieux � l'aplomb d'�crire " Non, c'est intouchable" alors que le titre du film est bien "Intouchables", je n'ai m�me plus envie de r�agir...

11-11-2011, 01:52 PM
Arial, au cas o� tu n'aurais pas remarqu�, le thread est parsem� de requ�tes. C'est pas la peine de tomber imm�diatement dans la vulgarit� et d'envoyer pa�tre les gens. tu pouvais parfaitement lui dire �a en restant poli.tu n'as peut �tre jamais rien requis ici ou ailleurs, �a n'interdit pas un minimum de biens�ance. et des requ�tes post�es dans le mauvais sub-forum, �a arrive presque de mani�re hebdomadaire dans la section "Anime music".

J'envoie pas les gens se faire enfiler pour autant :)

De toute fa�on, c'est un sujet nul. Ludovico Einaudi est italien. :D. L'album est dispo sur Amazon en mp3 pour pas cher, je t'encourage � t'y int�resser Micchou2000.


11-11-2011, 02:15 PM
D�sol�, et m�me d' accord. ;-) J' ai la f�cheuse tendance de provoquer par l' "humour noir" ce genre d' internautes qui - de mon c�t� de l' �cran - � l' air de prendre les autres pour ses serviteurs (encore une fois, la galette est toute chaude). Toutefois l' humour est le propre de l' homme, et c' est toujours un bon test pour sonder l' intelligence et l' �thique de la personne � l' autre bout de la ligne. Vu le post au dessus du tiens, et quel que soit le niveau de mon jeu de mot, la r�action en dit assez... Passons.

PS: je sais qu' il y a des smileys pour marquer l' humour, mais quand quelqu' un sourit en le faisant �a n' a pas la m�me efficacit�.

11-11-2011, 03:51 PM
Arial, au cas o� tu n'aurais pas remarqu�, le thread est parsem� de requ�tes. C'est pas la peine de tomber imm�diatement dans la vulgarit� et d'envoyer pa�tre les gens. tu pouvais parfaitement lui dire �a en restant poli.tu n'as peut �tre jamais rien requis ici ou ailleurs, �a n'interdit pas un minimum de biens�ance. et des requ�tes post�es dans le mauvais sub-forum, �a arrive presque de mani�re hebdomadaire dans la section "Anime music".

J'envoie pas les gens se faire enfiler pour autant :)

De toute fa�on, c'est un sujet nul. Ludovico Einaudi est italien. :D. L'album est dispo sur Amazon en mp3 pour pas cher, je t'encourage � t'y int�resser Micchou2000.


Merci docrate1.

11-13-2011, 01:19 PM
Hello everybody,

It's a great topic.

I've looking for these soundtracks with no luck:

Operation Corned Beef by composer Eric Levi
Opration Corned-Beef- Soundtrack details - SoundtrackCollector.com (http://soundtrackcollector.com/title/6416/Op%E9ration+Corned-Beef)

Les Couloirs Du Temps: Les Visiteurs 2 by Eric Levi
Couloirs Du Temps: Les Visiteurs 2, Les- Soundtrack details - SoundtrackCollector.com (http://soundtrackcollector.com/title/69087/Couloirs+Du+Temps%3A+Les+Visiteurs+2%2C+Les)

and also

Les Filles Du Botaniste (aka The Chinese Botanist's Daughters)
Filles Du Botaniste, Les- Soundtrack details - SoundtrackCollector.com (http://soundtrackcollector.com/title/75897/Filles+Du+Botaniste%2C+Les)

If anybody could supply these great scores I would be very greatful.


11-13-2011, 02:44 PM
I have found "Les visiteurs 2".

Original upload By Joserael on another forum.

Here (rapidshare, 128kbps) (https://rapidshare.com/files/3108916964/EL_LVDLCDT.zip)

11-14-2011, 02:07 PM
Tant que j'y suis, je sais pas si �a a �t� d�jp post�, mais voil� la BO du film "Un monstre � Paris".

�a se trouve ici (Thread 98642)

11-15-2011, 01:45 AM
I have "Les Filles du Botaniste" (The Chinese Botanist's Daughters) as Mp3 @192 kbps (http://www.multiupload.com/7H7IOGDVPO). No idea about the quality of the source though. The disc seems unreleased or at least very hard to find...

And also a FLAC version (http://www.multiupload.com/NMQH6ZXD3C) of "Les Visiteurs 2", of unknown origin (AR 1/1).

And "Operation Corned Beef" as some Mp3 @320, from a Russ' tracker...

Will upload soon.

11-15-2011, 11:09 AM
I have "Les Filles du Botaniste" (The Chinese Botanist's Daughters) as Mp3 @192 kbps (http://www.multiupload.com/7H7IOGDVPO). No idea about the quality of the source though. The disc seems unreleased or at least very hard to find...

And also a FLAC version (http://www.multiupload.com/NMQH6ZXD3C) of "Les Visiteurs 2", of unknown origin (AR 1/1).

And "Operation Corned Beef" as some Mp3 @320, from a Russ' tracker...

Will upload soon.

Thanks, very thanks.

11-16-2011, 11:23 PM
Et voil�! Op�ration Corned-beef, mp3@320 (http://www.multiupload.com/S9044IL2U6)

11-16-2011, 11:29 PM
Corne de bouc !

11-17-2011, 10:15 AM
Merci beaucoup !

11-17-2011, 10:21 AM
Thank you! It's cool!

11-20-2011, 10:32 AM
Navr� d'effectuer une relance (qui plus est si le topic n'est pas appropri�) : personne n'aurait l'ost de Germinal ? Impossible de la trouver ailleurs et le lien dans le pr�sent topic est dead.

11-20-2011, 10:46 AM
Jean-Louis Roques - Germinal OST, 1993

VR 391932

FLAC image + cue / .accurip (confidence 2) / PDF booklet

Dowload: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (http://www.multiupload.com/BJGEEUWDXV) (.zip 212 MB)

@AntoineFrance, a link works, try on MU... and here is a direct link:


11-20-2011, 11:45 AM
OK ! Je n'avais vu que le lien rapidshare... Bref, merci !

enio otani
01-25-2012, 02:15 PM
What a find!
So this must be the right place to request (BEG!actually,lol!) MAURICE JARRE.
And many thanks!

03-28-2012, 08:27 AM
Merci! This is such a great thread. I am sad that only the original post has soundtrack reviews / descriptions. I came here for 8 femmes, but picked up l'avion because of the description... I love anything sad beautiful and movie score, so that was a match made in whatever after life you believe in :)

Anyways thanks for the awesome thread.

04-17-2012, 07:25 AM
La Grande Illusion

BO trouv�e sur la toile...

https://rapidshare.com/#!download|442p12|276799467|La_Grande_Illusion_OST __1937__-_Joseph_Kosma-DKRG.rar|37816|R~B7E45536524EF575994EA61BF0769F71| 0|0

04-17-2012, 09:17 AM
Merci beaucoup !

04-17-2012, 03:16 PM
i recently saw tales Of The Night Les contes de la nuit and was lovely.. does anyone have the score?

04-30-2012, 07:39 PM
salut tout le monde, quelqu'un aurait FANFAN LA TULIPE de Alexandre Azaria?
merci d'avance!

05-31-2012, 08:57 PM
La Nouvelle Guerre Des Boutons (Philippe Rombi) (2012)

This beautiful Rombi score was posted elsewhere on the forums :)
Original thread (Thread 114456)

Isaias Caetano
06-01-2012, 04:22 AM
[QUOTE=FIREPROOFSKIN;1427956]salut tout le monde, excelente id�e ce topic Y�ti,

voila une petite contribution:

ALEXANDRE AZARIA - le transporteur 3 (expanded score)

ERIC SERRA - jeanne d'arc (complete score)

Qual a possibilidade de Re-Upload???

Isaias Caetano
06-07-2012, 04:00 AM
Georges Delerue

http://i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u387/icsilva/VATheHorsemen-TheCousteauOdysseybyGeorgesDelerue201019711977MP33 551ac25cf342d91ca790a1890e1fd7a.jpg

Band: VA
Genre: Score
Year: 2010
Year: 1971, 1977
Country: France
Audio codec: MP3
Riptype: tracks
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Playtime: 1:11:37
Size: 168 MB
Site: plixid.com

01 Les Cavaliers � Main Title
02 Les Cavaliers � Just As You Are, I Love You (Version 1)
03 Les Cavaliers � Savage Game For A King
04 Les Cavaliers � At The Bazaar
05 Les Cavaliers � Frustration
06 Les Cavaliers � Hills Of Afghanistan
07 Les Cavaliers � Just As You Are, I Love You (Version 2)
08 Les Cavaliers � The Fair
09 Les Cavaliers � It Must Come Off, Master
10 Les Cavaliers � An Old Man Rides
11 Les Cavaliers � Just As You Are, I Love You (Version 3)
12 Les Cavaliers � Man Of Great Riches
13 Les Cavaliers � End Title
14 Le Testament De L�Ile De P�ques � Statues
15 Le Testament De L�Ile De P�ques � L�Oc�an Et L�Infini
16 Le Testament De L�Ile De P�ques � Valses De P�ques
17 Le Testament De L�Ile De P�ques � Final
18 Le Nil � Ouverture
19 Le Nil � Rams�s Ii
20 Le Nil � Oasis
21 Le Nil � Souvenirs Antiques
22 Le Nil � Assouan
23 Le Nil � Gizeh
24 Le Nil � L�Adieu Au Nil

Download _The_Horsemen_The_Cousteau_Odyssey_(by_Georges_Del erue)_(2010)(1971_1977)_[MP3]_ES_3726671 rar, fast and secure downloading from crocko.com (http://www.crocko.com/1918159579/_The_Horsemen_The_Cousteau_Odyssey_(by_Georges_Del erue)_(2010)(1971_1977)_)[MP3]_ES_3726671.rar

Cover Front:
Cover Back:

06-07-2012, 05:51 AM
Anybody has A Monkey's Tale, by Alexandre Desplat?

06-07-2012, 02:05 PM
Quelqu'un aurait-il la BO des Lyonnais?

Isaias Caetano
06-07-2012, 10:32 PM
Le Ch�teau des singes (A Monkey's Tale) (Bande Originale du Film par Alexandre Desplat) 1999

Alexandre Desplat - Le Chateau des Singes (1999).rar - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download - Isaias Caetano da Silva (http://www.4shared.com/rar/YCKuy9ka/Alexandre_Desplat_-_Le_Chateau.html)

A Monkey's Tale (French: Le Ch�teau des singes; literally "The Castle of Monkeys") is a feature-length French animated film by Jean-Fran�ois Laguionie. It was released in 1999. For unknown reasons, it has never been released on American video or DVD, although it has been available in the UK.

Kom is a member of the Woonkos, a tribe of monkeys who live in a canopy and they live in obsessive fear of falling into a nearby pit, which is inhabited by other monkeys they believe to be demons. Kom refuses to believe these superstitions and claims bravery and is rude to the elder of the Woonkos. However, on the way home, he accidentally falls from the tress into the land below. When there, he meets the Lankoo tribe and finds they are in fact very similar to his own tribe. He befriends Gina, a young maid and Master Martin, the librarian and they help teach him to behave like a Lankoo. The Lankoo king is impressed by his actions. However, there is also evil afoot. The chancellor Sebastian, the governess and their dim-witted side-kick, Gerard the Gormless, are up to evil plans: they will find a way for the King to die and they are poisoning his already sick daughter, Princess Ida. The King, along with most of his army, die drowning while attempting to reach the "promised land" on the other side of the poisonous lake when it was frozen. Sebastian believes his plan has worked, but the governess (who was giving the princess the poison) is given it herself by Gina and the one remaining soldier, however it is believed she is tough enough not to die, but will remain a "sleeping ugly". The film ends with Sebastian and Gerard in cages, Princess Ida as the new queen and Kom and Gina returning to the land of the Woonkos, while it is clear that the two tribes will unite.

01. La Canopee
02. Kom Et Margad
03. La Chute De Kom
04. Le Roi De La Jungle
05. La Princesse Empoisonnee
06. Kom Et Gina Au Chateau
07. Le Labyrynthe Et Le Premier Baiser
08. Le Complot De Gorine Et Serignole
09. La Danse Du Roi Et De La Princesse
10. La Machine Volante
11. La Fete Au Chateau
12. Le Dragon Est En Feu
13. La Chanson De Kom (St�phane P�ccoux)
14. Le Lac Gele
15. La Chanson De Serignole (Jean Piat)
16. Gina Est Poursuivie
17. Le Desastre Sur La Glace
18. Gina Et Kom Se Retrouvent
19. A La Recherche Des Fleurs Bleues
20. Le Combat Final
21. La Princesse Est Guerie
22. Le Chateau Des Singes
23. Assimiler (La Chanson Des Livres) (Jos� Germain, Nadia Far�s et St�phane P�ccoux)

Time: 51:48
Format: Mp3 vbr~238 kbps
Size: 91 MB

mgm5215 gostou?

06-07-2012, 10:41 PM
Obrigado :)

06-24-2012, 08:34 PM
Je r� up my request, quelqu'un aurait-il la BO de Mais qui a tu� Pam�la Rose? Impossible de la trouver!

08-11-2012, 10:15 AM
Anybody has 'Les adieux a la Reine' of Bruno Coulais? Thanks in advance.

08-11-2012, 01:20 PM
On peut entendre 'Les adieux � la Reine' sur Spotify pour se faire une id�e.

11-07-2012, 12:57 PM
bonjour je recherche l'OST de germinal, les liens sont morts!

11-29-2012, 02:32 PM
Ce Que le Jour Doit � la Nuit (2012) - Armand Amar

Title: Ce Que le Jour Doit � la Nuit (Bande Originale)
Released: 2012
Composer: Armand Amar
Duration: 47 mins
MP3 Bitrate: 320 kbps
Size: 108 MB

1. Armand Amar - Jonas Et �milie I (1:30)
2. Armand Amar - L'Expropriation (2:47)
3. Armand Amar - L'Incendie (1:52)
4. Armand Amar - Younes (2:28)
5. Julien Puccini & Alban Sautour - I Wanna Love You (1:37)
6. Armand Amar - Madame Cazenave (2:58)
7. Franz Schubert - Gretchen Am Spinnrade (4:27)
8. Armand Amar - La Mort De Mohamed (1:56)
9. Armand Amar - L'Arrestation De Mohamed (2:11)
10. Mathieu Juvin & Julien Baril - Maria Donairosa (2:21)
11. Julien Puccini & Alban Sautour - Jools (3:14)
12. Armand Amar - L'Attaque De La Maison (3:00)
13. Armand Amar - Djelloul (0:38)
14. Armand Amar - Le Refus (1:00)
15. Armand Amar - La Livraison (0:31)
16. Julien Puccini & Alban Sautour - She's A Teaser (3:31)
17. Armand Amar - Jonas Et �milie II (1:12)
18. Armand Amar - Rio Salado (1:53)
19. Armand Amar - La Photo (1:05)
20. Mathieu Juvin & Julien Baril - Ayer La Noche (1:30)
21. Armand Amar - A�n Baida (0:44)
22. Armand Amar - Younes Et Sa M�re (1:45)
23. Armand Amar - Jonas Et �milie III (2:52)

Send me a PM.

01-07-2013, 09:15 PM
Georges Delerue- La R�volution Fran�aise OST

Disc 1
1. Hymne a la Liberte (performed by Jessye Norman) (03:51)
2. Le lever du Roi (01:13)
3. Le Hameau de la Reine (01:05)
4. Ouverture des Etats g�neraux (01:06)
5. Le premier appel revolutionnaire (01:30)
6. A la Bastille (01:23)
7. La prise de la Bastille (04:20)
8. La fete des Barricades (01:47)
9. L'abolition des privileges (02:05)
10. La declaration des droits de l'homme (04:45)
11. La marche des femmes (03:47)
12. La f�te (02:30)
13. Fanfares - Le Serment (01:42)
14. La mort de Mirabeau (00:56)
15. La f�te du Champ de Mars (01:16)
16. Fersen et Marie-Antoinette (01:07)
17. La Reine et ses enfants (01:31)
18. L'ombre de la guerre (01:13)
19. Defaite des regiments francais (02:27)
20. La Marseillaise (01:28)
21. La fin de royaute (03:06)
22. Hymne a la Liberte (orchestral version) (03:52)

Disc 2
1. Hymne a la Liberte (performed by Jessye Norman) (03:51)
2. Le d�part de la famille royale (01:09)
3. La Fayette (01:33)
4. Les Prussiens (01:07)
5. Folie et massacres (04:02)
6. Francis contre Prussiens (01:07)
7. Saint-Just (01:00)
8. La tristesse du roi (02:16)
9. Le vote de la mort du Roi (02:00)
10. La mort de Gabrielle (00:50)
11. Marat (02:21)
12. Le destin de Marie-Antoinette (02:28)
13. Les excutions (01:49)
14. Danton est de retour (01:38)
15. Le complot (02:18)
16. L'imprudence de Desmoulins (01:09)
17. L'excution de Danton et Desmoulins (03:53)
18. La folie de Robespierre (01:10)
19. L'excution de Robespierre (02:47)
20. Epilogue -Hymne a la Liberte (orchestral version) (04:56)

FLAC (http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=bbc2f8941c319bba61d4646c62b381cb67e5ff59 ce3e6eb8947708e37b913e74)

Can you repost this folder, please ?
Thanks a lot !!

02-12-2013, 05:38 PM
" Le Cin�ma de Michel Legrand " (4-CD), anyone please ? Thanks :)

Isaias Caetano
02-12-2013, 07:11 PM
Michel Legrand's Anthologies

Thread 121184
Thread 125584

The most complete Legrand's anthology
Post and Rip by Peter Pap
Thread 128458

03-06-2013, 11:04 AM
Hello, Bonjour,

Did someone have the score of Michel Colombier for Une chambre en ville ? Es-ce que quelqu'un � la BO de Michel Colombier pour Une chambre en ville ?


03-09-2013, 12:02 PM
�coutez ici la BO du t�l�film "La Disparition" de la compositrice H�l�ne Blazy.

FILMOGRAPHIE (http://www.heleneblazy.com/)

03-09-2013, 03:02 PM
�coutez ici la BO du t�l�film "La Disparition" de la compositrice H�l�ne Blazy.

FILMOGRAPHIE (http://www.heleneblazy.com/)

Pas mal ! mais cela me fait penser �norm�ment � "in the mood for love"....

04-05-2013, 02:20 PM
Hello, Bonjour,
Did someone have the score of Michel Colombier for Une chambre en ville ? Es-ce que quelqu'un � la BO de Michel Colombier pour Une chambre en ville ?

CD1 (http://www18.zippyshare.com/v/89134754/file.html)
CD2 (http://www59.zippyshare.com/v/42077469/file.html)


04-05-2013, 07:00 PM
In case any of you missed it.....

CLICK HERE: Thread 126837

04-05-2013, 07:03 PM
CLICK HERE: Thread 119243

04-05-2013, 07:08 PM
Another fine French composer...

CLICK HERE: Thread 108653

04-05-2013, 07:10 PM
A rarity from Frederic Talgorn...

CLICK HERE: Thread 110518

04-05-2013, 07:14 PM
Is Pascal Gaigne considered a French composer?

Isaias Caetano
04-09-2013, 07:39 PM
�i�n Bi�n Ph� (Bande Original du Film par Georges Delerue) 1992

http://i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u387/icsilva/DienBienPhuOSTbyGeorgesDelerue1992CoverFrontPeq_zp s334de512.jpg


04-10-2013, 11:37 AM
Obrigado, seu Caetano!

04-14-2013, 11:11 AM
Hello, Bonjour,

Did someone have the score of Michel Colombier for Une chambre en ville ? Es-ce que quelqu'un � la BO de Michel Colombier pour Une chambre en ville ?

CD1 (http://www18.zippyshare.com/v/89134754/file.html)
CD2 (http://www59.zippyshare.com/v/42077469/file.html)

+ I'm in search of "Ennemis Intimes" by Philippe Sarde. Thanks

05-07-2013, 03:40 PM
Many Thanks Isaias Caetano !

12-05-2013, 09:18 AM
Si quelqu'un pouvait faire une compilation des morceaux originaux des BO des films "Le Coeur Des Hommes 1,2 et 3" compos�es par B�atrice Thiriet, �a serait super sympa... On se tient au courant.

12-22-2013, 02:06 PM

12-23-2013, 11:09 PM
Hi, did someone have the score of :

- Les Fauves (Philippe Servain)

- L'Arbal�te (Jacques Revaux)

- Ennemis intimes (Philippe Sarde)


12-25-2013, 01:19 AM
Et voil�! Op�ration Corned-beef, mp3@320 (http://www.multiupload.com/S9044IL2U6)

Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait le re-uploader ? J'ai du mal � le trouver sur le net, et en plus le disque est �puis�...

[Is it possible to re-up? It's quite hard to find it on the web, and the CD is out of stock...]

01-28-2014, 04:28 PM
Hello. Could someone, please, reup Phillipe Rombi�s Ricky? Thanks in advance.

02-06-2014, 03:24 PM
(dark and suspense music, somewhere between Herrmann and Goldsmith maybe)

Again, thanks to the original uploader !
Ricky is a movie by... Fran�ois Ozon (I hope you got the message). This is the story of a normal French family whose last baby is... an angel. The baby, called Ricky, has wings in his back and can fly. But rather that telling a bedtime story, Ozon tells dark tale, filled with rejection, suspense and even hatred. The movie was a huge failure and Ozon lost a lot of his fanbase because of this movie. I don't care, I like him.

For this score, Philippe Rombi ("Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis" or "Joyeux No�l") had the chance to compose a fiercy and scary score. I hop you'll enjoy it !

Could someone reup this score, please?

02-06-2014, 09:40 PM
Anybody's got a link for this one?!

Ce Que le Jour Doit � la Nuit (2012) - Armand Amar

Title: Ce Que le Jour Doit � la Nuit (Bande Originale)
Released: 2012
Composer: Armand Amar
Duration: 47 mins
MP3 Bitrate: 320 kbps
Size: 108 MB

1. Armand Amar - Jonas Et �milie I (1:30)
2. Armand Amar - L'Expropriation (2:47)
3. Armand Amar - L'Incendie (1:52)
4. Armand Amar - Younes (2:28)
5. Julien Puccini & Alban Sautour - I Wanna Love You (1:37)
6. Armand Amar - Madame Cazenave (2:58)
7. Franz Schubert - Gretchen Am Spinnrade (4:27)
8. Armand Amar - La Mort De Mohamed (1:56)
9. Armand Amar - L'Arrestation De Mohamed (2:11)
10. Mathieu Juvin & Julien Baril - Maria Donairosa (2:21)
11. Julien Puccini & Alban Sautour - Jools (3:14)
12. Armand Amar - L'Attaque De La Maison (3:00)
13. Armand Amar - Djelloul (0:38)
14. Armand Amar - Le Refus (1:00)
15. Armand Amar - La Livraison (0:31)
16. Julien Puccini & Alban Sautour - She's A Teaser (3:31)
17. Armand Amar - Jonas Et �milie II (1:12)
18. Armand Amar - Rio Salado (1:53)
19. Armand Amar - La Photo (1:05)
20. Mathieu Juvin & Julien Baril - Ayer La Noche (1:30)
21. Armand Amar - A�n Baida (0:44)
22. Armand Amar - Younes Et Sa M�re (1:45)
23. Armand Amar - Jonas Et �milie III (2:52)

Send me a PM.

Lord Buckley
03-26-2014, 12:57 AM
Moi, non. Je suis des �tats-Unis.

03-26-2014, 01:13 AM
have mercy on that old thread, let it rest in peace ! :D

03-26-2014, 07:48 AM
The new album of music by Philippe Rombi for Danny Boon films,... anyone?
"Bienvenue chez les Ch'tits" but also "Rien � d�clarer".

Thanks in advance!

03-26-2014, 08:23 AM
Hi, did someone have the score of :

- Ennemis intimes (Philippe Sarde)


Download: Ennemis Intime (http://forums.ffshrine.org/f92/ennemis-intime-philippe-sarde-1987-a-170550/#post2628482)

03-26-2014, 09:22 AM
The new album of music by Philippe Rombi for Danny Boon films,... anyone?
"Bienvenue chez les Ch'tits" but also "Rien � d�clarer".
Thanks in advance!
Hello, me to, I will be very happy to listen to this album, which also contains "la maison du bonheur".
Best regards.

05-11-2014, 05:27 AM
Was there ever a recording released of Georges Auric's beautiful score to "Therese and Isabelle" (1968)? Thank you.

07-11-2014, 07:47 AM
i need "Ce Que le Jour Doit � la Nuit 2012" pls!

01-02-2015, 11:47 AM
Les Ripoux 3, anyone? Thanks in advance!

11-03-2015, 02:11 PM
Sorry, no Ripoux 3 (I'd very much like to have it also), but I've got something (I think) quite rare on the Internets:

Les Trois Fr�res (Olivier Bernard, Didier Bourdon, Catherine Ringer) (my rip, from my personal CD)

Cover's in the archive (I can't upload it here, for some reason)

01 Doux Daddy (4:11)
02 100 Patates (1:05)
03 Les Sushis (2:20)
04 Shussss (6:48)
05 Pas de Bl�me (0:34)
06 Oh c'est Joli (1:26)
07 Doux Daddy Doux (2:33)
08 Y'a un Bl�me (1&2) (2:45)
09 Daddy Light (3:17)
10 Th�me de Micha�l (4:29)
11 Doux Daddy Doux (0:23)
12 Doux Daddy (instrumental) (3:39)
13 Doux Daddy Doux (2:13)

In glorious FLAC my friends! (https://mega.nz/#!OkoG1ZjA!O0Cu3w--ABmMwrgE5uhJUuxGy6ZHjScdl_TnD47g4u0) :) (feel free to convert it to MP3 and repost it here)

11-03-2015, 08:45 PM
Merci beaucoup !

04-21-2016, 07:51 AM
Hi !

I'm looking for the soundtrack Oggy et les cafards by Vincent Artaud.

Thanks a lot !

04-21-2016, 10:40 AM
Great thread! I'm impressed!

04-21-2016, 07:01 PM
Les Trois Fr�res !!!

05-11-2016, 12:35 AM
Les Trois Fr�res (Olivier Bernard, Didier Bourdon, Catherine Ringer) (my rip, from my personal CD)
Thanks for this album (Merci beaucoup :) )

05-11-2016, 06:27 AM
De rien :D

10-06-2016, 07:53 PM
excellente initiative, enfin quelques compositeurs fran�ais, J'en ai d'ailleurs un � proposer : Michel Berger pour "tout feu tout flamme" pour qui �a int�resse

https://mega.co.nz/#!s0lDXLAb!D8rMAUlvwRZ2g7qs6skxAskCVBgNpl_4roBjPBZ SbK0

---------- Post added at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 PM ----------

et "rive droite rive gauche " du m�me compositeur:


10-20-2016, 07:08 PM
Thank you

03-02-2017, 02:20 AM
OK guys, both scores (Crimson Rivers & Ch'tis) in lossless, stay tuned...

Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis, Philippe Rombi (204 MB zip, flac tracks +cuesheet, AR 3/3) http://www.multiupload.com/45IO2CTQO6

Les Rivi�res Pourpres, Bruno Coulais (218 MB zip, flac tracks + cuesheet, AR 4/4) http://www.multiupload.com/7IZX6MVWU1

and as usual, feel free to pass around

Currently looking for these. Would love some help, please

03-18-2017, 02:38 AM
I�d like to download a cd called "Les Kidnappeurs" (1998) - Marc Ellis, released only in France and Japan.
The Japan version has 2 tracks more.
Thanks in advance...
Denys P.R.

06-29-2017, 11:30 AM
Could someone re-up Genesis and/or Winged Migration by Bruno Coulais, please?