09-10-2002, 10:35 PM
Though we all know the actual FF movie wasn't the blockbuster it was supposed to be, I still like entertaining the idea of a FF movie that actually follows the plot of one of the games.

So my question here is: Which Final Fantasy would you most like to see made into a live action movie, and who would you like to see playing each part?

God of HellFIRE
09-10-2002, 10:50 PM
I would really , really , REALLY like to see FF7: the movie...

I wouldn't like it with actors like in LOTR because I think it couldn't be a good movie that way so I'd stay with the graphic style like in the FF movie...

I think the MAJOR PORBLEM of the FF movie was that it had nothing to do with none of the games of FF and was created a expectative so high (based on the great games) and the movie , that was fairly good, but couldn't catch the attention of that much people because of that "problem"!!

This is my opinion ...

But that's it: Final Fantasy VII --- No actors playing parts , just like FF:TSW.

09-11-2002, 12:23 AM
I really can't imagine any acting in an FF movie...but I do wish they made a movie related to FFVIII or FFVI! TSW just didn't really wasn't good. The story completely bombed.

09-11-2002, 01:51 PM
I'd like to see VI or IX as a movie. Ditto on no actors just CG stuff.

09-11-2002, 04:17 PM
VI would probably make the best movie, mostly cause it would probably be easier to fit the plot in to 2 or 2 1/2 hours

Rabid Monkey
09-11-2002, 07:59 PM
I honestly think FFIX would be the easiest and best movie out of the series. The others just don't seem plausible to me. The first one didn't really have a story line till just about the end, the second was just too corny, the third, fourth, and fifth were too long, VI has too many characters and is too long, VII really, when it comes right down to it, has a very predictable and bad story, VIII has a horrible ending and is just not entertaining, and just X.

That leaves us with IX, but even it wouldn't make that great of a movie because the whole *spoiler* two different plant thing wouldn't exactly settling with people too well...or Necron for that matter...

So I say boycott the theater and save the money ;)

09-11-2002, 08:01 PM
If they did make a movie they'd have to remove certain charachters or remove certain elements of the plot whatever happened

Neo Xzhan
09-11-2002, 08:40 PM
I would love to see FF7 as a movie though I doubt it would be any good. Why? Cuz they have to change alot of things in the movie. Like in the game there are some things (like getting some rare materia) that would be in the movie or left out.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
09-15-2002, 04:53 PM
Either a FF7 or FF9 movie would be great.
But, definitly no actors/actresses.

But for actual movie storyline, would go for FF9, though for the games FF7 rules them all.


09-17-2002, 02:44 AM
I would have to say that FF VI, VIII, or even X would make a great movie, but no actors/actresses just CG.

09-17-2002, 10:47 AM
FF7 would kick ass as a movie. they could do Tommy Lee Jones as Cloud. The ol' blonde hair would work.......or if for a younger one, they could do Brad Pitt. For Tifa, they could do......uhhhh.......Angelina Jolie w00t.

10-09-2002, 05:16 PM
Movies and Final fantasy just dont work. you can never get the casting right.

Final fantasy just doesnt have the popularity anymore. people are into first person shooters now-adays

hate to break it, but a FF movie will only be popular to certain age groups. I dont think 30-35 aged people would bother seing it.

10-10-2002, 07:25 PM
I don't think any of the games would make a good movie unless it was split into a trilogy.

Plain old Jack
10-21-2002, 12:47 PM
I agree with Lakefather...
But if there had to be one... I'd say FFIX seen as I am promoting that for my Graphics GCSE.... I get to make posters and trailers and stuff... FFIx would just kick a**


10-22-2002, 10:29 AM
I would like to see FFVII or for actors, no!
No talent could ever have the soul or heart to play any FF character!

Bahamut ZERO
10-22-2002, 12:23 PM
If there's one thing I've learnt in my twenty years of existence, it's that films of games suck. Big time. Anyone remember Super Mario Bros? It sucked. Wing Commander? It sucked. Tomb Raider wasn't as bad as those two, but was still awful in places.

Why do these films tend to suck? Well, we already have our pre-defined ideas of how the characters should look and act from the video games. The evil guy in Mario Bros looked NOTHING like the Bowser I've always fought. There just aren't any characters around who can re-create how Cloud, Sephiroth, Squall, Zidane, Kuja and co all act and their mannerisms, because we all have different views on them already taken from the game.

Still, it probably won't stop some movie director from trying to earn a quick grand or two...

Heavens Cloud
10-22-2002, 03:11 PM
I agree on Bahamut ZERO on this one just because of the fact that everyone one has thier own expectations on how the game is and how the movie should be.
For example if they have voices in the game for the characters people will right away start saying things like they got clouds voice all wrong and people will just keep complaning about all the little things that they think should be different in it.

And another thing lets not forget all the things they will have to cut like certain spells and summons and who knows what else maybe even a town or two in the game because lets face it to include everything in the movie for any of the final fantasy's would make one VERY long movie it would be hours and hours long if they left everything in and that is another reason why people who play FF games would start complaning again because it wasnt how they thought the movie should be.

But if they did decide to make one of them a movie and they were able to pull it of pretty good i would like to see FF7 as a movie the most.

10-29-2002, 04:28 PM
I would like to see FFVII into an movie. As for the parts I would have to think about that...

11-03-2002, 06:26 PM
FF7 or FF9, all computer made with no actors, and like Lord Of The Rings is being done, in three parts. It would be so amazing to see all of the summons redone on it and the amazing graphics... it would be life like so it would be as if it ere real actors doing it cus that's just how good Squaresoft are.

11-04-2002, 04:05 AM
FF4? too long? that would be a great movie! with actors too. it would all depend on the director though becuase some directores of fantasy films (like excalibur) sucked.

11-04-2002, 05:18 AM
FF8, definitely! It may be too long but it would make a great movie just as look as the special effects are done properly. Heh, I know what actors could star in it as well ^_^

Toaster Pastry
11-04-2002, 06:17 AM
Final Fantasy VIII would make a great flick.

The Wandering Knight
11-09-2002, 09:50 PM
A FF movie?!....nah
I wouldn't agree with the idea..and just as what Bahamut ZERO said it would SUCK BIG TIME..
Well that's it.
Unliss they make an anime series I would like to see FFVII...

11-09-2002, 10:29 PM
I'd like to see FFX as a is my favourite FF!!

06-15-2003, 09:59 PM
I'd like to see live-action film version of both 7 and 8. My choices for roles are this:

CLOUD ... 1 (" target="newa">Jensen Ackles</a>, <a href="" target="newa)

AERIS ... Anne Hathaway (" target="newa)

TIFA ... Angelina Jolie

BARRET ... Michael Clarke Duncan

YUFFIE ... ????

SEPHIROTH ... Joaquin Phoenix (" target="newa) (As far as I'm concerned, he is the only person who could ever possibly play such a role where you must feel compassion for the villian, not to mention he already has Mako eyes!)

SCARLET ... Hudson Leick

RUFUS ... Leonardo Dicaprio

Red XIII and Cait Sith would have to be animated.


SQUALL ... 1 (" target="newa">Jared Padalecki</a> (the resemblance is brilliant), <a href="" target="newa)

SEIFER .... Hayden Christensen (Star Wars) or Jensen Ackles (again)

Rememebr this name, folks, for she may make a ff7 movie someday: Kelly Garfield

06-16-2003, 10:44 AM
If that Jensen ackles got his hair just like Cloud, it'd be almost perfect.
Tifa is definately Angelina Jolie.
I've love to see Natalie Portman as Rinoa.
Sephiroth would be best played by Jeremy Irons.
Hayden Cristensen would play Squall better I think.
Kylie Minogue as Selphie.
Fat Cat as Cait Sith.
DEFINATELY Robert Patrick () from Terminator 2n and Double Dragon for Rufus. Best suited for the job.

03-11-2004, 02:42 PM
ff7 animated an i wud hav the mr t as the voice of barret an i wud also add a little hardcore sex sence between tifa an cloud for viewing plesure (mmmmmmmmm tifa naked mmmmmmmmmm)

non animated :

cloud = keanu reeves

barret - mr t

tifa = person that play lara croft

aeris = nat portman

cid = bruce willis

vincent = antonio banderas

rufus = wots his in iron mask u no hu im on aboot

sephiroth = ?

red an caith sith = animated

yuffie = ?

scarlet = cameron diaz

reno = chap that played wolverine in x-men

rude = lurence fishborne

elener = britney spears

heagier (how eva its spelt) =

reeve = george clooney