01-09-2010, 03:28 AM
Summary of SS I & II - The GBA entries of Shining games. Aside from SF:RoTDD, these were the only other Shining games released. The irony with SF:RoTDD is, Shining Soul I is a prequel that takes place 300 years before SF1. Shining Soul II takes place some time after Shining Soul I, a direct sequel of sorts. Basically, Soul is before Force, and about a thousand years after Force, Feather comes in.

Following suit of the newer Shining Titles on the PS2, these games are hack & slashers. Shining Soul I was fairly criticized (at least, in the States) and Shining Soul II is loved.
The Soul series could be called a 'portable' Shining Tears. (I pretty much like all shining games up to the most recent Feather (DS), would be up to Cross, except I don't live in Japan, so no Cross. Also, big dragonute/wolfing fan.)

Shining Soul I & II gamerips. Note - Work in Progress, Incomplete, etc.
Shining Soul I was recorded using GSF files. Shining Soul II was recorded with VBA's audio recording ability, and through the magic of Sound Test.

Audio/gamerip notes -
Shining Soul II tracks have no fade out, and Shining Soul I tracks are low quality.
Plans - Possible VBA rip of Shining Soul I as well as getting missing Shining Soul II tracks. (Areas not in Soundtest) VBA SS I - may not be complete since I have a feeling the Dark Dragon will include sounds, which seems kind of pointless. SS II - There are a few minor areas such as Beast Mountain, which have small tune-ups.

Why - Boredom. I was so bored I recorded Shining Soul II tracks via soundtest because I loved listening to Fortress. So, to actually listen to it, I had to get a rip. I searched all over, and found nothing. Thus, messing around with VBA, stumbling upon sound options, and SSII sound test, I just -had- to do it.
Except, I'm lazy. I'm planning to fix these up and finalize them soon, unless someone beats me to it.

Now, aside from the pointless wall of text, here it is.
Link - SS I&II - for some reason I labeled the folder as Shining Soul.
Here's a temp sendspace link incase something's up with mediafire.

01-12-2010, 11:26 PM
Same as you, but I couldn't be bothered to rip all the music and am only really looking for a clean Dark Dragon track. ;-;

Still, thanks for your work.

Edit: I thought the DD track would be one of the problematic ones but it sounds like it's not the case... Big thanks!