09-11-2002, 07:28 PM

This is one thing I sure didn't see coming. I knew that Rare had been thinking of making games for other consoles, but this!

It doesn't affect me directly since I own neither an Xbox nor a Gamecube, I'm just so suprised.

What's your thoughts on this?

Neo Xzhan
09-11-2002, 08:37 PM
I was hopinf (after reading this message) that Rare would stay independant. They made pretty good dames (with some very good 1's on the snes). Though I don't have and never owned a console I played almost every game produced by Rare and I was impressed by every game they were responsible. It is a shame that microsoft has to buy all these developers to get some descent games on their XboX. In my eyes this is only bad publicity to the XboX since game manufactours should decide for them selves what games they will make for what consoles. 1 Thing I am certain of: if microsoft keeps buying all these companies, then the XboX will soon die.

09-13-2002, 01:08 AM
who cares, doesnt rare make those annoying donkey kong game for 64, and mostly any n64 games but thats about it. so who cares

Crazy Chocobo
09-13-2002, 01:39 AM
Well, I was hoping Rare would go computer, and introduce Perfect Dark to the mouse and keyboard combo. Oh well....

09-13-2002, 04:38 AM
Originally posted by Kain
who cares, doesnt rare make those annoying donkey kong game for 64, and mostly any n64 games but thats about it. so who cares

HEY!!!!!!! I loved those ruley Donkey Kong games!!! They were hekka cooly!!! Dixie Kong was the besterest monkey ever!!! *eats a banana*

Yeah...I hope they don't make Donkey Kong for the Xbox. That would be scary...^_^;;

09-13-2002, 11:36 AM
Kain, Rareware is a great software devolper which deserves respect. Their games always have the gameplay and just look good. Rare knows the stuff too make a good game.

As for the news, I SO [f-word] hate the people behind Nintendo who arranged this in some way and the people at Rare who said ok. >_< Rare is a classic Nintendo thing o.o they can't give it up that easily! and besides, Nintendo just lost their greatest 3rd party devolper which is such a waiste *grrrrrrrrs*

09-13-2002, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Crazy Chocobo
Well, I was hoping Rare would go computer, and introduce Perfect Dark to the mouse and keyboard combo. Oh well....

agreed. the only thing that stops me giving PD a perfect 10 is its awful control. i know its the same as Goldeneye...but that control was awful too. the only FPS on a console, where i really like the control method, is TimeSplitters for the PS2. but yeah, mouse and keyboard is the essential for an FPS.

as for MS buying out Rare, thats terrible! i didnt know much about Rare until recently (for years i had never played anything Nintendo) and i have seen the quality games they make.

09-13-2002, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Tekno
As for the news, I SO [f-word] hate the people behind Nintendo who arranged this in some way and the people at Rare who said ok.

Well, you can't really blame Nintendo for this mess since they never owned more than 49% of Rareware. Rare have been the ones to call the shots and so also in this case. Nintendo are probably just as pissed as we are. I mean backstabbing them like this after all these years together. It makes you miss the good old days of Wizards & Warriors and R.C. Pro AM.

09-13-2002, 07:42 PM
i dislike them for the fact that they were mostly nintendo orientated, no problems with Goldeneye, that was a great multiplayer game, as for perfect dark, i thought i was pretty much same game, so it didnt make me too enthuasastic, i havent seen to many other games that interest me from that company though....

09-16-2002, 02:45 AM
Actually, Nintendo was perfectly fine with letting Rare go. Rare's games stopped being their main selling points because basically Rare has gone to hell lately; most of their best programmers have already left and they've been way behind in basically everything they've tried to do. I don't know what MS even wants with them, but it isn't any skin off Nintendo's back for them to be gone - remember that they have Silicon Knights and Retro Studios now, which basically means they don't even need Rare. Then there's all the great Capcom, Namco, and Squaresoft support they're getting... to put it simply, Nintendo isn't in the same position they were with the N64. Rare was their saving grace on that console but now, they're more of a burden than anything else. Nintendo's better off with the money from the sale. Maybe they can acquire some more kickass 2nd party developers with it, or pay someone off to make a huge-deal hype-whore game for them.

Or maybe I'm just too pleased with Super Mario Sunshine to be upset about anything GC related... it doesn't matter. GameCube is kicking so much ass right now, I don't care.

09-16-2002, 03:19 AM
I would like it if they brought back Battletoads... that was like THE game. But I don't really care about them switching that much since (as TK said) they are going somewhere that isn't bringing much attention to them.

I will remember the great games they made for the N64... and Battletoads XD

09-16-2002, 09:42 AM

This is where i found it. Those bastards. One of the reasons i bought the cube was because of PDark Zero and Conker's Other Bad Fur Day but noooooo, they had to move to the lamest of consoles. Poor Nintendo, they don't know what they lost. If Sonic Team leave, mah GC is leaving mah house.

09-16-2002, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by FunkyMonkey
HEY!!!!!!! I loved those ruley Donkey Kong games!!! They were hekka cooly!!! Dixie Kong was the besterest monkey ever!!! *eats a banana*

Yeah...I hope they don't make Donkey Kong for the Xbox. That would be scary...^_^;;

yeah me too how can u not like donkey kong :) i love bannanas!!!

09-16-2002, 06:12 PM
It doesn't seem like the smartest move on Microsoft's part to me. Because so many Rare creations are instantly associated with Nintendo, I get the impression that most of the games biggest fans are Gamecube owners. I have to wonder if the games released will be anywhere near as sucessful on the Xbox.

09-16-2002, 06:52 PM
they made battletoads!! GREAT GAME!

better game....Battletoads Double Dragon!

nuff said

09-18-2002, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Terra Branford
It doesn't seem like the smartest move on Microsoft's part to me. Because so many Rare creations are instantly associated with Nintendo, I get the impression that most of the games biggest fans are Gamecube owners. I have to wonder if the games released will be anywhere near as sucessful on the Xbox.

Well, something like Perfect Dark would be quite at home on the Xbox, but I see your point. Rare's fanbase is definately primarily Nintendo-oriented.

Another thing to consider is that Rare isn't the team they used to be. They've been having a lot of difficulty with members leaving lately.