12-28-2009, 04:52 PM
The link has been removed. To those who downloaded it, upload it elsewhere at your own risk. But, I don't have the heart to keep it up. Sorry to everyone who finds this on Google, but if you can't pay just ten bucks to get every single one of their songs, you suck.

Buy it. If you downloaded it from this thread, they HAVE a PayPal account, and they take donations. The PayPal account is on their site, under "Links".

If you REALLY want to pirate it (you bastard), Google exists, you can find it your damn self.

I cannot stress how much I regret posting this, and I hope that my posting a link to their site gets them as many new buyers as it probably took away when I had the previous link here. It's really worth buying, and if you don't want to buy it, then just stick to their YouTube channel. Maybe ask them to upload their music to or something, or ask them for an iTunes release so that people can preview it.

I offer my sincerest apologies to Duane and BrandO, and hope that they can find it in their hearts to forgive me.

12-28-2009, 07:00 PM
Download works fine now. Gotta check out the quality, then I'll post again

12-28-2009, 10:02 PM
Downloading now...assuming the quality is still there (which I'm sure it will be), you will be considered a God amongst men, Arutoa

Mr Muay Thai
12-29-2009, 05:07 AM
If this is what they are offering at their website (for a nominal fee of $10), then thanks for the download.

12-29-2009, 11:32 AM
If this is what they are offering at their website (for a nominal fee of $10), then thanks for the download.

Yep, it is, and no problem.

12-30-2009, 06:51 AM
Just a warning, BrandO personally e-mailed me about spreading this around.

I just wanted to shoot you an email to let you know that I do NOT appreciate you pirating our album. I don't appreciate you pirating our individual songs either. Way totally NOT cool, man.

I am going to ask you to remove your posts. Here's why:

First, we own the copyright. If you do not remove your posts we WILL take legal action.
Second, it's just plain disrespectful to give away our album free of charge when we are trying to make a living doing what we love and are good at.
Third, we are not on a major label. We're not even on a label. Everything we do comes out of our own pockets. The time and energy put into an LP of such magnitude deserves a LITTLE more respect, wouldn't you agree?

Instead of pirating, why wouldn't you simply... redirect some people to our website instead? That way, you're sharing what you like with people while also helping support the artists. I understand that music piracy was blown out of proportion by Lars Ulrich, but when it comes down to it, it really does take a toll on unsigned artists such as Duane and I. Metallica already has more money than any of us have even seen, but Duane and I are just trying desperately to pay the bills. So in conclusion, you're not helping. You're hurting.

I hope you understand.
Brandon Lackey

12-30-2009, 08:35 AM
Just a warning, BrandO personally e-mailed me about spreading this around.

If possible, tell him that I would like to apologize, and that I've removed the link to the best of my abilities. If possible, show him my newly-edited post.

Edit: Or not, I personally apologized to him on Twitter.

Mr Muay Thai
12-30-2009, 07:40 PM
Great, now I feel slightly guilty for downloading it. I guess I will go donate to them, then.

01-03-2010, 03:56 AM
I would just re-upload the album.

I don't think they can sue anyone because I don't believe they obtained the rights to arrange the music and sell it for a profit. Hell, you could probably get Square-Enix and Sega to back you up in court and BrandO would fold like a piece of origami.

Besides, you guys don't feel wrong for downloading the music [for free] from the original composers, so this shouldn't be any different.

Endless Sorcerer
01-04-2010, 03:33 AM
They don't own the copyright to the songs. Only the lyrics. BrandO's ego is too big to realize he can't sue anybody. Even if he did, he'd end up wasting more money than he'd get.

Anyway, here's the LP in mp3 format.

Links Removed

01-04-2010, 07:40 AM
They don't own the copyright to the songs. Only the lyrics. BrandO's ego is too big to realize he can't sue anybody. Even if he did, he'd end up wasting more money than he'd get.

Anyway, here's the LP in mp3 format.

Links Removed

Good on you man. Why don't they take a good look at OverClocked Remix. Or is it just because they can talk over the music it suddenly warrants them making a profit.

01-06-2010, 01:18 AM
Love the music from D&B and they do deserve money for the talents they possess but this:

First, we own the copyright. If you do not remove your posts we WILL take legal action.
EPIC FAIL! If Nintendo of America sees this well then you guys know the drill... They already took down a free fan-made movie, what if they seen arranged copyright material being sold under profit.

01-06-2010, 03:44 AM
They don't own the copyright to the songs. Only the lyrics. BrandO's ego is too big to realize he can't sue anybody. Even if he did, he'd end up wasting more money than he'd get.

I don't even think you can say that they own all the lyrics as they incorporate an awful lot of the games' plots in certain songs.

01-07-2010, 02:52 AM
..I just joined this entire forum just to see the links to download the LP.

Thank you.

And for the efforts, I'll probably end up sticking around the site for this.

01-09-2010, 01:58 AM
I just joined to see this, but actually, I visited the-adventures-of at the same time, to check on updates or so
I read what they had to say about it, as the e-mail posted here and the apologies of the first post.
I must admit that I regretted downloading this (I didn't download it, didn't even check the links), and since I'm out of money I'll just have to wait till I have some to make a donation.
I assure that I'll do it ASAP and I'll try not to even listen to any of the new songs, this way when I get them the right way they'll sound even more good.
i'm no one to say what's wrong or right, since at the beginning I was about to Do it, but I agree that Duane and BrandO deserve a little for being such good artists and even when won't be together anymore I'll still be a fan of them.
Best Regards, and with a nice feeling of not doing something I would have regretted later, JohnnyLeyenda

01-09-2010, 03:48 AM
But it's not their art, they're nothing more than remixes, and you can not legally profit off of such things. Where would they be without the games they base their songs off of?

The Amazing BrandO
01-09-2010, 01:11 PM
First, I would just like to say the material IS copyrighted. Although we did not WRITE the music, we own the recordings that are being pirated. Much like Weird Al does not own the music for his parodies. Does that make sense?

Second, I have nothing better to do than search the web for people with shitty attitudes like Endless Sorcerer and do anything and everything I can to put a stop to this ignorant / naive reasoning for slapping two hard working musicians in the face.

Third, it's not an ego. It's one guy named BrandO doing everything he can to secure these two hard working musicians' futures. These are NOT remixes. These are parts I learned individually by ear and recorded one by one. Do you have any idea how many emails I had to send people containing the download link? I'm only one man. I don't have a crew of people. I'm working the best I can on a friend's computer whenever I can to assure, like I said before, Duane and I's futures as successful artists. We're not wealthy. We're average guys with shit jobs living in quite possibly the worst place in the country. Just tryin' to make it. That's all.

A little compassion would be nice. I may not be able to stop you from uploading our LP, but I can at least try and get you to understand that what you are doing is just, well... wrong. There's no reason for it. That's all I have to say. Think about it.

Thanks for listening,

PS- Arutoa, and Hatsukoi, I really really REALLY appreciate it. Thank you. No hard feelings.

01-09-2010, 05:26 PM
First, I would just like to say the material IS copyrighted. Although we did not WRITE the music, we own the recordings that are being pirated. Much like Weird Al does not own the music for his parodies. Does that make sense?

Second, I have nothing better to do than search the web for people with shitty attitudes like Endless Sorcerer and do anything and everything I can to put a stop to this ignorant / naive reasoning for slapping two hard working musicians in the face.

Third, it's not an ego. It's one guy named BrandO doing everything he can to secure these two hard working musicians' futures. These are NOT remixes. These are parts I learned individually by ear and recorded one by one. Do you have any idea how many emails I had to send people containing the download link? I'm only one man. I don't have a crew of people. I'm working the best I can on a friend's computer whenever I can to assure, like I said before, Duane and I's futures as successful artists. We're not wealthy. We're average guys with shit jobs living in quite possibly the worst place in the country. Just tryin' to make it. That's all.

A little compassion would be nice. I may not be able to stop you from uploading our LP, but I can at least try and get you to understand that what you are doing is just, well... wrong. There's no reason for it. That's all I have to say. Think about it.

Thanks for listening,

PS- Arutoa, and Hatsukoi, I really really REALLY appreciate it. Thank you. No hard feelings.

I want to thank you for your job, I really enjoy your music and I'll try to donate as soon as I have money.
Maybe this-my- post is unnecessary, but, still, I wanted to thank you.

01-10-2010, 05:25 AM
First, I would just like to say the material IS copyrighted. Although we did not WRITE the music, we own the recordings that are being pirated. Much like Weird Al does not own the music for his parodies. Does that make sense?

Actually, Weird Al still asks permission from the original artist/group before making a parody of their music, which is more than BrandO can say.

Also, most of the background music used in the "LP of Devastation" are not of American origin, so BrandO can technically be sued by the Japanese artist(s) and/or the company that holds the rights to the music via their American medium.

Luckily for BrandO, sites like this one prevent him from making too much of a profit, so the chances of him being sued for copyright infringement are pretty small. Though if he were to take legal action against someone, I'm pretty sure he would get wrecked by either [the American version of] Capcom or Square-Enix once they got word of it.

I know Capcom [Japan] has been trying to clamp down on the unauthorized doujin music scene for any works related to their games in Japan.

01-10-2010, 09:14 AM
I'm sure if they didn't have the composer's permission to use the music, they would have been sued already. Their Youtube videos had enough hits to make them big enough targets.

Anyways, I fully support these guys. Being from Michigan just as they are, (Dearborn), I can understand what he's saying about trying to make some money. And honestly, they deserve it; they do have talent. Yes, they are using tracks from video game scores but listen and you'll hear them augmented with guitars, drums, bass and other instruments they themselves recorded. It's funny, it's smart, it's well made, and I suppose that deserves a bit of respect. And honestly, what's ten dollars compared to the countless albums we already pirate? (I admit, a good 75% of my music is torrented, but not in this case) If you ask me, ten bucks is generous considering the fact record companies will rip you off for more than that if you were to go to a store to buy an album.

So anyways, nobody can stop the pirating of this album, all I can do is backup Duane and Brando on this.

The Amazing BrandO
01-10-2010, 09:55 AM
I hate to make you think, but how do you figure we don't have permission?
Like I said on There is a reason the videos that other people uploaded to their youtube accounts were deleted: because it's ILLEGAL to upload stuff that you do not own the copyright to, or have permissions for.
That's all, folks.

01-10-2010, 05:31 PM
I'm sure if they didn't have the composer's permission to use the music, they would have been sued already. Their Youtube videos had enough hits to make them big enough targets.
Well, like I said, BrandO does not make enough profit for larger companies to consider legal action or maybe they're completely unaware of the "LP of Devastation".

As for the YouTube thing, I'll address that later.

If you ask me, ten bucks is generous considering the fact record companies will rip you off for more than that if you were to go to a store to buy an album.

What albums are you referring to? Japanese video game soundtracks are more expensive because they have to pay for the actual compositions and/or arrangements. Not to mention the other costs that go into mass producing soundtracks.

I hate to make you think, but how do you figure we don't have permission?
Like I said on There is a reason the videos that other people uploaded to their youtube accounts were deleted: because it's ILLEGAL to upload stuff that you do not own the copyright to, or have permissions for.
That's all, folks.

Because I doubt all those companies would have given BrandO permission to use their music for profit without some sort of compensation. Like I mentioned briefly before, Rockman doujin soundtracks are not as accessible as they once were because Capcom [Japan] was not amused with individuals selling their music.

Secondly, just because a video has not been removed from YouTube, that does not necessarily mean the uploader had permission to upload the copyrighted content. I see plenty of copyrighted videos that stay on YouTube for a while, but end being removed because they violated a copyright. It's just a matter of when they find the copyrighted material on YouTube and if they want to do something about it. Of course, there are probably other labels/artists that don't know their stuff is on YouTube. Anyway, the copyright holder, or their representative, is the only one that can remove videos, so it's not like anyone can remove videos for obvious copyright violation. It must be a pain for them to sift through all those videos, especially ones they thought they had removed from YouTube, too.

Another example I can throw out are bootleg video game soundtracks on eBay: They're illegal, but eBay does nothing about them because they make a profit off of the bootleg soundtracks that are sold. Though there was this one instance where I noticed an American seller was eventually brought down for all his/her bootlegging of video game soundtracks.

You know, now that I think about it, did the arrangers of "Relics of the Chozo" ever try to sell that soundtrack for a profit?

The Amazing BrandO
01-10-2010, 09:38 PM
"...the copyright holder, or their representative, is the only one that can remove videos, so it's not like anyone can remove videos for obvious copyright violation."

Two people have had D&B videos removed for violating our copyright. I guess that's what I'm saying.

And "Relics Of The Chozo" is different, because there aren't any vocals. Same with Metroid Metal's stuff. Same with a lot of VG bands. A voice makes a world of difference when it comes to copyrights. I do my homework. :)

Think about all the shit coming out these days... Think about all the r&B and rap that samples music and does no justice to the original composition. The list is way too long, but let me just say that "Breakfast In America" was fine the way it was. LOL.

01-11-2010, 03:18 AM
Truer words could not have been said, Mr. BrandO!
However, what you may see as an age of degraded musical quality, I see as a golden opportunity to make the biggest impression to the rest of the world.
I've supported brentalfloss, and I'm sure as hell gonna support you!
Rock on! Or, uh, whatever it is you do... XD

01-11-2010, 04:44 AM
Two people have had D&B videos removed for violating our copyright. I guess that's what I'm saying.

And "Relics Of The Chozo" is different, because there aren't any vocals. Same with Metroid Metal's stuff. Same with a lot of VG bands. A voice makes a world of difference when it comes to copyrights. I do my homework. :)

Think about all the shit coming out these days... Think about all the r&B and rap that samples music and does no justice to the original composition. The list is way too long, but let me just say that "Breakfast In America" was fine the way it was. LOL.

BrandO must be pretty arrogant to think that he owns the copyright to the music he's trying to pawn off to people. Though if BrandO can remove an uploaded video, I wonder if I can do the same to BrandO as it doesn't seem YouTube requires much in the way of proof of ownership.

At any rate, some of BrandO's songs are doing more than just "sample", so I'm not sure what kind of homework BrandO is referring to. The vocals on "LP of Devastation" mean very little without the accompanying copyrighted background music. Moreover, the lyrics on most of the songs on the "LP" are not much better than ones you find on a typical rap video, so there's not much to be proud of there.

"Relics of the Chozo" was a much better effort in terms of creativity and arrangement -- The lack of vocals helped.

The Amazing BrandO
01-11-2010, 04:55 AM
"Though if BrandO can remove an uploaded video, I wonder if I can do the same to BrandO as it doesn't seem YouTube requires much in the way of proof of ownership."

The videos were removed because I have proof.

What's your problem? Why are you upset?
You have no reason to be upset.
I don't know why you are showing this disrespect... it doesn't make any sense other than maybe you seem to like opposition..?

01-11-2010, 05:06 AM
I was referring to the price of most CD's today. Fuck, I tried to buy a Metallica album last month and it was $18.

Lackadaisical, I suppose you're a critic now. I don't know if you didn't understand the satirical overtones of some of the songs, the clever references to the video games themselves, or the wordplay of some of the songs (such as the Mike Patton reference in "Sonic", which I found very clever) but it can hardly be said that the lyrics are similar to MTV drivel. It's humorous; you don't listen to Tenacious D and assume Jack Black is being serious, no, you know it's satire. Same applies here. And to claim there is nothing to be proud of is absurd. The amount of mixing and splicing that go into these songs, the augmented live instruments, the vocals matching the melodies, and the rapid fire rapping that form these songs are indeed impressive. If you're beef is in the fact that they didn't make the original music, then I suppose you have no right to criticize a genre you're bias against. Rap, back in the late 80's/early 90's, made heavy use of sampling. Ever hear "Paul's Boutique" by the Beastie Boys? The entire album is pretty much sample. Or what about DJ Shadow? When done correctly, sampling is just as much as a talent as making the actual music.

And like I said, I doubt that Brand0 would be dumb enough to sell this music without permission. Most people nowadays are clear on copyright laws. And what he said about adding vocals is true, you can basically get around copyright by changing a song even just slightly.

01-13-2010, 05:39 PM
A little compassion would be nice. I may not be able to stop you from uploading our LP, but I can at least try and get you to understand that what you are doing is just, well... wrong. There's no reason for it. That's all I have to say. Think about it.

I like how you practically admit on your site you download stuff
"I'd be a hypocrite to say "I've never illegally downloaded anything from the internet in my life, ever." then have the gall to send out 'imma sue your ass' emails to people who do the same thing.

Its especially funny too come preaching too a massive file sharing community about how sharing files is wrong.

Save yourself the effort of trawling google. You cant stop the internets.

01-13-2010, 06:06 PM
..If we had to compare it to something, I suppose it'd be like making a rock album about Batman/Gotham City and it's criminals then turning around and trying to sell the music without giving the proper royalties or getting certified permission from DC.

You're still using the characters and the recognized notes to play the music, despite that you've formed the lyrics yourself. The lyrics therein contain the copyrighted material in question. When BrandO provides the proof that he's secured the rights or permission to use the material -then- he might have better luck taking legal action against those responsible for pirating his shizz.

BrandO- A note for you, by the way. I'm such a gigantic fan of your and Duane's work, really. I'm just in a position in my life where I can't free up the money to pay you for your efforts but the will is certainly there and undying at that. My earlier post made me sound like some kind of calloused downloader, not caring for the artists who contribute to what I enjoy musically. This is very, very far from the truth.

I have a heart. I apologize for listening to your music for free right now, though I know in my gut I'll find a way to give you the monetary compensation you deserve. If it's any consolation, I'm not speeding along piracy of your music to anyone else. I just wanted it for myself. It's quite hard to describe, but your music has helped me through some very emotional times and as such I value it priceless. I'll be jiving along to your voice & Duane's for many, many years to come. Thank you.

"And what he said about adding vocals is true, you can basically get around copyright by changing a song even just slightly."

Perhaps the laws have changed (and you must forgive my laziness), but there was an infamous case of a very catchy 70s tune that was ripped off note by musical note from a popular Japanese band. They merely added English vocals and changed around the meaning of the lyrics but the song's rhythm matched the overseas tune perfectly. This band only had one hit, and they made it to #1, but this American band didn't even acknowledge that the music had come from Japan. They were promptly taken to court and drained of all of their $'s worth.

01-21-2010, 01:09 AM
Why. Why are you all arguing with the person who took part in making the music who you all are too cheap to pay for? (I know it's mean, but it's true) I love this guy's music (listen to it EVERY day), and I would never pirate his music or fight with him! I see no point. Just do it the legal way and everyone's happy. But if you want to continue arguing then... be my guest.

01-21-2010, 03:37 AM
...Because he's charging for remixes. And THEY ARE REMIXES.

01-26-2010, 12:02 PM
Why. Why are you all arguing with the person who took part in making the music who you all are too cheap to pay for? (I know it's mean, but it's true) I love this guy's music (listen to it EVERY day), and I would never pirate his music or fight with him! I see no point. Just do it the legal way and everyone's happy. But if you want to continue arguing then... be my guest.

Before reading this, know that I'm on BrandO's side, but GalacticMario just pushed my berserk-button.

No, it isn't true. It is for the most part, but some, like Sukoru, can't always afford music. Paying for a group's music is good, but if you can't afford it, you shouldn't just say "Well then you don't deserve to listen to it".


01-26-2010, 11:54 PM
Before reading this, know that I'm on BrandO's side, but GalacticMario just pushed my berserk-button.

No, it isn't true. It is for the most part, but some, like Sukoru, can't always afford music. Paying for a group's music is good, but if you can't afford it, you shouldn't just say "Well then you don't deserve to listen to it".


I did not say that you don't deserve to listen to it. I just said to pay for it like you should, and everything's good. Sorry if I got you upset or something, it just is what it is.


01-28-2010, 07:10 PM

stop trying to sound badass on the internet =(

Duane and BrandO are two amazing musicians, stop trying to shit on their music kid, because basically, your efforts are failing. Your done.

IceMan out

The Amazing BrandO
01-29-2010, 08:05 AM
...Because he's charging for remixes. And THEY ARE REMIXES.
Not true. These are covers. I learn every part of every song.

01-29-2010, 11:53 AM
Links removed. Thread closed.