12-23-2009, 12:12 AM
Well, I will upload the ripped cues from the game. If you want a specific one you like from the demo, just ask me here and I should be able to upload/rip it in 24 hours. I will share my Mediafire folder so you can download the cues:
MGS PW Demo Rips ( 702d8307e0df9cf70014d53f) (14 tracks ripped/uploaded so far)

I think I ripped/uploaded them all. If you think there are some others missing, let me know! :)

It's in good quality! ;)


12-23-2009, 01:19 PM
Nice! I have no specific request, but any MGS music is good music, so please keep them coming! Thanks!

12-23-2009, 02:36 PM
um you have cue from MGS PW trailers...?

12-24-2009, 12:13 AM
um you have cue from MGS PW trailers...?

Two uploaded (check the folder again):
"MGS PW Heavens Divide (trailer).mp3"
"MGS PW Main Theme (trailer).mp3"

If that is not what you want, let me know via YouTube video link.
Thanks. :)

More cues from the demo game will be coming soon I hope.


12-24-2009, 02:56 AM
Two more uploaded (check the folder again):
"title screen.mp3"
"opening scene (sfx).mp3" contains some sfx, but mainly music

More cues from the demo game will be coming soon I hope.
Some cutscene music and battle themes.


12-24-2009, 07:30 AM
Two uploaded (check the folder again):
"MGS PW Heavens Divide (trailer).mp3"
"MGS PW Main Theme (trailer).mp3"

If that is not what you want, let me know via YouTube video link.
Thanks. :)

More cues from the demo game will be coming soon I hope.


the main theme...
that's the cue....
i've been looking that for my project...

12-24-2009, 05:29 PM
nice 1

12-24-2009, 06:33 PM
nice up load, thanks!!

12-25-2009, 02:22 AM
Two more uploaded (check the folder again):
"mission complete.mp3"
"mission failed.mp3" I had to remove the vocals here, but still not bad.

More cues from the demo game will be coming soon.
Some cutscene music and alert themes.


12-25-2009, 03:00 AM
Two more uploaded (check the folder again):
"tank appears (sfx).mp3" some sfx, but mainly music of course
"tank destroyed.mp3" I almost forgot this cue, hehe.


12-25-2009, 03:47 AM
One new uploaded (check the folder again):
"mission briefing (sfx).mp3" some sfx, but mainly music.
Problem is with rain sfx and some vocals, but it turned up not so bad.
This cue plays during the 1st mission.

If you think there is some others, let me know!


12-26-2009, 02:13 AM
4 new ones uploaded (check the folder again):
"alert phase green (orange).mp3"
"alert phase red (sfx).mp3" - had to remove some vocals and sfx, still good.
"battle theme 1.mp3"
"battle theme 2 (sfx).mp3" - had to remove some vocals and sfx, still good.

I think it's complete from the Demo that is. If not, let me know
the missing cues and I will rip them. Thanks and enjoy! :)
