09-13-2002, 05:55 PM
Apparently there are supposed to be two new,somewhat "sequels" to FFX, dubbed Yuna ,and the other Rikku. Yuna is supposed to be about Yuna searching for Tidus after the end or something....and Rikku is about Tidus falling in love with Rikku and/or Rikku being a robot...this might be nothing more than gossip and I won't believe it so easily.....

Vivi FF
09-13-2002, 10:31 PM
Yes, the will probably make those 2 FFX sequels. And yes one of them stars Yuna; the other stars Rikku. But the other stuff is not proven but not likely. Esspecially Rikku being a robot... And she goes i water...

09-28-2002, 04:26 AM
Due to their recent failures, I don't really think they'll make a sequel to FFX. They shouldn't, it would be stupid to do so. That's why it's called Final Fantasy in the first place, not to make a sequel.

I mean do we really care about the characters enough to see them in their own separate game? I know I don't. Just put them in another game or reference to them like you do Cloud and stop screwing up your business, dumbasses.

lone wolf
09-30-2002, 03:02 AM
i would have to disagree and agree with everyone. i do agree that their should definatly do another game on spira with the same crew but with a few new one's. make auron and kimaria measters whom advise the team and at a new ronso or something to mix the game up. i don't think that giving yuna and rikku their own game will sell much, but the other idea would be great because you would already know alot about each character so you could descover more about them.

lone wolf:cool:

Enigmatic Angel
09-30-2002, 05:32 AM
Yeh um i have heard bout this too....

Yuna supposedly gets a gun though, that's waht i saw on this promotional poster.....

Anyway, it is highly unlikely it'll be released anywhere outside of Japan....

Just my theory...

Vivi FF
09-30-2002, 09:57 PM
I believe that poster is a joke... Nevertheless, it's an awesome one... :)

09-30-2002, 11:20 PM
It's not a joke. You've probabally heard of the little FMV tacked on to FF International. I guess that's supposed to be a preview to the sequel? I believe it is only slated for release in Japan though. I'd have to check my facts with my brother though, he knows a lot more about this then I do.

10-01-2002, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by TeknoBlade
That's why it's called Final Fantasy in the first place, not to make a sequel.

Actually, it was called "Final Fantasy" because Square was on the verge of bankruptcy when they released the first one. They thought it would be their last game.

10-01-2002, 01:58 AM
The extra Ending wasn't an FMV but an actual scene (about 15 minutes). I dunno if it is going to be released in the US or EUR because we don't even have access to the Another STory Scene.

Enigmatic Angel
10-01-2002, 03:24 AM
"Another Story" was never released anewhere outside of Japan, those who think it came with FFX International is WRONG. It didn't come with it.....

And about the poster being a joke, i dont think it is, but it would be cool if Yuna did use a

10-01-2002, 03:28 AM
17 days later, people start posting here.......Yuna with a gun.......that's funny though.

Vivi FF
10-01-2002, 10:52 PM
See it's a joke:

10-02-2002, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by Angel from Heaven
"Another Story" was never released anewhere outside of Japan, those who think it came with FFX International is WRONG. It didn't come with it.....

As I said, I was kind of unsure on the facts. Sorry everybody, Angel From Heaven is right on that one. At least I had the whole mini-sequel thing right. Otherwise, I'd be a little depressed right now.

ViviFF, that article may be a joke, but the idea of a sequel is not. Even if they decided not make it, I know it was an idea Square was tossing around. Not sure if it would be a full length game or something more along the lines of a demo disk, but I know it was at least discussed. I'm sure that, like Another Story, it would never be released here did they actually decide to make it.

10-02-2002, 09:42 AM
what would be the point in a rikku storyline... what about tius and yuna..would be much mcuh better,

maybe the braska saga a prequel to FFX (NOT CALLED FFIX)
could be made

Vivi FF
10-02-2002, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Terra Branford
.ViviFF, that article may be a joke, but the idea of a sequel is not.

In was talking about the poster, not the sequels... If you looked up, I said there's a chance that there might be sequels... (I also have a space in my name... :) j/k though I really do...)

I would get the Rikku version if any...