01-06-2010, 11:09 PM
I heard it years ago, probably before 2000. It was a piece with lyrics, sung by a woman, and it was used over the ending credits in a movie... whose title I cannot remember. Later I probably heard it elsewhere once, too, but that credits sequence was the first time I did.

The thing is, I can only remember the refrain from that piece - and even that, it's only the approximate melody and lyrics. I thought what I typed below were the exact lyrics, but I can't find anything when looking for those lines - so they probably didn't literally go like that.

Still, at least the gist of it was along those lines, I think:

"And for you,
I would do anything,
For you,

Then it was (probably) repeated. And that's about all I can remember. As unrecognizable as it sounds, would it perhas strike any chords with anyone? What could it have been...?

Edmond Dantes
01-07-2010, 02:33 AM
Results 1 - 100 of about 108,000,000 English pages for And for you, I would do anything, For you, Anything, Anything...". (0.77 seconds)
Search Results


Play song from
Brotherhood - 1995 - 5:21
Listen on: Lala - iLike - Rhapsody - Pandora

01-07-2010, 09:12 PM
Ah... for a moment I thought that would be it. But nope. This one's much "happier" sounding than the one I'm looking for. (And it's sung by men :>)

Edmond Dantes
01-07-2010, 09:52 PM
oh. well then i can't help ya. sorry dude.

01-08-2010, 11:26 PM
Hah, I found it. :D Still no idea what film it was used in. Hmmm...